UNIT 8Introduction to Optical Fiber Communication光纤通信介绍One of the most important technological developments during the 1980s has been the emergence of
1、UNIT 8Introduction to Optical Fiber Communication光纤通信介绍One of the most important technological developments during the 1980s has been the emergence of optical fiber communication as a major international industry.光纤通信介绍 80 年代一项最重要的技术发展是光纤通信成为一个主要的国际性产业。One indication of the extent of this development is the total length of installed fiber, which was estimated to be 3.2million kilometers in the U.S. alone by the end of 1987. 用光纤敷设总长度可以表明其发展。
2、电子信息与通信专业英语词汇|通信英语缩语手册通信英语缩语手册A CTE Channel Translating Equipment 信道转换设备CTE Customer Terminal Equipment 用户终端设备CTI Computer Telephony Integration 计算机电话集成CTM Circuit Transfer Mode 电路转移模式CTO Chief Technology Officer 首席技术主管CTP Connection Terminal Point 连接终端点CTS Communications Technology Satellite 通信技术卫星CTS Computer Telegram System 计算机电报系统CTS Credit Telephone Service 信用卡电话业务CTTE Common TDMA Terminal Equipment 通用 TD。
3、Fundamentals and New Concepts for ElectronicsTelecommunications,How to Write Scientific Papers in English,Disadvantages,Advantages,Body,Introduction,Conclusion,Your Main Opinion (thesis),Introducer Sentence,Supporting Point #3,Supporting Point #2,Supporting Point #1,Body,Introduction,Conclusion,Your Main Opinion (thesis),Basic Functions,IntroductionThesisSupporting Points (body)Topic SentencesConclusion,Summarizes & restates main idea and supporting pts.,Basic Function。
4、通信与电子信息工程 专业英语,English for Communication and Electronic Information Engineering,学习本课程的目的掌握专业英文的阅读、翻译、写作的基本方法;学习、积累英文专业词汇;了解专业领域的一些技术、知识。,本课程的主要内容专业英语基础知识精选专业文献的阅读、讲解及翻译练习专业文献(摘要)的写作练习,学习本课程的主要方式课前预习 课堂讲解重点难点 课后练习课堂练习、小测,建议 准备笔记本 准备英汉专业词典,要求 独立完成作业 遵守课堂纪律,Lesson 0 科技英语基础知识 The Basic Knowledge of Scientific and Techni。
5、UNIT 1,同位语跟在所修饰的名词之后,可表示相同的事物或人,也可对该名词进行说明。同位语与所修饰的名词之间可以用各种标点符号隔开,这时同位语可以对标点符号前的整个句子进行说明。,PCM is dependent on three separate operations, sampling, quantizing, and coding.,Substances fall into three groups: conductors, semiconductors and insulators.,The laser is able to amplify light one unique property.,(9 -4) can only be applied provided that the unsaturated gain coefficient exceeds the losses , a necessary requ。
6、Resumes and Application Letters Application Letters Use of Application Letters Structures of Application Letters Contents of Application Letters Characteristics of Application Letters Commonly used se。
7、通信英语缩语手册通信英语缩语手册A CTE Channel Translating Equipment 信道转换设备 CTE Customer Terminal Equipment 用户终端设备 CTI Computer Telephony Integration 计算机电话集成 CTM Circuit Transfer Mode 电路转移模式 CTO Chief Technology Officer 首席技术主管 CTP Connection Terminal Point 连接终端点 CTS Communications Technology Satellite 通信技术卫星 CTS Computer Telegram System 计算机电报系统 CTS Credit Telephone Service 信用卡电话业务 CTTE Common TDMA Terminal Equipment 通用 TDMA 终端设备 CTV Ca。
8、通信英语名词解释AA1-Net GSM 900 网的奥地利名称 AAA Authentication, Authorization, Accounting 鉴权、授权、计费AAL1 ATM Adaptation Layer type 1 ATM 适配层类型 1AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer type 2 ATM 适配层类型 2AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer type 5 ATM 适配层类型 5ABR Available Bit Rate 可用比特率AC 现时转换 Access Channel 选址信道 Access Point 进接器 ACELP Algebraic code excitation linear prediction 算术码激励线性预测ACIR Adjacent channel interference ratio, caused by the transmitter non-idealities and 。
9、UNIT 1,同位语跟在所修饰的名词之后,可表示相同的事物或人,也可对该名词进行说明。同位语与所修饰的名词之间可以用各种标点符号隔开,这时同位语可以对标点符号前的整个句子进行说明。,PCM is dependent on three separate operations, sampling, quantizing, and coding.,Substances fall into three groups: conductors, semiconductors and insulators.,The laser is able to amplify light one unique property.,(9 -4) can only be applied provided that the unsaturated gain coefficient exceeds the losses , a necessary requ。
10、现代移动通信在当今高度信息化的社会,信息和通信已成为现代社会的“命脉”。信息的交流主要依赖于计算机通信,而通信作为传输手段,与传感技术、计算机技术相互融合,已成为 21世纪国际社会和世界经济发展的强大动力。为了适应时代的要求,新的一代移动通信技术应时而生,新的一代移动通信技术即人们称之第三代的核心特征是宽带寻址接入到固定网和众多不同通信系统间的无隙缝漫游,获取多媒体通信业务。随着时代的进步、科技的创新、人们的生活要求的提高,移动通信技术更新换代速度相当惊人,差不多每隔十年移动通信技术就发生一次变革。
11、光纤通信专业英语光通讯专业术语ADM Add Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器利用时隙交换实现宽带管理,即允许两个 STM-N 信号之间的不同 VC 实现互连,并且具有无需分接和终结整体信号,即可将各种 G.703 规定的接口信号(PDH)或移动通信,通信工程师的家园, 通信人才,求职招聘,网络优化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企业黑名单4h$n*V+W“X;T,c6h7V3O)n/w*P1CADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称数字用户线非对称数字用户线系统是一种采用离散多频音线路码的数字用!g53A;J#r7s+R0.R0N户线系统。mscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有 30 万通信专业人员。
12、1.If we consider binary transmission, the complete information about a particular message will always be obtained by simply detecting the presence or absence of the pulse. By comparison, most other forms of transmission systems convey the message information using the shape, or level of the transmitted signal; parameters that are most easily affected by the noise and attenuation introduced by the transmission path. Consequently there is an inherent advantage for overcoming noisy environments by 。
13、2008-10-27 16:33通信专业英语词汇(1)Actuator 执行器A:Amplifier 放大器A:Attendance 员工考勤A:Attenuation 衰减AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器AA:Architectural Acoustics 建筑声学AC:Analogue Controller 模拟控制器ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务ACS:Access Control System 出入控制系统AD:Addressable Detector 地址探测器ADSL:Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称数字用户线路ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoustic F。
14、GMDSS英语阅读 500题单选题一第三部份 英语阅读单项选择题1. IMO has decided that all ships over 300TGt must be fitted with a NAVTEX receiver _ .A. by 01 Feb 1992 B. by 01 Aug 1993C. between 01 Feb 1992 and 01 Feb 1999 D. before 01 Feb 19922. GMDSS is to provide _ with reliable communication .A. all large passenger vessels B. freighters of more than 300gt in coastal waters C. all passenger ships and cargo ships engaged in international-voyages D. all passenger ships and cargo ships of。
15、编号 缩略语 英文全称 中文解释 说明 MSCBSC 移动通信论坛,d$k)l#g(O4N3X1 A/D Analogue to Digital Converter 模数转换 无2 A3 Authetication algorithm A3 A3 认证算法 无 3N“x5+B*Q.m8z6“e3 A38 A single algorithm performing the functions of A3 and A8 执行 A3和 A8 功能的单个算法 无4 A5/1 Encryption algorithm A5/1 A5/1 加密算法 无)S%v8c,h)R#E9J!d5 A8 Ciphering Key generating algorithm A8 产生 A8 算法的加密密匙 无6 AAA Authentication,Authorization,Accounting 鉴权,认证,清算 无7 AB 。
16、編號縮略語英文全稱中文解釋說明 MSCBSC 移動通信論壇,d$k)l#g(O4N3X1A/DAnalogue to Digital Converter 模數轉換無#T,8k48K#b0F2A3Authetication algorithm A3A3 認證演算法無 3N“x5+B*Q.m8z6“e3A38A single algorithm performing the functions of A3 and A8 執行 A3 和 A8 功能的單個演算法無/H$L!s8E7kMSCBSC 移動通信論壇 4A5/1Encryption algorithm A5/1A5/1 加密演算法無)S%v8c,h)R#E9J!d5A8Ciphering Key generating algorithm A8 產生 A8 演算法的加密密匙無6V/V);_$x7G:X0+v44Z:X5Q(q(G,|www.mscbsc.com16 ACL Asynchronous C。
17、A:Actuator 执行器 A:Amplifier 放大器 A:Attendance 员工考勤 A:Attenuation 衰减 AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器 AA:Architectural Acoustics 建筑声学 AC:Analogue Controller 模拟控制器 ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务 ACS:Access Control System 出入控制系统 AD:Addressable Detector 地址探测器 ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器 ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制 AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反馈 AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应 AGC:Automati Gain Cont。
18、3G-MSC 3rd Generation Mobile Switching Centre 第三代移动交换中心3G-SGSN 3rd Generation Serving GPRS Support Node 第三代服务 GPRS 的节点3GPP 3rd Generation partnership project 3 代合作项目AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer type 2 ATM 适配层 2AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer type 5 ATM 适配层 5ACIR Adjacent Channel Interference Ratio 邻道干扰比ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio 邻道泄漏功率比ACS Adjacent Channel Selectivity 邻道选择性ALCAP Access Link Control Application Part 接入链路控制应用部分AMC Adapt 。
19、Unit 1 The Principle of PCM请将下述词组译成英文1.抽样量化与编码 sampling , quantizing and coding2.话路 speech channel3.幅值 amplitude frequency4.抽样频率 sampling frequency5.抽样速率 sampling rate6.脉冲流 stream of pulses7.重复率 repetition rate8.编码过程 coding process9.模拟信号 analog signal10.传输质量transmission quality11.数字通信digital communication12.数字传输digital transmission13.含噪声的环境noisy environment14.传输路由transmission path15.信噪比Signal-to-noise ratio16.信号电平 signal lev。