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1、1商务交际英语口语集锦久仰! I ve heard so much about you. 好久不见了! Long time no see. 辛苦了! You ve had a long day.Youve had a long flight. 尊敬的朋友们! Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends 阁下(多用于称呼大使) Your Excellency 我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京。 On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome

2、 to the friends who have come to visit Beijing. 对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。 On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. 在北京过得怎么样? How are you making out in Beijing? 我一定向他转达您的问候和邀请。 Ill surely remember you and your invitatio

3、n to him. 欢迎美商来北京投资。 American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing. 欢迎多提宝贵意见。 Your valuable advice is most welcome. 不虚此行! Its a rewarding trip! 您的日程很紧,我们的会见是否就到此为止。 As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time. 请代我问候王先生。 Please remember me to Mr.Wang. 感谢光临! Tha

4、nk you so much for coming. 欢迎再来! Hope youll come again. 欢迎以后多来北京! Hope youll visit Beijing more often. 请留步,不用送了! I will see myself out, please. 多保重! Take care! 祝您一路平安! Have a nice trip! 愿为您效劳! At your service! 为举行宴会/宴请 Host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of 欢迎宴会 Welcome dinner 便宴 Informal dinner

5、 午宴(附有情况介绍或专题演讲等内容) Luncheon 便餐 Light meal 工作午餐 Working luncheon 自助餐 Buffet dinner/luncheon 答谢宴会 Return dinner 告别宴会 Farewell dinner 庆功宴 Glee feast 招待会 Reception 庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十五周年招待会 Reception Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Founding of the Peoples Republic of China 鸡尾酒会 Cocktail party 茶话会 Tea

6、 party 包餐/点餐 Table dhote/a la carte 上菜 Serve a courst 您的位置在这里。 Here is your seat. 请入席! 欢聚一堂 Enjoy this happy get-together 请随便! Please yourself at home./Please enjoy yourself. 请各位随意用餐。 Help yourself please. 您喝点什么? What would you like to drink? 现在我提议,为了和之间的合作,为了参议员的健康,干杯! At this point, I propose a to

7、ast: to the cooperation between And , to the health of Senator, cheers! 最后,我借主人的酒,提议为干杯! Lastly, taking up this glass of fine wine, I propose a toast to 请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯! Id ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present here. 敬您一杯! Heres to you!

8、祝你健康! To your health! 我要为此干杯! Ill drink to that! 随量! Whatever you like! 我失陪一会儿! Excuse me for a minute. 菜不好,请多多包涵! Hope you enjoy yourself. 女士们先生们,欢迎各位光临,演出很快就要开始了,请尽快就坐。Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. The concert/show would start soon. Please get yourself seated. Thank you. 招待会现在开始。 The recepti

9、on will now begin. 全体起立,奏国歌!All rise please. For the P.R.C.National Anthem! 出席今天招待会的贵宾有 The distinguished guests paarticipating the reception are 现在请讲话 I have the honour to call upon 开幕式现在结束。 This concludes the opening ceremony. 隆重庆祝 Grand celebration 2庆祝成立一周年 Celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the

10、Establishment of 热烈祝贺第一届锦标赛 Hail the first FIFA of 值此节日之际致以节日的祝贺! On the occasion of the season, I would like to extend seasons greetings. 祝您工作顺利、事业成功、身体健康、家庭幸福! Wish you the very best of luck in your job, every successin your future endeavours, good health and a happy family! 衷心祝贺您当选 Hearty congrat

11、ulations on your recent ecletion as 举行会议/研讨会/大会/座谈会/学术报告会 Hold a meeting/seminar/conference/forum/symposium 赞助人/主办人/承办人/协办人 Patron/sponsor/organizer/co-organizer 举行谈判 Enter into negotiation 交涉 Make representations with sb. On sth./deal with sb. 事物性会谈 Talks at working level 对口会谈 Counterpart talks 议程项

12、目 Items on the agenda 主题 Theme 议题 Topic for discussion 双方商定的议程 Schedule mutually agreed upon 开幕会议 Opening session 全体会议 Plenary session 开场白 Introduction 情况介绍 Presentation 小组讨论 Panel discussion 同有关单位磋商 Hold consultations with the organizations concerned 一轮会谈 One round of talks 决议 Resolution 谅解备忘录 Memo

13、randum of understanding 现在开会。 I declare the meeting open.请发言。 I invite the representative of To take the floor. 下面我给各位简要介绍一下北京的经济情况 Now I would like to give you a brief overview of Beijings economy. 我的介绍完了,谢谢! Thats all for my presentation.thank you. 我先说这么多。 So much for my remarks for now. 我要说的就是这些。

14、 Thats all for what I want to say.您看是先谈原则问题呢,还是先谈具体问题? I wonder if you would like to start with matters of principle or specific issues? 让我先谈一个问题。 If you agree(With your permission), let me start with one issue 在谈那个问题之前我想对您刚才讲的话谈点看法。Before we trun to that issue, I wish to make a few comments/remarks

15、 on your presentation. 您对此事怎么看呢? I wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ What is your view on this matter?/ How do you see this matter? 我提议休会十分钟。 I propose a ten-minute break. 我想接着刚才的问题讲下去。 I will pick up where we left off just now. 对不起,我插一句。 Sorry for the interruption but 当然可以! By all me

16、ans. 怎么都行! Whatever you say. 我没有异议。 I have no objection. 我方对这个问题有异议。 We take exception to this question. 我们高兴地看到 We note with pleasure that 这个日期贵方觉得合适吗? I wonder if this date wuld be suitable for you? 不知你们上午谈的怎样? I wonder how the meeting went this morning? 我方很希望贵方能尽早给予肯定的答复。We would greatlyl appreci

17、ate it if you could give us your favourable and prompt commitment as soonas possible. 请你们务必在 8 月 1 日前提出意向书。 You are kindly requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than 1st August. 纠缠这个问题。 Entangle this issue. 提倡节约 Advocate/uphold thriftiness 为了国家的繁荣 For the sake of national pro

18、perty 经受了时间考验的友谊给我留下了很深的印象。 The time-tested friendship leave me a deep impression. 密切注视 Keep close watch on 促进密切合作 Spur/promote intensive cooperation 3职场必备的英语口语 20 句1 Do I have to make a reconfirmation? 我还要再确认吗? 2 Is there any earlier one?还有更早一点的吗? 3 Could you tell me my reservation number, please?请

19、你告诉我我的预订号码好吗? 4 Can I get a seat for todays 7:00 a.m. train? 我可以买到今天上午 7 点的火车座位吗? 5 Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo? 请你更改一下从伦敦到东京的班机日期好吗? 6 Is there any discount for the USA Railpass? 火车通行证有折扣吗? 7 May I reconfirm my flight? 我可以确认我的班机吗? 8 Are they all non-reserved seats? 他们全部不预订的

20、吗? 9 Do I have to reserve a seat? 我一定要预订座位吗? 10 May I see a timetable?我可以看时刻表吗? 11 How long will I have to wait? 我要等多久呢? 12 Which would you prefer, a smoking seat or a non-smoking seat? 你喜欢哪种,吸烟座还是禁烟座呢? 13 Do you have any other flights? 14 When would you like to leave? 15 Can I reconfirm by phone?我能

21、电话确认吗? 16 Where can I make a reservation? 我到哪里可以预订? 17 Do I need a reservation for the dining car? 我需要预订餐车吗? 18 How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive?火车还要多少分钟就要到达呢? 19 Is this a daily flight?这是每日航班吗?20 Excuse me. May I get by? 对不起,我可以上车吗? 精选流行口语下载 李明是个败家子。 Li ming is the black s

22、heep of his family. 她是个天生爱哭的人。Shes a natural crier. 他真是个不知羞耻的家伙。 Hes really a law-down dirty shame. 他可是个乐天派,整天无忧无虑的。 Hes good-time Charlie, feeling no worries and anxieties. 论开车技术,不李和小王那真是不分上下。 In the skills of driving, Xiao Li and Xiao Wang are neck and neck. 他已绞尽了脑汁。 He had racked his brain. 他可是个有

23、头脑的人。 Hes a brain. 李明很能干。 Li ming has a lot on the ball. 你刚才提到的那个作家只不过是个有名无实的人。 The man youve just mentioned is but a poor apology for a writer. 他真的太没骨气了。 He really has no guts. 昙花一现 A flash in the pan 他对保险业务一窍不通。 He doesnt know beans about insurance business at all. 她很勇敢,但终因寡不敌众,被那帮人打晕过去。 The girl

24、was brave enough, but as being outnumbered,she was finally knocked into the middle of next week by the gang. 他喜欢单枪匹马地去干。 He always likes to play a lone hand. 他一开始就出师不利。 He got off on the wrong foot when he started doing it. 你还嫩点儿。 Youre still wet behind the ears. 她的饭量特别小。 She eats like a bird. 那个孩子的

25、嘴特别硬。 That boy never says uncle. 我们队占上风。 Our team gained the upper hand. 你中圈套了。 You rose to the bait. 你骗不了我。 Im from Missouri. 见机行事 Play to the score. 肯定有人唆使他去干那件事。 There must be someone who had put him up to that.(正式:唆使instigate) 面试英语经典问答4Q: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it. (你能在两分钟內

26、自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!) A: With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。) Q:Give me a summary of your c

27、urrent job description. (对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明。) A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support. (我干了五年的电脑程序员。具体地说,我做系统分析,解决问题以及软件供应方面的支持。) Q:Why did you leave your last job?(你为什么离职呢?) A: Well, I am hopin

28、g to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。) A:I feel I have reached the “glass ceiling“ in my current job. / I feel there is no opportunity for advancement. (我觉得目前的工作,已经达到顶峰,即沒有升迁机会。) Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?(你如何评估自己

29、是位专业人员呢?) A: With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent. (凭借我良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。) A:With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very well. (依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处的很好。) Q: What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?

30、(你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?) A: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position. (我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在这份工作上。) Q:What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?) A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future. (我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性

31、的贡献。) Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position? (你如何知道你能胜任这份工作?) A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. (我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。) Q:Are you a multi-tasked individual?(你是一位可以同时

32、承担数项工作的人吗?) or Do you work well under stress or pressure?(你能承受工作上的压力吗?) A:Yes, I think so. A:The trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I can handle it well. (这种特点就是我目前(先前)工作所需要的,我知道我能应付自如。) Q:What provide you with a sense of accomplishment. (什么会让你有成就感?) A:Doing my best job f

33、or your company. (为贵公司竭力效劳。) A:Finishing a project to the best of my ability. (尽我所能,完成一个项目。) Q:If you had a lot of money to donate, where would you donate it to?Why?(假如你有很多钱可以捐赠,你会捐给什么单位?为什么?) A:I would donate it to the medical research because I want to do something to help others. (我会捐给医药研究,因为我要为他

34、人做点事。) A:I prefer to donate it to educational institutions. (我乐意捐给教育机构。) Q:What is most important in your life right now?(眼下你生活中最重要的是什么?) A:To get a job in my field is most important to me. (对我来说,能在这个领域找到工作是最重要的。) A:To secure employment hopefully with your company. (希望能在贵公司任职对我来说最重要。) 5Q:What curren

35、t issues concern you the most?(目前什么事是你最关心的?) A:The general state of our economy and the impact of China entry to WTO on our industry. (目前中国经济的总体情況以及中国入世对我们行业的影响。) Q: How long would you like to stay with this company?(你会在本公司服务多久呢?) A: I will stay as long as I can continue to learn and to grow in my f

36、ield. (只要我能在我的行业力继续学习和长进,我就会留在这里。) Q:Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now?(你能预料五年后你会做什么吗?) A:As I have some administrative experience in my last job, I may use my organizational and planning skills in the future. (我在上一个工作中积累了一些行政经验,我将来也许要运用我组织和计划上的经验和技巧。) A:I hope to

37、 demonstrate my ability and talents in my field adequately. (我希望能充分展示我在这个行业的能力和智慧。) A:Perhaps, an opportunity at a management position would be exciting.(也许有机会,我将会从事管理工作。) 如果不愿正面回答,也可以说: It would be premature for me to predict this. (现在对此问题的预测,尚嫌过早。) 甚至还可以打趣的说: Hypothetically speaking, I might be ab

38、le to do your current job as a director.(或 CEO 或 president)(说不定,我也能做你现在主任的工作呢!) Q: What range of pay-scale are you interested in?(你喜欢那一种薪水层次标准?) A: Money is important, but the responsibility that goes along with this job is what interests me the most. (薪水固然重要,但这工作伴随而来的责任更吸引我。) A: 假如你有家眷,可以说: To be f

39、rank and open with you, I like this job, but I have a family to support. (坦白地说,我喜欢这份工作,不过我必须要负担我的家庭。) Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?) A:Helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关心他人。) A:Adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。) A:Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。) Q: How would your frien

40、ds or colleagues describe you?(你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?) A: (pause a few seconds) (稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。) They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends. (他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力,负责任的人,他对家庭和朋友都很关心。) A:They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determin

41、ed person. (他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。) Q:What personality traits do you admire?(你欣赏哪种性格的人?) A: (I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going. (诚实、不死板而且容易相处的人。) A: (I like) people who possess the “can do“ spirit. (有“实际行动“的人。) Q:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrati

42、ve personnel?(作为行政人员,你有什么样的领导才能?) A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership. (我觉得学习如何把人们的积极性调动起来,以及如何配合协同的团队精神,是我行政工作的主要目标。) A:I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy. (我以开放式的政策,改进我的行政管理方式。) Q:How do y

43、ou normally handle criticism?(你通常如何处理別人的批评?) A:Silence is golden. Just dont say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, 6accept constructive criticism. (沈默是金。不必说什么,否则情况更糟,不过我会接受建设性的批评。) A:When we cool off, we will discuss it later. (我会等大家冷靜下来再讨论。) Q: What do you find fru

44、strating in a work situation?(在工作中,什么事令你不高兴?) A: Sometimes, the narrow-minded people make me frustrated. (胸襟狭窄的人,有时使我泄气。) A:Minds that are not receptive to new ideas. (不能接受新思想的那些取。) Q:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work? (你如何处理与同事在工作中的意见不和?) A:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across. (我要以更清楚文明的方式,提出我的看法,使对方了解我的观点。) Q:How do you handle your failure?(你怎样对待自己的失敗?) A: None of us was born “perfect“. I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake. (我们大家生来都不是十全十美的,我相信我有第二个机会改正我的错误。)


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