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1、Lecture Three,Overview of Pragmatic Translation (3),Section 3,2英译汉时能找到汉语的对等含义,但是语义有所差异,必须按照汉语的语言习惯表达. 例如: Every dog has his day. 人人都有得意的日子。风水轮着转。(三十年河东,三十年河西。)It is a long lane that has no turning.,Section 3,One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。人多互打乱,鸡多不下蛋

2、。Everyones business is nobodys business.,Section 3,3根据上下文语境,对有些词汇、句式进行适当调整、转换。1) chain stores 连锁商店2) 非请莫入。 Staff only.,Section 3,3) Everyman is the architect of his own fate.每个人都是自己命运的主宰者。(天不生人上之人,也不生人下之人。)4) A virtuous wife is a mans best prize.贤惠的妻子是对一个男人最大的奖赏。(妻贤夫祸少。),Section 3,5)Then, in Septemb

3、er, 1846, in a secret marriage ceremony, Elizabeth Barrett became Elizabeth Barrett Browning.1846年9月,他们举行了婚礼,仪式是秘密进行的,于是伊丽莎白巴雷特小姐变成了伊丽莎白巴雷特勃朗宁太太。6)They seemed to be perfectly compatible, both intellectually and spiritually. 他们才情并茂,精神融洽。,Section 3,五、派生方法在直译和意译基础上还派生出了其他一些翻译方法。这些方法或侧重直译,或侧重意译,或为二者的结合。

4、直译和意译兼用也被看作是 “平行式转换” (Paralleling)(刘宓庆当代翻译理论。这中翻译方法是指在翻译过程中将直译和意译二者结合,交替使用。,Section 3,1)你不要脚踏两只船。If you run after hares, you will catch neither.2)苦尽甘来。After rain comes sunshine.3)为人不做亏心事,半夜不怕鬼敲门。A good conscience is a soft pillow.,Section 3,4)年岁不好,柴米又贵;这几件旧衣服和旧家伙,当的当了,卖的卖了;只靠着我替人家做些针线活寻来的钱,如何供得你读书?T

5、imes are hard, and fuel and rice are expensive. Our old clothes and our few sticks of furniture have been pawned or sold. We have nothing to live on but what I make by sewing. How can I pay for your schooling?,Section 3,1、神译神译就是一种介于“直译”和“意译”之间以表达语言的神韵的译法1)Faults are thick where love is thin.一朝情义淡,样样

6、不顾眼。2)Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.盈于心则溢于言。,Section 3,3)You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.骗人一夕一事易,欺众一生一世难。,Section 3,2、译注、改造或移花接木把这几种办法结合在一起。当译注还不能解决原文中的双关语时,可以用改造的办法,如果改造还是不行,就采用移花接木

7、的办法。,Section 3,例: A vice-president is taking over the chair at a meeting with a play on words, “Im a virtuous vice president.”这里“副总统”用的是vice的双关含义,“恶、坏”和作为前缀的“副”,然后前面又加了“德”(virtuous)如果用“译注”的办法就是: Im a virtuous vice president.(我是个有德行的副总统。)尽管加了注解,仍叫人不甚了解。,Section 3,可通过对中文成语“为富不仁”进行改造来解释这个双关语。“副”和“富”是谐音

8、,可以构成双关。整句处理就是: Im a virtuous vice president.我可以为副(富)但并非不仁的总统。这种“改造”的办法应该比“译注”要好很多。,Section 3,1)对牛弹琴 to play the lute to a cow, which is a Chinese way, meaning choose the wrong audience. 否则,可以用替代法翻译成: to cast pearls before swine to whistle jigs to a millstone,Section 3,2)三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。 three cobblers

9、with their wits combined equal Zhu Geliang, the mastermind in Chinese history. 否则,可以用替代法翻译成:Two heads are better than one. More people working together have a better chance of solving a problem than one person working alone.,Section 3,4)三请诸葛亮 to invite sb. three times like inviting Zhu Geliang, the

10、mastermind in Chinese history. 否则,可以用替代法翻译成: to invite sb earnestly and repeatedly to be persistent in inviting sb.,Put the following into Chinese or English,1)Never trust a wolf with the care of lambs. 2)Let a sleeping dog lie.3)学如逆水行舟,不进则退。4)他辛勤工作,但工资不多。,Reference Answers:,1)莫将羊羔托付狼。2)不要惹是生非。3)Lea

11、rning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop back.4)He works very hard, but is ill-paid.,,,Section 4,Basic Translation Skills,Section 4,根据翻译的定义,翻译首先是一个语际转换的过程,即贯穿整个翻译过程的、在各语言层次上进行的各种语言现象、表达手段和叙述方法的转换。为保证这种转换的有效性,就要运用各种翻译技巧。翻译技巧可分为转换与补偿:转换需要通过补偿来最终完成;补偿是在转换的基础上进行。,Section 4,转换着重解决的是两种语言中不

12、同表达形式之间的易换;补偿往往要放弃形式,着眼于原作意义的再现。转换主要处理的是可译部分;补偿针对貌似不可译的地方。转换旨在用译入语的形态替代原语形态;补偿靠变通和引申再现原文内容。,Section 4,转换有一定的规律性;补偿需要有很强的创造力。转换与补偿的结合就是直译与意译的有机结合。,Section 4,一、属于转换性质的翻译技巧转换-包括词类与词序转换即:在翻译中将原文语言的某一词类翻译为另一种词类;改变原文的词类,或改变原文语言的词序;主动语态与被动语态的转换。,Section 4,1、名称的转换在英语的公文文体中(包括各类官方文件、法律条款、正式信函等),大量使用名词,使其具有一种

13、色彩。在翻译中可以根据具体情况,把相当一部分英语名词转换成汉语动词。在以下例句中,红色的英语名词一般无法译作汉语名词,将其转换成汉语动词后,问题便可迎刃而解。,Section 4,1)The exchange of views has narrowed their difference.交换意见缩小了他们之间的分歧。2)The World War II ended the defeat of Japan. 第二次世界大战以击败日本而告终。 3)He gave the pretty girl a long look.他久久地望着这位秀美的女孩。,Section 4,4)Some long-ter

14、m economic growth plans are under consideration.一些发展经济的长期计划正在考虑之中。5)Sources suggests that this decline is largely due to sharp cutback in the credit offered by the Canadian government to these countries.有消息说,这一下降主要是由于加拿大政府大幅消减向这些国家提供信贷而造成的。,Section 4,2、英语中的介词、副词和分词翻译为中文的动词1)The Kermlin is turning we

15、stward for capital and technology.克林姆林宫正转向西方寻求资本和技术。2)The lunch is on me.午餐由我付钱。,Section 4,3)The whole matter must be considered as off.整个这件事必须看着取消了。 4)There is a warrant out against him.已经发出拒捕令去逮捕他。5)The rising dollar would make European exports more competitive.美元升值将使欧洲的出口更具有竞争力。,Section 4,6)Expan

16、ded economic relations with the entire capitalist world has become one of Chinas major policies.扩大与整个资本主义世界的经济联系已成为中国的主要政策之一。,Section 4,3、主动语态与被动语态的转换英语中的被动语态使用得比汉语多,尤其在商务合同、科技论文等客观性比较强的文体中。究其原因,至少有以下几个:1)受事方是谈话的主题或中心;2)施事方不明,或无说明必要;3)出于某种考虑,有意对施事方避而不谈;4)语篇内部的衔接。,Section 4,针对中英两种语言的特点,翻译英语的被动语态时,可用以

17、下方法:1)翻译为中文的被动语态(1)The plan is going to be examined first by the research group.这个计划将先由研究小组审查。,Section 4,(2)This young worker should be praised in the whole factory.这位年轻工人应当在全厂予以表扬。(3)History is made by the people.历史是由人民创造的。,Section 4,(4)Problems should be resolved in good time. This matter must be

18、dealt with.问题应当在适当的时候(得到)解决。这件事必须得到处理。(5)The meeting stands adjourned to five oclock.会议被延期到五点钟。,Section 4,2)翻译为中文的主动语态(1)You are kindly requested to pay us the advanced payment.请贵方支付我方预付款。,Section 4,(2)If understanding prevails, UNCTAD is in a position to replace confrontation with agreement; it can

19、not be put off.若能普遍达成谅解,联合国贸发会就能协议取代对抗;这项工作不能再拖下去了。,Section 4,(3)Most of the questions have been settled satisfactorily, only the question of currency in L/C remains to be considered.大部分问题已圆满解决,只剩下信用证使用的币种问题有待讨论。,Section 4,(4)Increased rate reaction, in the presence of catalyzers, is called catalysi

20、s, or catalytic action.有催化剂时,反应速度的加快叫做催化作用。,Section 4,3)翻译为中文的代表语的主动句英语中有许多表示某种结果或状态的被动结构通常也可转换成系表结构。与以上几例中所用方法不同的是,必须把原句中的状语或施事方转换成疑问句子的表语。这时就要用上中文的表达方式:是的为所,Section 4,(1)Poets are born, but orators are made.诗人是天生的,而演说家则是后天造就的。(2)In his late thirties he was almost knocked down in his despondency of

21、 the unsuccessful career.近四十岁时,由于事业上的挫折,他几乎为失意所毁。,Section 4,(3)Real influence is not built up by striking attitudes and by throwing insults.真正的权威不是靠装腔作势或大声辱骂来取得的。,Section 4,4)翻译为中文的无主句无主句是汉语特有的句子形式,其作用和效果相当于英语中无施事方的被动句,因而可以用来处理某些英语被动形式。1)Has the motion been adopted?采用那项动议了吗?2)Quality must be guarant

22、eed first.必须首先保证质量。,Section 4,3)The doctor has been sent for.已去请医生了。4)Will the question be discussed tomorrow morning?明天讨论这个问题吗?5)Machinery for the just settlement of international differences must be founded.必须建立公正解决国际分歧的机构。,Section 4,用中文的“把”结构来处理英语的被动语态,即在英语原句的主语之前加“把”、“使”、“给”、“对”等词译出。这样原句的主语就被置于动

23、词之前,变成宾语。1)If water is heated, the molecules move more quickly.如果把水加热,水分子就运动的更快。,Section 4,2)Gasoline may be separated from other components of crude oil by distillation.用蒸馏方法可使汽油与原油的其他成分分离开来。另外,英语中有些插入式的被动结构可以拆离出来,译成无主结构,放在全句之前,以区别于原句中的事实陈述部分。3)He was described as deeply impressed by Dengs flexibil

24、ity.据()说,他对邓小平的灵活态度印象深刻。,Section 4,英语报刊中常用这类结构: It must be admitted that 必须承认 It may be safely said that 可以有把握说 It is generally accepted that 一般认为;大家公认 It is alleged that 人们断言 It is asserted that 有人主张(断定),Section 4,二、属于补偿性质的翻译方法1. 增词法增词是翻译过程中一种常用的有效补偿手段。具体而言:增词是指根据句子结构、意义和修辞等方面的需要,在译文中适当增加词的数量,以便忠实、

25、通顺地再现原作意义与风格。,Section 4,增词的主要作用:补足语际转换后缺失的含义;使译文结构保持完整;补充修辞手段;解释原作的文化因素和背景等等。 增词的原则:增词不增义。翻译中的增词情况是很多的,就补充词类而言,有补充量词、助词、语气词、概括性词语、衔接性词语等。,Section 4,1)He comes with a rough mandate to cool inflation, cut back Big Government and stand up to the Russian, with no clear consensus as to how.他肩负的艰难使命是:降低通货

26、膨胀、精简庞大的政府机构,迎接俄国人的挑战。然而,对于怎样去做,看法却不一致。 (补充衔接性词语),Section 4,就补充词义而言,有补足附加意义、语法意义、原文中的省略部分。2)She beamed. “A wonderful country, America.”她灿然一笑。“美国,那可是个好地方。” (补足附加意义),Section 4,3)Britains railway system is being improved. 英国的铁路系统日臻完善。 (补足语法部分),Section 4,4)Joint ventures, in a number of cases, dont work

27、 out because the “people” relationships become unglued and/ or the business cant be made profitable.在不少情况下,合资企业之所以不成功,是因为“人际”关系不和睦,或是因为企业不盈利,或二者兼而有之。 (补足原文中的省略部分),Section 4,注意以下情况,英语原文中只是用了介词结构和分词就充分地表达了意义(英语的语言特征凭此可见一斑)。翻译时不能照译,应增加相应的词,以免译文平淡或不通顺。5)The reason for this visit is fairly obvious.进行这次访问

28、的原因是显而易见的。,Section 4,6)There is ample reason for concerning.有充分的理由表示关切。7)The government allotted land for the chemical fertilizer.政府拨地修建化工厂。,Section 4,2、省略法翻译中删去一些可有可无,或者有了反嫌累赘或违反译文语言习惯的词,这就是省略法。1)Please turn off the light when you go out of the room.出门请关灯。,Section 4,2)If winter comes, can spring be

29、 far behind?冬天来了,春天还会遥远吗?3)Smoking is prohibited in the classroom or in the public places.教室或公共场所禁止吸烟。,Section 4,4)University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.报考大学的人,有工作经验者优先录取。,Section 4,3、定语从句的翻译英语的定语从句除表示修饰关系外,还表示原因、结果、让步、目的、条件、假设等意义。英语中的定语从句,按照与其

30、修饰说明的主句之间关系的密切程度,可分为:限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句特殊定语从句根据其结构和含义采用不同的译法。,Section 4,(1)翻译为中文的定语从句1)She has two sons who are studying in Beijing.她有两个正在北京学习的儿子。比较:She has two sons, who are studying in Beijing.她有两个儿子,他们正在北京学习。,Section 4,2)There were very few candidates who passed the exam.通过考试的考生很少。比较:There were very

31、 few candidates, who passed the exam.考生很少,他们都通过了考试。,Section 4,3)There were few passengers that escaped without serious injury.免受重伤而脱身的乘客很少。比较:There were few passengers, who escaped without serious injury.乘客很少,都未受重伤而脱身了。,Section 4,(2)翻译成后置的并列句英语中的定语从句与主语之间的逻辑意义是并列关系,或因定语从句结构比较复杂,译成汉语前置定语显得太长且又不符合汉语表达

32、习惯。在这种情况下,将其译成后置的并列分句。将英语的定语从句译成并列分句时,可以重复英语先行词,也可以不重复。,Section 4,1)I said nothing, which made him still more angry.我一言不发,这使得他更加生气。2)I have a friend whose father teaches English.我有一个朋友,他的父亲教英语。,Section 4,3)He is a simple-mannered man, as the large-heart and large-minded men are apt to be.他是一个很大方的人,心

33、胸开阔、宽宏大量的人往往都是这样。,Section 4,(3)翻译成独立句把原句中的主句和定语从句融合译为一个独立句子。有些限定性定语从句与主句关系十分紧密,并且在意义上突出了全句的重点,而主句仅起结构上的作用,其本身的意义并不突出。这时可将原句中的主句和定语从句融合在一起译成一个独立的句子。英语中带定语从句的There be结构,汉语时常用这种方法来处理。,Section 4,1)There are some films Id like to see.我有几部电影想看。2)Whats the time the ship normally arrives?船通常在什么时候到达?3)Scienc

34、e plays an important role in the society in which we live.科学在我们生活的社会里起着重要的作用。,Section 4,(4)翻译成短语1)He asked her to tell everyone who called that he was engaged on urgent business.他叫她告诉来访者,他正在处理紧急事务。2)His speech, which bored everyone, went on and on.他的发言,令人生厌,没完没了。,Section 4,3)He had talked to Vice-pr

35、esident Nixon, who assured him that everything that could be done would be done.他和副总统尼克松谈过话。副总统向他担保,凡是能够做到的都将竭尽全力去做。,Section 4,4、兼有状语职能的定语从句的翻译英语中有些定语从句,兼有状语从句的职能,在逻辑意义上与主句有状语关系,具有原因、结果、目的、让步、条件、假设等含义,其表层结构虽为定语,实际上却起着状语作用。翻译这种定语从句时,应先从原文的字里行间发现这些逻辑上的关系,再根据原文的逻辑关系将其译成相应意义的汉语偏正复句中的偏句或正句。,Section 4,(1)

36、译成原因状语The soldiers, who may have felt sorry for the boy, had him stand with his back to his father.那些士兵,可能是出于对孩子的怜悯,让他背向他父亲站着。,Section 4,(2)译成结果状语Copper, which is used widely for carrying electricity, offers very little resistance.铜的电阻很小,所以广泛用来输电。,Section 4,(3)译成目的状语A will had been made which divide

37、d the small tax-eaten property equally among the remaining four立了一份遗嘱,把这片快要被税吃光了的薄产分给四个孩子,Section 4,(4)译成让步状语He persisted in having a bike which he had no use.他坚持要一辆自行车,尽管他用不着。,Section 4,以上介绍了一些常用的翻译技巧,大致可以应对常见的实用文体翻译。以后的章节,还会针对各种实用文体的翻译特点,再介绍其他翻译方法,或更深入地探讨现在已经介绍的这些方法。必须指出,这些方法只是起到入门指南和参考的作用。翻译真正要得法

38、,主要靠译者自己积极进行翻译实践,悉心摸索,方能求得“真经”。,Section 4,在实际翻译过程中,译者大都是凭着自己的理解和经验下意识地使用这种或那种技巧。只是在遇到难题时才会认真考虑采用什么方法,而且是效法并用。其中奥秘,因人因文而异,并无一定之规,主要靠译者自己不断实践、总结经验、提高理论水平,才能最终达到得心应手、曲尽其妙的境界。,把以下句子译成中文,According to the Joint Venture Law of China, a joint venture shall take the form of a limited liability company and the profits and losses shall be shared by the parties to the venture in proportion to their contribution to the registered capital.,参考译文,依据合资企业法之规定,合资企业应该以有限责任公司的形式出现,由合资各方按照注册资本的比例,利润共享,风险共担。,


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