Unit One,Technology vs. Terrorism,Text Understanding,Technology vs. Terrorism,Toxin sniffers*, missile jammers*, dirty-bomb detectors*:The post-911 se
1、Unit One,Technology vs. Terrorism,Text Understanding,Technology vs. Terrorism,Toxin sniffers*, missile jammers*, dirty-bomb detectors*:The post-911 security blitz is affecting more than public safety-its changing the course of science,Translation,toxin sniffers: 毒素嗅探器 missile jammers: 导弹人为干扰发射机 dirty-bomb detectors: 放射性核弹探测器,1 In the race * to prevent future 9/11- style attacks - or worse - Washington has marshaled the U.S. science establishment on a scale not seen since S。
2、,Exercises,Reading Comprehension,Structure of the Text,Unit 3: Exercises,Vocabulary,Cloze,Translation,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,1. According to the first three paragraphs, why did the author resolve to “sail off into the sunset”?,Because he lost almost everything in life and became hopeless.,Reference,Ex. I, p.37,2. What does “desert experience” in paragraph 5 mean?,It means that you feel completely isolated, at loss and out of hope.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,3. How d。
3、研究生英语听说教程(第三版) 主编 任林静 罗立胜 中国人民大学出版社,Unit 1,First Meetings,Section A Exercise 1,Informal Formal Formal Informal Formal,Section A Exercise 2,This is Hi Id like you to meet Its nice to meet you. Hello, Its good to meet you. Hi, Yeah, Im I dont think weve met. Im Its a pleasure to meet you.,Section B Exercise 1,the weather work school the movies,Section B Exercise 2,It looks like rain. So what do you do? Are you a student? Are you going to see City of Angels?,S。
4、,Exercises,Reading Comprehension,Structure of the Text,Unit 3: Exercises,Vocabulary,Cloze,Translation,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,1. According to the first three paragraphs, why did the author resolve to “sail off into the sunset”?,Because he lost almost everything in life and became hopeless.,Reference,Ex. I, p.37,2. What does “desert experience” in paragraph 5 mean?,It means that you feel completely isolated, at loss and out of hope.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,3. How d。
5、Unit Nine,The Equality of LanguagesBy David Crystal,Questions,1. Do you think languages are equal? Whats the authors point of view? Do you agree? 2. As we all know the human race has evolved from primitive to civilized states, have languages gone through the same kind of evolution? 3. What do you think of the “natural superiority” of certain languages?,Text,It comes near to stating the obvious that all languages have developed to express the needs of their users, and that in a sense all langua。
6、Unit Eight,EducationLess of It By Tertius Chandler,Questions,1. Why does the author believe there should be fewer days of school? 2. How does the author interpret the remark that no one marries his first love? 3. Are there any of the authors viewpoints which you disagree with? What are they and why?,Text,Will Durant in his Lessons of History claimed that the greatest hope of human race is increased education. I venture to wonder why? School is unfree, rather like a jail with a term lasting twe。
7、研究生英语精读教程(第三版上),中国人民大学出版社,Unit Two,Cancer & Chemicals,1. Text,2. Exercises,3. Supplementary Reading,Cancer & Chemicals,-Are We Going Too Far?Marla Cone,Menu,Translation,implement v. carry out执行 proposition n. a suggested offer, arrangement or settlement提议,提案,Menu,Translation, 1 Last year, California governor George Deukmejian called together many of the states best scientific minds to begin implementing Proposition 65, the states Safe Drinking Water and Toxic 。