1、第三章,词语的翻译,第一节 多义词、歧义词的英译,一 多义词(polysemous word) Words do not have meanings; people have meanings for words.- Eric Partridge 词本无义,义随人生。 任何一个词,用在新的上下文中就有了一个新义。要确定多义词在特定语境中的涵义,一要紧密联系上下文,二要注意这些词语的搭配习惯。,(一)上下文(context) 所谓上下文,即词、短语、语句和篇章的前后关系,有广狭之分。狭义上下文指特定语言的前言后语。广义上下文指外部经验世界。对上下文的推敲是词语翻译的重要方面,是词义选择,褒贬辨析
2、的基础。,1.上下文与词义选择 书 ? 一本书a book 申请书Letter of Application 协议书 Agreement 家书a letter from home (使用)说明书 Directions,成交确认书 Sales Confirmation 情书a love letter 国书credentials 议定书protocol 证书 Certificate 书报亭news-stand 书画painting and calligraphy 书房study 书生intellectual 参考书目bibliography,意见= opinion, view, suggestio
3、n ? 1)两位领导人就双边关系及共同关心的问题交换了意见。 The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern. 2)党员应该虚心倾听群众的意见。 A party member should listen carefully to the opinions of the masses.,3)他们对这项计划提出了修改意见。 They made some suggestions for the revision of the plan. 4)大家对你很有意见。 People hav
4、e a lot of complaints about you.,5)他们就推举谁做下届总统候选人取得了一致意见。 They have reached unanimity on who will be the presidential candidate for the next general election. 6)他们在会上闹起了意见。 They got into disputes at the meeting.,2.上下文与词义的褒贬 译词必须辨析词的褒贬。 1)他们讲索取,我们讲奉献。 They preach taking from others, whereas we advoca
5、te giving to others.,2)她追求的是真理,而他追求的是荣华富贵。What she seeks is truth, and what he hankers after is nothing but high position and great wealth.,3)宣传部= propaganda department ? 宣传:对群众说明讲解,使群众相信并跟着行动。( 现代汉语词典 ) Propaganda: now often used disparagingly to connote deception or distortion ( Websters New World
6、 Dictionary) Propaganda: is usually false or exaggerated information, rumours and opinions that are presented to try to influence public opinion ( Chambers Essential English Dictionary, 1998 ) 宣传部:publicity department,4)宣传教育= Publicity and education 3.上下文与词义的广狭 汉英相比,汉语重整体思维,命名重统一,故多类名词,而英语少类名词。如英语有s
7、kin(人皮),bark(树皮),hide(兽皮),cover(书皮),却没有与统称“皮”对应的词。汉语中,有时用类名词表示类的一部分。英译时,就需要根据上下文辨析词义的广狭。,1)出入下车。 No cycling at the gate. Cyclists please dismount. 2)兔死狐悲。 The fox mourns the death of the hare - like grieves for like.,(二)搭配 汉英表达习惯不同。翻译时,应在准确把握上下文的基础上,根据英语习惯进行词语搭配。 1)我看出了他的心事。 I could read his mind. 2
8、)他看出了她的破绽。 He spotted her weak point.,二 歧义词(ambiguous word) 歧义词指同时具有两种或两种以上解释的词,这些词的实际意义与其字面意义不同,容易引起误解或误译。 (一)古今含义不同的词 有些词古今含义不同,翻译时应弄清楚其不同的历史含义。,君不闻汉家山东二百周,千村万落生荆杞。-杜甫兵车行 Have you not heard- in Shantung there two hundred districts lie All overgrown with briar and weed and wasted utterly?,山东:古代指华山以
9、东,In the eastern Huashan,(二)同形异义词 古汉语中多单音节词,这些单音节词逐渐向双音节词发展。于是,与现代汉语相比较,古汉语的一些形同义不同的词需要特别注意。 矜寡孤独废疾者皆有所养。Widowers, widows, orphans, childless old people, the physically handicapped and the sick should all be properly taken care of.,地道表达,31.有名无实a poor apology 她很有名气,只不过是个有名无实的歌星。 She does have a big n
10、ame, but shes only a poor apology for a good singer.,32.绞尽脑汁to rack ones brain 33.没骨气have no guts 34.真了不起really something 35.昙花一现a flash in the pan,36.一窍不通not know beans about 37. 寡不敌众be outnumbered 38.单枪匹马play a lone hand 39.吃得开have a big drag with 你可以让他帮帮你,他在那帮人那儿特别吃得开。 You may ask him to help . H
11、e has a big drag with those guys. 40.出师不利get off on the wrong foot,Homework,1.他谢绝赴宴的邀请。 2.产品质量有待提高。 3.那位工程师在一次事故中受了重伤。 4.如果发生创伤,最重要的是预防感染。 5.如果病人无力支付,医生会免收诊费。,1.他谢绝赴宴的邀请。 误译:He refused an invitation to dinner. 正译:He declined an invitation to dinner.评析:refuse 与decline是同义词,意为“拒绝”,但decline意为“婉言拒绝”,refu
12、se意为“拒绝”。,2.产品质量有待提高。 误译:The quality of the products should be raised. 正译: The quality of the products should be improved. 评析:汉语“提高质量”英语应说improve the quality of , 不能说raise the quality of ; 但可以说raise the price 提高价格,raise efficiency 提高效率,raise the rent 提高租金,raise ones voice 提高声音等。,3.那位工程师在一次事故中受了重伤。 误
13、译:The engineer got seriously wounded in an accident. 正译:The engineer got seriously injured in an accident. 评析:wound 指在战争或战斗中受了枪弹、刀创伤。injure 指在事故中受伤。上述二词都比hurt (受伤)严重得多。,4.如果发生创伤,最重要的是预防感染。 误译:If an injury should happen, it is then very important to prevent infection. 正译:If an injury should occur, it
14、 is then very important to prevent infection. 评析:injury(伤),pain(痛),disease(病)等的发生常常用occur, develop或者result, 不用happen. happen 多指发生事故。,5.如果病人无力支付,医生会免收诊费。 误译:Doctors will not receive fares for services if patients are not able to pay. 正译: Doctors will not receive fees for services if patients are not able to pay. 评析:fee多指学费、会费、诊费、服务费、入场费等。 fare主要指车费、船费等。,The End .,