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1、浅析汉语叠词及其英译英本 2047 班 舒菲 200407264摘 要 叠词是汉语中一种常见的语言现象,即将两个音、形、义完全相同的次重叠使用,以增加语言的生动性与形象性。叠词大量存在于汉语中,其英译颇为不易,本文试就汉语中的叠词及其翻译作初步分析和探讨。关键词汉语叠词;翻译 引言叠词(Reduplication)又称叠字、迭字、重叠词、叠音词或称叠音,是汉语中一种常见的语言现象,即将两个音、形、义完全相同的词重叠使用,增加语言的生动性和形象性。叠词的使用也是汉语的特色之一,刘勰在文心雕龙物色中就强调指出,叠词的使用是形象描写客体,反映主观情感的需要。叠词的使用可以使语言形式和内容达到艺术统一

2、的修辞效果。本文试就汉语中叠词的翻译作初步探讨。一、汉语叠词的类型按照不同的分类标准,我们可以把叠词分成不同的类型。从汉语类型学角度看,有单一重叠、双重叠和部分重叠;按重叠形式叠词可以分成 AA 型,AAB 型,AABB 型,ABAB 型,AABC 型,BCAA 型,ABAC 型等;按词性可以分成名词重叠、动词重叠、形容词重叠、副词重叠、数词重叠、代词重叠、象声词重叠等等。汉语的名词、数词、量词、形容词、副词、动词以及象声词都有重叠变化,其主要的形态格式有以下类。1AA 型:想想 年年 蓝蓝 人人2AAB 型:洗洗脸 梳梳头 练练字 毛毛雨3ABB 型:热烘烘 光溜溜 笑咪咪 一袋袋4AABB

3、 型:白白胖胖 恭恭敬敬 三三两两 日日夜夜5ABAB 型:活动活动 潇洒潇洒 一双一双 飞快飞快6A 一 A 型:学一学 聊一聊 瞧一瞧 找一找7A 了(一)A 型:唱了(一)唱 看了(一)看 讲了(一)讲 亲了(一)亲 8A 呀 / 啊 A 型:笑呀笑 跳呀跳 打呀打 跑呀跑9A 着 A 着型:听着听着 找着找着 说着说着 读着读者10 A 里 AB 型:怪里怪气 俗里俗气 糊里糊涂 罗里罗嗦此外,还有其他一些重叠搭配形式,例如:AABC 型(振振有辞) 、BCAA 型(衣冠楚楚) 、ABAC 型(一点一滴) 、A 都 AB 不型(吃都吃不饱) 、A 是 A 型(说是说,做是做) 、A 就

4、 A 型(去就去) 、A+动词+A 型(手挽手,肩并肩) ,等等。叠词是语言常见的修辞手段,是体现语言韵律美、形象美、修辞美的典型艺术手法。许多语言都有或多或少的重叠现象,但远不如汉语那样普遍。汉语大多数类都会有重叠形式,而英语中的叠词却较少,且多属拟声词,如 tom-tom(打鼓声) 、bubble-bubble(沸腾声)等,口语中也有少量回声词如 talkee-talkee(喋喋不休) 、hush-hush(秘密的) 、frou-frou(沙沙声)等。二、叠词的词性变化和词义变化汉语词汇重叠后,一般无词性变化。但是,动词以 AABB 格式重叠后,往往转化成形容词、副词。例如:讨厌勾勾搭搭的

5、人。他恭恭敬敬地站着。形容词以 AABB 格式重叠后,往往转换成动词。例如:放假了,大家潇洒潇洒一番!汉语词汇重叠后,词义大都发生变化。这种词义变化使得叠词除了具备信息功能外,还具备表情功能与美感功能,使语言生动活泼,更富有感染力。叠词词义变化可归纳为三种情况。1 “增义” ,即增加语意。名词、数词、量词等重叠后,往往增加“每一”和“很多”的意义。 例如:个个、天天、事事、一朵朵、一簇簇,等等。2 “强义”即加强语意。形容词、副词、数量词重叠后起副词作用时,动词以 A 呀/啊 A、A 着 A 着、 A 里 AB 等格式重叠后,以及动词以 AABB 格式重叠,后起形容词或副词作用时都使词义程度加

6、重和强调。例如:甜甜的、刚刚、一步一步 (地) 、开呀开、走着走着、傻里傻气、兢兢业业等。3 “弱义” ,即减缓语意。动词重叠后和形容词以 ABAB 格式重叠后起动词作用时,都使词义程度减弱、缓和、委婉,表示的动作往往是一次体或尝试体。例如:问一问、唱一唱、思考思考、寻找寻找、热闹热闹等。三.叠词的修辞功能叠词能起到传达语气、感情、拟声、强调和创造意象的作用。运用叠词是我国诗歌创作的一大传统,在汉语的文学作品中十分常见,尤其是在诗词中,叠词的美学价值很高,自我国古代第一部诗歌总集诗经至汉代出现的五言诗古诗十九首,到唐诗宋词元曲,叠词的使用都是重要的艺术手法。叠词的使用可以创造非常形象生动的意象

7、,从而达到韵律美、意象美和表达美的效果。四叠词的翻译4.1 将汉语叠词译成英语头韵、尾韵、谐音等汉语中有些叠词可以译成英语的头韵、尾韵、中韵、谐音等,以增加译文的韵律美。例如:(1)青青河畔草,郁郁园中柳。 (古诗十二首之二)Green grows the grass upon the bank, The willow-shoots are long and lank. ( Herbert A. Giles 译)(2)娥娥红粉妆,纤纤出素手。A flash of fairness in her roughed face.Slender, she put forth a slender whit

8、e hand.(同上)(3)寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。 (李清照声声慢 )So dim, so dark, so dense, so dull, so damp, so dank, and so dead. (林语堂译)(4)嘈嘈切切错杂弹,大珠小珠落玉盘。 (白居易琵琶行 )Wailing and whispering interweaveLike pearls large and small cascading on a plate of jade. (许渊冲译)(5) 世事茫茫难自料,春愁黯黯独成眠。( 韦应物寄李儋元锡)The worlds ways-dim and dista

9、nt, hard to foretell;Spring griefs-dull and dark, I sleep alone. (Burton Watson 译 )(6) 又送王孙去,萋萋满别情.(白居易草 )Seeing myfriend going away, My sorrow grows like grass over grown. (许渊冲译)(7) 水深激激,蒲苇冥冥。 (汉乐府战城南 )The river runs deep and weary;the reeds grow dense and dreary. (汪榕培比较与翻译)(8)秋千院落夜沉沉。 (苏轼春夜 )In th

10、e garden, a swing, where night is deep and still. (Burton Waston 译)(9) 歌管楼台声细细。Songs and flutes upstairs-threads of sound. (同上)(10)当一个佣人慌慌张张冲进客厅,告诉他有人在用树桩轰门时,他还以为自己在做梦。When a servant, flurried and confused, rushed into the drawing-room to tell him that some people were thrusting the door with a tree

11、 stake, he thought he was dreaming a dream. (格非,大年 )4.2 翻译为英文的并列结构英语有很多并列结构如 little by little,by and by (渐渐的);day and night(日日夜夜);far and near(远远近近);high and low(高高低低),使用这种结构能产生一种整齐美,因而是翻译叠词的常用结构。例如:(1)今晚在院子里乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,在这满月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。Sitting in my courtyard enjoying the cool evening, I sudden

12、ly thought of the lotus pond thatI pass on my way day in and day out. (朱自清荷塘月色王椒升译)(2) 荷塘四面,远远近近,高高低低都是树,而杨柳最多。Skirting the lotus pond, far and near, high and low, are trees among which willows predominate.(朱自清荷塘月色王椒升译)在诗歌翻译中,这种并列结构更为普遍。例如:(3) 晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。By sun-lit river trees can be counted on

13、e by one;On parrot Islet sweet green grass grows fast and thick. (崔颢黄鹤楼许渊冲译)(4) 无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。 The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower;The endless River rolls its waves hour after hour. (杜甫登高许渊冲译)4.3 翻译为英语的-ing 形式英语进行体除了表示动作的持续性状态以外,还具有描写、表情、修辞等等功能,以-ing结尾的分词也由此具有上述功能,因此可以用来翻译汉语的叠词,

14、尤其是表示某种动作、某种状态的叠词。例如: (1) 叶子本身肩并肩密密地挨着,这便宛然有了一道凝碧的波痕。The leaves, jostling and overlapping, produced as it were, a wave of deep green.(朱自清荷塘月色王椒升译)(2) 光如流水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。( 朱自清荷塘月色王椒升译)Moonlight was flowing quietly like a stream down to the leaves and flowers.(3) 离原上草,一岁一枯荣。Wild grass spreading oer

15、the plain, with every season come and go. (白居易草,许渊冲译) (4) 潇潇暮雨洒江天,一番洗清秋。I face the pattering rain in the evening sky over the river.(5) 长夜不得眠,明月何灼灼。The night is long and cannot sleep,The moon is shining bright and clear.(子夜歌 ,唐正秋译)用-ing 来翻译,照应了原文的动态感,使译文读起来非常生动。4.4 词连续反复”方法翻译英语中,同一个词用介词 after, by, i

16、n, to, upon, with 等, 连词 and 或用连字符连接起来使用,或者用逗号隔开重叠使用。这种方法被称之为同词连续反复,它类似于汉语重叠现象。此方法可表达“增义”或“强义”的语意。例如:(1) 青河畔草,郁郁园中柳。 盈盈楼上女,皎皎当窗牖。娥娥 红粉妆,纤纤出素手。( 古诗十九首之二)Green,green spreads the bank-side grass; Lush,lush grows the garden willows.Fine,fine stands upstairs the lass; Fair,fair her shape behind the window

17、s.Bright,bright beams her rouged face; Soft,soft are her pale-skinned hands. (汪榕培译)(2) 澹长江水,悠悠远客情。( 韦承庆南行别弟)Mournfully, mournfully rolls the Long Rive.Saddened, ah saddened,the stranger s breast. (Fletcher 译)(3) 霜凄凄簟仓寒,孤灯不明思欲绝。( 李白长相思)A light frost falls:chill, chill the colour of the sleeping mat(张

18、廷琛译)(4) 岁金河复玉关,朝朝马策与刀环。 (柳中庸征人怨 )Year in year out in the border arears I travel round,Day after day swords and horses are in my sight.(许渊冲译)(5)他一个个问明他们的姓氏,籍贯。 (沙汀, 随军散记 )One by one he asked for their names and native places.(6) 那红的还是一点一点的往下滴。 (鲁迅, 药 )The red liquid still dripped drop by drop.(7) 行过太

19、行,迢迢赴长安。细细问故旧,星星数鬓斑。 (陈毅, 赴延安留别华中诸同志 )On and on past Taihang we walk,By and by to Yanan we make our way.Agaign and again with old friends we talk,One by one we count our hairs gray. (许渊冲译)4.5 借助 very, every(every-), all, each 等词语,以表达“增意”的语意例如:(1) 轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来.( 徐志摩, 在别康桥)Very quietly Itake my leav

20、e, as quietly as I came here. (2) 草上的露珠儿,颗颗是透明的水晶球。 (徐志摩, 草上的露珠儿 )The dew on the grass, every drop is a transparent crystal ball.(3) 那时候,真是连纺出的棉纱,也仿佛寸寸都有意思,寸寸都活着。 (鲁迅, 明天 )At that time, it really seemed as if even every inch of the spun cotton yarn wre so meaningful and live.(4)太阳也不出,门也不开,日日是两顿饭。 (鲁

21、迅, 狂人日记 )The sun did not come out, the door did not open, every day I had two meals.(5)老栓也向那边看,却只见一堆人的后背;颈颈都伸得很长。 (鲁迅, 药 )Lao Shuan also looked over to that side, what he saw was only the backs of a crowd, whose all necks stretched very long.(6) 一条条街道宽又平 Every street is now broad and smooth一座座楼房披彩虹

22、Every home has a rainbow over it一盏盏电灯亮又明 Every electric light glistens brightly一排排绿树迎春风 Every row of green trees welcoms the spring.(贺敬之回延安 ) (许渊冲译)4.6 用复数形式翻译复数处理就是在翻译过程中对叠音词本身没做任何译介,而它所修饰的名词或动词以复数的形式出现。例如:(1) 枝枝相覆盖,叶叶相交通。 (孔雀东南飞 )Like loving arms the branches interweave, and lovingly the leaves an

23、d sprays caress. (2) 车辚辚,马萧萧。 (杜甫兵车行 )Chariots rumble, and horses grumble.(许渊冲译)(3) 梳洗罢,独倚望江楼。过尽千帆皆不是,斜晖脉脉水悠悠,断肠白平洲。 (温庭筠梦江南梳洗罢 )The setting sun in the twilight glows, the tranquil river rippling flows.(4)层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花。The leaves were totted in between the layers with white flowers.(朱自清荷塘月色王椒升译)

24、4.7 用 have(or make, take, give, etc)+名词的结构翻译用此种形式翻译汉语动词重叠形式,所表达的动作多为一次体或尝试体。例如:(1)我说“老五,对大哥说,我闷得慌,想到园里走走。 (鲁迅, 狂人日记 )I said ,”Lao Wu, tell my big brother that I am bored and want to take a walk in the garden.”(2) 你们只可以吓一吓他,可别把他打伤了.You may well give him a fright, but be sure not wound him.(3) 这东西需要检查

25、检查。Its necessary to have a check-up.(4) 请闻一闻玫瑰花的香味。Please take a smell of the rose.4.8 用英语的回声词(echo-word)翻译汉语的叠词回声词通过间接摹声来象征语义,与汉语的叠词颇类似,有很好的修辞效果,可表达叠词的“增义”或“强义”语意。例如:(1)山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪。 (汉乐府民歌)Till mountains crumble, streams run dry, thunder rumbles in winter, snow falls in summer.(唐正译)(2) 车辚辚,马萧

26、萧. (杜甫兵车行 )Chariots rumble , and horses grumble.(许渊冲译) (3)帘外雨潺潺,春意阑珊。 (李煜, 浪淘沙 )The curtain cannot keep out the patter of rain,Springtime is on the wane. (许渊冲译)4.9 加强语势的办法来翻译,表达“增义”或“强义”语意例如:(1)临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。 (盂郊游子吟 )Before his departure, were the close, fine stitches set,Lest haply his return be long

27、 delayed.(Amy Lowell 译)(2)为人洁白皙,髯髯颇有须。盈盈公府步,冉冉府中趋。His skin is so far, and he wears a long beard. He moves in the yamen, with step slow and stately.(3) 元嘉草草,封狼居胥,赢得仓惶北顾。 (辛弃疾, 永遇乐 )In the days of Yuan Jia,Hasty preparations were made to march to the Langjuxu Mountain,But the men of Song were routed f

28、rom the north.(Burton Waston 译)4.10 借用汉语拼音翻译对某些汉语拟声词,可以考虑采用汉语拼音翻译。例如:(1) 风萧萧兮(古诗十九首)Wind cries xiaoxiao (Burton Waston 译)(2) 坎坎伐檀兮9 同上)Kan-Kan go his blows on the sandal tress(James Waston 译)4.11 意译根据上下文,体味其意思,采用意译法,尽量译的传神些。例如:(1)寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。( 李清照声声慢)I look for what I miss, I know not what it i

29、s:I feel so sad, so drear, so lonely, without cheer.(许渊冲译)(2)念去去,千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。( 柳永雨霖铃)Ill go my wayFar, far awayOn miles and miles of mistyweaves where sail the ships,Every clouds hang low in boundless Southern skies.(同上)(3)十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。 (苏轼江城子 )Ten years parted, one living, one dead;N

30、ot thingkingYet never forgetting;A thousand li from her lonely graveI have nowhere to tell my grief.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)五小结叠词是汉语的一大特色,它的功能在于强调、加强节奏感、增添音韵美。汉语叠词英译过程中,叠词的形式很难保留。为了传达叠词的艺术效果,可以用英语语言具有相同或近似效果的艺术形式来翻译。但有的情况下,不仅形式难以保留,效果也难以传达。叠词中数量词、象声词以及颜色词的翻译处理已经充分说明了这一点。汉语叠词数量之多,其英译之难,绝非文中所列几条所能概括的。翻译是一门艺术,正如林语堂先

31、生所说:“译学无一定之成规。 ”本文所提的方法不是完全、绝对的。应该说,我们在汉语叠词英译的过程中,首先应该熟悉汉两种文字在表达上的异同,然后才能在理解上下文的基础上利用一定的翻译技巧进行翻译。参考文献1陈宏薇汉英翻译基础M 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 19972司显柱,曾剑平等汉译英教程M 上海:东华大学出版社, 20063张培基英汉翻译教程M 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 19804冯翠华英语修辞大全M 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 ,19955翁显良古诗英译M 北京:北京出版社, 19856许渊冲选译唐宋词一百首M 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 19907张廷深,魏博思选译唐诗一百首M 北京

32、:中国对外翻译出版公司, 19918张培基英译中国现代散文选M 上海:上海外语教育出版社 ,20019张盛如,康锦屏鲁迅名篇分类鉴赏辞典M 北京:中国妇女出版社, 199110梁仁徐志摩诗全编M 浙江:浙江文艺出版社, 1990Brief Analyses and English Translation of Chinese Reduplicated WordsAbstract: Reduplicated word is a common language phenomenon in Chinese. There are a number of cases of reduplication in Chinese language. It is not easy to find Eglish equivalences for them. Based on the analyses of some reduplicated words in Chinese, this article suggests some tentetive ways to translate the reduplicated words in Chinese into English.Key words: Chinese reduplicated words; translation


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