1、Contents1. Introduction21.1Background and Value21.2Literature Review21.3Structure22 relevant literatures.22.1 the development of the humorous literature 22.2 The Million Pound Note 22.3synopsis of fortress besieged 23 the contrast of two literatures23.1 National characteristics in two literatures.23
2、.1.1 contrast of language 33.1.2 contrast of behavior .33.1.3 contrast of psychology 33.1.4 contrast of modes of thinking33.2the plots of two literatures.33.2.1the high point of the stories.33.2.2 the fates of the characters34 comparison of two literatures34.1 techniques of humor.34.2 logics of humo
3、r 35.Conclusion 45.1Achievements45.2Limitations 45.3Future Directions 4References .4Acknowledgement .41. Introduction1.1Background and Value1.2Literature Review1.3Structure2 relevant literatures 2.1 the development of the humorous literature2.2 The Million Pound Note2.3synopsis of fortress besieged
4、3 the contrast of two literatures 3.1 National characteristics in two literatures 3.1.1 contrast of language 3.1.2 contrast of behavior 3.1.3 contrast of psychology 3.1.4 contrast of modes of thinking3.2the plots of two literatures3.2.1the high point of the stories3.2.2 the fates of the characters 4 comparison of two literatures 4.1 techniques of humor4.2 logics of humor5.Conclusion 5.1Achievements5.2Limitations5.3Future DirectionsReferences Acknowledgement