Unit 4,Text A Tony Trivisonnos American Dream Text B Ben Carson: man of miracles (for home reading) Text C Fast reading,Dream and American Dream,Text
新核心综合学术英语教程第一册 unit 4Tag内容描述:
1、Unit 4,Text A Tony Trivisonnos American Dream Text B Ben Carson: man of miracles (for home reading) Text C Fast reading,Dream and American Dream,Text A Tony Trivisonnos american dream,Discussion Prelude StudyText StudyTask 1 VocabularyTask 2 Content QuestionsTask 3 Text OrganizationTask 4 Text DiscussionTask 5 Language FocusTask 6 Development,Discussion,US is called Uncle Sam, do you know its story?US is also called “a big melting pot”, can you guess its meaning and the reas。
2、,BR _ main,The American Dream,Immigrants,The Great Depression,Mortgage,Warm-up Questions,BR_1,The American Dream,BR_1_pop,American Dream is the belief that everyone in the United States has the chance to achieve success and prosperity. For ordinary people, it means a happy family, an ideal job, and a nice house. For minorities and immigrants, it also includes freedom and equal rights.,BR_2,Immigrants,Introduction,First Immigrants,BR_2_1.1,Introduction,Listen to the passage and fill in t。
3、,BR _ main,The American Dream,Immigrants,The Great Depression,Mortgage,Warm-up Questions,BR_1,The American Dream,BR_1_pop,American Dream is the belief that everyone in the United States has the chance to achieve success and prosperity. For ordinary people, it means a happy family, an ideal job, and a nice house. For minorities and immigrants, it also includes freedom and equal rights.,BR_2,Immigrants,Introduction,First Immigrants,BR_2_1.1,Introduction,Listen to the passage and fill in t。
4、Timetables and Schedules,Unit 4,Section I Talking Face to Face Section II Being All Ears,Session 1,Section I Talking Face to Face,。
5、,(全新版)大学英语综合教程第一册 Unit 4 American Dream,I. Cultural Notes 1. American Dream: the belief of Americans that their country offers opportunities for a good and successful life. For minorities and immigrants, the dream also includes freedom and equal rights. 2. Immigrants: Apart from “Native Americans“ Indians who were living in North America when people first arrived there from Europe, all Americans have ancestors who were immigrants. In the US the word immigrant is often used with。
6、Unit 4,Text A American Dream: Everyone can succeed as long as he works hard,American Dream,The belief of Americans that their country offers opportunities for a good and successful life. For minorities and immigrants, the dream also includes freedom and equal rights,Because Americans rejected the European system of society, they had to find a substitute for judging social status. The quality and quantity of an individuals material possessions became the accepted measure of success and social 。
7、,综合学术英语教程 1上海交通大学出版社,Unit 2 Urbanization,Learning objectives,In this unit, students are expected to:1.acquire background information related to global warming.2. skim for main ideas and scan for specific details. 3. process and integrate information from different sources. 4. paraphrase mid-long and complex sentences.5. communicate ideas on the topic via writing and speaking. 6. conduct an individual or group project.,Part I Suggested projects,Part II Text-related information,Pa。
8、,综合学术英语教程 1上海交通大学出版社,Unit 6 Personality,Useful Information,The definition of “personality”“personality” - all the personal and moral characteristics that determine the way a person thinks, feels and acts in his/her social and personal relations. The content of “personality”a vast variety of attitudes and attributes -shyness, generosity, patience, flexibility, sadness, humor, cheerfulness, selfishness, independence and aggressivenessMost people are a mix of positive and neg。
9、,综合学术英语教程 1上海交通大学出版社,About me How to get contact with your teacher?,My name : Hu Ming 胡明 Telephone number : 15668463896 (text message) E-mail address: hum.jn163.com Course code and serial number : sd033110050-322 (Tues. 1-2 Thu. 3-4) sd033110050-326 (Tues. 3-4 Fri. 1-2) sd033110050-330 (Thu. 1-2 Fri. 3-4) School of Information Science and EngineeringSchool of Control Science and EngineeringSchool of Material Science and Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering, School of E。
10、,综合学术英语教程 1上海交通大学出版社,About me How to get contact with your teacher?,My name : Hu Ming 胡明 Telephone number : 15668463896 (text message) E-mail address: hum.jn163.com Course code and serial number : sd033110050-322 (Tues. 1-2 Thu. 3-4) sd033110050-326 (Tues. 3-4 Fri. 1-2) sd033110050-330 (Thu. 1-2 Fri. 3-4) School of Information Science and EngineeringSchool of Control Science and EngineeringSchool of Material Science and Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering, School of E。
11、,综合学术英语教程 1上海交通大学出版社,Unit 5 Art,Learning objectives,In this unit, students are expected to:1.acquire background information related to global warming.2. skim for main ideas and scan for specific details. 3. process and integrate information from different sources. 4. paraphrase mid-long and complex sentences.5. communicate ideas on the topic via writing and speaking. 6. conduct an individual or group project.,Part I Suggested projects,Part II Text-related information,Part III Re。
12、,综合学术英语教程 1上海交通大学出版社,Unit 3 E-business,Learning objectives,In this unit, students are expected to:1.acquire background information related to global warming.2. skim for main ideas and scan for specific details. 3. process and integrate information from different sources. 4. paraphrase mid-long and complex sentences.5. communicate ideas on the topic via writing and speaking. 6. conduct an individual or group project.,Part I Suggested projects,Part II Text-related information,Part。
13、,综合学术英语教程 1上海交通大学出版社,Unit 2 Urbanization,Learning objectives,In this unit, students are expected to:1.acquire background information related to global warming.2. skim for main ideas and scan for specific details. 3. process and integrate information from different sources. 4. paraphrase mid-long and complex sentences.5. communicate ideas on the topic via writing and speaking. 6. conduct an individual or group project.,Part I Suggested projects,Part II Text-related information,Pa。
14、,综合学术英语教程 1上海交通大学出版社,Unit 4 Cultural Awareness,Not familiar with the old-fashioned marriage ceremony, the foreign bride was a little bit awkward and made small mistakes from time to time. Parents-in-law, relatives, and friends all wore smiles, and showed consideration and acceptance (tolerance).,Translate it into English: 由于不熟悉传统的结婚仪式,洋媳妇有些不知所措,时不时出些小错误,公婆亲友一直微笑着,表现出体谅宽容。,Learning objectives,In this unit, students are expected to。