1、0 02March 10 Original Issue AK ACRev Date Description of Revision Checked ApprovedDocument No: SWI-0408ACCIDENT/INCIDENT Project No: MH0046REPORTING Revision: 0Date : 2010-04-24AFRICAN MINERALS LTD Page No: 1 of 8SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONSWI-0408ACCIDENT/INCIDENT REPORTINGDocument Custodian : Manager HS
2、EDocument Approved :TABLE OF CONTENTS1. SCOPE 22. OBJECTIVES 23. DEFINITIONS 24. PROCEDURE 34.1 General 34.2 Legal Issues 34.2.1 Confidentiality 34.2.2 Statutory Notification 34.2.3 Supply of Documentation 34.3 Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation 34.3.1 Reporting 34.3.2 Minor First Aid 34.
3、3.3 Incident Alert Priority Notification 34.3.4 Notification of Injury or Incident to African Minerals Limited Management 34.3.5 Accident/Incident Investigation 34.3.6 Employee Health and Safety Representative/Committee 34.3.7 Damage to Plant or Equipment 34.3.8 Damage the Environment 34.3.9 Communi
4、ty Complaints 34.3.10 Serious Potential Incident (SPI) Investigation 34.3.11 Report Notification Matrix 35. FORMS 36. REFERENCES 3Document No: SWI-0408ACCIDENT/INCIDENT Project No: MH0046REPORTING Revision: 0Date : 2010-03-02AFRICAN MINERALS LTD Page No: 2 of 81. SCOPEThis procedure defines the requ
5、irements for all accident and incident investigation and reporting.For detailed supplementary investigations, this procedure should be referenced in conjunction with African Minerals Limited Early Cash Flow (AML ECF) Procedures SWI-0431 Accident-Incident Investigation and SWI-0410 Managing HSE Risks
6、.There are no restrictions on the distribution of this procedure within the Company.2. OBJECTIVESTo report all accidents and incidents, no matter how minor and to investigate sufficiently, to eliminate or mitigate the risk of further injury or harm, to the health of personnel, environment, community
7、 and/or plant and equipment.3. DEFINITIONSAccidentAn accident is any unplanned event, which has caused injury or illness. Such an event may also involve damage to the environment, plant or equipment, product loss or interruption of work. Incident (Near-Hit)An incident is an unplanned event that occu
8、rred at the workplace, which did not result in any damage to the environment, plant or equipment injury or disease, but clearly had the potential to do so.Serious Potential Incident (SPI)Any serious accident or incident that occurred at the workplace, that had the potential to cause serious injury o
9、r fatality resulting from the accident or incident.Contributing FactorsA contributing factor can be any factor relating to the accident or incident including any aspect of the person, task, machine and environment that relate to the period before, during, and after the accident.Essential Contributin
10、g FactorsEssential factors are those factors that had to be present for the accident or incident to occur. The test for what is an essential factor is simply to ask if the factor was substituted would this accident have occurred?FatalityA fatality is a death resulting from a work injury, regardless
11、of the time intervening between injury and death.Lost Time Injury (LTI)A lost time injury is a work injury, which results in the loss of a full normal shift, i.e. the injured person being unable to perform any regular task or restricted work for any full day or shift following the day, on which the
12、injury occurred.Document No: SWI-0408ACCIDENT/INCIDENT Project No: MH0046REPORTING Revision: 0Date : 2010-03-02AFRICAN MINERALS LTD Page No: 3 of 8Medical Treatment Injury (MTI)A medical treatment injury is any work injury that requires treatment by, or under specific orders of, a medical practition
13、er and which is beyond the scope of normal first aid but does not result in a lost time injury.Examples include, but are not limited to:- loss of consciousness;- use of prescription medication;- minor fractures;- minor dislocations;- cuts requiring sutures;- removal of deeply embedded materials;- ex
14、tensive strains and sprains;- third degree or extensive first or second degree burns;- eye treatment other than simple foreign body removal or irritation;- treatment by other medical specialists such as a physiotherapist. First Aid Injury (FAI)A first aid injury is any injury which is normally treat
15、ed at a first aid station such as minor scratches, cuts, burns, splinters and the like which do not normally require medical care. Such treatment is considered to be first aid even if administered or supervised by a medical practitioner due to the unavailability of a qualified First Aider.4. PROCEDU
16、RE4.1 GeneralPriority consideration shall, at all times, be given to any injured personnel to ensure adequate and prompt medical assistance is administered to reduce discomfort, aid effective recovery and to facilitate an successful return to work programme.All accidents/incidents, no matter how min
17、or, shall be reported and documented as soon after the event as possible and reported in accordance with AML ECF and relevant statutory requirements.For minor first-aid injuries, where the risk potential of the accident and the injury was minimal, the details recorded on form SWI-F0406A First Aid In
18、jury Register may be sufficient without further detailed investigation.All accidents and incidents that had the potential to cause an MTI or greater shall be reported in the first instance using SWI-0408B Incident Alert Priority Notification and shall be documented on form SWI-F0408A Accident-Incide
19、nt Report in accordance with this procedure.The relevant responsible AML ECF Manager shall have the authority and responsibility for the decision not to submit forms SWI-0408B Incident Alert Priority Notification, SWI-F0408A Accident-Incident Report or to conduct a further detailed supplementary inv
20、estigation using form SWI-0408C Supplementary Accident/Incident Report.Document No: SWI-0408ACCIDENT/INCIDENT Project No: MH0046REPORTING Revision: 0Date : 2010-03-02AFRICAN MINERALS LTD Page No: 4 of 84.2 Legal Issues4.2.1 ConfidentialityAccess by external parties to any AML ECF Accident/Incident d
21、ocuments must be authorised by the AML ECF Manager HSE.4.2.2 Statutory NotificationThe Statutory Authority must be notified in accordance with the relevant Statutory Legislation. On a Mine site this shall be via the Registered Manager or Senior Site Executive. At all other locations the relevant Are
22、a Manager or Manager HSE shall be responsible for reporting to the relevant Statutory Authority.In the case of Notifiable, Serious Potential Incidents (SPIs) and Fatalities the area must be secured to prevent further harm and is not to be disturbed without the express permission of the relevant Stat
23、utory Authority.4.2.3 Supply of DocumentationIf after an accident or incident employees are questioned by officers/representatives of external parties (e.g. local inspectorates, police) the following procedures should be followed; Ask to see official identification or authority; Provide the officer/
24、representative with full cooperation and assistance; Direct the officer/representative to the relevant Senior Manager; Provide the officer/representative with information necessary, but indicate before taking statements that such statements may be incriminatory and that you are claiming privilege in
25、 respect of any answer you give to questions asked; Obtain a receipt for items removed from the work place; Make detailed notes of known facts about the incident for legal representatives, marking them;“PRIVILEGED: PREPARED IN ANTICIPATION OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS TO ENABLE THE GIVING OF LEGAL ADVICE“.4
26、.3 Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation4.3.1 ReportingAll accidents/incidents, no matter how minor, shall be reported and documented as soon after the event as possible and reported in accordance with AML ECF and relevant statutory requirements.4.3.2 Minor First AidFor minor first-aid injur
27、ies, where the risk potential of the accident and the injury was minimal, the details recorded on form SWI-F0406A First Aid Injury Register may be sufficient without further detailed investigation.NB: When a conscious decision is made NOT to investigate an injury further, an entry to this effect sho
28、uld be made in the first aid register with brief reasons to support this decision.Document No: SWI-0408ACCIDENT/INCIDENT Project No: MH0046REPORTING Revision: 0Date : 2010-03-02AFRICAN MINERALS LTD Page No: 5 of 84.3.3 Incident Alert Priority NotificationAll incidents no matter how minor shall be br
29、iefly detailed on AML ECF Form SWI-F0408B Incident Alert Priority Notification and faxed immediately to the AML ECF Head office to the Facsimile number detailed on the top of the form.The form shall then be distributed by the mailroom to the authorised distribution list, no further distribution of t
30、his form shall occur with the authorisation of the AML ECF CEO.The relevant Project/Department Manager shall be verbally notified of all incidents.4.3.4 Notification of Injury or Incident to AML ECF ManagementAll accidents and incidents shall be reported in the order of priority, as indicated in acc
31、ordance with the Report Notification Matrix as detailed in the table in section 4.3.8 of this procedure.4.3.5 Accident/Incident InvestigationAll accidents and incidents in the first instance (including First Aid and Near Hits) shall be investigated (as required) and documented on form SWI-F0408A Acc
32、ident-Incident Report and/or SWI-F0406A First Aid Injury Register in accordance with this procedure.All accidents and incidents that have caused or had the potential to cause injury, damage or harm to the environment shall be reported in the first instance immediately following the occurrence using
33、SWI-0408B Incident Alert Priority Notification and shall then be detailed on form SWI-F0408A Accident-Incident Report in accordance with this procedure.The relevant responsible AML ECF Manager shall have the authority and responsibility for the decision not to conduct a detailed supplementary invest
34、igation using form SWI-0408C Supplementary Accident/Incident Report, unless otherwise requested by the AML ECF Manager HSE.All investigations shall be carried out without apportioning blame to any one individual or event and shall only involve disciplinary actions for any blatant disregard for the h
35、ealth and safety of the individual concerned and/or others.4.3.6 Employee Health and Safety Representative/CommitteeThe Elected/Appointed Employee Health and Safety Representative and/or Health and Safety Committee should also be notified in accordance with the relevant Statutory Legislation.4.3.7 D
36、amage to Plant or EquipmentThe relevant responsible AML ECF Manager shall notify the identified owner where the Accident results in damage to plant or equipment.4.3.8 Damage the EnvironmentThe relevant responsible AML ECF Manager shall notify the relevant authorities as required in the event of an e
37、nvironmental incident.All environmental incidents shall be immediately controlled to prevent further release and/or environmental harm.Document No: SWI-0408ACCIDENT/INCIDENT Project No: MH0046REPORTING Revision: 0Date : 2010-03-02AFRICAN MINERALS LTD Page No: 6 of 84.3.9 Community ComplaintsAny inci
38、dent that may impact on the local community or environment shall be reported in accordance with AML ECF HSE Procedure SWI-0408 “Accident-Incident Reporting”. All community complaints shall be recorded on AML ECF Form SWI-F0454 Community Complaints and forwarded to the AML ECF Manager HSE and immedia
39、tely reported to the client as may be applicable.4.3.10 Serious Potential Incident (SPI) InvestigationIn the case of Notifiable, Serious Potential Incidents (SPIs) and Fatalities the area must be secured to prevent further harm and is not to be disturbed without the express permission of the relevan
40、t Statutory Authority.All Serious accidents and incidents (including Near Hits) shall be investigated in detail and documented on the AML ECF Form SWI-F0408A Accident/Incident Investigation Report form in accordance with AML ECF HSE Procedure SWI-0431 SP-030 Accident/Incident Investigation.All SPIs
41、shall be thoroughly investigated to ensure all contributing factors have been identified. Form SWI-0408C Supplementary Accident/Incident Report shall be used to document the detailed findings and recommendations of the investigation.An investigation team shall be appointed by the responsible manager
42、 and should consist of the following personnel; Supervisor All Person/s involved All Witnesses Worker appointed Health and Safety Representative HSE CoordinatorThe responsible manager is encouraged to participate in all investigations and at minimum shall review the preliminary investigation report
43、and acknowledge the findings and recommendations of the report.All completed SWI-0408C Supplementary Accident/Incident Report forms shall be forwarded on completion to the AML ECF Manager HSE for review.Document No: SWI-0408ACCIDENT/INCIDENT Project No: MH0046REPORTING Revision: 0Date : 2010-03-02AF
44、RICAN MINERALS LTD Page No: 7 of 84.3.11 Report Notification MatrixOccurrence OccurrenceNotify(In priority order) When VerbalFax Form SWI-F0408B Incident AlertIncident Report Form SWI-F0408ABy WhomClient Immediately Within 24 hours Construction ManagerProject Manager Immediately Within 24 hours Cons
45、truction ManagerStatutory Authority ImmediatelyWithin 24 hoursConstruction Manager via Registered Site Manager/Senior Site Executive/ AML ECF Manager HSEProject Director Immediately Within 24 hours Project/Construction ManagerCEO Immediately Within 24 hoursProject Director/Manager/ Department Manage
46、rManager HSE Immediately Within 24 hoursProject Director/Manager/ Department ManagerFatalityNext of KinOnly when clearly IdentifiedNotify In person onlyNo Phone notificationDo not send Incident ReportPolice and Crisis Support CounsellorClient Immediately Within 48 hours Construction ManagerProject M
47、anager Immediately Within 48 hours Construction ManagerStatutory AuthorityImmediately as required by relevant LegislationWithin 48 hoursConstruction Manager via Registered Site Manager/Senior Site Executive / AML ECF Manager HSEProject Director Immediately Within 48 hours Project/Construction Manage
48、rCEO Immediately Within 48 hours Project Director/ManagerManager HSE Immediately Within 48 hours Project Director/ManagerAny Serious Accident / Incident / (MTI / LTI / SPI / Near Hit / Reportable Illness or DiseaseOrDamage to plant A$5000) Or Any Incident or Unintended stoppage involving Classified
49、Plant i.e. Cranes, EWP, Scaffolding, Lifts, Hoists, Workboxes etcNext of Kin As required by injured personAs required by injured personDo not send Incident ReportAs requested by the Injured person or Crisis Support CounsellorProject Manager Immediately Within 48 hours Construction ManagerMinor Incidents / First Aid / OrAny damage to Client Before the end of shift Within 24 hours Construction ManagerDocument No: SWI-0408ACCIDENT/INCIDENT Project No: MH0046REPORTING Revision: 0Date : 2010-03-02AFRICAN MINERALS LTD Page No: 8 of 8Occurrence Occu