1、新闻文本结构,标题(headline) 标新立异 导语(lead) 重点突出 正文(body) 时间顺序 倒金字塔叙述法(inverted pyramid),新闻标题,甘肃震区急需帐篷 甘肃省委副书记呼吁各界援助 At Least 70,000 Tents Needed in Gansu, China 我国手机用户深受垃圾短信困扰 Spam Text Messages: A Headache for All 歌舞剧幸福在路上开演,展现西藏原生态艺术 Tibetan Play Debuts in Beijing 小提琴大师来了! Edward Grach Coming to Hangzhou 东
2、芝“补丁”, 中国人恼火 A Lesson from the Toshibas “Patch” 悉尼奥运, “钱”途无量 Sydney Moneympic Games 团结一致,共赴时艰 Unity in Adversity,新闻标题,一艘日本军舰本月将访中国 Japanese Naval Ship to Visit China Later This Month 澳洲也兴华文网络热 Chinese Net Craze in Australia 美国媒体变恐怖主义传声筒 American Media: Mouthpiece of Terrorism 中国企业500强出炉,中石化居榜首 SINOP
3、EC Heads List of Chinas Top 500 Earners /Enterprises 三进狮城感触多 What Makes Singapore Tick? 向非典型肺炎开战 China Spares No Effort to Combat SARS 网上过年成中国年轻人新时尚 Chinese Youth Celebrate Holiday Online,新闻中的特色词语,春运 passenger transport around the Chinese Lunar New Year 傍大款 to be a mistress for a rich man 吃皇粮 to rec
4、eive salaries or subsidies from the government 民工潮 farmers frenzied hunt for work in cities 半拉子工程 uncompleted project,新闻中的特色词语,南水北调 to divert water from the Yangtze River to North China 人员分流 reposition of redundant personnel 计划单城市 city with economic planning directly supervised by the State Council
5、农业要搞“一优两高” Attention should be paid to high yields, better quality and greater efficiency in agriculture.,新闻中的特色词语,胡子工程 long drawn-out projects projects which takes so long that young workers become bearded “豆腐渣”工程 jerry-built projects beancurd projects, so named because they are too poor in quality
6、 to last out,新闻中的特色词语,背黑锅 to become a scapegoat 旅游搭台,经贸唱戏 Tourism paving the way for economic and trading activities,新闻中的“大词”,西部大开发 Western development 全面提高 Enhance 认真执行 Execute *县广播电视局通过多年艰苦努力,取得了巨大的成绩,为宣传*县、提高*县知名度做出了显著贡献。 Over a number of years in the past, much fruitful work has resulted from ha
7、rd working of the County Radio & TV Bureau, which made its due contribution to expand the popularity of the county.,新闻中句子的英译,参与亚太经合组织对中国的影响是多方面的。首先,有利于扩大中国在地区中的经济利益。亚太地区是中国对外经济利益的主要所在。中国贸易额的80%是与亚太地区国家开展的,90%以上的外资来源于亚太地区国家。 APECs influence on China will become manifest in several aspects. First, it
8、will help to expand Chinas economic interests in the Asia-Pacific Region, which currently takes up 80 percent of Chinas foreign trade and 90 percent of its foreign investment.,新闻中句子的英译,旧中国的农业发展水平极为低下,有80%的人口长期处于饥饿半饥饿状态,遇有自然灾害,更是饿殍遍地。 For long periods of time in the old days 80 percent of the populat
9、ion suffered from starvation or semi-starvation because of the extreme backwardness of agricultural production. Natural disasters nearly always resulted in widespread deaths from starvation.,新闻导语的英译,经过几家单位的积极筹备,湖北省第一条戒毒心理咨询热线于3月7日开通。 A telephone hotline providing drug abstention consulting service (
10、027-8324*) opened on March 7 after joint efforts by several institutions. 公安部在全国36个大中城市实施的道路交通“畅通工程”今天下午在南京拉开帷幕。 A program to ease city traffic got underway in Nanjing this afternoon. This program, run by Chinas Public Security Ministry, will involve thirty-six cities across the country.,新闻导语的英译,国家主
11、席胡锦涛日在首尔会见了美国总统奥巴马。两国元首就进一步推动中美合作伙伴关系发展以及共同关心的国际和地区问题深入交换了意见,达成积极重要共识。会晤是富有建设性的。 Chinese President Hu Jintao and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama met Monday to discuss bilateral ties and major regional and global issues of common concern.,新闻的文本结构,汉语 起笔多平铺,结笔多圆满 英语 把最重要的信息放在篇首 逐一补充新闻事件相关的知识 去掉汉语新闻中的
12、冗余信息,Stock Falls in New York,NEW YORK, July 1 (AP) Stock prices slumped Tuesday amid conflicting economic signals in Washington. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks, after giving up more than 22 points in the previous four sessions, was down another five points half an hour before the clos
13、e. The Dow Jones gainers of 30 industrials fell 7.71 to 976.88. Losers outnumbered gainers by a two to one margin on the New York Stock Exchange. Volume totaled 41.55 million shares, against 37.93 million in the previous session. The Exchanges composite index fell 0.44 to 76.14.,新闻的文本结构,国务院日召开第五次廉政工
14、作会议,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝发表讲话。他强调,要全面贯彻落实中央关于党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的决策部署,深化改革和加强制度建设,深入推进政务公开,创造条件让人民群众监督政府。 中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李克强出席会议,国务委员马凯主持会议。 中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记贺国强,中共中央书记处书记何勇应邀出席会议。 温家宝指出,多年来,我们坚持在各项工作中全面贯彻反腐倡廉的要求,加强制度建设,坚持依法行政,推进政务公开,加强政风行风建设,加强领导干部廉洁从政监督管理,政府改革建设和反腐倡廉工作取得明显进展。十年来,严厉惩治了一批腐败分子。 温家宝强调,当前反腐倡廉建设与
15、人民群众的期待仍有较大差距,腐败现象在等领域腐败案件逐渐增多,发生在领导干部中的腐败问题依然突出。温家宝强调,执政党的最大危险就是腐败。这个问题解决不好,政权的性质就可能改变,就会“人亡政息”。这是我们面临的一个极为严峻的重大考验。今年要重点抓好以下几方面工作。,新闻的文本结构,The government will mull over the possibility of publicizing assets of officials to a limited circle as an effort to fight corruption, Premier Wen Jiabao said o
16、n Monday. “Corruption is the most crucial threat to the ruling party,” Wen said at the State Councils annual conference on anti-corruption work, adding that corruption may completely undermine the countrys political foundations if not handled properly. Despite taking consistent measures to fight cor
17、ruption in previous years, Wen conceded that the overall performance of the government and officials has yet to meet the publics expectations. ,新闻的文本结构,胡锦涛表示,奥巴马总统就职年来,中美关系总体保持稳定发展。两国在双边重要领域以及应对重大国际和地区问题上的协调和合作富有成效。特别是双方决定共同建设相互尊重、互利共赢的中美合作伙伴关系,为中美关系长远发展指明了方向。当前,国际形势继续发生深刻复杂变化,世界经济中的不稳定不确定因素仍然较多。维护中
18、美合作伙伴关系建设大局,事关中美两国利益和两国人民福祉,也会对世界和平、稳定、繁荣产生重要影响。中方愿同美方一道,始终从战略高度和长远角度出发,不断加强对话、交流、合作,切实尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切,妥善处理分歧和敏感问题,推动中美关系沿着建设合作伙伴关系的正确轨道向前发展,更好造福两国人民和各国人民。 During the talks on the sidelines of the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, Hu said the world situation is continuing to witness profound and complex
19、changes and that the world economy is still facing many unstable and uncertain factors. Safeguarding the China-U.S. cooperative partnership is not only beneficial to the interests of the two countries and peoples, but also has significant influence on world peace, stability and prosperity, he said. Hu said the two countries should enhance dialogues, exchanges and cooperation and respect each others core interests and properly handle divergences and sensitive issues so as to push forward the Sino-U.S. relationship on the right course.,