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1、中日利益交汇点何在?What are the mutual interests that link China and Japan?不可否认,在 21 世纪中日两国战略利益是存在新的交汇点的。There are some undeniable new links in the strategic interests of China and Japan in the 21st century首先,共同对付非传统威胁是中日战略利益的交汇点之一。随着冷战后国际形势的发展,特别是“911”事件、非典疫情爆发以来,对非传统安全问题的关注明显上升,共同对付非传统威胁的战略需要必将成为连接 21 世纪中日

2、关系的强韧纽带。First is dealing with non-traditional threats to security. With the development of the international situation since the end of the Cold War, in particular since the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001, and the outbreak of SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) in

3、2003, there has been obvious increase in awareness of non-traditional security threats. Jointly coping with the challenges posed by the threats will surely become a strong link in the relationship between China and Japan in the 21st century.其次,在传统安全方面加强合作也是中日战略利益的一个重要交汇点。Second, enhancing cooperatio

4、n in the field of traditional security is also a cornerstone of Sino-Japanese strategic interests.在传统安全方面,在中日双方尚难以达到互信的状况下,就会特别关注对方的力量发展和如何使用这种力量的意图。因此,中日两国应该以对等、正常、实事求是的心态来看待对方发展。在 1998 年签署的中日共同声明中,中国已同日本达成了建立“致力于和平与发展的友好合作的伙伴关系”的共识,今后需要真正将这种伙伴关系落到实处。With regard to traditional security, since mutua

5、l trust has not yet been achieved, both sides will be especially concerned with the others growing power and how that power could be used. The China and Japan should treat each others development with an equal, normal, and realistic attitude. Both countries have reached a consensus on establishing “

6、a friendly cooperative partnership devoted to peace and development,” which was demonstrated in their joint statement signed in 1998. What we need to do in the future is to realize the consensus.第三, “中日不再战”是两国战略利益的最根本的交汇点。Third, “no more war between China and Japan” is the most fundamental common gr

7、ound linking the strategic interests of the two countries.中日两国是“一衣带水”的邻邦,这不仅意味着合作起来很方便也意味着加害于对方也很方便,特别是现代战争技术已经使得受害方立即实施报复成为可能,如果我们两大邻国再爆发战争,其结果必定是“双输” 。在一定意义上或许可以说, “中日不再战”是中日两国战略利益的“最大交汇点” 。China and Japan are neighbors separated only by a strip of water. This indicates that it is convenient eithe

8、r to coop erate with each other or do harm to each other. Modern military technology has made it absolutely certain that the one does harm to the other will face immediate retaliation. If a war broke out between us two neighbors, there would be nothing else but a no-win consequence. Therefore, to so

9、me extent, “no more war between China and Japan” is the most basic joining point of strategic interests between the two countries.政治是经济的集中表现。日本成为“经济大国”的现实必然要反映到政治上来。Politics is a reflection of the economy. The fact that Japan is an economic giant will surely be reflected in politics.日本走向“政治大国”是国际格局多

10、极化使然。但是,在日趋紧密的日美同盟下,日本尽管有做“政治大国”的愿望,其外交在本质上依然摆脱不了对美从属的“中等国家外交”的境界。Japans becoming “a major political power” resulted from the trend of multi-polarization in the international structure. However, under the increasingly close Japan-US alliance, Japans diplomatic clout has not gone beyond being a mediu

11、m nation subordinate to the United States, despite its wish of becoming “a major political power”.当然,日美关系中既有美对日控制的一面,就必然有日对美反控制的一面。20 世纪 90 年代以来,日本通过参加联合国维和活动,在不少“热点”地区的冲突中发挥出自己的作用。可以认为,日本对美独立性的增强是日本走向“政治大国”的前提条件,从这个意义上说,美对日成为真正的“政治大国”是不会高兴不会支持的,因为这意味着日本会逐渐变得不那么“紧跟” ,不那么听话,甚至成为像某些欧洲国家那样敢于顶撞美国的国家。Of

12、course, there are two sides in every coin. Since the 1990s, by participating in the United Nations peacekeeping activities, Japan has played its own part in many “hot spots” around the world. It can be argued that Japans being independent of the United States is the pre-condition of its becoming “a

13、major political power.” In this respect, the United States will not really pleased with and supportive of Japans ascension to “a major political power” because this means Japan will no longer be so closely aligned with America, or like some European countries, will even dare to say no to the United

14、States.然而,在国际社会看来,日本发挥政治大国的作用符合多极化发展趋势。But from the viewpoint of the international community, Japans role as a major political power is in line with the developing trend of multi-polarization.一国的国家利益包括经济利益、安全利益、政治利益、社会利益等,中日两国的经济利益、安全利益、政治利益、社会利益等方面均存在着“利益交汇之处” 。National interests of a country inclu

15、de economic interests, security interests, political interests and social interests etc. There are joining points in economic, security, political and social interests between China and Japan.鉴于中日两国都把发展经济作为国家的首要任务,因此可以说经济利益也是中日国家利益交汇的基础和核心,发展中日经贸合作既符合中日两国的利益,也符合经济全球化的潮流。Since both China and Japan re

16、gard developing economy as the primary task of the nation, economic interests are at the core of their national interests. Developing Sino-Japanese economic and trade cooperation conforms to not only the interests of both countries but also the trend of economic globalization.当今中国仍面临着实现工业化的任务,那么,如何利

17、用和借鉴日本的工业化技术和经验来加快中国工业化,就成为我国发展对日关系的根本利益所在。而日本也需要从中国的快速经济增长和充满活力的改革中获益,这又成为日本发展对华关系的根本利益所在。China is still faced with the task of realizing industrialization. Hence, the fundamental interests of Chinas relations with Japan lie in how to make use of and learn from Japans technology and experience to a

18、ccelerate Chinas industrialization. While on Japans part, it is of fundamental interest to benefit from Chinas rapid economic growth and energetic reform.中日两国有着各自的生产要素优势,如劳动力、土地、技术、资金,管理等,发展中日经济合作可以促使两国各自优势的活力竞相迸发,这也是发展中日经贸关系的根本目的之所在。China and Japan have their respective advantages regarding product

19、ive factors, such as labor forces, land, technology, capital and management. Developing Sino-Japanese economic cooperation can help activate the respective advantages of the two countries, which is also a fundamental objective in developing Sino-Japanese economic and trade relationship.中国的和平发展道路(200

20、5 年)一、和平发展是中国现代化建设的必由之路实现和平发展,是中国人民的真诚愿望和不懈追求。自上个世纪 70 年代末实行改革开放以来,中国成功地走向了一条与本国国情和时代特征相适应的和平发展道路。通过这条道路,中国人民正努力把自己的国家建设成富强、民主、文明、和谐的现代化国家,并以自身的发展不断对人类进步事业做出新的更大的贡献。回顾历史,立足现实,展望未来,中国将坚定不移地走和平发展道路,努力实现和平的发展、开放的发展、合作的发展、和谐的发展。争取和平的国际环境发展自己,又以自身的发展促进世界和平;依靠自身力量和改革创新实现发展,同时坚持实行对外开放;顺应经济全球化发展趋势,努力实现与各国的互


22、情的必然选择。1840 年得鸦片战争以后的 100 多年了,中国受尽了列强的欺辱。消除战争,实现和平,建立独立富强、民生幸福的国家,是近代以来中国人民孜孜以求的奋斗目标。今天的中国虽然取得了巨大的发展成就,但人口多,底子薄,发展不平衡,仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家。推动经济社会发展,不断改善人民生活始终是中国的中心任务。坚持走和平发展道路,是中国实现国家富强、人民富强的必由之路。中国人民最需要、最珍爱和平的国际环境,愿尽自己所能,为推动各个共同发展做出积极贡献。中国坚定不移地走和平发展道路,是基于中国历史文化传统的必然选择。中华民族历来就是热爱和平的民族。中华文化是一种和平的文化。渴望和平、追

23、求和谐,始终是中国人民的精神特征。600 年前,中国明代著名航海家郑和率领当时世界上最强大的船队“七下西洋” ,远涉亚非 30多个国家和地区,带去的是茶叶、瓷器、丝绸、工艺,没有侵占别国一寸土地,带给世界的是和平与文明,重复反映了古代中国与有关国家和人民加强交流的诚意。立足当代,中国的发展不仅造福 13 亿中国人民,也给世界各国带来了巨大的市场和发展机遇。中国的发展有利于世界和平力量的增长。中国坚定不移地走和平发展道路,是基于当今世界发展潮流的必然选择。求和平、促发展、谋合作是世界各国人民的共同心愿,也是不可阻挡的历史潮流,特别是世界多极化和经济全球化趋势的深入发展,给世界和平与发展带来了新的

24、机遇,争取较长时期的和平国际环境是可以实现的。同时,中国也清楚地看到,世界上仍存在着诸多不稳定不确定的因素,人类还面临许多严峻挑战,但机遇大于挑战,只要世界各国共同努力,就能够逐步实现建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界的目标。长期以来,中国坚持奉行独立自主的外交政策,宗旨就是维护世界和平、促进共同发展。早在 1974 年中国重返联合国的时候,邓小平就向全世界宣布,中国永远不承包。改革开放以来,中国根据国际形势的变化趋势,坚持和平与发展是时代主题这一重大的战略判断,多次公开阐明:中国过去不承包,现在不承包,将来强大了也不承包。中国的发展不会对任何人构成威胁,只会给世界带来更多的发展机遇和广阔的

25、市场。事实表明,中国的经济的发展,正在成为亚太地区和世界经济增长的重要推动力量。维护世界和平、促进共同发展,已成为中国的国家意志。当前,中国人民正在为实现全面建设小康社会的目标而奋斗。前不久,中共十六届五中全会提出了 2006 年至 2010 年中国经济社会发展的主要任务,其中,经济发展的目标是:在优化结构、提高效益和降低消耗的基础上,实现 2010 年人均国内生产总值比 2000 年翻一番;资源利用效率显著提高;2010 年单位国内生产总值能源股消耗比 2005 年降低 20%左右。为了实现这个目标,中国将坚持以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观,推动经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设的全面发展。在主要依靠这是力量发展的同时,中国坚持对外开放,广泛开展国际经济技术合作,与世界各国共同分享人类文明成果;尊重和照顾他国的利益,与各国共同解决合作中出现的分歧和问题,努力实现互利共赢和共同发展;信守国际义务和承诺,积极参与国际体系和国际事务,努力发挥建设性促进作用;在和平共处五项原则的基础上与各国平等相待,积极发展与各国的友好关系。二、以自身的发展促进世界的和平与发展三、依靠自身力量和改革创新实现发展四、实现与各国的互利共赢和共同发展五、建设持久和平与共同繁荣的和谐世界


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