1、英语笔译实务(二级)醉翁之意不在酒最近,美国的一些高级经济官员宣称,人民币兑美元的价值被低估了,因此人民币应该升值。这一说法的根据是:中国的外汇储备已达约 3500 亿美元,而中国拥有的美国政府债券已经超过 1220 亿美元。从这个意义上说,中国已成为美国的最大债权国之一,已经占了上风。美国政府的这种担心不难理解。曾几何时,美国把日本当做替罪羊,说是日本人抢走了美国人的饭碗。然后又指责墨西哥。现在又指控说中国人做事不公,以廉价的币值和较低的单位成本向美国出口产品。在此情况下,美国的高价产品滞销,美国工厂的库存积压,其结果是工人失业,甚至工厂关闭。所以,中国的经济政策应对美国的失业问题负责。此种
2、论调根本站不住脚。如果美国的消费者不购买廉价的中国产品,则需购买高价的同类产品。因此,购买中国产品可省下钱来购买更多的由美国生产的资本密集型或知识密集型产品。实际情况是,中国向美国出口低价商品可以增加美国人的实际收入。由此看来,美国政府对中国一而再、再而三地抱怨完全是醉翁之意不在酒。What Are They Driving At?Recently, some top U. S. economic officials argue that the RMB yuan is undervalued vis-vis the U. S. dollar. Therefore, it is time fo
3、r the yuan to appreciate. The basis for their argument is that China has accumulated about $350 billion in foreign-currency reserves and over $122 billion in U. S. government bonds. China has, it that sense, become one of the biggest creditors to the United States, which has given China an upper han
4、d over the United States. It is not difficult to understand why the United States has such a worry. It was not too long ago that the Japanese were made the scapegoat of the Amerians. They were accused of taking American jobs. The the Mexicans were accused. Now they have found another accusation, say
5、ing that the Chineses are not fair they go about exporting to the U.S. by taking advantage of a cheap yuan which means lower unit costs of Chinese goods.Such being the case, higher priced American goods are not selling well, and inventories build up at U. S. factories, and the result is layoffs or,
6、even worse, plant closings. Therefore, it is agued that Chinas economic policies are responsible for the job losses in the U.S An argument of this kind can hardly hold water. American consumers either buy Chinese low priced goods or go elsewhere to buy them at higher prices. Since purchases of Chine
7、se goods can save money, it means the Americans can make more purchases of the more capital or knowledge intensive goods manufactured in the United States. The fact of the matter is that the cheap Chinese-made exports into the United States can actually increase the real income of American consumers
8、. It is obvious that the U. S. was making a left-handed complaint for ulterior puposes by harping on the “undervalued” RMB.英语笔译实务(二级)中国从容应对亚洲金融危机1997 年亚洲金融危机爆发,在周边国家货币大幅贬值、地区及世界金融市场动荡不定的情况下,中国从自身实际情况和国际形势的要求出发,实行人民币汇率稳定的政策。人民币保持稳定,对地区金融市场发挥了重要的稳定锚作用,赢得了广泛的国际赞誉。由于中国供给能力的提高,特别是农产品供大于求和农产品价格下降,使农民的消费能力
9、增长受到抑制,中国在 2001 年至 2002 年期间出现了轻微的通货紧缩,2002 年的消费无增加增长为负 0.4%。中国政府通过采取积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,开发西部地区和增加基础建设投资,增加外汇储备,不仅迅速摆脱了亚洲金融风波的影响,而且同伙紧缩情况得以改善,中国的物价水平在 2002 年下半年出现了逐月增长的局面,2003 年年初的消费物价指数已经为正直。China Stayed Calm in the Face of the Asian Financial TurmoilThe outbreak of the financial turmoil in Asia in 1997
10、 caused the currencies of Chinas neighboring countries to depreciate considerably, and the regional as well as the world financial markets to become unstable. Under such cirucumstances, in consideration of Chinas own reality and of the worldwide situation, China chose to keep its RMBs exchange rates
11、 unchanged. The stable RMB exchange rates served as an anchor to maintain order in the regions financial markets, which won general approval by the international community.The increase in the supply of goods, especially in farm produce, has caused the prices of agricultural prodcuts to fall, which i
12、n turn hindered the increase of farmers consumption. There was actually a slight deflation in China in 2001 and 2002, resulting in a minus growth rate (-0.4%) in the prices of consumer goods in 2002. However, because of the the pro-active fiscal policy and the sound monetary policy, the enchancement
13、 of the development drive in Chinas western regions, the increased investment in infrastructure projects, and the enlarged total of foreign exchange reserve, China not only overcame the adverse impact of the Asian financial crisis quickly, but also eased the negative effects of deflation. In the sec
14、ond half of 2002, the price level in China showed an increase month by month. And the consumer price index in early 2003 turned for the positive.英语笔译实务(二级)2001 上海国际冶金工业展开幕式致辞由中国国际贸易促进委员会上海市分会、中国国际商会上海商会负责接待,上海宝钢集团公司、上海市国际展览公司和华进有限公司联合主办的 2001 上海国际冶金展,今天在上海国际展览中心隆重开幕了。请允许我代表上海宝钢集团公司对 2001 上海国际冶金工业展的开
15、幕表示热烈祝贺!向个各参展嘉宾特别是远道而来的朋友,表示热烈的欢迎!向提供赞助的各个单位,向关心和支持这次冶金展中国钢铁工业协会和上海市有关部门的领导,以及为这次冶金展付出辛勤劳动的有关人员表达衷心的感谢。这次冶金展集中展示了国内外各类先进的冶金、铸造、锻造、热处理等方面的先进技术和设备。展览会期间还将同时举行大型技术交流会。在世界经济全球化加速发展和中国正式加入 WTO 的背景下,一个更加开放、有序的包括冶金产品、冶金技术和冶金装备在内的冶金市场将在上海形成,热忱欢迎国内外朋友来上海开展技术贸易、技术服务以及投资合作!中国的冶金工业在改革开放的 20 多年里取得了举世瞩目的成就,已经发展成为
16、世界钢铁生产的大国。上海国际冶金工业展将为中国的冶金工业带来新的技术,装备和观念,为国际间的冶金技术交流提供良好的空间和舞台。我们相信,本次冶金展必将有利于推动中国冶金工业向更高层次发展,并对世界冶金科技的发展产生积极的影响。Opening Speech at World Metallurgy Expo Shanghai 2001The World Metallurgy Expo Shanghai 2001 has been officially opened in Shanghai International Exhibition Center today. The event is spo
17、nsored by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shagnhai Branch (CCPIT Shanghai) and China Chamber of International Commerce Shanghai Chapter ( CCOIC Shanghai), and organized by Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation, Shanghai International Exhibition Company, and Huajin Co. LtdOn beha
18、lf of Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation, please allow me to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the Expo and a warm welcome to the distinguished participants, particularly those from faraway lands! And I would like to express sincere gratitude to the sponsors of the Expo as well as the C
19、hinese Association of Iron and Steel Industry and the leaders of the relevant departments of Shanghai Municipality who have shown care for and support to the event, and my gratitude also goes to the hardworking staff of the Organizing Committee.The Expo has presented concentrations of advanced techn
20、ology and equipment of metallurgy from home and abroad, involving such areas as forging, casting and heat treatment. Major technical symposiums will be held concurrently during the Expo.Against the backdrop of accelerated globalization of the world economy and Chinas accession to the WTO, a more ope
21、n and ordered metallurgical market, involving metallurgical products, technology and equipement, will be taking shape in Shanghai. We cordially welcome friends home and abroad to Shanghai for cooperation in technology trading, technology service and project investing.英语笔译实务(二级)The achievement of Chi
22、nas metallurgical industry the past 20 years of reform and opening-up has drawn the worlds attention. Our country has become a major iron and steel producer. The current Metallurgy Expo will bring new technology, equipment and idea to the metallurgical industry of China and provide ample room for international exchange in metallurgical technology. We believe that this Expo will push Chinas metallurgical industry to a new height and produce positive impact on the development of metallurgical science and technology around the world.