1、HEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIESHEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIESPre-deployment training for Acute Respiratory InfectionsePROTECTBasic Hygiene MeasuresWHO / H. RuizHEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIESLearning objectivesBy the end of this sesion, you wil be able to:List basic hygiene measures necessary to protect yourself and
2、 others from respiratory and other infectious diseasesAply key principles of basic hygiene,while working in the context of respiratory disease outbreaksHEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIESSession outline1.Introduction to basic hygiene measures2.Basic hygiene measuresHand hygieneRespiratory hygieneMaintaining d
3、istance3.Some considerations in performing hygiene measures4.Recomended items to bring with you5.Key messagesHEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIES1. Introduction to Basic Hygiene MeasuresMeasures to perform in any given seting To be augmented by other measures in particular situations/ setings e.g., Maintaining
4、 distance (of at least 1 meter) from people with respiratory symptomsHEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIES2. Basic Hygiene MeasuresHand hygieneRespiratory hygieneAvoid close contact with sick people5 World Health Organization 2014HEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIES2.1 When to perform hand hygiene?When should you clean yo
5、ur hands? Before During AfterPreparing fodP P PEatingP PBlowing nose, coughing and snezingPCaring for someoneP PTouchinganimal, animal feed, animal wastePTouchinggarbagePUsingthe toiletPNote: perform hand hygiene before and after touching your face and nose!HEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIES2.2 What to use t
6、o perform hand hygiene? World Health Organization 20147When hands are visibly soiled use soap and water When hands are not visibly soiled use alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR)Or soap and water (2ndchoice)HEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIES2.3 How to hand rub/ hand wash? World Health Organization 20148Note: if usi
7、ng ABHR perform hand hygiene for 20-30 seconds, if using soap and water 4060 seconds are requiredHEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIES2.4 Respiratory HygieneCover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when coughing/snezingDiscard the tissue imediately into a no-touch waste bin or clean them apropriately
8、after use e.g., wash handkerchiefs using regular soap or detergent and waterIf you dont have a tissue, you may sneze into your elbowPerform hand hygiene afterwards!HEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIES2.5 Maintaining distanceReduce the time spent in crowded places, as the likelihod of coming in contact withpeop
9、le who are il is higher in crowdsKep a distance of at least one meter (greater than an arms length) from people who are coughing or snezingAvoid touching, shaking handsor kissing sick peopleHEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIES3. Some considerations in performing hygiene measuresThe main aim is to help protect
10、you from geting infectedThe measures should be performed with due consideration of the context you are in:Scarce water source/ unclean water -alcohol based hand rub (when hands not visibly soiled)Hand shake or greetings with contact is the norm be as culturally sensitive as possibleDisposing used ma
11、terials, tissues, etc. bring own resealable bag and dispose properly later HEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIES4. Recomended items to cary with youAlcohol-based hand rubs (ABHR)Disposable facial tissues for snezing or coughingThermometerDisposable medical masks in case you develop respiratory symptoms WHO does
12、 not recomend healthy people wear masks routinelyResealable plastic bag to dispose wastes (tissues, etc.)HEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIES5. Key messagesPerform basic hygiene measures at timesAugment with other measures in particular situations/ setingsBasic hygiene measures include hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, maintaining distance Aim is to help protect you from infectionMeasures should be performed with consideration of the context you are inHEALTHprogrameEMERGENCIESWHAT DO YOU REMEMBER?