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1、黄河涵闸远程监控系统质量控制魏开松1,黄波2,端木凌云2(1.天桥黄河河务局 2.山东黄河勘测设计研究院)摘 要:新时期黄河治理开发的标志是:“堤防不决口、河道不断流、污染不超标,河床不抬高”,根据新时期的治水思路,提出了建设好“三条黄河”(即“原型黄河”、“数字黄河”、“模型黄河”)的现代治黄理念。利用先进的传感器技术、电子技术、网络与通信技术对引黄涵闸进行技术改造,实现引黄涵闸的远程监控,黄河水量统一调度和水资源优化配置是“数字黄河”的重要组成部分。关键词:黄河;涵闸; 远程监控; 系统质量控制1前言 由于黄河引黄涵闸分布在黄河下游的沿黄各地,地域空间跨度大,工程条件差,系统组成复杂,管理



4、实现涵闸启闭机的实时控制及启闭状态监测; 实现涵闸闸前、闸后水位及闸室内环境的实时监测; 实现闸前、闸后、闸室及周边环境的现地和远方监视; 实现启闭机的限位、过载等安全保护。 实现闸室与闸管所、省局、黄委的语音通讯功能。3系统质量控制远程监控系统质量控制主要包括:系统实时性的质量控制;系统可靠性的质量控制;系统可维护性的质量控制;系统可用率的质量控制;系统CPU负载率的质量控制;系统安全性的质量控制;系统可扩性的质量控制;系统软件的质量控制。3.1 实时性监控系统满足数据采集、人机通信、控制功能和系统通信的时间要求。数字量采集周期:1s;模拟量采集周期:电量2s,非电量10s;事件顺序记录分辨

5、率:5ms;实时数据库更新周期:2s;控制命令响应时间:控制命令回答响应时间1s;接受执行命令到执行控制的响应时间1s;人机通信响应时间:运行人员发出一个新的图像调用命令开始到100%画面显示在显示器上为止的响应时间不超过2s;在已显示画面上动态数据更新周期不超过2s。3.2 可靠性控制系统及其设备能够适应本工程的工作环境,具有足够高的抗干扰性能,能长期可靠地稳定运行。本系统设备的MTBF参数如下:(为设备投运后时间)闸管所监控计算机(含硬盘)16000h现地监控设备PLC30000h3.3 可维护性系统的硬件和软件便于维护、测试和检修。 设备具有自诊断功能。 有便于试验和隔离故障的断开点。

6、配备合适的专用安装插卸工具。 预防性维护使磨损性故障尽量减少。 互换件和不可互换件可保证识别。 可提高硬件的代换能力。 软件可方便的进行修改和增加。 平均故障修复时间(MTTR):诊断(或检查)及更换故障插板时间在30分钟以内。3.4 可用率系统设计应采用高可靠性元件,实时操作系统应具有实际运行经验,软件实用,能达到较高的系统可用率。在系统试运行及设备验收后的一年保证期内故障时间不超过可使用时间的1%。3.5 CPU负载率监控计算机的处理能力留有充分的裕度,能力储备在50%以上,PLC的CPU能力储备在20%以上。3.6 系统安全系统在操作、通信、硬件、软件和固件确保安全,具体措施如下:3.6

7、.1操作安全性的保证措施 对本系统各项功能和每一次操作提供检查和校核,发现有误时能报警或撤消。 当操作有误时,能自动被禁止动作。 在人机通信中设操作员控制权口令。3.6.2通信安全性的保证措施: 系统设计可保证信息传送中的错误不会导致系统关键性故障。 上级水调中心与现地监控系统的通信包括控制信息时,对有否响应作出明确肯定的指示。当通信失败时,可考虑25次重复通信并报警。 通道设备上提供适当的检查手段,以证实通道正常。3.6.3硬件、软件和固件安全性的保证措施: 有电源故障保护。 有自检能力,检出故障时能自动显示报警。 任何硬件和软件的故障都不会危及系统的完善和人身的安全。 系统中任何单个元件的

8、故障不会造成生产设备的误动。3.7 可扩性为确保将来可能增加监控的闸门孔数、监控的内容或涵闸扩建后监控扩容,该系统在以下方面具有可扩展性: 备用点不少于使用点设备的20%。 监控计算机存储器容量有40%以上裕度。 留有扩充现地控制单元、外围设备或系统通信的接口。 通道利用率留有足够裕度,通道利用率小于50%。 柜内应留有可扩充设备的空间。3.8 软件性能该远程监控系统包括操作系统、支持程序和实用程序、数据库、人机接口、通信、应用、视频系统等软件,各软件的性能如下:3.8.1操作系统软件系统资源的管理。具有直接控制输入和输出设备的能力。有效地执行高级语言程序。对系统的启动、终止、监视、组态和其他





13、保黄河防洪安全和黄河不断流、促进下游地区社会经济的可持续发展具有重大意义。Quality Control of Sluice Gates Remote Monitoring System on Yellow RiverWei Kaisong1 Huang Bo2 Duanmu Lingyun2(1 Jinan Tianqiao Yellow River Bureau 2 Design and Reconnaissance Institute of Shanddong Yellow River)Abstract: “Three Yellow Rivers” as a new concept of

14、 river management is put up in recent years, viz. “Physical River, Digital River and Modeling River”. The remote monitoring system of sluice gates system is one important part of “Digital River”, which can remotely monitor all the sluice gates on the Yellow river and realize centralized dispatch of

15、water volume and optimal allocation of water resources.Keywords: Yellow river, sluice gates, remote monitoring, quality control1. Preface The sluice gates of Yellow river are distributed along the whole downstream banks, and the management is inconvenient due to their wide distributing space, bad fi

16、eld condition and complicated system constitution. The technical transformation to these sluice gates by using modern sensor technology, electronic technology, and network and communication technology would realize remote monitoring for these sluice gates, viz. field measuring and video monitoring.F

17、ield measure and control system is the core and foundation for the sluice gates remote monitoring system and all the message collection, transmission and response is on the basis of it. By video access terminal and control decoder, the video camera can be controlled to rotate, zoom and lens self-cle

18、aning. All the images are compressed and transmitted to the sluice gate management department by video input terminal and communication network, then could realize field management and control. Meanwhile, these images are also transmitted to water volume allocation system of Yellow river by internet

19、 switch and wireless communication and used by water allocation centers at all levels. In order to guarantee the 3D images continuity and real-time demand on monitor terminal at all levels, the equipments has adaptation function and can automatically adjust image transmit to optimal state. The sluic

20、e gates monitoring system has following functions:(1)Video information of water condition before and after the sluice, environment condition, sluice chamber condition are collected by video camera and digitalized and compressed. (2)The compressed data are transmitted to gate management department by

21、 internet, and then practice field management and control; at the same time the data are transmitted to monitoring center of all levels by wireless communication, and receive remote control command, then automatically switch video source and video camera.(3)Realize real-time video monitoring of the

22、gates by remote control cameras rotating and zooming. 2. System function The system conclude: field measure system, video monitoring system, gate management monitoring station, system power, internet telephone system, internet communication equipments, etc.The structure graph of the whole system is

23、as follows.The main functions of the system are as follows:(1)It can realize the real-time control of the sluice hoist and the state monitoring.(2)It can realize the real-time monitoring of the water level before and after the sluice and the environment in the sluice chamber.(3)It can realize the fi

24、eld and remote surveillance of the environment before and after the sluice and the surrounding.(4)It can realize the protection when the sluice hoist is excess or overload.(5)It can realize the voice communication among the sluice gates place, the Provincial Bureau, and the Yellow River Conservancy

25、Commission.3. Quality Control of the SystemThe quality controls of remote monitoring system mainly include the quality control of the system real-time performances, the reliability, the availability, the CPU load rate, the security, the expansive capacity, and the quality control of the system softw

26、are.3.1 real-time performancesMonitoring system can satisfy the need of time in the data collection, human-computer communication, control and system communication.(1)The digital collection cycle: 1s;(2)The analog acquisition cycle: electricity 2s, non-electricity 10s;(3)The resolution of the sequen

27、ce of events record: 5ms;(4)The update cycle of real-time database: 2s;(5)The response time of control command: Command answer response time1s; command implementation response time1s; (6)Human-computer communication response time: the response time of a new command for calling a new image to display

28、 on the monitor16000h;The field monitoring equipment PLC30000h;3.3 Maintainability The system hardware and the software is easy to maintain, measure and repair.(1)The equipment has self-diagnosis function;(2)The system has breakpoint for experiment and failure isolation;(3)Equipped with special in(u

29、n)stall tools;(4)Pre-maintenance minimize the wearing failure ;(5)Exchange or un-exchange components can be acknowledged;(6)Improve the substitution ability;(7)The software can be changed and complemented easily;(8)The average maintenance time of a failure is in 30ms.3.4 Available rateThe system des

30、ign should adopt high reliability components, the real-time operating system should has practical running experience, the software should be practical, then the system can obtain high availability. The total failure time of the system should not exceed 1% of the running time during the one-year guar

31、antee time of after one year trial operation and equipment acceptance check. 3.5 CPU loading rateThe processing ability of the monitoring computer has sufficient adequacy and ability storage over 50%, the CPU ability storage of PLC over 20%.3.6 System safetyThe specific measures for the system safet

32、y on operation, communication, hardware, software and fixed ware are as follows.3.6.1 Guarantee measures for operation safety(1)Every function and operation of the system has check and verification, warning and cancel would be took place when error is founded ;(2)when meeting wrong operation it woul

33、d be forbid to operate automatically;(3)A control right command is used on man-computer communication;3.6.2 Guarantee measures for communication safety(1)The system design can ensure not lead to key system failure under message error in transmit;(2)When the high level of water allocation center and

34、the field monitoring system has control message, it should has clear and confirm command;(3)The equipment of information pipe fixed checking tools, then ensure it is formal;3.6.3 Guarantee measures for hardware and software(1)Power failure protection;(2)Self-check ability and auto-warning when failu

35、re is found;(3)Any hardware and software failure doesnt affect the safety on people and system;(4)Any component failure can not lead to error running of the equipments.3.7 ExtendibilityIn order to guarantee the monitor extendibility on adding gates number or gate extension construction, the system h

36、as extendibility on following aspects:(1)Backup points number is not less 20% of the running equipments;(2)The adequacy of the computer storage is over 40%;(3)Prepare interface at field control unit and system communication;(4)The passage using rate has over 50% adequacy.(5)Adequate space is prepare

37、d in equipment cabinet.3.8 The Performance of SoftwareThe remote monitoring system includes the software in operating systems, support program and practical program, databases, human-computer interfaces, communications, applications, video systems and so on. The performances of that software are as

38、follows:3.8.1 The Operating System Software(1)It can manage the system resources.(2)It has the ability to control the import and export equipment directly.(3)It can implement the high-level language program effectively.(4)It has interactive language command which can support the system activities of

39、 the start-up, termination, monitoring, configuration, and other on-line activities.(5)It can realize the connection of those software though the task name, the data name and operate symbols.(6)It can provide services for system generation.3.8.2 Support Program and Practical Program(1)It has effecti

40、ve programming software which can be used to develop application software. Those programming software include the standard assembly language, high-level language compiler, interactive graphics compiler, interactive report compiler, and ladder using for the PLC programming, and so on.(2)It has connec

41、t and assembly process which used code compilation and can be easily used.(3)It has practical process which can test and revise the application software with the terminal equipment.(4)It has the practical program for the memory redeposit.3.8.3 Database Software(1)The structure and organization of th

42、e database can support the application to have a direct access to data and realize the inquiry, revision and expansion of data.(2)It can maintain the high independence between applications and data.(3)It can maintain the reliability of the data in the database and provide data protection to prevent

43、improper modification whether is caused by man-made or procedure.(4)The database software can dispose the measurements while excess the limits, and it is timing and regular to archive and retrieve data.(5)The emendation of database is separately used two forms of static data and dynamic which is ach

44、ieved by relevant editing process and other procedures.3.8.4 Human-computer Interface SoftwareHuman-computer interface software can meet the requirements of system and operation. The interfaces include real-time screen display and refresh, brief window, analysis and processing of the operations comm

45、and, the set and modification of the parameters, voice alarm, the image copy, and so on. It has the effective software to develop the practical program, such as a variety of programming and compiler.3.8.5 Communication SoftwareCommunication software, which is based on TCP/IP Ethernet interface, can

46、provide transparent network communications services for the process of the system, and can provide necessary conditions and effective protection for the resources and information share of the system. Communications software can monitor the fault in the communications channel, carry out fault removal

47、 and give an alarm. The amount and frequency of the exchange data in the network communications should meet the requirements of function and system performance.3.8.6 Application Software (1)The system contains various applications and source code which are used to realize the monitoring system features of the sluice gates, and the equipment for development and maintenance.(2)The application s


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