1、,V. Word formation A) to understand word meanings more deeply and comprehensively.ard:some sort of derogatory meaning:,sluggard, 行动迟缓的人、车辆等;懒汉 Slug:1) 重击;(old English: slean, slay: beat, strike) 2)偷懒,(古)慢慢地移动 (ME. Slugge) Sluggish slugfest -fest:(表示集会、联欢会、竞赛会等)talkfest长时间的讨论,漫谈会songfest,coward (Ital
2、ian cauda, meaning tail, so the word originally may possibly mean (dog) with his tail between his leg),B) to enlarge our vocabulary: infamy: in- = not -fam- (report) -y (n. suffix )表示性质等 臭名、臭名昭著等 Infamous 臭名昭著 的 Infamize 使臭名昭著,Defame 诽谤、中伤 defamation Defamatory 诽谤的、中伤的,Stue-: 1) push figuratively in
3、to English Study: push forward with ones knowledge Student: one who pushes forward with his knowledge Studious: hard-working Studio: a place of study 2) knock figuratively into English, Stupefy: to make unable to think or feel(to knock senseless or stun)使麻木、使目瞪口呆 stupid: to be stunned; to be amazed麻
4、木的无知觉的呆头呆脑的愚蠢的 Stupid student Stupidity,C) It helps us to improve our ability to make words and use words more vividly: George Bernard Shaw: Germany was outwitted, outprepared, outgeneralled, outfought, outflown, outgassed, outtanked, outraided, outbombed, and finally brought to her knees. (德国计穷了, 装
5、备穷了, 策略穷了, 战斗穷了, 飞机穷了, 汽油穷了, 坦克穷了, 攻击穷了, 炸弹穷了,终于屈膝而投降。),5.1 DerivationMake new words by adding affixes to a root or by putting different bound roots together. Words created in this way are called as derivatives. Roots, prefixes and suffixes are the three keys to the increasing of vocabulary.,5.1.1 r
6、oots: ac(ere) needle; sharpaci-acu-acer-aciculum针状物,acid-: sharp, needle acidity acidifyAcid fast抗酸的 acidulous微酸的,带酸味的;尖刻讽刺的acidulate使酸化;使尖刻,ag-, ig-: to go, to drive, to move agile navigate (L) navis (ship),-ile: fragiledocilejuvenilesectile可割的,可切的(sect = cut )prehensile: (猴等的足)能抓的(人)1.善于领会的2. 贪得无厌
7、的,ambitionambiguous 5. bio-: life,ced (cede, ceed,): to go, yieldantecedent先例suc+ ceed (suc=sub: near, next ),accede ac- = ad- = to接近 (古) 加入 同意secedese- = without, apart, 脱离,分离,cid-: to cut, killIncisive: 切入的,锋利的,深入的,辛辣的,讽刺的,duc (duct): to lead, draw, bringfer: carry, bringferrytransferconfer 1. 商谈,
8、授予2. 比较 (废. 但缩写cf. 仍使用),afferent: af-:=ad-=to传入的,输入的 luminiferous lumin-:light发光的,传光的odoriferous odor: 香味芳香的,有香味的,metalliferous含金属的 soniferoussoni- /sono-:sound传声的,发音的,pel (pell, puls): drive, pushcompel: to makedo sth. by forceexpel: drive out,Pend (pens): to hang; weigh; payappend depend pendingco
9、mpensate: com-: together, pens: to weighto weigh one thing against another,expend: weigh out, pay outspend: s:dis, apart, pend: to weighdispensablePensive: 权衡事物轻重的沉思的pendency 悬而未决;迫在眉睫,Pond, pound: to weighPonder权衡,思考 Ponderous 沉重的ponderable ( 重量)可称的可权衡的可考虑的,Path-: feeling; sufferingPathetic悲搶的Patho
10、logy病理学SympathyAntipathy憎恶Apathy漠不关心,vers-; vert-: to turn Vert; vers: vertere L. : to turn over moving aroundoriginal: turning of the plough; furrow,ped-: to go; footPedal: 踏板Pedestal (ped+de=of+stal=stall) 支架PedestrianImpede: to shackle(束缚) the feet妨碍 Expedient: setting the feet free 适宜的;方便的,5.1.2
11、 Prefixa-: 1) not; without: amoral (不属于道德范畴的)cf. immoral不道德的 atypical,Before letter h or a:a- is changed into an-: Anarchy:an-: without+archy:head or chief,dis-:not; without before f, dis- :dif-diffidence(to distrust) lack of self-confidencediffer,ne-;neg-;n-: notNeuter: ne=not; uter=either NeutronN
12、eglect:neg-=not lect=gather;pick up,ab-; se-: away and offabstain -tain: hold 自我克制地戒绝(from)abject -ject (L) jacere):throw 被抛弃的(废),遭拒绝的 绝望无助的,凄苦可怜的,,Inject Subject: 使在下面(废) 1.使臣服 2.使经受、遭受 3.受。支配的,circum-; peri-: round Circumspect(周到的,谨慎的) Circumference(圆周) Perimeter(周长),omni-; pan-: all; for all omni
13、potent (全能的,指上帝)omnipresent(无所不在的) pan-African bene-: well; happilybenediction benefactor(恩人) benevolence(慷慨) (volence=will),de-: showing an opposite:Decolor漂白Demote:降级Decomposition分解Deplete:耗尽Plete: to fill,trans: across; through; showing a change Transparent:Parent: to bring forthTransmit: trnas-:
14、 across; -mit: send ( permit: per: through; by ),ad-: to, towards,at near,etc.Advocate: vocate=callprovoke: (to call forth) 对。挑衅;激起provocativeIrrevocable:Ir-=in-: not; re-: back; voc: voice, call 不可改变的; 不可撤销的 Revocation: 取消, 撤回,改变 Revoke: 撤销,Attend: tend=stretch,Ob-: to; toward, on, before, over, ag
15、ainst; cover(sometimes: os- before t; o- before m ) obnoxious ob- (opposed) to + noxa (harm) 遭受损害 令人不快的 可憎的,Obviate: ob-: against via: wayoriginally: (L) prevent 排除,消除 Obvious:ob-: against 挡道的,妨碍人的 (废) ob-:exposed, before 暴露于前的(废) ob-: on, before, exposedexposed on the way,Opportune: op-=ob-: to; to
16、ward, onport: harbor literal: coming to harbor, obtaining timely protection朝向港口进港及时 fit, timely 及时的,适宜的,omit: 放弃(废)无视 遗漏 忽略, 省略 mit (mis): send submit:Place or send under Submit oneself to 使屈服,使服从,obsequiousob- : to sequi: follow 顺从的,巴结的,卑躬屈膝的 offense: fense=fence,Sur- : super 上、过、超survivesurmount优过
17、、胜过 (废)克服、登上、凌驾surprise:prendre (Ofr. ): graspovertake 强占、俘获(废) 1. 当场捉住 2. 使措手不及使惊讶,5.1.3 suffix -age: 1. (after a verb) 行为或行为结果Breakage: 毁损(物)Sewerage (sewer: 为铺设排污管道)Steerage操纵,领导,2. (after a noun, occasionally a verb or adj.)状态: Courage (cour-: heart) 地点: anchorage泊船处 cottage (cote: shed, shelter
18、)village (villa+age) 费用: corkage开塞费freightage船运费,groundage停泊费postagestumpage:立木、立木价值、立木税 -ary; -ory; -a/orium : 处所auditorium (audi: hear) 大会堂Aquarium (aqua: water) 水族馆,养鱼缸Laboratory (ML: laboratorium)manufactory,-tude: 度量或情况Fortitude(Fort: strong) 刚毅, 不屈不挠 Rectitude(recti: right) 正直, 公正 Quietude 安静,
19、 寂静,-ish: verbs ending with ish are mostly from French Abolish:Ab (away)+ol (to grow)+ish 废除 Replenish:Re-: again; plen: fill 添满; 补足(plenty: plen+ty) Flourish:Flour: flower,-er:To form frequentative or onomatopoeic verbs Batter:Bat: oFr batre beat 连续猛击 Glimmer gleam Linger:ling (long, lang, leng)+er 留恋, 迟缓 Waver摇摆, 抖动, 忧郁 Spatter溅落,-ling: 1) 与。有关者; 有。性质者hireling 雇佣工underling 走卒,听命于人者 2) 幼小者, 不重要者duckling 幼鸭yearling 一岁的幼兽,3) 以某个方向;以某种方式;在某种状态(adj. or adv. )sideling 偏斜着;陡峭的darkling在黑暗中; 黑暗中的,-ster:youngsterministergangster歌手gamester赌徒spinster未婚女性(spin:纺线),