1、 分类号:密级:编号:工学博士学位论文基于密度的数据流聚类方法研究博士研究生:高兵指导教师:张健沛教授学科、专业:计算机应用技术哈尔滨工程大学2014年 06月分类号:密级:编号:工学博士学位论文基于密度的数据流聚类方法研究博士研究生:高兵指导教师:张健沛教授学位级别:工学博士学科、专业:计算机应用技术所在单位:计算机科学与技术学院论文提交日期:2014年 3月论文答辩日期:2014年 6月学位授予单位:哈尔滨工程大学Classified Index:U.D.C:A Dissertation for the Degree of D.EngResearch of Data Stream Clus
2、tering Methods Based on Density Candidate: Gao BingSupervisor: Prof. Zhang JianPeiAcademic Degree Applied for: Doctor of EngineeringSpecialty: Computer Applied TechnologyDate of Submission: March. 2014Date of Oral Examination: June. 2014University: HarbinEngineeringUniversity哈尔滨工程大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:本
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6、密度的不确定数据流聚类算法不能解决属性级不确定性聚类问题。提出衡量网格不确定性的期望距离标准,通过分析属性级不确定性对聚类问题的影响定义网格概率密度,使网格密度能够兼顾网格中数据量与不确定性双重因素;同时,定义了新的密度阈值标准和网格衰减标准,并据此分类网格及设计聚类算法,保证了及时捕捉到簇的变化;在此基础上,结合衰减窗口技术,提出一种基于网格密度的不确定数据流聚类算法(DBUSC),查找密度大于 动态密度阈值的相邻网格单元得到最终聚类结果;最后,通过实验表明:与传统的基于距离划分方法相比, DBUSC算法具有能够发现非球形状聚簇和无需指定簇数的优点,在聚类不确定数据流时不仅所产生的时间代价更
7、小,而且能够取得更好的聚类质量。其次,针对基于微聚类的数据流聚类方法中的微聚类结构不保留数据流自身信息,影响了聚类准确度,同时采用的两阶段聚类的思想降低了算法效率问题。提出用代表点结构作为数据流的概要结构,用以保存数据流的密度信息,在代表点的基础上定义环点,设计迭代算法通过查找环点得到密度相连的代表点形成簇;另外,定义了代表点时态权重,提出一种基于代表点性质的数据流聚类算法(RB-Stream),采用测试-更新策略及时发现低于权重阈值的代表点,和权重不断增加的新的代表点,能够在最大程度上发现数据流中旧簇消亡和新簇出现的同时,进一步提高 RB-Stream算法的运行效率;最后,通过分析和实验表明
8、:RB-Stream算法相对于二次聚类 微簇得到聚类结果的算法,具有更好哈尔滨工程大学博士学位论文的聚类准确性,节省了聚类所需的运行时间。再次,针对现有的数据流聚类多数只能适用于密度一致的流数据,不能发现数据流中密度不同的簇,并且数据流中数据不断流入,使发现密度不同且动态改变的簇和离群点尤为困难的问题。在共享最近邻图的基础上,定义了共享最近邻密度,结合数据对象被类似的最近邻对象包围的程度和被其周围对象需要的程度这两个环境因素,使聚类结果不受密度变化的影响;另外,定义了数据对象的平均距离和簇密度,以识别离群点和簇间的桥接;在此基础上,结合滑动窗口技术,维护共享最近邻图实现簇的不断更新,提出了一种
10、点,然后在协调站点通过合并局部模型算法产生全局聚簇;进而,设计了测试-更新局部模型和全局模型算法避免了在数据流相对稳定的情况下频繁发送数据;最后,通过分析和实验表明:RB-DDSC算法采用代表点结构及相应更新机制,能够发现分布式数据流中不同形状的聚簇并显著降低数据传输量。关键词:数据挖掘;数据流;聚类分析;密度;代表点;基于密度的数据流聚类方法研究AbstractIn recent years, with the development of information technology, data stream as acommon data form has attracted more
11、and more attention of the data mining researchers.Incontrast to static data, which stored in media of random query, data stream has the token ofcontinuous、intime and sequence which does notmake the traditional methods available.Theresearchers have done a lot of work on the clustering problem of data
12、 stream, and proposedmany quickly clustering algorithms to provide people the growing valuable information tomake decision. However, because of the complexity and diversity of data steam, thesealgorithms need to be improved to meet the new conditions and demands. There are manyproblems need to be re
13、searched and resolved, such as the improving the accuracy of clustering,finding the different density clusters and outliers, finding the different shape clusters on thedistribute data stream or the uncertain data stream. In this paper, we study the problem ofclustering data streams This paper aims t
14、he clustering analysis mission on the data stream,using density-based clustering technology, makes deep and detailed study on the four belowaspects:Firstly, the algorithms on clustering uncertain data stream are mostly based on theideology of partition, which are difficulty to find arbitrarily shape
15、 of clusters. In addition, theexisting density-based algorithms arent able to solve the problem on the attribute-leveluncertain. We propose the expectation distance criterion to measure the uncertain of the grids,which analyzes the clustering impact of attribute-level uncertain and considers the two
16、 factors:the number of points in grid and the uncertainty of grid; at the same time, we define the newdensity threshold and the grid fading standard, then classify the grads and design the clusteringalgorithm to catch the change of clusters. Combined the fading window technology, wepropose a grid de
17、nsity-based uncertain data stream algorithm(DBUSC), which finds theneighbor grids whose density is beyond the dynamic density threshold to get the clusters result.At last, experiments show: compared with conventional distance-based methods, the uncertaindata stream algorithm DBUSC has the merits of
18、finding non-spherical clusters and does notneed the number of clusters, can get the better cluster quality while need the less time.Secondly, the micro-clusters accepted in micro-cluster-based stream algorithms dontkeep the information of data stream, affect the cluster accuracy, and reduce the effi
19、ciency ofalgorithm by using two-phase method. We propose the representative point structure as哈尔滨工程大学博士学位论文synopsis to save the density information of data stream, define the circle point to get theclusters by searching iteratively them to find the connected representative point. In addition,by defi
20、ning temporal weight of representative point, we propose the representative-based datastream algorithm (RB-Stream), use the test-update strategy to find the representative pointwhose weight is under the threshold or increasing. The algorithm improves the efficiencywhile finds the new clusters and th
21、e cluster disappear. At last, experiments show: comparedwith micro-clusters algorithms, the algorithm RB-Stream can get the better cluster accuracy,need the less time.Thirdly, the exiting density-based clustering stream algorithms mostly apply to the streamwith the constant density, and cant find th
22、e clusters with the different density. Furthermore,with the data flowing in, it is difficult to discover the changeable clusters and outliers. On thebase of the shared nearest neighbor graph, we define the SNN density, consider the degree thatdata object is surrounded by nearest neighbors and the de
23、gree that data object is demanded byaround data objects. The clustering result is from the influence of the density variation. Inaddition, we define the average distance of data object and the cluster density to identifyoutliers and clusters with bridge. Then we maintain the renewal of clusters on s
24、hared nearestneighbor graph over the sliding window, propose the SNN density-based data streamalgorithm (SNDStream). The algorithm searches the connected components in SNN graph toget the result. At last, experiments show: the algorithm SNDStream can get arbitrary shapeclusters with different densit
25、y, can correctly find outliers and the chain between clusters. Thealgorithm has the better cluster quality, is suitable to the changeable clusters withoutspecifying the number of clusters.Finally, it is important to find the clusters of arbitrary shapes under the distributed datastreams environment,
26、 but the existing distributed stream clustering algorithms which based onthe distance or model cant deal well with the non-spherical clusters. We propose the distributedata stream clustering algorithm (RB-DDSC). The algorithm has two phases: first, on the baseof the representative point, the local m
27、odel generated at the remote site is sent to thecoordinator site, then generate global clusters by combining the local models at coordinatorsite. Furthermore, we design test-update local model algorithm avoid frequently sending datawhen the data stream is stable and reduce the data transmission. At
28、last, experiments show: thealgorithm RB-DDSC can get arbitrary shape clusters in distributed data streams and reduce thedata transmission by using the representative point and updating strategy.Keywords: Data mining; Data stream; Clustering analyse; Density; Representative point;基于密度的数据流聚类方法研究目录第 1章
29、绪论 11.1研究背景、目的和意义 11.2国内外的研究现状 31.2.1数据流聚类 31.2.2基于密度的微聚类数据流算法 91.2.3基于网格密度的数据流算法 131.3论文的研究内容171.4论文的组织结构18第 2章不确定数据流聚类方法研究202.1问题提出202.2相关研究基础212.2.1不确定数据聚类 212.2.2不确定数据流聚类 222.2.3数据空间划分方法 232.3基本概念252.3.1不确定数据流的表示 252.3.2单元格的平均期望距离及网格概率密度 262.3.3网格密度阈值与格簇 272.4基于网格密度的不确定数据流聚类算法 DBUSC282.4.1聚类与更新
30、292.4.2性能分析 312.5实验及结果分析312.5.1实验数据及参数设定 312.5.2聚类质量分析 322.5.3聚类处理时间分析 342.5.4参数影响分析 35哈尔滨工程大学博士学位论文2.6本章小结36第 3章基于代表点的数据流聚类方法研究383.1问题提出383.2相关研究基础393.2.1基于密度聚类的基本原理 393.2.2扩展的基于密度的聚类方法 413.3基本概念423.3.1代表点模型 423.3.2时态权重 453.3.3簇结构 463.4基于代表点的数据流聚类算法 RB-Stream 473.5实验结果分析503.5.1实验数据及参数设定 503.5.2聚类质量
31、分析 523.5.3聚类处理时间分析 553.5.4参数影响分析 563.6本章小结57第 4章基于共享最近邻密度的数据流聚类方法研究584.1问题提出584.2相关研究基础594.2.1不同密度簇的聚类方法 594.2.2滑动窗口技术 614.3基本概念624.3.1 k最近邻图 与共享最近 邻相似度 624.3.2共享最近邻图与 SNN密度634.3.3离群点与簇的桥接 644.4基于共享最近邻的演化数据流聚类算法 SNDStream 654.4.1算法基本思想与结构 654.4.2聚簇维护 66基于密度的数据流聚类方法研究4.5实验及结果分析694.5.1实验数据 694.5.2聚类质量 704.5.3聚类有效性 724.5.4参数影响分析 744.6本章小结77第 5章分布式数据流聚类方法研究785.1问题提出785.2相关研究基础795.2.1分布式数据处理方式 795.2.2分布式数据流挖掘 805.2.3分布式数据流聚类 815.3基本概念825.3.1分布式数据流模型 825.3.2概要结构与局部模型 835.4基于代表点的分布式数据流聚类算法 RB-DDSC835.4.1算法基本思想 835.4.2远程站点处理 845.4.3协调站点处理 865.5实验及结果分析