1、WORDS FOR SUCKING USELFDiscord: lack of agreement or harmony, disagreementUndue: un-due, not yet due, beyond the normal limits, lacking justification or authorizationConcede: admit, agreeOtherwise XX would be far away from xxxOtherwise we learn far more from xxx than from xxxOppose: againstUnder som
2、e circumstancesCounterproductiveImpede: blocking passage throughAside from two previousAbase to humiliate, degrade, to make feel shameAbash to bewilder, confound, cause to be embarrassedAbate to remove, lessen, to make less active or intenseAbdicate - to forsake, give upAberration deviation, irregul
3、arity, abnormalityAbeyance inactivity,Abhor to detest, hateAbject degraded, miserableAbjure to recant, revoke, formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief.Abnegate to deny, denounceAbominate to dislikeAbort to be unsuccessful, fail to developAbrade to scrape out, wear away, rub or scrubAbrogat
4、e to abolish, revoke formallyAbscond to bolt, decamp, fleeAbsolve to pardonAbstemious eating or drinking sparingly( avoiding waste)Abstract summary (区分 distract )Abstruse profound, hidden, hard to under-standAccede - to consentAccessory accompliceAcclivity incline rising slopeAccolade honor, awardAc
5、cord to grant, allowAccost to greet aggressivelyAccretion adhesion, concretionAccrue to accumulateAcerbity sharpness, bitternessAcme summit, peak, the highest level attainableAcolyte attendant, helper,Acrimonious sharp, acrid, marked by strong resentment or cynicismActuate to put into action, put in
6、to motion or move to actAdamant immovableAdduce to give as proofAdjudicate to decide (a case)Adjunct auxiliary, appendageAdjure to state on oathAdmonish to caution, warnAdroit skillful, cleverAdulation flatteryAdulterate to corrupt, contaminateAdvent comingAdventitious accidentalAdvocate counsel, de
7、fenderAegis protectionAesthetic pertaining to beautyAffability politeness, courtesyAffinity relation, allianceAffluence wealthAggrandize to increase in powerAgnostic one who doubts the existence of GodAgrarian relating to farmingAlacrity willingness, agilityAlbeit althoughAlchemy chemistry of the mi
8、ddle agesAlimentary supplying foodAllay to soothe, calmAllegory parable, fableAllocate to distributeAllude to insinuate, referAltercation quarrelAlternation - recurrence, successionAltruism unselfish devotionAmalgamate to combine, uniteAmbidextrous using both hands equally wellAmeliorate - to amend,
9、 improveAmenable responsible, liableAmenity pleasantnessAmiable pleasing, lovingAmorphous shapelessAnachronism something misplaced in timeAnalogy similarity, affinityAnarchy absence of governmentAnathema ban, curseAnchorite hermitAncillary subordinateAnecdote tale, storyAnimate to inspire, encourage
10、Animosity enmity, hatredAnnals historical accountsAnneal to heat glass, metal, etc.Annotator commentatorAnomaly abnormality, deviationAntagonist opponentAntecede to come before (in time or place)Antedate to assign a date earlier than the actual oneAnterior - frontAntimacassar cover used to protect f
11、urnitureAntipathy aversion, dislikeAntithesis contrast, direct oppositeAperture openingApex highest pointAphorism saying, adageApiary place where bees are keptAplomb self-confidenceApochryphal of questionable authenticityApogee farthest orbit point from the earthApoplexy sudden loss of consciousness
12、Apostasy abandoning of faithApothecary druggistApothegm short, pithy statementAppall to terrify, shockAppellation name, titleApposite suitable, appropriateApprise to informApprobation approval, consentArbiter arbitrator, judgeArchaic no longer usedArchipelago chain of islandArchives place where reco
13、rds are keptArduous difficultArgot slangArray rank, order, fineryArrears in debtArticulate to speak or write clearlyArtifice mastery, trickeryAsperity acrimony, harshnessAspersion slander, false accusationAssay to analyze chemicallyAsseverate- to state positivelyAssiduity care, diligenceAssimilate -
14、 to absorbAssuage to pacify, calmAstral starryAstringent contracting (tissues), severeAstute shrewdAtheist one who denies the existence of GodAtrophy to waste away, deteriorateAttenuate to weakenAttrition a wearing away, weakeningAudacious boldAugment to increaseAugur to predictAugust majestic, nobl
15、eAuspice protectionAuspicious fortunate, favorableAustere rigid, severeAuthoritative powerful, commandingAutocratic arrogant, dictatorialAutonomy self-governmentAuxiliary assistant, helpingAvarice greed, cupidityAver assertAverse unwillingAviary place where birds are keptAvidity eagernessAvoirdupois
16、 weightAvow declareAwry crooked, bentAxiomatic principle accepted as self-evidentBadger to harass, nagBadinage banterBaleful harmful, evilBalm something that soothesBanal meaningless, commonplaceBandy to exchange (word)Band cause of harmBarrister court lawyerBedizen to dress in a gaudy, vulgar manne
17、rBeguile to deceiveBelabor to attack verbally, drag outBellicose warlikeBeneficient liberal, kindBenign gentle, mildBerate to scoldBereft bereaved, deprived ofBestial savageBestride to mountBicameral having two legislative chambersBiennial - every two yearsBilious bad-temperedBiped two-footed animal
18、Bivouac encampmentBland mildBlas indifferentBlasphemy profane abuse of anything sacredBlatant noisy, vociferousBlazon to adorn, proclaimBluster to swagger, boastBogus counterfeitBoisterous violent, furiousBombast pompous speechBotch to ruinBounty generosityBourgeois middle classBovine ox or cowBrand
19、ish to wave menacinglyBravado pretense of braveryBreech lower part of the bodyBrigand robber, banditBroach to start a discussionBrowbeat to intimidateBrusque abrupt in mannerBucolic rusticBuffoon clownBuoyancy lightness, animationBureaucracy government of specialized functions and hierarchy of offic
20、ialsBurgeon bud, sproutBurnish to polishButte hillButtress prop, protuberanceCabal intrigue, factionCache hiding placeCacophony harsh soundCadence measured movementCajole to coax, flatterCaldron kettleCalligraphy penmanshipCallous hard, obdurateCallow unfledgedCalumny slander, defamationCanard hoaxC
21、anker ulcerCant tilt, whining speechCantilever supporting bracketCanvass to make a survey, solicitCapacious roomy, ampleCaper frolic, mischievous actCapitulate to surrenderCaprice whim, fancyCaptious touchy, crossCaptivate to charm, fascinateCarnage slaughter, massacreCarnivorous flesh-eatingCarom r
22、eboundCarp to complain constantlyCarrion decaying fleshCastigate to punishCasuistry false reasoningCataclysm violent change or upheavalCatalyst agent of changeCathartic purifyingCatholic universalCaustic sarcastic, corrosiveCavil to quibbleCelerity rapidity, velocityCensorious fault-findingCensure t
23、o criticize sharplyCentrifugal moving away from centerCephalic of the headCerebration thought processChafe fret, irritateChaff worthless materialChagrin embarrassmentCharlatan fakerCharnel place where corpses are depositedChary discreetly cautiousChastise to castigate, correctChattel slaveChauvinism
24、 fanatical patriotismChicanery deceptionChimerical imaginaryCholeric irascible, easily angeredChronic always presentChurlish ill-bredCircuitous roundabout, tortuousCircumlocution evasion in speechCircumspect watchful, cautiousCircumvent to avoidCitadel fortressCivility politeness, affabilityClairvoy
25、ant able to perceive something not readily apparentClandestine secret, hiddenCloy to overindulge with an initially pleasing thingCoagulate to thicken, clotCoalesce to unite, join forcesCoda ending section distinct from the main body of a workCoerce to forceCogent forcible, convincingCogitate to thin
26、k seriouslyCognate relatedCognizant awareCohesion a sticking togetherCollate to put together in proper orderColligate to group togetherCollocate to arrange in positionColloquy conversation, dialogueCollusion secret agreement to defraudColophon inscription in a bookColorable plausible, ostensibleCome
27、stible edibleCommensurate - proportionateCommodious spaciousCommute alter, exchangeCompatible consistentCompendious spaciousCompendium abridgment, abstractCompunction uneasiness, remorseConclave secret meetingConcomitant accompanyingConcupiscence strong desireCondign appropriateCondone to overlook a
28、s unimportantConduce to lead toward a desired endConfiguration shape, arrangementConfiscatory seized by authorityConflagration destructive fireConfute to disprove, refuteCongeal to change to a solid stateCongenital existing from birthCongruous appropriate, in agreementConiferous cone-bearingConjectu
29、re guess, conclusionConjure to summon solemnlyConnive cooperate secretlyConnoisseur expert, criticConnote suggest, implyConscript to force into service, draftConsecrate to sanctify, dedicateConsonance harmonyConsort associate, companionConstellation group of starsConsternation sudden confusion, pani
30、cConstituency voters in a districtConstrain to restrict movement, limitConstrict to shrinkConsummate to completeContemn to despise, scornContemptuous scornful, insolentContentious argumentativeContiguous adjacent, touchingContingency casualty, occurrenceContravene to contradictContrition remorse, re
31、pentanceContrivance plan, schemeControvert to debate, disputeContumely rudenessContusion - bruiseConundrum riddleConversant familiar withConvivial joyous, festalConvoke to assembleConvulse to shake violently, agitateCopious abundantCorollary inference, resultCorona crown, luminous circleCorporeal pe
32、rtaining to the bodyCorpulent fat, stoutCorrelate to be in mutual relationCorrigible amenable, tractableCorroborate to strengthen, confirmCoterie groupCountenance facial expression, composureCountermand to cancel with a contrary orderCovenant contractCovert clandestine, secretCovet to desire, aspire
33、 toCower to cringe in featCozen to trickCrag steep projecting rockCrass grossly stupidCredence belief, faithCredible believableCredulity simplicity, gullibilityCrimp to bend into shape, pinch togetherCruciate cross-shapedCrux vital pointCryptic mysteriousCudgel clubCulmination highest point, climaxC
34、ulpable deserving blameCumbrous unwieldyCupidity avarice, greedCurry to seek favor by flatteryCursory hasty, superficialCynical sarcastic, sneeringCynosure center of attractionDalliance dawdlingDank chilly and wetDastard cowardDauntless valiant, intrepidDearth scarcityDebacle complete failure, fiasc
35、oDebase to degrade, lowerDebauch to corruptDebility weaknessDebonair affable, jauntyDecamp to break camp, depart suddenlyDecant to pourDeciduous shedding (leaves) annuallyDeclaim speak, debateDeclaration announcementDeclivity descent, slopDecorous proper in good tasteDecrepit run-down, worn-outDecry
36、 to censureDeference honor, respectDefinitive explicit, conclusiveDefunct no longer existingDeign to condescendDeleterious harmfulDelineate to describeDemean to behave properlyDenigrate to describeDemean to behave properlyDenigrate to define, belittleDenizen inhabitantDenote to standard for, meanDen
37、ude to strip, divestDeposition removal (from office), testimonyDepraved sinfulDeprecate to disapprove ofDepreciate to lessen the value ofDepute to appoint, entrustDerogatory disparagingDescry to discover, make knownDesecrate to profane, abuseDesiccate to dry upDesist to cease, stopDespicable contemp
38、tibleDesultory loose, ramblingDeterrent constraint, preventativeDetritus product of disintegrationDevious rambling, errant, trickyDiametric oppositeDiaphanous extremely delicate, insubstantialDichotomy division into two partsDictum positive statementDidactic instructiveDiffident lacking confidence,
39、reservedDiffuse to spread without restraintDilate to stretch, widenDilatory tardy, laggingDilettante one who dabbles superficiallyDiligent industrious, assiduousDiluvial pertaining to feedsDiscern to observe, perceiveDiscompose to upset the order ofDisconcert to confound, disturbDisconsolate sad, fo
40、rlornDiscord disagreementDiscountenance disapprovalDiscursive ramblingDisdain to scornDisingenuous without candorDisparage to belittleDisparate distinct in qualityDisputation debaseDisseminate to spread widelyDissident disagreeingDissimulate to put on a false appearanceDissipate to scatter or use wa
41、stefullyDissolute morally looseDissonant lacking harmonyDissuade to advise againstDistend to stretch outDistrait absentminded, distractedDistraught mentally upsetDiverge to branch off, deviateDivers variousDivest to deprive, strip offDoctrinate impractical theoristDogmatic arrogant stating of opinio
42、nDoldrums low spiritsDole something given sparinglyDoleful dismalDolorous mournfulDolt stupid personDotage senilityDour stern, gloomyDowdy shabby, stylelessDreg undesirable leftoversDrivel silly talkDroll funny, amusingDross refuse, wasteDubious uncertainDubitable open to doubtDupe to deceiveDuplici
43、ty deceptionDuress restraint, forceEbony hard durable wood, blackEbullient enthusiasticEcclesiastical pertaining to the churchEchelon formation of units or troopsEclectic made up of elements from a variety of sourceEcology study of the relationships in an environmentEcumenical general, worldwideEdic
44、t public announcement, decreeEdifice large buildingEdify to enlightenEduce to bring forthEffable capable of being expressedEfface to wipe out, eraseEfficacious effectiveEffigy image, crud likenessEffluence flowing outEffrontery impudenceEffulgent illuminatedEffusive highly emotionalEgocentric self-c
45、enteredEgregious flagrantEgression emergenceElectorate voting bodyElicit to cause a responseElision omissionEloquent pleasingly expressiveElucidate to make clearElusive hard to graspEmaciate to make thinEmanate to come out fromEmbellish to ornamentEmbody to make perceptible, personifyEmbroil to invo
46、lve in an argumentEmend to correct or alter (as in a literary work)Emissary messengerEmollient soothing substanceEmolument salary, compensationEmulate to rival or try to equalEnclave distinct unit surrounded by foreign territoryEncomium glowing praiseEncroach trespassEncyclopedia compendium of knowledgeEndemic restricted to a given localityEndogenous originating from withinEnervate to lessen the vitality ofEnfranchise to give the right to voteEngender to bring into beingEngross to