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新标准大学英语综合教程3课文翻译和课后习题答案 Unit 3.pptx

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1、UNIT 3 ART FOR ARTS SAKE,How We Listen 1 We all listen to music according to our separate capacities. But, for the sake of analysis, the whole listening process may become clearer if we break it up into its component parts, so to speak. In a certain sense we all listen to music on three separate pla

2、nes. For lack of a better terminology, one might name these: (1) the sensuous plane, (2) the expressive plane, (3) the sheerly musical plane. The only advantage to be gained from mechanically splitting up the listening process into these hypothetical planes is the clearer view to be had of the way i

3、n which we listen.,Text,2 The simplest way of listening to music is to listen for the sheer pleasure of the musical sound itself. That is the sensuous plane. It is the plane on which we hear music without thinking, without considering it in any way. One turns on the radio while doing something else

4、and absent-mindedly bathes in the sound. A kind of brainless but attractive state of mind is engendered by the mere sound appeal of the music.,Text,3 The surprising thing is that many people who consider themselves qualified music lovers abuse that plane in listening. They go to concerts in order to

5、 lose themselves. They use music as a consolation or an escape. They enter an ideal world where one doesnt have to think of the realities of everyday life. Of course they arent thinking about the music either. Music allows them to leave it, and they go off to a place to dream, dreaming because of an

6、d apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it.,Text,4 Yes, the sound appeal of music is a potent and primitive force, but you must not allow it to usurp a disproportionate share of your interest. The sensuous plane is an important one in music, a very important one, but it does not constitu

7、te the whole story. 5 The second plane on which music exists is what I have called the expressive one. Here, immediately, we tread on controversial ground. Composers have a way of shying away from any discussion of musics expressive side.,Text,Did not Stravinsky himself proclaim that his music was a

8、n “object“, a “thing“, with a life of its own, and with no other meaning than its own purely musical existence? This intransigent attitude of Stravinskys may be due to the fact that so many people have tried to read different meanings into so many pieces. Heaven knows it is difficult enough to say p

9、recisely what it is that a piece of music means, to say it definitely, to say it finally so that everyone is satisfied with your explanation. But that should not lead one to the other extreme of denying to music the right to be “expressive“.,Text,6 Listen, if you can, to the 48 fugue themes of Bachs

10、 Well-Tempered Clavichord. Listen to each theme, one after another. You will soon realize that each theme mirrors a different world of feeling. You will also soon realize that the more beautiful a theme seems to you the harder it is to find any word that will describe it to your complete satisfactio

11、n.,Text,Yes, you will certainly know whether it is a gay theme or a sad one. You will be able, in other words, in your own mind, to draw a frame of emotional feeling around your theme. Now study the sad one a little closer. Try to pin down the exact quality of its sadness. Is it pessimistically sad

12、or resignedly sad; is it fatefully sad or smilingly sad?,Text,7 Let us suppose that you are fortunate and can describe to your own satisfaction in so many words the exact meaning of your chosen theme. There is still no guarantee that anyone else will be satisfied. Nor need they be. The important thi

13、ng is that each one feels for himself the specific expressive quality of a theme or, similarly, an entire piece of music. And if it is a great work of art, dont expect it to mean exactly the same thing to you each time you return to it.,Text,8 The third plane on which music exists is the sheerly mus

14、ical plane. Besides the pleasurable sound of music and the expressive feeling that it gives off, music does exist in terms of the notes themselves and of their manipulation. Most listeners are not sufficiently conscious of this third plane.,Text,9 It is very important for all of us to become more al

15、ive to music on its sheerly musical plane. After all, an actual musical material is being used. The intelligent listener must be prepared to increase his awareness of the musical material and what happens to it. He must hear the melodies, the rhythms, the harmonies, the tone colors in a more conscio

16、us fashion. But above all he must, in order to follow the line of the composers thought, know something of the principles of musical form. Listening to all of these elements is listening on the sheerly musical plane.,Text,10 Let me repeat that I have split up mechanically the three separate planes o

17、n which we listen merely for the sake of greater clarity. Actually, we never listen on one or the other of these planes. What we do is to correlate them listening in all three ways at the same time. It takes no mental effort, for we do it instinctively.,Text,11 Perhaps an analogy with what happens t

18、o us when we visit the theater will make this instinctive correlation clearer. In the theater, you are aware of the actors and actresses, costumes and sets, sounds and movements. All these give one the sense that the theater is a pleasant place to be in. They constitute the sensuous plane in our the

19、atrical reactions.,Text,12 The expressive plane in the theater would be derived from the feeling that you get from what is happening on the stage. You are moved to pity, excitement, or gaiety. It is this general feeling, generated aside from the particular words being spoken, a certain emotional som

20、ething which exists on the stage, that is analogous to the expressive quality in music.,Text,13 The plot and plot development is equivalent to our sheerly musical plane. The playwright creates and develops a character in just the same way that a composer creates and develops a theme. According to th

21、e degree of your awareness of the way in which the artist in either field handles his material will you become a more intelligent listener.,Text,14 It is easy enough to see that the theatergoer never is conscious of any of these elements separately. He is aware of them all at the same time. The same

22、 is true of music listening. We simultaneously and without thinking listen on all three planes.,Text,我们是怎样听音乐的1 我们都按照各自不同的能力来听音乐。但为了便于分析,如果把听的整个过程分成几个组成部分,那么这个过程会更清晰一些。从某种意义上来说,我们听音乐有三个不同的层次。由于缺乏更好的术语,我们姑且把它们命名为:(1)感官层次;(2)表现层次;(3)纯音乐层次。把听的过程机械地分割为以上三个假想的层次,唯一的好处是让我们更清楚地了解自己是怎样听音乐的。,Text,2 听音乐最简单的方式

23、是为了去获取乐声带来的纯粹的愉悦感,这是音乐的感官层次。在这个层次上,我们只是听音乐,不做任何思考。我们打开收音机,一边做着其他的事情,一边心不在焉地沉浸在音乐中。乐声本身的魅力带我们进入一种无需思考的美妙心境。,Text,3 令人意外的是,许多自认为是合格的音乐爱好者在听音乐时过多地使用了这一层次。他们去听音乐会是为了忘却自我。他们把音乐当成一种慰藉,一种逃避,由此他们进入了一个可以忘却日常生活的理想世界。当然,他们也没有在思考音乐。音乐允许他们离开现实,到另一个地方去做梦,因为音乐而做梦,做有关音乐的梦,却从没有真正欣赏过音乐。,Text,4 的确,乐声的魅力是一种强大而原始的力量,但是你

24、不该让它占据你过多的兴趣空间。感官层次是音乐的一个重要层次,非常重要,但并不是音乐的全部。5 音乐存在的第二个层次就是我所说的表现层次。一提到这个问题,我们马上就进入到一个颇具争议的领域。作曲家总是设法避开有关音乐表现方面的讨论。,Text,斯特拉温斯基不是曾经声称他的音乐是一个“物体”,是一件有自我生命的“东西”,除了纯音乐性的存在之外没有任何别的含意吗?斯特拉温斯基这种不妥协的态度可能源于这样的一个事实:有那么多的人尝试着从众多的音乐作品中读出完全不同的含意。确实,要准确地说出一部音乐作品的含意已经很难了,要肯定并确定地说出来,还要使每个人对你的解释都感到满意,是难上加难。但我们不该因此走

25、到另一个极端,不能去剥夺音乐“表现”的权利。,Text,6 可能的话,你不妨听听巴赫的平均律钢琴曲集中的48个赋格主题。依次地、一个个地听听其中的每一个主题,你很快就会意识到每个主题都反映了一个不同的情感世界,你很快也会意识到你越觉得某个主题美妙,就越难找到令你完全满意的字眼来描述它。,Text,是的,你当然知道那个主题是欢快的还是悲伤的。换句话说,你能够在脑海中勾勒出那个主题的情感框架。那么就更仔细地听一下这个悲伤的主题吧,要明确悲伤的性质。是悲观厌世的悲伤,还是无可奈何的悲伤?是时运不济的悲伤,还是强颜欢笑的悲伤?,Text,7 假设你很幸运,能用许多词句充分表达你对选中主题的确切理解。但

26、这仍然无法保证其他人对你的理解都感到满意,他们也完全没有必要感到满意。重要的是,每个人能亲自感受某个主题的表现力,或以同样的方式去感受一部完整的音乐作品独特的表现力。如果是一部伟大的音乐作品,就别指望每次去听它都能给你带来相同的感受。,Text,8 音乐存在的第三个层次是纯音乐层次。除了令人愉悦的乐声及其所表现的情感之外,音乐也因其音符本身以及对音符的处理而存在。多数听众都没有充分认识到音乐的这第三个层次。,Text,9 对我们所有人来说,更加充分地认识这个纯音乐层次非常重要。毕竟乐曲使用的是实实在在的音乐材料。聪明的听众一定要做好准备,随时提升自己对音乐材料以及这些材料的使用的理解。他必须要

27、更加有意识地倾听音乐的旋律、节奏、和弦及音色。但最重要的是,为了能够跟上作曲家的思路,他还必须了解一些音乐形式方面的知识。去听所有这些成分就是在纯音乐层次上欣赏音乐。,Text,10 让我重复一遍,我仅仅是为了讲解得更清楚才把听音乐的三个层次机械地分割开来的。事实上,我们从来都不会只在其中的一个层次上听音乐。我们其实是把它们联系起来,同时在三个层次上听音乐。这并不需要付出多少脑力,因为我们是凭本能这么做的。,Text,11 也许,用去剧院看戏来作类比,能使这种本能的联系更加明白易懂。在剧院里,你能注意到男女演员、服装和布景、声音和动作。这些东西组合在一起,会让我们觉得剧院是一个令人愉悦的地方,

28、它们构成了我们欣赏戏剧的感官层次。,Text,12 戏剧的表现层次来自于你看舞台表演时获得的感受。它激起你的怜悯、兴奋或是愉悦。正是这种笼统的感觉,除了听台词所感受到的,主要是存在于舞台上的某种情感的东西,与音乐的表现性相类似。,Text,13 剧情以及剧情的发展相当于我们所说的纯音乐层次。剧作家塑造和发展戏剧人物的方式,和作曲家创造和发展主题的方式是一样的。你能否成为一个聪明的听众,取决于你对剧作家或音乐家处理艺术材料的手段的了解有多深。,Text,14 显然,看戏的人从来就不会单独注意到这其中的一个元素。他是同时注意到了一切。听音乐的道理也是一样的,我们同时地、不假思索地在三个层次上倾听音

29、乐。,Text,Words & Phrases,sake,plane,terminology,sensuous,expressive,sheerly,mechanically,usurp,potent,apropos,consolation,qualify,qualified,engender,resignedly,pessimistically,sadness,fugue,precisely,intransigent,purely,hypothetical,absent-mindedly,brainless,proclaim,composer,constitute,work of art,s

30、milingly,fatefully,Words & Phrases,pleasurable,sufficiently,melody,rhythm,clarity,instinctively,instinctive,simultaneously,separately,theatergoer,playwright,gaiety,theatrical,analogy,analogous,costume,Words & Phrases,so to speak,split up,shy away from,pin down,give off,derive from,aside from,Words &

31、 Phrases,Stravinsky 斯特拉温斯基,Bach 巴赫,Well-Tempered Clavichord 平均律钢琴曲集,sake n. C (usu. sing) (for the of / for sb.s ) 1) used to indicate sth. that is done as an end in itself rather than to achieve some other purpose 目的 e.g. 1. New ideas amount to change for changes sake.新的思想会为变化而变化。 2. I hope youre n

32、ot doing this just for the sake of the money.我希望你做这件事不光是为了钱。 2) the benefit or regard of someone or something 利益;好处 e.g. We hope for her sake that the wedding goes as planned.看在她的份儿上,我们希望婚礼按计划进行。,Words & Phrases,plane n. C a level of thought, development, or existence 层次;水平 e.g. 1. It was at United

33、that Goram would reach a higher plane of achievement.格拉姆在联队里才能达到更高的成就。 2. The two books are on completely different intellectual planes.这两本书完全在不同的知识层面上。,Words & Phrases,terminology n. U the words and phrases used in a particular business, science, or profession 术语;专门用语 e.g. 1. chemical terminology化学

34、术语 2. I dont understand any of scientific terminology.我对科学术语一无所知。,Words & Phrases,sensuous a. 1) relating to or affecting your physical senses rather than your emotions or thoughts 感官方面的;影响感官的 e.g. He likes sensuous music.他喜欢刺激的音乐。 2) suggesting physical pleasure 肉体享受的;性感的 e.g. She was attracted by

35、that actors sensuous lips.她被那个演员性感的嘴唇所吸引。,Words & Phrases,expressive a. 1) clearly showing what your thoughts or feelings are, especially by your behavior (尤指行为)富于表现力的,明确表露(想法或情感)的 e.g. He gave an expressive shudder when asked to hold the snake.当他被要求拿起那条蛇,他不寒而栗。 2) ( of) (very fml) showing the essen

36、tial features of an emotion, idea, or quality 表现的;表达的 e.g. The letter was expressive of his sincere regret.这封信表达了他真诚的歉意。 Word family: express v. expression n.,Words & Phrases,sheerly ad. purely; utterly; absolutely 纯粹地;全然地;绝对地 e.g. 1. That most exact and convincing of all sciences, mathematics, is s

37、heerly metaphysical.科学中最严谨而令人信服的一门,数学,就是纯粹形而上学的。 2. When we got out of the museum we went back to our hotel sheerly on foot which was a little bit tiring but on the way back to the hotel we did have a great time.从博物馆出来后,我们完全是徒步返回酒店的,虽说有点累,但回酒店的路上,我们的确很开心。,Words & Phrases,mechanically ad. in a mechan

38、ical manner 机械操作地;机械地 mechanical a. using power from an engine or machine to do a particular kind of work ; affecting or involving a machine 机械操作的;机械的 e.g. 1. The flight has been cancelled due to mechanical failure.由于机械故障,这趟航班被取消了。 2. This door opens mechanically.这扇门是自动打开的。 3. Even cars that were me

39、chanically sound started rusting.机械性能方面并无问题的车子也开始生锈。,Words & Phrases,hypothetical a. based on situations or events that seem possible rather than on actual ones (基于)假设的,假定的 e.g. 1. I dont want to talk about hypothetical situations.我不想谈论假设的情况。 2. Uniform motion is only hypothetical.匀速运动只是一种假设性的运动。Wor

40、d family: hypothetically ad. hypothesis n.,Words & Phrases,absent-mindedly ad. preoccupiedly; in an absent-minded manner 健忘地;心不在焉地 absent-minded a. likely to forget things or to think about something different from what you should be thinking about 健忘的;心不在焉的 e.g. 1. Im getting more absent-minded as

41、I get older.随着年纪变大,我变得更健忘了。 2. She absent-mindedly played some hairs which clung to the comb. 3. She talked to the stranger while walking, as if absent-mindedly.她和那个陌生人边走边聊,似乎心不在焉。,Words & Phrases,她心不在焉地摆弄梳子上粘附着的几根头发。,brainless a. 1) not using intelligence 不必动脑筋的;不用花费脑力的 e.g. Do you think typing is

42、a brainless task?你觉得打字是不费脑子的活儿吗? 2) stupid; foolish 无头脑的;愚笨的 e.g. She was in no mood for their brainless gabble this afternoon.这个下午她没有心情听他们愚蠢的闲聊。,Words & Phrases,engender vt. (fml) cause a feeling or attitude to exist 造成;导致 e.g. 1. Crime is sometimes engendered by jealousy.犯罪有时是由妒忌导致的。 2. Sympathy o

43、ften engenders love. Do you know any synonyms of engender?,Words & Phrases,create,give rise to,arouse,bring about,lead to,cause,同情经常引发爱情。,generate,qualified a. able to do sth., because you have the knowledge, skill, or experience that is needed 有资格的;有能力的 e.g. 1. She is well qualified to give an opin

44、ion.她有资格发表意见。 2. They have difficulty finding qualified personnel at home. (CET4-2006-06) 他们在国内难以找到胜任的员工。Word family: qualification n. See also: qualify.,Words & Phrases,qualify v. 1) ( as / for) have the right qualities or be in the right situation to be considered as sth. or to receive or do sth.

45、有资格 e.g. Our team has qualified for the semi-final. 我队已有资格进入半决赛。 2) ( as / in) become a member of a particular profession after a period of training or study (经过一段时间的训练或学习后)取得资格 e.g. Andrew qualified as a teacher in 1995.安德鲁1995年取得教师资格。 Antonym: disqualify See also: qualified.,Words & Phrases,consol

46、ation n. C, U sth. that makes you feel less unhappy or disappointed 安慰;慰藉 e.g. 1. It was some consolation to know that no one else had passed the test.得知没别人通过这个测试是一种安慰。 2. The only consolation for the team is that they get a chance to play the game again.球队唯一的安慰就是他们有机会再赛一场。Word family: console v. e.

47、g. No one could console her when Peter died.彼得去世后,没人能安慰她。,Words & Phrases,apropos prep. ( of) ( fml) relating to: used for saying sth. else about the subject you are talking about (用于提及相关话题)与相关,附带 e.g. 1. He had nothing to say apropos of the latest development.关于最新的进展,他无可奉告。 2. Apropos of nothing, h

48、e suddenly asked me if I liked football!他突然没头没脑地问我是否喜欢足球!,Words & Phrases,potent a. powerful, or effective 强大的;有力的;有效的 e.g. 1. I was convinced by his potent arguments.他那有力的论据把我说服了。 2. A good company pension scheme remains a potent weapon for attracting staff.好公司的养老金计划在吸引员工方面依然是有利的武器。,Words & Phrases

49、,usurp vt. (fml) take a job or position that belongs to someone else without having the right to do this 篡夺;侵占 e.g. 1. The king resented anyone trying to usurp his authority.国王憎恨任何想要篡位的人。 2. Henry IV usurped the throne of England. 亨利四世篡夺了英国的王位。,Words & Phrases,constitute v. (fml) (linking verb) if s

50、everal people or things constitute sth., they combine to form it 组成;构成;形成 e.g. 1. Twelve people constitute a research group.12个人构成了一个研究小组。 2. The rise in crime constitutes a threat to society.犯罪率上升对社会构成了威胁。 3. Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach of the employment contract.未能完成工作被视作违反员工合同的行为。 Word family: constitution n.,


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