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1、of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Implement the scientific concept of development and first

2、 implementation of people-oriented requirements. Office of the Party Committee of this years work, we have to firmly establish the idea of people-oriented philosophy, richness of understanding the people-oriented, seriously implement people-oriented requirements correctly grasping the practice of pe

3、ople-oriented, through people-oriented “three services“ working process, pushing the city Party Committee Office work to a new level. Investee (b) investee by people-oriented, in the final analysis is centred, human premise, a human-powered, human purpose. People-oriented thinking long. As early as

4、the spring and Autumn period of more than 2000 years ago, Qi Guan Zhong: “overlord of the beginning, and people-oriented. Principle of the solid. “For thousands of years, traditional Chinese political culture there is a wide variety of people-oriented thought. Pan Gengs “people“ to the Duke of Zhous

5、 “protect“ and then to Confucius “man“, from his “your KingLight “to the idea of“ Grand boat water “and then to advocate since the Han and Tang dynasties“ nation “, these useful idea is, is the country of the people, political sources. The rulers of “people“, the “San Zhi bei yan“; the rulers of “th

6、in people“, then “died suddenly“. The West ever since the Renaissance, it is because of the rise of humanism, really started to self awareness, self discovery and self-reflection. Predecessors in criticism of Marx and Engels thought on the basis of the outcome of, according to the great discovery of

7、 historical materialism, reveals the true nature of human existence, the ideology was essential and strongly suggests, as provided. In 1894, the Engels from Marxs writings, singled out his favorite passage for the new century weekly solemn inscriptions: “there, the free development of each is the fr

8、ee development of all people“. In modern society, people-oriented thinking more and more attention. People generally regard it as a kind of economic and social development, a principle, a requirement, as a need to maintain the interest of the people of, a pursuit, a purpose. This idea was praised, w

9、ith the profound connotation and practical significance. Investee 1. people answering epistemological questions and answered the questions of methodology. People contains a profound philosophical, epistemological and methodological significance of science. Known as epistemology, refers to the theori

10、es on the relationship between knowledge and practice. In the view of Marx and Engels, “man is mans world, is the State, society, and history writers and characters. “In other words, the world is one world, society is human society. We know the society, starting from the people to observe; we know t

11、he practice, from the people to study; we knew Office work, from the people who set out to explore. Ignoring this, will she seekend to form a proper understanding. Methodology refers to methods of knowing the world, transforming the worlds theory. Historical materialism tells us that social developm

12、ent, leave is impossible; all social progress, leaving people unable to achieve. We do anything, must first of all take into account the human factor, to find ways to give full play to the initiative and human creativity, mobilizing peoples enthusiasm. This is the result of numerous historical pract

13、ice of most of the scientific method. Emperor Taizong“The world of excellence into my opponent“ and “Zhenguan rule“, Qing Zeng Guofan to “more aides for the first prerequisite“ Zhong XING Ming Chen, are insisting on methodology of successful models. Promoting the reform and development, construction

14、 of well-off, more demands that we as a people-oriented scientific method. We do work in the countryside, it is necessary to put farmers first we engage in State-owned enterprise reform, we must regard expanding employment as an important goal we created urban, optimization-Habitat environment must

15、be pursued. Promotion Office, too, only mans subject status, to achieve rapid development. Investee 2. people who responded to the question, and replied to questions depending on who. Who issues, is concerned with the problem of the ruling party; depending on who issues are questions relating to the

16、 source of power of the ruling party. Look at the trend of the world, throughout the ages, no partys fate was not to be dominated by people, no Albert is not driven by the people of a nation. Our party has always attached importance to people, caring for people, his people as the coldest winter, par

17、ents of people as their own, but there were also some in adhere to people-oriented bias, war “sufan expansion“ peacetime “cultural revolution“, has caused a great loss to the revolution and construction. Through history, our party proved that when people, caring for people, and along the way there i

18、s a powerful force; when to ignore peoples thinking, to ignore the interests and needs of the people, the partys cause will suffer setbacks. People-oriented, power for the people, this is the most fundamental rules governing laws, large and small, every aspect is also ruling is the most essential re

19、quirements. Set up the people-oriented concept of governance, requires us to establish the main position, everything for the masses, rely on the masses, and consciously do right for the people, show concern for the benefit of people and bring benefit to the people, real people as masters of the coun

20、try, construction of the main body and the cause of main. From this perspective, adhere to the people-oriented and that is power for the people is to uphold the mass viewpoint and the mass line of the party. Office work is serving the overall work of the party. Only around the service objects, servi

21、ce, relying on the service principal to the service in order to Shun Water push the boat, a long-term perspective, creating impressive performance. Investee 3. people responded to a question of values, again answering Outlook on questions. Values and Outlook are an organic unity, and Outlook定西市安定区教职

22、工管理办法第一章 总 则第一条 为了建设一支素质优良、结构合理的教师队伍,做到从严治教,根据教师法、教师资格条例(国务院令第 188 号)、女职工劳动保护特别规定(国务院令第619 号)、事业单位工作人员处分暂行规定(人力资源和社会保障部、监察部令第 18号)、中小学校长培训规定(教育部令第 8 号)等法律法规和国务院关于加强教师队伍建设的意见(国发201241 号)、教育部中国教科文卫体工会全国委员会关于重新修订和印发的通知(教师20082 号)、教育部关于大力加强中小学教师培训工作的意见(教师20111 号)、甘肃省人事厅关于印发的通知(甘人发200735 号)、定西市人民政府办公室关于进

23、一步加强教师职业道德建设的意见(定政办发2012263 号)、中共安定区委办公室安定区人民政府办公室关于印发的通知(安办发20135 号)、中共安定区委组织部定西市安定区人力资源和社会保障局定西市安定区财政局关于印发的通知(安人社发2012137 号),结合我区实际,制定本办法。第二条本办法适用于区教育行政部门所属幼儿园、小学、中学、中等专业学校及其他教育事业单位教职工的管理。第三条 区教育行政部门履行对中小学教师的资格认定、录用聘任、职务评聘、培养培训、调配交流和考核奖惩等管理职能,对教师队伍实行归口管理。第二章 职业道德第四条严格遵守中小学教师职业道德规范。(一)爱国守法。热爱祖国,热爱人


25、不以分数作为评价学生的唯一标准。(五)为人师表。坚守高尚情操,知荣明耻,严于律己,以身作则。衣着得体,语言规范,举止文明。关心集体,团结协作,尊重同事,尊重家长。作风正派,廉洁奉公。自觉抵制有偿家教,不利用职务之便谋取私利。(六)终身学习。崇尚科学精神,树立终身学习理念,拓宽知识视野,更新知识结构。潜心钻研业务,勇于探索创新,不断提高专业素养和教育教学水平。第五条 遵守规章制度,执行学校的教学计划,履行教师聘约,完成教育教学工作任务。第六条 落实“八要”、“八禁”基本要求,落实教育、宣传、考核、监督与奖惩相结of 16 session brought to adhere to people-o

26、riented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Implement the scientific concept of development and first implementation of people-oriented requirem

27、ents. Office of the Party Committee of this years work, we have to firmly establish the idea of people-oriented philosophy, richness of understanding the people-oriented, seriously implement people-oriented requirements correctly grasping the practice of people-oriented, through people-oriented “thr

28、ee services“ working process, pushing the city Party Committee Office work to a new level. Investee (b) investee by people-oriented, in the final analysis is centred, human premise, a human-powered, human purpose. People-oriented thinking long. As early as the spring and Autumn period of more than 2

29、000 years ago, Qi Guan Zhong: “overlord of the beginning, and people-oriented. Principle of the solid. “For thousands of years, traditional Chinese political culture there is a wide variety of people-oriented thought. Pan Gengs “people“ to the Duke of Zhous “protect“ and then to Confucius “man“, fro

30、m his “your KingLight “to the idea of“ Grand boat water “and then to advocate since the Han and Tang dynasties“ nation “, these useful idea is, is the country of the people, political sources. The rulers of “people“, the “San Zhi bei yan“; the rulers of “thin people“, then “died suddenly“. The West

31、ever since the Renaissance, it is because of the rise of humanism, really started to self awareness, self discovery and self-reflection. Predecessors in criticism of Marx and Engels thought on the basis of the outcome of, according to the great discovery of historical materialism, reveals the true n

32、ature of human existence, the ideology was essential and strongly suggests, as provided. In 1894, the Engels from Marxs writings, singled out his favorite passage for the new century weekly solemn inscriptions: “there, the free development of each is the free development of all people“. In modern so

33、ciety, people-oriented thinking more and more attention. People generally regard it as a kind of economic and social development, a principle, a requirement, as a need to maintain the interest of the people of, a pursuit, a purpose. This idea was praised, with the profound connotation and practical

34、significance. Investee 1. people answering epistemological questions and answered the questions of methodology. People contains a profound philosophical, epistemological and methodological significance of science. Known as epistemology, refers to the theories on the relationship between knowledge an

35、d practice. In the view of Marx and Engels, “man is mans world, is the State, society, and history writers and characters. “In other words, the world is one world, society is human society. We know the society, starting from the people to observe; we know the practice, from the people to study; we k

36、new Office work, from the people who set out to explore. Ignoring this, will she seekend to form a proper understanding. Methodology refers to methods of knowing the world, transforming the worlds theory. Historical materialism tells us that social development, leave is impossible; all social progre

37、ss, leaving people unable to achieve. We do anything, must first of all take into account the human factor, to find ways to give full play to the initiative and human creativity, mobilizing peoples enthusiasm. This is the result of numerous historical practice of most of the scientific method. Emper

38、or Taizong“The world of excellence into my opponent“ and “Zhenguan rule“, Qing Zeng Guofan to “more aides for the first prerequisite“ Zhong XING Ming Chen, are insisting on methodology of successful models. Promoting the reform and development, construction of well-off, more demands that we as a peo

39、ple-oriented scientific method. We do work in the countryside, it is necessary to put farmers first we engage in State-owned enterprise reform, we must regard expanding employment as an important goal we created urban, optimization-Habitat environment must be pursued. Promotion Office, too, only man

40、s subject status, to achieve rapid development. Investee 2. people who responded to the question, and replied to questions depending on who. Who issues, is concerned with the problem of the ruling party; depending on who issues are questions relating to the source of power of the ruling party. Look

41、at the trend of the world, throughout the ages, no partys fate was not to be dominated by people, no Albert is not driven by the people of a nation. Our party has always attached importance to people, caring for people, his people as the coldest winter, parents of people as their own, but there were

42、 also some in adhere to people-oriented bias, war “sufan expansion“ peacetime “cultural revolution“, has caused a great loss to the revolution and construction. Through history, our party proved that when people, caring for people, and along the way there is a powerful force; when to ignore peoples

43、thinking, to ignore the interests and needs of the people, the partys cause will suffer setbacks. People-oriented, power for the people, this is the most fundamental rules governing laws, large and small, every aspect is also ruling is the most essential requirements. Set up the people-oriented conc

44、ept of governance, requires us to establish the main position, everything for the masses, rely on the masses, and consciously do right for the people, show concern for the benefit of people and bring benefit to the people, real people as masters of the country, construction of the main body and the

45、cause of main. From this perspective, adhere to the people-oriented and that is power for the people is to uphold the mass viewpoint and the mass line of the party. Office work is serving the overall work of the party. Only around the service objects, service, relying on the service principal to the

46、 service in order to Shun Water push the boat, a long-term perspective, creating impressive performance. Investee 3. people responded to a question of values, again answering Outlook on questions. Values and Outlook are an organic unity, and Outlook合的师德建设工作机制,实行师德师风“一票否决制”。第三章 录用聘任第七条实施教师资格制度,严把教师队伍

47、入口关,凡在各级各类学校专门从事教育教学工作的人员必须取得教师资格。第八条 公开招聘教师以机构编制部门批准的编制及人社部门核准的岗位为依据,在编制及核准的岗位结构比例内出现空缺时,由教育主管部门申报招聘计划,经区事业单位公开招聘工作领导小组研究同意后,报市事业单位公开招聘领导小组统一招聘。第九条推行教师聘任制。教职工聘任根据按需设岗、竞聘上岗、按岗聘用、合同管理的原则,确定具体岗位和职责,明确岗位等级,签订聘用合同。第十条对教师专业技术职务的聘任实行动态管理,可以高职低聘、低职高聘,也可以解聘或不聘。教师可以应聘,也可以拒聘或辞去教师职务。第十一条在城区工作的教师,评聘高级专业技术职务,必须要

48、有在乡下任教 1 年以上的经历。第十二条教职工退休、退职按有关规定办理。第四章 调配交流第十三条 坚持有利于加强教师队伍建设,有利于充实薄弱学校和薄弱学科的原则,统筹兼顾,合理调配和交流教师。建立区域内义务教育学校教师校长轮岗交流机制,促进教师资源合理配置。全面落实城区中小学教师到农村学校、乡(镇)中心学校(含独立初中)教师到山区薄弱学校交流任教。第十四条 严格按照核定的编制配备教师,满编学校急需学科教师,按“出一进一”原则调配。第十五条城区学校和农村完全中学缺编或急需学科教师除从应届师范类本科以上毕业生中择优补充外,采取考试、试讲和考核相结合的办法,从具有 3 年以上教龄的其他中小学教师中择

49、优选调。第十六条 教职工在乡际间申请调动的,必须有 3 年以上教龄且年度考核合格。学区内教师调动的,中心小学、独立初中(含九年制学校)由教育行政部门负责调配,其他学校由学区提出方案,经乡(镇)政府同意后,报教育行政部门审核。第十七条 加强教职工编制管理,对各级各类学校教职工编制实行动态管理。第十八条教职工调动,必须经区教育、人事部门同意并办理相关手续。对未办理调动手续的,从离职之日起,按旷职对待。第五章 考勤管理第十九条教职工因事、因病不能上班必须及时请假,学校妥善安排相关班级课程。假期满后要按时上班,需延长假期的必须办理续假手续,除特殊情况外,事后补假视为无效。第二十条教职工按学校规定的作息时间,按时到校准时上课,不得迟到、早退。迟到、早退以课时计(不足 1 课时者,按 1 课时计),累计 6 课时为 1 天旷工。第二十一条教职工旷工,每天扣除日平均工资(包括基本工资、津贴补贴和绩效工资等,工作日每月按 21.5 天计算);旷工 3 天以上当年不得享受年终一次性绩效工资,当年of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainabl


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