1、Three Times Beating the Monster 三打白骨精,第五组,角色扮演,唐僧 孙悟空 猪八戒 沙僧 白骨精 老太婆 村姑 老头 哪吒,唐僧: Emitofo, Wukong,where are we now? (悟空,我们现在到哪儿了?) 悟空:BaJie,map. (八戒,地图.)八戒误拿出一张美女图,给了悟空. 悟空:Oh,boss,look! (哦,师父,你看啊!) 唐僧:Oh,Ba Jie,how many times I have told you dont take these pictures of beautiful girls with you. (八戒
2、,我告诉你多少次啦,不要老是带美女图啦!) 八戒:Oh,boss,forgive me.(噢,师父,原谅我这次吧!),唐僧: (缩手)I l keep it for you until we reach the west. 我先暂时保管,直到我们到达西天,取得真经 八戒: ButI really need it .my boss 唐僧: Emitofo, nothing is lust, lust is nothing! Map? 沙僧: (递)Here. Em we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!(没门,.八戒,地图!) 八戒:Oh,boss,I
3、am so hungry now,and I can not move anymore. (噢,师父,我肚子饿扁了,我再也走不动了.) 悟空:Fat pig.(肥猪.) 沙僧:stick on,brother pig. 八戒:Monkey,if you say these two words once more,I will,I will(死猴子,如果你再敢说这两个字,我就我就) 悟空:You will ,you will what? (你就想干嘛啊?) 沙僧:came down please ,my brother. 八戒: I will help you catch louses(虱子).
4、(嘿嘿,我就帮你抓虱子啊!),唐僧: Wukong,I am hungry too,would you bring us some food?(悟空,我也饿了,你能帮我们去找些吃的吗?) 八戒:You see ,our boss is hungry too.(你看,我们师父也饿了.) 唐僧:Bajie,dont forget who ate my last meal.(八戒,不要忘了,谁把我上一餐的饭给吃了.) 沙僧:But boss,if the monster comes while monkey brother is away,what can we do?(但是师父,如果有妖精来了,而
5、大师兄又不在的话,该怎么办啊!) 唐僧:Yes,that is a big problem,Wukong. do you have any idea? (是的诶,这倒是个问题.悟空.) 悟空:take it easy, my boss .(没问题.),悟空拿着金箍棒绕着他们跑了一圈 八戒:This iswhat?(这是) 悟空:Electric net, I have learnt it from the books. So I made this , no monster can approach you if you stay in it.(这是我织的电网,只要你们呆在里面,没有妖精能进来
6、.) 唐僧:Em I see it. Wukong,you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo , Knowledge is power!(八戒:is food 沙僧:is girl)(哦悟空,你真是越来越知识渊博哦,知识就是力量啊!八戒:是美食.沙僧:是美女.) 悟空:OK , I am going to find some food, bye!(那好,我去找吃的啦,拜拜!) 唐僧:I am a little tired , lets play cards.(我有点累了,我们打牌吧。) 放斗地主,师徒三人开始打牌。,白骨精现身。 白骨
7、精:Electric net ?It is easy, hahaha!(传说中的电网?小菜一碟嘛,哈哈哈哈哈!) 白骨精变成村姑出来 村姑:Can I join you, handsome boys?(能加我一个吗?) 唐僧:Im sorry lady,we are playing cards now,and three people are enough.(哦,女士,我们现在在斗地主呢,三个人已经够了。) 村姑:Oh,chance.(噢,机会。) 唐僧:Oh,chance.(噢,机会。) 村姑:Double King.(一对K。) 唐僧:Double King,oh,I win,lady y
8、ou are so clever,come in and teach me.(一对K,哦,我赢啦!女士,你太强啦,来,进来教我吧!),悟空: Oh, please dont 白骨精现身。 白骨精:Wahahaha,Sun Wukong,I will teach you a lesson.(哇哈哈哈,孙悟空,我马上就给你个教训。) 白骨精变身老妇出场。 老妇:Daughter. Daughter. Where is my daughter? Hello, have you seen my daughter?(女儿啊,女儿啊,女儿你在哪里啊?【对唐僧】你好,请问你看到我女儿了吗?) 唐僧:Your
9、 daughterI havent see her故意作出挡住村姑尸体的样子(你女儿) 悟空刚从紧箍咒的痛苦中清醒过来,看到老妇。 悟空:aoYou are the monster too, I will beat you.(我打死你这个死妖精。) 听到这句话,唐僧去挡老妇,孙悟空把唐僧推到在地后,将老妇打死。沙僧扶起唐僧。,沙僧:Boss ,are you OK? How many?(师父,怎么样,你还好吗?【伸出两根手指】这是几?) 唐僧:Two, game over Sun Wukong.(两个啦,孙悟空,你死定啦。) 见唐僧已经对悟空产生不满,这时白骨精抓住时机,变成老头出来。老头出场
10、后,看到倒在地上的老伴和女儿,狂奔过去。 老头:Oh,my wife my daughter,who did it?(噢,我的女儿啊,我的老伴啊,这是谁干的?) 悟空转身,见又一个妖怪来了,果断举起金箍棒就要打。 悟空:You are going to die, monster.(见阎王去吧,死妖精。) 唐僧:Oh, sunWukong,you have killed three lives.(悟空,你竟然杀了三个人。) 悟空:They are not human beings,they are monsters.(他们不是人,他们是妖精。),唐僧:Monster?I think you ar
11、e the real monster, you go !you go!I dont want to see you any more. 妖精?我看你才是真的妖精吧,你走,哪来的回哪儿去吧! 八戒:Oh boss, monkey brother is away.(哦,师父,猴哥就这样走啦!) 唐僧:Dont say that guy.(不要理那个B了。) 白骨精见最强大的孙悟空已经被赶走了,高兴地出来了,准备享受唐僧肉。 白骨精:Hahahahaha哈哈哈哈 唐: (惊)You are 白骨精:how foolish you are,I will eat you,Mr Tang.(,唐僧,你是多
12、么的愚蠢啊,我要吃了你。),原来悟空已经识破了白骨精的奸计,是故意离开的,看到白骨精终于露出了原形,悟空奔过来,一棒拍死了白骨精。 悟空:Dont touch my master.(不要碰我师父。) 沙僧:Oh,our hero is back!(哦,我们的英雄回来啦!) 八戒:Monkey brother(猴哥) 唐僧起来,迷茫的问悟空。 唐僧:Whatwhat happened ?(发生什么了?) 悟空: Boss, your IQ needs increasing! This monster changed its appearance into three shapes in orde
13、r to cheat you!(师父,你被她骗啦,她只是变成了三个不同的变身而已。),唐僧:But how did you find it?(但是你是怎么发现的呢?) 悟空:Monkeys feeling.(猴子的直觉。) 哪吒: I am coming.(我来啦。) 悟空:You are too late,哪吒.(哪吒,你怎么来那么晚啊。) 哪吒:Where is the criminal?(罪犯在哪儿呢?),唐僧:Na 哪吒:Hei,hei, you are under arrest, you have the right to speak to an attorney before yo
14、u speak to the police ,anything you say may be used against you in the court of law, let us go.(嘿嘿,你被捕啦,在你见到自己的律师前,你有权保持沉默,但是你所说的将来可能会成为呈堂证供。我们走吧。) 唐僧:Wukong,I think I am wrong.(悟空,我错了!) 悟空:What?(悟空装作没听见,什么?) 唐僧:I am sorry!(对不起。) 悟空:I can not hear clearly.(我听不清。),唐僧:I am so sorry,you are my monkey.(我真的错了,原谅我吧,你永远是我的猴子。) 悟空:I am always your monkey(我永远都是你的猴子。) 八戒很不要脸的上去,推开悟空,抱着唐僧。 八戒:I am always your pig.(我永远是你的八戒。) (音乐响)敢问路在何方(这个放伴奏)(谢幕),