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1、中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案1软 件 工 程 本 科 专 业 培 养 方 案Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Software Engineering一、培养目标IEducational Objectives本专业培养面向国民经济信息化建设和发展需要,在德智体诸方面全面发展,具有良好的科学文化素质和创新能力,具有扎实的软件基础理论,熟练掌握软件设计、开发、测试、维护技术,具备软件开发组织管理能力,可从事高层次软件研发、管理与服务和软件项目管理等工作的实用型、复合型软件工程技术和软件工程管理人才。This program educates tho

2、se who meet the need of the national economic and informational development, all-developed in morality, intelligence and physical sports, well-educated in science and creative, with the deep software theory, taking charge of software designing, developing, testing and repairing, capable software dev

3、elopment and management, and those who can have skills in software and manage software.二、培养要求及特色IIRequirement and specialty 软件工程是研究大规模软件开发方法、工具和管理的一门工程科学。其特点是按工程化的原则和方法来组织和规范软件开发过程,主要研究软件开发方法与环境、软件工具及集成技术、软件自动化及自动测试技术、软件质量控制、软件重用技术等。本专业的培养要求如下: 1、学生应具有较高的人文素质、良好的思想品德和政治觉悟,热爱祖国和人民,拥护中国共产党领导,掌握马克思主义、毛

4、泽东思想和邓小平理论的基本原理,敬业爱岗,遵纪守法,具有健康的体魄和健全的心理素质,能很好地为社会主义现代化建设事业服务;2、掌握计算机软件领域的基本理论和基本知识;3、掌握现代软件工程的技术和方法,能熟练运用主流软件开发工具、环境和平台,具有较强的软件开发能力,具有团队合作精神和创新意识;4、掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有获取信息的能力。5、具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力及外语能力。Software engineering is to study the massive software developing methods, tools and management. The c

5、haracteristics are to organize and standardize software development process by the project principles and methods. It mainly studies software developments, software tools and integrated skills, software test skills, software quality control etc.1. Students should have high humane quality, good moral

6、ity, and political consciousness, deep love for motherland and people, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China. They are expected to grasp the basic principles of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory;2. Students should master fundamental theories and knowledge in softw

7、are field;3.Students should take hold of technology and methodology of software engineering, skilled in popular software development tools, environments and platforms,and gain ability in software development, teamwork spirits and sense of creation;4. The students should take hold of the basic method

8、s required in document searching and data querying to get access of obtaining information;5. Students should have research ability, solve problem, and use foreign language.三、学制与学位IIILength of Schooling and Degree修业年限: 4 年中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案2Duration: 4 years授予学位: 工学学士Degrees conferred: Bachelor of Eng

9、ineering四、主干学科IVMajor Disciplines 计算机科学与技术,软件工程。Computer Science & Technology, Software Engineering五、主要课程VMain Courses离散数学 Discrete Mathematics、高级语言程序设计 Advanced Programming Language、计算机组成与系统结构 Principle of Computer Organization and Computer Architecture、数据结构Data Structure、操作系统原理 Principle of Operat

10、ing System、面向对象程序设计 Object-orientation Program Designing、软件工程导论 Software Engineering、软件过程管理 Software Process、面向对象的软件开发方法 Object-orientation Software Development Methodology。中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案3六、学时与学分VI、 Hours/Credits学时学分构成表Table of Hours and Credits说明:实践教学平台学分计算为:表四中教学实践、教学实习与通识课程中实践学分之和。Note:Practic

11、e Teaching Platform Credits: The sum of Practice Credits, Teaching Practicing Credits and Practicing Credits in General Courses Platform in Form IV.实践教学环节学分占毕业总学分比例Proportion of Practical Teaching Credits to Credits for Graduation平台Platform学科基础课程平台Basic Courses Platform专业课程平台Major Courses Platform实践

12、教学平台(含通修平台实践学分)Practical Teaching Platform(Practice Credits in General 学 分Credit课程类别Courses Classified学时/周数Period/Weeks 理 论Theory实 践Practice学时比例Proportion of Period通 修General Compulsory 712/122+3W 38 8 25.5%通识课程平台General Courses Platform 通 选General Elective 180 10 6.4%必 修Compulsory 471(+80)=551 29 (

13、3) 19.7%学科基础课程平台 Basic Courses Platform 选 修Elective 270(+58)=328 17 (2) 11.7%必 修Compulsory 420(+126)=546 28.5 (5) 19.5%专业课程平台Major Courses Platform 选 修Elective 360(+120)=480 25 (5) 17.2%64.7%(必修Compulsory)小 计Amount 2797 147.5 8 35.3%(选修 Elective)必 修Compulsory 122+32W22+8含上列(15 )实践学分计: 45The Whole Pr

14、actice Credit:30实践教学平台Practical Teaching Platform 选 修Elective 5 (创新学分 Innovation Credit)最低毕业学分The Lowest Graduate Credit 147.5+30+5=182.5中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案4Courses included)实践学分Practice Credits5 10 35合计Total50毕业总学分Credits for Graduation182.5比例Proportion27.4%中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案5七、教学进程计划表 / VII、Teaching

15、Schedule Form表一:通识课程平台 / Form 1:General Courses Platform表一(A):通识必修课程(通修课) / General Compulsory Courses(General Required)学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of class-hour in Every Week of Each Term课程编号CourseCode课程名称Courses Names学分数Crs.总学 时Hrs. 讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope.实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六

16、6th七 7th八 8th备注Notes00002030 马克思主义基本原理Marxist Fundamentals 2/1 54 36 18 2/1 1-1800002040毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Introduction to Maos Thought and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics4/2 108 72 36 4/2 1-1800002010思想道德修养与法律基础 Cultivation of Morals and Fundamentals of Law2/1 54 36 18 2/1 1-1800002050 形势与政

17、策Situation and Policy 1/1 36 18 18 2/2 1-900002020中国近现代史纲要Essentials of China Modern and Contemporary History1.5/0.5 36 24 12 2/1 4-1500001050民族理论与民族政策National Theory and National Policy1.5/0.5 36 24 12 2/1 1-1200001040 大学语文University Chinese 2 36 36 3 4-1500001011 大学英语 1College English 1 3 56 56 4

18、4-1700001012 大学英语 2College English 2 4 72 72 4 1-1800001013 大学英语 3College English 3 4 72 72 4 1-1800001014 大学英语 4College English 4 4 72 72 4 1-1800001021 体育 1Physical Education 1 1.5 32 32 2 4-1800001022 体育 2Physical Education 2 1.5 32 32 2 1-1600001023 体育 3Physical Education 3 1.5 32 32 2 1-1600001

19、024 体育 4Physical Education 4 1.5 32 32 2 1-16中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案6课程编号CourseCode课程名称Courses Names学分数Crs.总学 时Hrs.学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of class-hour in Every Week of Each Term 备注Notes讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope.实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th00001910 军训Military Training 0/1 3W 3

20、W 前三周00001060 军事理论Military Theory 2 36 36 2 1-1800001080 大学生职业生涯与发展规划Career Design 1 20 18 2 2 1-900001090 大学生就业指导Employment Guidance 0/1 18 12 6 /2 1-9总学时合计:The Whole Periods 712/122+3W(理论学时 /实践学时)学期学时小计Periods in Each Term148/12194/20182/48176/3612/6总学分合计:The Whole Credits 38/8(理论学分 /实践学分)学期学分小计Cr

21、edits in Each Term8/1.511.5/29/1.59.5/20/1表一(B):通识选修课程(通选课) /Form I (B): General Elective Courses专业类别Classification of Majors课程类别Classification of Courses学分要求Demand of Credit合计Amount人文社科类Humanities and Social Science 4理工类专业Major in Science and Engineering 自然科学类Natural Science 610中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案7表二

22、:学科基础课程平台 Form II. Basic Course Platform学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of class-hour in Every Week of Each Term课程类别Courses Classi- fied课程编号Numbers of courses课程名称Courses Names学分数Crs.总学时Hrs. 讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope. 实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th备注Notes00800011 高等数学(A)1Advanced Ma

23、thematics(A)1 5 90 90 6 4-1800800012 高等数学(A)2Advanced Mathematics(A)2 5 90 90 5 1-1800800050 线性代数Linear Algebra 2.5 48 48 4 4-1500800090 概率与数理统计(B)Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics(B) 3 54 54 3 11800900041 大学物理(B)1College Physics(B)1 3 54 54 3 11800900042 大学物理(B)2College Physics(B)2 2 36

24、36 4 1900900050 大学物理(B)1 实验Experiment of College Physics(B)1 0.5 16 16 /200900052 大学物理(B)2 实验Experiment of College Physics(B)2 0.5 16 16 /200800390 计算机科学导论 Introduction to Computer Science 1.5 24 24 2 41500800410计算机导论实验 Experiment of Introduction to Computer Technology /1 24 24 /2 7-1800800270 程序设计语

25、言(A)Programming Language (A) 4/1 99 75 24 5/2 418总学时合计:The Whole Periods 471/80(理论学时 /实践学时)学期学时小计Periods in Each Term237/48144/1636/16 54学 科 基 础 必 修 Require BasicCourses总学分合计:The Whole Credits 26/3(理论学分 /实践学分)学期学分小计Credits in Each Term13/28/0.52/0.5 300830070面向对象程序设计Object-orientation Program Design

26、ing2.5/0.5 64 48 16 4/2 11200835010 离散数学(B)Discrete Mathematics 4 72 72 4 11800830030 电路与电子技术Circuit and Electronics Technology 3.5/1 84 60 24 4/4 115学 科 基 础 选 修 Elective BasicCourses00830140 计算机专业英语Computer English 2 36 36 4 1-9中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案8课程类别Courses Classi- fied课程编号Numbers of courses课程名称Cou

27、rses Names学分数Crs.总学时Hrs.学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of class-hour in Every Week of Each Term 备注Notes讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope. 实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th00800310 数字电子技术Digital Electronics Technology 3/0.5 72 54 18 4/3 11400830120 分布式对象技术Distributed Object Technology 2 36 36

28、 4 1900820860 系统分析与控制System Analysis and Control 2.5 44 44 4 11100820570 计算机仿真Computer Simulation2/0.5 46 36 10 4/2 1900800130 复变函数(C)Functions of Complex Variables 2 36 36 4 1-900830110 计算机维护Computer Maintenance 2/0.5 46 36 10 4/2 19总学时合计:The Whole Periods 270/58(理论学时 /实践学时)学期学时小计Periods in Each Te

29、rm48/1696/24126/18总学分合计:The Whole Credits 15/2(理论学分 /实践学分)学期学分小计Credits in Each Term2.5/0.55.5/17/0.5学分要求: 学分: 46 其中必修 29 学分, 选修 17 学分Demand of Credit: Credit: 46 Required: 29 Elective: 17说明:学科基础选修课至少需要选修 17 学分,其中第二学期至少选修 3 学分,第三学期至少选修 6.5学分,第四学期至少选修 7.5 学分。Note: Elective basic courses : total at le

30、ast 17 credits . 3 credits in 2nd semester, 6.5 credits in 3rd semester, 7.5 credits in 4th semester .中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案9表三:专业课程平台 Form 3: Major Courses Platform学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of class-hour in Every Week of Each Term课程类别Courses Classi- fied课程编号Course Code课程名称Courses Names学分

31、数Crs.总学时Hrs. 讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope.实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th备注Notes00810060 数据结构(A)Data Structure (A) 4/1 96 72 24 4/2 11800810250计算机组成与系统结构Principle of Computer Organization3.5/1 88 64 24 4/3 11600810160 软件工程导论Software Engineering 2 36 36 4 101800810100 汇编语言 Assembly LanguageProgra

32、mming 3/0.5 60 48 12 3/2 11600810370数据库原理及应用 (A)Principle and Application ofDatabase Systems (A)3.5/1 80 56 24 4/2 51800810240 编译原理Compiler Principles 2.5/0.5 60 48 12 4/2 41500810540操作系统原理(A)Principle of Operating System(A)2.5/0.5 62 48 14 4/2 41500810270 软件过程Software Procedure 2.5/0.5 64 48 16 4/2

33、 415总学时合计:The Whole Periods 420/126(理论学时 /实践学时)学期学时小计Periods in Each Term156/36168/6096/30专业必修Require Courses总学分合计:The Whole Credits 23.5/5(理论学分 /实践学分)学期学分小计Credits in Each Term9/1.59.5/2.55/100820540 Java 程序设计JAVA Language 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 1900821220 XML 基础Introduction to XML 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 1

34、900810450 计 算 机 图 形 学Computer Graphics 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 41200820100 人 工 智 能 导 论 (A)Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 41200820630 用 户 界 面 设 计Design of User Interface 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 101800810380 算法设计与分析Algorithm Design & Analysis 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 101800825520 计算机网络(C)C

35、omputer Network (C) 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 1-9专业选修 ElectiveCourses00820530 信息系统分析与设计 Analysis of Information System & Designing 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 19中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案10课程类别Courses Classi- fied课程编号Course Code课程名称Courses Names学分数Crs.总学时Hrs.学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of class-hour in Every W

36、eek of Each Term 备注Notes讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope.实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th00821230 J2EE 及其应用J2EE application 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 1-900821240 UML 与对象建模UML and object modeling 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 1900820510 Unix/Linux 操作系统Linux/Unix Operating System 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 101800820160 软件体系结构So

37、ftware Architecture 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 101800820040 Windows 编程Windows Programming 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 1900820620面向对象的软件开发方法Object-orientation software Development Methodology2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 1900820150 软件测试Software Test 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 1900820610软件确认和质量保证Software Certification and Quality Assura

38、nce2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 1900821250 设计模式Design pattern 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 1-900820170 软件项目管理Software Project Management 2/0.5 48 36 12 4/2 1-9总学时合计:The Whole Periods: 360/120 学期学时小计Periods in Each Term 36/12 72/24 144/48 108/36总学分合计:The Whole Credits: 20/5 学期学分小计Credits in Each Term 2/0.5 4/1 8/2 6/1.5

39、说明:专业选修课至少需要选修 25 学分,其中第四学期至少选修 2.5 学分,第五学期至少选修 5 学分,第六学期至少选修 10 学分,第七学期至少选修 7.5 学分。Note: Elective courses : total at least 25 credits . 2.5 credits in 4th semester, 5 credits in 5th semester, 10 credits in 6th semester , 7.5 credits in 7th semester .学分要求: 学分: 53.5 其中必修 28.5 学分, 选修 25 学分Demand of Cr

40、edit: Credit: 53.5 Required: 28.5 Elective: 25中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案11表四:实践教学平台 Form 4: Practical Teaching Platform学期 Term类别Category实践教学名称Practical Teaching Name学分Crs.周数Total Period 一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六 6th七7th八8th地 点Place社会实践(1)00843011Social Practice(1)1 1 周/W 相关企业Relevant enterprises社会实践(2)00843012So

41、cial Practice(2)1 1 周/W 相关企业Relevant enterprises教学实践 TeachingPracticing社会实践Social Practice社会实践(3)00843013Social Practice(3)1 1 周/W 相关企业Relevant enterprises程序设计语言课程设计00842011Programming Language project design1 2 周/W 计科院CCS(1617)数据结构课程设计00842040Data Structure project design2 3 周/W 计科院CCS(13)课程设计Proje

42、ct Design数据库应用课程设计00842091Application ofDatabase project design2 3 周/W 计科院CCS(13)小计Preliminary 8 11 周/W教学实习Teaching Practice软件开发实习00844010Practice ofSoftware Development2 2 周/W 校内/外实习基地School/Out SchoolPractice base教 学 实 习TeachingPractice毕业实习Graduation Practice毕业实习00844920Graduation Practice2 4 周/W

43、校外Out of school中南民族大学本科学分制人才培养方案12类别Category实践教学名称Practical Teaching Name学分Crs.周数Total Period学期 Term地 点Place一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六 6th七7th八8th毕业论文 (设计)Graduation Project毕业论文(设计)00845010Graduation Project10 12 周/W 计科院 CCS小计Preliminary 14 18 周/W通修平台实践学分Practice Credit of General Courses Platform学分 Credit 8 学时 Period 122+3W小计 Preliminary 学分 Credit 30(22+ 8) 学时 Period 122+32W创新学分Innovation Credit 学分 Credit 5总计 Amount 学分 Credit 35 学时 Period 122+32W


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