The Tower of Babel Now the whole earth had one language and the same words And as they migrated from the east they came upon a plain in the land of Sh
1、The Tower of Babel Now the whole earth had one language and the same words And as they migrated from the east they came upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there And they said to one anothe。
2、高级笔译翻译考试模拟试题及答案1 I think lawyers mistakenly believe complex language enhances the mystique of the law.2 Not long ago, a foreign visitor whose English is extremely good told me of his embarrassment in a tea shop.3 Meanwhile individual schools are moving on their own to redress the imbalance between teaching and research.4We have created a faculty of scholars frequently so narrow in their studies and specialized in their scholarship they are simply incapable of teaching introductory。
3、英译汉:表达难翻译理解占四成,表达占六成。 (著名翻译家萧乾)逐字死译往往不是损害原文的思想就是损害译文语言的正确性,或者两者都损害。 (费罗道夫)时下的译文,有许多是看不懂的,因为译者对原文没有透彻了解,只好逐字移 译,有人以为是忠实,其实这是偷懒和取巧。 这样的译文用不着熔铸和洗炼的工夫,只把原文硬搬过来就行。 (王宗炎)我做译者一向守一个原则:要译原意,不要译原文。只顾表面的原文,不 顾后面的原意,就会流于直译、硬译、死译。 (余光中)短句也难译1. It was a cold winter day. 译文一 这是一个寒冷的冬。
4、英语辅修、双学位专业 2009 级英译汉课程讲义2009-7-6I. Translation and Translation StudiesII. Factors Involved in TranslationIII. Translation CriteriaIV. Translation ProcessV. Translation Practice5.1 Sentence Translation1. He wanted to run, but that would be the worst thing he could do.2. Linda is a good singer and a good dancer, a great actress and a great joker.3. The little chaps good-natured honest face won his way for him.4. Somehow our path took us toward the park.5. Hows the world treating 。
5、物料科学 Material Science 物料科学定义 Material Science Definition 加工性能 Machinability 强度 Strength 抗腐蚀及耐用 Corrosion 片 高硼低硫(LS)定取向 钢片之磁力及电力性能 Magnetic and Electrical Properties of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS 晶粒取向电器用硅 硅 钢片 高硼低硫(LS) 定取向钢片之机械性能及夹层系数 Mechanical Properties and Lamination Factors of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS 晶粒取向电器用硅(硅)钢片- 高硼 (HI-B)定取向 芯钢片,定取向芯钢片及高硼低硫(LS)定取向芯钢片之厚度及阔度公差 Physical Tolerance of 。
6、 湖南公安高等专科学校外语教研室1第四章 英译汉应试技巧一、题型分析英译汉是对考生将英语正确译成汉语的能力的一种检验。教育部高教司颁布的高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求规定:考生应能借助词典将中等难度的一般题材的文字材料和对外交往中的一般业务文字材料译成汉语。理解正确,译文达意,格式恰当。在翻译生词不超过总词数 5的实用文字材料时,笔译速度每小时 250 个英语词。英译汉部分共 5 个小题,计 20 分,要求考生在 25 分钟内完成。试卷中,题目序号为6165,其中 6164 小题为字数 10-30 个词不等的、易使人产生误解的并列。
7、1英译汉B1、I knocked on his door but nobody came to answer it.答案:我敲了他的门,但没人来开门。2、Most students feel satisfied with the progress theyve made.答案:大多数学生对自己所取得的进步感到满意。3、The Peoples Republic of China (PRC), founded on October 1, 1949, covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.答案:中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日,国土面积约960万平方公里。4、People all over the world are trying to help the people in the quake-stricken areas.答案:全世界人民都在尽力帮助。
8、笔译:英译汉技巧一、词义的选择和引伸技巧英汉两种语言都有一词多类和一词多义的现象。一词多类就是指一个词往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义;一词多义就是同一个词在同一词类中又往往有几个不同的词义。在英译汉的过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后,就要善于运用选择和确定原句中关键词词义的技巧,以使所译语句自然流畅,完全符合汉语习惯的说法;选择确定词义通常可以从两方面着手:1、根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义They are as like as two peas .他们相似极了。(形容词)He likes mathematics more than physics .他喜欢。
10、1. Octinum D has proved effective in the prophylaxis and therapy of disorders arising from spasm of the smooth musculature.新握克了已证实对平滑肌痉挛引起的病症有预防和治疗作用。2. Intralipos 10% is a white opaque fat emulsion for intravenous injection, containing 10 W/V % of purified soybean oil.脂肪乳剂( 10%)是白色,不透明,供静脉注射用的脂肪乳剂,含有 10%(W/V)的精制大豆油。3. Ursosan Tablet 50mg is a white plain tablet which contains 50mg of ursodesoxycholic acid.熊去氧胆酸片为白色素片,每。
11、翻 译 1 Had she found the right buyer she would have sold the house 如果找到了合适的买方 她就已经把房屋售出了 2 So long as we know each other s requirements I m sure the talks will proceed as planned 只要我们双方了解对方的要求 我相信洽谈会按计。
12、Text1: From Competence to CommitmentErnest Boyer1. Todays students have ambiguous feelings about their role in the world. They are devoting their energies to what seems most real to them: the pursuit of security, the accumulation of material goods. They are struggling to establish themselves, but the young people also admitted to confusion: Where should they put their faith in this uncertain age? Undergraduates are searching for identity and meaning and, like the rest of us, they are torn b。
13、1翻译典型译例举隅:(1) 形神兼备式七八个星天外,两三点雨山前。 (辛弃疾)Beyond the clouds seven or eight stars twinkle,Before the hills two or three raindrops sparkle.(2) 舍形取神式Why the river is rich, because it has two banks.为什么河流是富有的,因为它总向前(钱)流。(3) 文字游戏人曾为僧;人弗能成佛,女卑为婢;女又何妨成奴。A Buddhist cannot bud into a Buddha,A maiden may be made a home maid.(4) 得形忘义抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。 (李白)Drawing sword, cut into water, water agai。
14、英译汉中的反译法在英译汉过程中,我们常常遇到这样一种情况,即原词所表达的并不是其字面意义,而是其字面意义的反义,或者说是对其字面意义的否定,可这种否定又往往不出现否定词,这种情况并不很少,给翻译工作带来很大的麻烦。下面是常见的两个词组,请注意它们的汉语意思: riot police 防暴警察(即 anti-riot police,而不是暴乱的警察)crisis law 反危机法案(即 anti-crisis law)这两个词组的翻译采用的就是反译法,译文都是其字面意辽的否定或反义,这样既表达了原文的真正含义,又符合汉语的表达习惯,使人一看就懂。另外,英。
15、1Supporting Patients to Make the Best DecisionsMust be a core component of what it means to be a health professional帮助病人做出最佳选择卫生/医疗专业人士的核心内容Imagine an intervention designed to improve patient care that a systematic review has shown to be effective, does not seem to have any serious unwanted effects, has been a central component of health policy for more than a decade, is popular with patients, and which in principle is embraced by most clinicians. 想象一下,设计一种系统综。
16、英译汉教程练习参考答案连淑能厦门大学教授、博导Chapter 1 General PrinciplesDrills 1.3.1(1) 1. 这对克服困难很有帮助。 (go a long way towards something/doing something = help greatly in achieving something, OALD 2002: 525;新英汉词典2000: 1577)2. 趁你还年轻的时候,加油吧!/ 青春不再,趁早努力。 (go it = act in a manner that is quicker, more lively, impatient, etc., than is usual. Longman Dictionary of English Idioms 1979: 130;英汉大词典1993: 740)3. 我需要更多空闲的时间。 (could do with somethin。
17、感谢南岸电大老师,是他们才使我们有可能收集到这一系列资源。在您使用这些资源时,请别忘记对他们道一声谢谢。翻译(英译汉)翻译 1(共 3 题,每题 5 分)1 第 1 题 Ive worked here since I graduated from university. 我大学毕业后就一直在这里工作。要注意分析与理解句子成分与结构。本句考核时间状语从句的翻译,时间状语从句的翻译一般放在句首。连词 since 表示“自从、自从 以来”。 第 2 题 Ill get in contact with you as soon as I arrive. 我一到就会和你联系。要注意分析与理解句子成分与结构。本句考核 as soon as 引导。
18、翻译:英译汉1.1. I didnt get up until 11.30 this morning.2. Football is the most popular sport in the world.3. I need to be at the airport by 6.00 oclock.4. Ive never been to Greece, and Id love to go there.5. Weve got enough money to hire extra staff.参考答案:1. 我今天上午十一点半才起床。2. 足球是世界上最流行的体育运动。3. 我得在六点前到达机场。4. 我从没去过希腊,我很想去那儿。5. 我们有足够的钱额外雇用员工。2.1. They lived in a village north of London.2. Ive played table tennis a lot, but Ive 。
19、英译汉1、 this pair of shoes cost me 260 yuan.这双鞋花了我 260 元2、 Not all Americans are interested sports, of course.当然并非所有美国人都对体育运动感兴趣。3、 the little boy wanted to exchange his toy for my cake.这个小男孩想要用他的玩具来换我的蛋糕4、 our teacher always encourages us to speak English bravely.我们的老师总是大胆地鼓励我们大胆地讲英语。5、 you must always remember not to cheat in exams.你必须永远记住考试不要作弊6、 Ill have to try using the search engines.我必须试着使用搜索引擎。