1、Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,1,Section 2 The Cranial Nerves(脑神经),I. Olfactory n. (嗅神经) II. Optic n. (视神经) III. Oculomotor n.(动眼神经) IV. Trochlear n. (滑车神经) V. Trigeminal n. (三叉神经) VI. Abducent n. (展神经) VII. Facial n. (面神经),Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy,
2、 Medical College, Qingdao University,2,The Cranial Nerves,一嗅二视三动眼,四滑五叉六外展,七面八听九舌咽,十是迷走十一副,再加舌下十二全。,VIII. Vestibulocochlear n. (前庭蜗神经) (位听神经) IX. Glossopharyngeal n.(舌咽神经) X. Vagus n. (迷走神经) XI. Accessory n. (副神经) XII. Hypoglossal n. (舌下神经),Oh. oh. oh. to touch and feel very green vegetablesAH!,Syste
3、matic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,3,Introduction,A. Classification of the Cranial Nerves 1. Sensory nerves (感觉神经): I, II, VIII.2. Motor nerves (运动神经): III, IV, VI, XI, XII.3. Mixed nerves (混合神经):V, VII, IX, X.,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qing
4、dao University,4,Introduction,B. Components of the Cranial Nerves 1. Sensory (afferent) fibers感觉(传入) 纤维 1) general somatic sensory fiber (GSA) (一般躯体感觉纤维): skin nerve endings (皮肤神经末稍) muscle spindles (肌梭),Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,5,Introduction, 2) speci
5、al somatic sensory fiber (SSA) (特殊躯体感觉纤维): visual (视), hearing (听), balance organs (平衡),Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,6,Introduction, 3) general visceral sensory fiber (GVA) (一般内脏感觉纤维): all viscera (全部内脏) 4) special visceral sensory fiber (SVA) (特殊内脏感觉纤维):ol
6、factory (嗅器) and taste (味器),Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,7,Introduction,2. Motor (efferent) fibers 运动 (传出)纤维 1) general somatic motor fiber (GSE) (一般躯体运动纤维): muscles of the eye and tongue (眼外肌和舌肌),Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao
7、 University,8,Introduction, 2) general visceral motor fiber (GVE) (一般内脏运动纤维): smooth mm. (平滑肌), cardiac mm. (心肌), glands (腺体),Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,9,Introduction, 3) special visceral motor fiber (SVE) (特殊内脏运动): skeletal muscles derive from branchial
8、 arch (源与鳃弓的骨骼肌)I 鳃弓 咀嚼肌II 鳃弓 面肌III-VII 鳃弓 咽喉肌,胸锁乳突肌,斜方肌,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,10,I. The Olfactory Nerve (嗅神经) SVA,olfactory bulb (嗅球),olfactory filaments (I) (嗅丝),cribriform foramina,olfactorycells (嗅细胞) within the olfactory epithelium of nasal cavi
9、ty (在鼻腔内嗅区上皮),anosmia 嗅觉丧失 hyposmia 嗅觉减退,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,11, II. The Optic Nerve (视神经) SSA,rod cells (视杆细胞) cone cells (视锥细胞),ganglionic cells (节细胞),II,optic chiasma (视交叉),optic canal (视神经管),photoreceptor cells (感光细胞),total blindness 全盲,bipolar
10、cells (双极细胞),Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,12, . The Oculomotor Nerve (动眼神经) GSE, GVE,midbrain (中脑) 脚间窝,III superior branch(上支),superior rectuslevator palpebrae superioris (上直肌,上睑提肌),inferior rectus medial rectus inferior oblique (下直肌,内直肌,下斜肌),superior orbit
11、alfissure (眶上裂),III inferior branch(下支),strabismus 斜视 损伤:眼睑下垂, 瞳孔扩大 , 眼球转向外下, 复视,sphincter pupil, ciliary m. (瞳孔括约肌,睫状肌),Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,13, . The Oculomotor Nerve (动眼神经) GSE, GVE,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Uni
12、versity,14, . The Trochlear Nerve (滑车神经) GSE,midbrain (中脑) 背侧,IV,superior oblique (上斜肌),sup. orbital fissure(眶上裂),Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,15, . The Trigeminal Nerve (三叉神经) GSA, SVE,V,maxillary n (上颌神经),ophthalmic n (眼神经),mandibular nerve (下颌n),pons (脑桥
13、),lacrim. n(泪腺),frontal (额) n,nasociliary(鼻睫) n,眶上神经,lacrimal gland(泪腺),鼻背,腔,筛窦,眼球,V ganglion (三叉神 经节),额皮,infraorbital(眶下) n,sup. alveolar(上牙槽) n,auriculotemporal n,buccal (颊) n,lingual (舌) n,inf. alveolar n,眼口间皮肤,上牙,牙龈,颞部皮肤,颊部皮肤,粘膜,舌前 2/3 一般感觉,Taste.舌前2/3味觉,mental 颏n,下唇皮肤,lower teeth下牙,牙龈,masticat.
14、 brs(咀嚼肌支),mastic.mm.咀嚼肌,trigeminal neuralgia三叉神经痛 trigeminal nerve block 三叉神经封闭,鼓索,下颌舌骨肌N,Zygomatic n.(颧神经),颧部皮肤,滑车上神经,VII,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,16, . The Trigeminal Nerve(三叉神经) GSA, SVE,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao U
15、niversity,17, . The Trigeminal Nerve(三叉神经) GSA, SVE,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,18, . The Trigeminal Nerve(三叉神经) GSA, SVE,V1,V2,V3,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,19, . The Abducent Nerve (展神经) GSE,pons (脑桥),VI,later
16、al rectus (外直肌),strabismus 斜视 diplopia (double vision) 复视,sup. orbital fissure(眶上裂),Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,20,CN I. The Olfactory Nerve (SVA)olfactory bulb I olfactory filaments (I) olfactory cells CN II. The Optic Nerve (SSA)optic chiasma II ganglion
17、ic cells bipolar cells rod & cone cells CN III. The Oculomotor Nerve (GSE,GVE) superior br. superior rectus, levator palpebrae superioris inferior br. inf. rectus, medial rectus, & inferior oblique CN IV. The Trochlear Nerve (GSE)midbrain IV superior oblique CN V. The Trigeminal Nerve (GSA,GVA,SVE)
18、ganglion1. ophthalmic n. (V1) lacrimal n. lacrimal gland frontal n. supraorbital n. frontal skin supratrochlear n. frontal skin nasociliary n. nose, eyeball, & ethmoidal sinus,Summary of CN I - VI,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,21,2. maxillary n. (V2) infraor
19、bital n. skin between eye and mouth zygomatic n. zygomatic skin pterygopalatine n. nasal cavity, palatine & tonsil superior alveolar n. superior teeth3 mandibular n. (V3) auriculotemporal n. temporal skin buccal n. buccal skin and mucosa lingual n. anterior 2/3 part of tongue inferior alveolar n. me
20、ntal n. mental skin inferior teeth, gingiva submandibular ganglion mylohyoid and digastric mm. masticatory branches masticatory mm.CN VI. The Abducent Nerve (GSE)pons VI lateral rectus,Summary of CN I - VI,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,22, VII. The Facial Ne
21、rve (面神经) SVE, SVA, GSA, GVE,pons (脑桥) 延髓沟,geniculate ganglion (膝神经节),VII,VII,stapedius (镫骨肌),taste of anterior 2/3 of tongue (舌前味觉),facial mm. (面肌),lingual n(舌神经),tympanic chord(鼓索),stapedial n (镫骨肌神经),temporal branches (颞支),zygomatic branches (颧支),buccal branches (颊支),marginal mandibul. br(下颌缘),ce
22、rvical branch (颈支),V1 lacrimal n,lacrimal gland nasal glands palatine glands (泪,鼻腔,腭腺),submandibulargland, sublingual gland (下颌下腺,舌下腺),facial paralysis 面神经瘫facial spasm 面痉挛,pterygo- palatine ganglion,greater petrosal n (岩大神经),腭,蝶腭N,internal acoustic pore,stylomastoid foramen,Systematic Anatomy,Dept
23、of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,23, VII. The Facial Nerve (面神经)SVE, SVA, GSA, GVE,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,24, VII. The Facial Nerve (面神经)SVE, SVA, GSA, GVE,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,25, . Th
24、e Vestibulocochlear Nerve (前庭蜗神经) SSA,nervous deafness 神经性耳聋,brain stem (脑干) 延髓脑桥沟,vestibular n. (前庭神经),cochlear n. (蜗神经),vestibular ganglion (前庭神经节),spiral ganglion (螺旋神经节),头位置,听觉,maculae of saccule(椭圆囊)maculae ofutricle(球囊)ampullary crest(壶腹嵴),spiral organs (螺旋器),Int.acous. meatus & pore (内耳道,内耳门)
25、,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,26, . The Vestibulocochlear Nerve(前庭蜗神经) SSA,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,27, . The Glossopharyngeal Nerve (舌咽神经),SVE, GVE, SVA, GVA,GSA,IX,medullaoblongata (延髓),sup. ganglion,inf. gan
26、glion,tympanic n(鼓室),oticgang,parotid gland(腮腺),carotid sinus branch,carotid sinus & glomus,lingual br (舌支),post. 1/3 of tongue (taste,pharynx,stylopharyngeal br (茎突咽肌支),stylopharyn.(茎突咽肌),tonsillar br.(扁桃体支),palatine tonsil(腭扁桃体),post.auricular br(耳后支),pharyngeal mm.,pharyngeal branch(咽支),post. aur
27、icul. skin(耳后皮肤),& other sensory),jugular foramen,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,28, . The Glossopharyngeal Nerve (舌咽神经) SVE, GVE, SVA, GVA,GSA,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,29, . The Vagus Nerve (迷走神经) SVE, GVE, GVA,
28、GSA,medulla oblongata,XLR,sup. ganglion,inf. ganglion,sup.laryng.n(喉上N),phary.br.(咽支),sup.cerv.card.br.(颈上心支),inf.cerv.card.br.(颈下心支),rec.laryng. n.(喉返N),inf.laryng.n(喉下N),bronc.br.(支气管支),esophag.br.(食管支),ant.vagal tr.(前干),post.vagal tr.(后干),int.br.(内支),laryn.mucosa(喉粘膜),cricothyroideus(环甲肌),phary.m
29、m(咽肌),& mucosa(粘膜),cardiac plexus (心丛),heart mm (心肌),laryng.mm喉肌,& mucosa(粘膜),esoph.br(食管支),trac. br(气管支),食管腺,肌,气管腺,肌,& mucosa(粘膜),& mucosa(粘膜),hepat.br.(肝支),ant.gast.br(胃前支),post.gast.br(胃后支),celiac br.(腹腔支),hepat. plx,gast. plx,gast. plx,celiac plx,肝腺,肌,sens,sens,sens,sens,胃腺,肌,胃腺,肌,肠腺,肌,pulmonary
30、 plx,esoph. plx,支气管腺,肌,食管腺,肌,& mucosa(粘膜),& mucosa(粘膜),sense,耳支耳廓,硬脑膜,ext.br.(外支),jugular foramen,C,T,A,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,30, . The Vagus Nerve (迷走神经) SVE, GVE, GVA,GSA,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,31, X
31、I. The Accessory Nerve (副神经) SVE,medulla oblongata (脑干),spinal cord (脊髓),cranial root (颅根),spinal root(脊根)XI,sterno-cleido-mastoideus (胸锁乳突肌) trapezius(斜方肌),pharyngeal mm. laryngeal mm(咽喉肌),X,jugular foramen,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,32, XII. The Hypoglo
32、ssal Nerve (舌下神经) GSE,medulla oblongata (延髓),XII,lingual branches(舌支),mm of tongue (舌肌),descending br(降支),ansa cervicalis (颈袢),infrahyoid mm (舌骨下肌群),hypo- glossal canal 舌下 神经管,cervical plexus (颈丛),paralysis of tonguemm. 舌肌瘫痪 (伸舌时舌歪向患侧),Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Uni
33、versity,33,Summary of CN VII - XII,CN VII. The Facial Nerve (SVE,GVE,SVA,GSA)pons VII geniculate ganglion deep petrosal n. greater petrosal n. n. of pterygoid canal pterygopalatine ganglion lacrimal gland1. stapedial nerve stapedius2. tympanic chord lingual n. taste of anterior 2/3 of tongue ganglio
34、n submandibular & sublingual gland3. temporal branches frontal muscle, orbicularis oculi 4. zygomatic branches zygomaticus, orbicularis oculi5. buccal branches buccinator, muscles around the mouth6. marginal mandibular branch muscles of lower lip7. cervical branch platysma8. posterior auricular n. a
35、uricular muscles and occipitalis CN VIII. The Vestibulocochlear Nerve (SSA)1. vestibular n. vestibular ganglion maculae of saccule & utricle, ampullary crest2. cochlear n. cochlear ganglion spiral organs,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,34,Summary of CN VII - X
36、II,CN IX. The Glossopharyngeal Nerve ) (SVE,GVE,SVA,GVA,GSA)superior ganglion parotid gland otic ganglion inferior ganglion tympanic n. tympanic plexus lessor petrosal n 1. carotid sinus branch carotid sinus & carotid glomus 2. lingual branches posterior 1/3 of tongue (taste and other sensory)3. pha
37、ryngeal branch pharyngeal mucous 4. stylopharyngeal branch stylopharyngeus5. tonsillar branch palatine tonsil6. posterior auricular branch posterior auricular skin CN XI. The Accessory Nerve (SVE)medulla oblongata XI sternocleidomastoideus & trapezius CN XII. The Hypoglossal Nerve (GSE) medulla oblo
38、ngata XII1. lingual branches muscles of tongue2. descending branch ansa cervicalis infrahyoid muscles,Systematic Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University,35,Summary of CN VII - XII,CN X. The Vagus Nerve (GVE,SVE,GVA,GSA) superior ganglion inferior ganglion 1. superior laryngeal n
39、 external br. cricothyroideus internal br. laryngeal mucosa2. pharyngeal br. pharyngeal muscles & mucosa3. superior cervical cardiac branch cardiac plexus heart4. inferior cervical cardiac branch cardiac plexus heart5. recurrent laryngeal n. tracheal & esophageal brs. esophageal plexus inferior lary
40、ngeal n. laryngeal muscles & mucosa 6. bronchial branch pulmonary plexus lung esophagus7. esophageal branch esophageal plexus esophagus8. L. ant. vagal trunk anterior gastric brs. gastric muscles & mucosa hepatic branch liver9. R. post. vagal trunk celiac brs. celiac plexus abdominal organs posterior gastric branches gastric muscles & mucosa,