1、12号:,第一届水利水电学院PPT大赛参赛作品,让你的ppt炫起来,杨莹作品,H,O,H,水与食品安全,杨莹,Drinking,Washing,Ingredients of food,Irrigation,Source of life,HOWEVER,How could you still say something is as cleanas water?,Can life survive in the water ?,Will these fish be your supper?,Is this water, or sauce?,Is water bleeding?,Any more?,A
2、ny more?,Arent we killing ourselves by water?,And there is another kind oflife with water,如今CHATELDON已稳居矿泉水中奢侈品牌王者的地位,无法想象曾几何时,如同空气一般存在的人类生存的基本要素“水”,也可以成为齐名时尚界的奢侈品。这个法国的顶级汽泡矿泉水,就算在欧洲,也只有米其林两星级以上的餐馆和英法顶级超市才能买到。,价格为七十欧元, 是世界上最贵的水,But would you like to have this kind of life?,Water involves all lives,Save every drop of water,And have a vigirous life with clean and safe water,杨莹,The End Thanks!,