Chapter 4,Word Formation,4.1 Affixation,What is affixation?It is the formation of words by adding word-formation or derivational affixes to bases. Thi
词汇学Word MeaningTag内容描述:
1、Chapter 4,Word Formation,4.1 Affixation,What is affixation?It is the formation of words by adding word-formation or derivational affixes to bases. This process is also known as derivation, and words created in this way are called derivatives.According to the positions affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subcategories: prefixation and suffixation.,4.1.1 Prefixation,Definition: it is the formation of new words by adding prefix to stems. Features: non-class changing Exceptions: class。
2、Word-formation IV,The Minor Processes,English Lexicology(II),2,Important Points,I. Abbreviation/Shortening Acronymy: Initialisms/Acronyms Clipping: Blending II. Back-formation III. Reduplication IV. Analogue V. Words from Proper Nouns,English Lexicology(II),3,I. The Introduction of Shortening,When new words are formed by compounding or affixation, the result is of course a longer unit. Shortening is contrary to the tend of compounding or affixation. There are several ways of shortening English w。
3、,V. Word formation A) to understand word meanings more deeply and comprehensively.ard:some sort of derogatory meaning:,sluggard, 行动迟缓的人、车辆等;懒汉 Slug:1) 重击;(old English: slean, slay: beat, strike) 2)偷懒,(古)慢慢地移动 (ME. Slugge) Sluggish slugfest -fest:(表示集会、联欢会、竞赛会等)talkfest长时间的讨论,漫谈会songfest,coward (Italian cauda, meaning tail, so the word originally may possibly mean (dog) with his tail between his leg),B) to enlarge our vocabulary: infamy: in- = n。
4、,3.2 What is word? 3.2.1Word and Lexical Items 3.2.2Classification of words,Word and Lexical Items,Word is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit which can be used independently. It is a general, covering term.Lexical items refer to the cases when a word appears in different forms. It is a specific term.,Example:Write, writes, wrote, writing, writtenHow many words? -1 How many lexical items? -5,Boy and boys are two lexical items but one word.Check,checks,checked,and checking are four 。
5、. Word Formation,There are three major processes of word formation: derivation, compounding and conversion.,(). Derivation: (派生),Derivation or affixation is generally defined as a word-formation process by which new words are created by adding a prefix, or suffix, or both, to the base.,Prefixes: The major living prefixes are classified into the following eight categories by their meaning.,1. “negative”prefixes (un-, non-, in-, dis-, a-, )eg: unkind (adj), untie (v),non-person (n), non-rest。
6、现代英语词汇学概论,Lexicology,Chapter 5,Word meaning and Semantic Features,Chapter 5,5.1 Conventionality and Motivation 5.2 Main Types of Word Meaning 5.3 Componential Analysis and Semantic Features,5.1 The relationship between the sound-symbol and its sense,Questions: 1. What is the relationship between the sound-symbol and its sense? How are the sound and meaning of words related?,How are the sound and meaning of words related?,Two ways: 1. Conventionality (约定俗成) 2. Motivation(有理可据),Co。
7、Chapter VIII. MEANING AND CONTEXT,speaker:李倩12级英本4班,CONTENTS,1.Two Types of Contexts,A. Linguistic context,B.Extra-linguisitc context,1.Lexical context,2.Grammatical context,3.Verbal context,2.The Vital Role of Context in Determination of Word Meaning,A. Eliminating ambiguities,B.Conveying emotional overtones,C.Indicating referents and the range of the meaning of a word,3.Suggested Ways for the Correct Comprehension of Word Meaning,1.Situation context,2.Cultural context,Linguistic context1。
8、Word Meaning and Componential Analysis,Chapter 5,5.1 Word Meaning 词义,5.1.1 Reference 所指关系 Definition: It is the relationship between language and the world. Part of the word meaning is the reference under discussion. The reference of a word to a thing outside the language is arbitrary and conventional.,(Concept)Symbol Referent (Word, Sentence) (Object),Thought or Reference,The semiotic triangle,语义三角形包含以下几点含义:1)概念/思想(concept/thought)和客观事物(referent/thing)之间是直。
9、Introduction,Changes in Word Meaning,Hamlet,Shakespeare,The rivals of my watch,bid them make haste,Take each mans censure, but reserve thy judgement,How pregnant sometimes his replies are!,Ill wipe away all trivial fond records .,Introduction,Changes in Word Meaning,Shakespeare,They say miracles are past, and we have Philosophicall persons, to make moderne and familiar things supernaturall and causelesee.-(Alls Well That Ends Well ),Introduction,Changes in Word Meaning,愚民同乐,白收起家,植树造零。
10、English Lexicology Unit 5,Pragmatic Meaning of Words,Content,Pragmatic Meaning: an introduction Characteristics of Pragmatic Meaning Classification of Pragmatic Meaning Communicative Function of Pragmatic Meaning,Pragmatic Meaning: an introduction,Semantic meaning Vs pragmatic meaning Context the basis for the production of pragmatic meanings,Semantic meaning Vs pragmatic meaning,Semantic meaning is a conventionalised form of meaning. words mean certain things by generally accepted convention.。
11、7,Changes in Word Meaning,BACK,Changes in Word Meaning,Vocabulary: 1. most unstable element of a language 2. undergoing constant changes both in form and content 3. Comparatively, meaning even more unstable,Changes in Word Meaning,Quirk :.almost every word we use today has a slightly different meaning from the one it had a century ago, and a century ago it had a slightly different meaning from the one it had a century before that .,Changes in Word Meaning,Shakespeares 。
12、. Word Meaning,().Definition: Meaning is a notion in semantics classically defined as having two components: reference, anything in the referential realm denoted by a word or expression, and sense, the system of paradigmatic and syntagmatic relationships between a lexical unit and other lexical units in a language.,The English linguist, Eric Partridge, says:“Words have no meaning; people have meaning for them.”(词本无义,人赋予之。) I say:“Words are words, because they are meaningful.”,A c。