课外任务的设计技巧与策略熊玉林 陈良云(张家界市第一中学 427000)Abstract: National Curriculum Standards of English Course has advocated Task-based Learning Approach, which is th
1、 课外任务的设计技巧与策略熊玉林 陈良云(张家界市第一中学 427000)Abstract: National Curriculum Standards of English Course has advocated Task-based Learning Approach, which is the latest development of Communicative Approaches but has overcome the fatal problem occurred in CA that many unreal communicative activites have appeared in communicative classroom teaching. This paper discusses why and how to design aut-of-class tasks, following the principles of task designing (the authenticity princip。
2、1稀土微合金元素对于 X65 管线钢组织和性能的影响刘宇雁,包喜荣,陈林,金自立,任慧平(材料与冶金学院,内蒙古科技大学的技术,包头 014010,中国)2010 年 8 月 17 日,2010 年 10 月 20 日修订摘要:随着 X65 管线钢为原料,研究 Ce 对组织的影响力和低温冲击韧性。实验的结果是:Ce 有很大的影响的组织和力学功能的 X65 管线钢,Ce 可以稀释凝固,以改善钢的能力。 样本 1 没有加入稀土元素的 X65 管线钢,有凹坑而且不均匀,它的凹坑和晶粒尺寸较大;样品 2 加入了稀土元素的凹坑,小而均匀。加入了稀土元素的样品 2 的低温韧性和冲。
3、地 质 英 语 结 课 论 文题目:矿田构造类型与找矿方法的优选Ore field structure types and prospecting method is preferred 姓名: 马天宇 系别: 地球科学与资源系专业: 地质学 学号: 03210727 指导教师: 夏奎菊 矿田构造类型与找矿方法的优选 地质专业英语结课论文Ore field is development in space, time, cause some of the deposit are related to each other, there is the production of mining of mineralization concentration areas. Ore field range in a few general. Hundreds of square kilometers. Such as the met。
4、科普英语体会现在夜深人静,我灵感乍现:科普英语其实可以说是我的老朋友了吧。记得和它初次相识早在初中,那时的我只图个重在参与,而现在,老师们十分看重科普英语,还特地开了个研究课叫科普英语。科普,顾名思义,指科学技术普及,是指采用公众易于理解、接受和参与的方式,普及自然科学和社会科学知识,传播科学思想,弘扬科学精神,倡导科学方法,推广科学技术应用的活动。科普英语,是指本应该人人普及的英语知识吧。科普英语蛮有意思的,那些文章,绿色殡葬、全球变暖 、节能环保、低能耗、新型能源都是一些很潮、很值得关注的话。
5、谈以学生为中心英语课堂教学模式英语是一种语言,是一种交流工具,英语教学的主要目的是让学生获得语言交际能力。而语言交际能力是在语言操练活动中获得的,因此,英语课堂教学更要体现以学生为中心。一、以学生为中心是语言学习本质的体现 语言学习本质已由语言学家归纳为:人类自身具有学习语言的能力,人类学习语言的过程是接近语言信息,将其储存在大脑中,再由语言能力将积累的材料转换成语言工作的过程;语言能力本身并不是语言,必须在已定的环境中,这种能力才能得以发挥。说明人类是利用先天的语言能力在一定的语言环境中实现语言。
6、 外语教师综合教学能力的认识_英语论文英语论文21 世纪的国际竞争,关键是人才的竞争,教育的竞争,作为战斗在教育第一线上的教师,应以什么样的姿态去迎接新世纪的挑战, 是摆在我们面前的首要问题。我国在 1999年中共中央、国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定中,江泽民同志指出:建设高质量的教师队伍,是全面推进素质教育的基本保证, 而且随着新世纪的到来,随着素质教育的逐步深入,社会各界对教师能力的要求也越来越高。 所谓教师的能力是指:教师在教学活动中形成并表现出来的,直接影响教育教学活动的成效和质量,决定教育教学活动。
7、1 The principles governing proper placement of concrete are:2 Segregation must be avoided during all operations between the mixer and the point of placement, including final consolidation and finishing. 3 The concrete must be thoroughly consolidated, and should fill all angles and corners of the forms. 4 Where fresh concrete is placed on hardened concrete, a good bond must be developed.5 The temperature of fresh concrete must be controlled from the time of mixing through final placement, and pro。
8、服装英语论文文章一Change Of Chinese Clothing TraditionAn outstanding characteristic of traditional Chinese clothing is not only an external expression of elegance, but also an internal symbolism. Each and every piece oftraditionalclothing communicates a vitality of its own. This combination of external form with internal symbolism is clearly exemplified in the pair of fighting pheasant feathers used in head wear originating in the battle wear of the Warring States period (475-221 B.C.). Two feat。
9、Application of “Deep Rock” Doctrine and Its ReferenceAbstract: With the deepening of the economic globalization, corporation plays a more and more important role in the world. Corporation as a great invention owns an independent personality, which brings us booming economy. But once abused intentionally, it will degenerate into an instrument to defraud the creditors or the public. In order to decrease its negative effects and sustain the booming market, “Deep Rock” doctrine as well as the Di。
10、(空两行)An analysis on which English-teaching method is more appropriate for China(空一行)A Thesis Presented to theFaculty of Binhai School of Foreign Affairs Tianjin Foreign Studies University(空一行)In Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirements for the Degree (空一行)Bachelor of Arts(空两行)by Zhang XiaolinMay,year(空一行)Contents (加粗、居中)(空一行)Abstract (in Chinese) IAbstract (in English) .III. Introduction .1II. Literature review.。
11、英语学术论文作业Hybrid Parallel Programming on GPU ClustersAbstractNowadays, NVIDIAs CUDA is a general purpose scalable parallel programming model for writing highly parallel applications. It provides several key abstractions a hierarchy of thread blocks, shared memory, and barrier synchronization. This model has proven quite successful at programming multithreaded many core GPUs and scales transparently to hundreds of cores: scientists throughout industry and academia are already using CUDA to 。
12、Good morning, appraises committee members and schoolmates. I come from class 08951, and I am Yu Lianfei.Today, the title of my paper is On the Network Novels. In recent years, the network literature is developing rapidly. Network novel is one of the fast of them. In the middle schools, high schools and even universities, there is no lack of network novels addicts. For the above facts, I select the subject of “on the network novels” as the title of my paper.Then, I will show it to you. In th。
13、Individual Heroism in American Science Fiction Films美国科幻片中的个人英雄主义Introduction 前言Chapter 1: Individual heroism in America第一章: 美国个人英雄主义1.1 The Origin of Individual Heroism in America1.1 美国个人英雄主义的起源1.2 The Prevalence of Individual Heroism in America1.2 个人英雄主义在美国的盛行1.3 The Characteristics of Individual Heroism in America1.3 美国个人英雄主义的特点Chapter 2: American National Conditions and Individual Heroism第二章: 美国个人英雄主义与美国国情2.1 Ameri。
14、Chinglish,即“中式英语“。学习者在写作中往往先用汉语打腹稿,或列出中文提纲,再把汉语一句句机械地转换成英语,带有明显的汉语痕迹,因而不能被以英语为母语者所接受。 中式英语指带有中文语音、语法、词汇特色的英语,是一种洋泾浜语言。中式英语在英语被称为“Chinglish”,是汉语及英语的英文混合而成的合体字。目录简介 定义 影响 西方印象 历史 中式英语的必要存在性 例子 发音 简介定义影响西方印象 历史中式英语的必要存在性例子发音 词汇 当代中国自创英文缩写 语法 混用语 中式英语名 幽默展开编 辑 本 段简 介Chinglish,即 。
15、Contents1. Introduction21.1Background and Value21.2Literature Review21.3Structure22 relevant literatures.22.1 the development of the humorous literature 22.2 The Million Pound Note 22.3synopsis of fortress besieged 23 the contrast of two literatures23.1 National characteristics in two literatures.23.1.1 contrast of language 33.1.2 contrast of behavior .33.1.3 contrast of psychology 33.1.4 contrast of modes of thinking33.2the plots of two literatures.33.2.1the high point of the stories.33.2.2 the。
16、Pierre Cardin (服装) 皮尔。卡丹Giant(自行车) 捷安特Vigor(保健药) 没有对应翻译Nokia(手机) 诺基亚Sumsung(电器) 三星Olympus(照相机) 奥林巴斯Supor (炉具) 苏泊尔Chery(汽车)奇瑞Aigo (U 盘) 爱国者Metro (商场 ) 麦德龙Sharp(电器)夏普Pantene(洗发液) 潘婷Dove(巧克力) 德芙Marlboro(香烟品牌) 万宝路Pizza Hut (比萨店) 必胜客Pentium(英特尔芯片) 奔腾微处理器 , 美国英特尔股份公司相对新产的中央处理单位 (计算机用语)HP(电子仪器) 惠普Colgate(牙膏品牌)高露洁, 一种美国流行的牙膏HeadShoulders。
17、AbstractMob-dick is regarded as the masterpiece of Herman Melville.It contains plenty of symbolism.Understanding the symbolic meaning of the characters and subjects in the novel is important.This paper analyses the symbolic meanings of different individuals in order to make a better understanding of the novel.Moby Dick represents God owing to his godlike characters and his awfully severe beauty.Ahab symbolizes the league human with evil.In the whaling trip,we can see his bravery and patience,as 。
18、1旅游英语课程论文题目名称:跨文化视角下的风景民俗翻译以张家界为例 学生姓名: 赵清清 学 号 : 20094031044 学 院: 外国语学院 年 级: 2009 级英语非师范专业 6 班 2跨文化视角下的风景民俗翻译以张家界为例摘要:文化是一个民族的灵魂,是一种传承的载体也是旅游的意蕴精髓。旅游业不仅是一种商业性活动,更有价值的是一种文化活动。本文通过笔者的实践结合跨文化意识在景点民俗翻译中的重要性,指出如何更有效的更地道的译出景点和民俗中的文化底蕴,传递出文化的魅力。关键词:旅游;跨文化意识;文化;风景民俗 张家界作为一座。
19、 浅谈英语教学中的能力培养左雪容从事高中英语教学已十五年了,在不断的学习,摸索,总结中,本人在培养学生学习英语的兴趣与能力方面小有收获。现与大家共同分享 。众所周知兴趣是学习的原动力,对于学生,要想让他们对你所教的学科感兴趣,最简单最好的方法就是全心去爱他们。爱是相互的,只要你爱他们,他们就会喜欢,爱你,自然就愿意跟着你学。只要学,一切就好解决了。学习与能力就会不断进步。只要有收获,有进步,他们就有了成就感,就会喜欢这门学科。对于学习能力,主要是培养学习习惯(好的习惯决定好的结果)帮他们构建知识体系。
20、1On going aboard英语 10(4)班 陈妙儿 10106014009Going aboard is not a novel thing anymore in the 21st century. As an English major, my dream is going aboard someday, I dont want to go to university there, but I do want to travel around the whole USA.Id love to find a job such as waitress or shop assistant when my money is used up and I would going on travelling when I save enough money for me travelling to next place. I dont know whether I have chance to realize this dream, but I will try all m。