1、 eFuture There is a Crack in Everything, Thats How the Light Gets in Leonard Cohen Anthem ? 100 SoLoMoMe Social Me Local Mobile Retail 1.0 Retail 2.0 Retail 3.0 5 Retail 1.0 Retail 2.0 Retail 3.0 7-11 8000 100 120 20.5% 90% 10 Costco 10 5 ? “ Story-telling ” - 1. 1.0 2.0 2. AI+X AI , , 3. 590 - 5 90
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3、众包:共享采购,共享新品开发,共享物流,共享 IT, 共享金融 3,零成本体系:零库存,零租金 4 1000 10 160 5.8 100 77 51 250 1 1000 400 5000 170 31 2 from everything store to everone store CE ARPU 110 4000 2000 5km 29.5 + ARPU=4700 4 3 5-10 SKU 700 2900 2 4 31.6% OFC IT AI 80% 1. 2. 3-10 3. 3-5 AI -2500 OFC -1 7-8 - OFC 2500 4. 5 Farfetch 1. 2. 3. 4. Apple Store 5. Farfetch Farfetch“ ” “ ” Cookies 3.0 2.0 1.0 590 : 5000 2 1.1 90 : 2.1 PSD Poor Smart Dream X X 10 = + +