Chapter 8 Language and Society1. How is language related to society?答: There are many indications of the inter-relationship between language and socie
TEM8 语言学Tag内容描述:
1、Chapter 8 Language and Society1. How is language related to society?答: There are many indications of the inter-relationship between language and society. One of them is that while language is principally used to communicate meaning, it is also used to establish and maintain social relationships. This social function of language is embodied in the use of such utterances as “Good morning!”, “Hi!”, “Hows your family?”, “Nice day today, isnt it?”.Another indication is that users of the sam。
2、睿立汉语 http:/ 第七章 语言随着社会的发展而发展1. 什么是语言的发展?语言的发展是指语言的各个结构要素的日益丰富、完善和精密,使其能够适应不断发展的社会的需要。因此,语言的发展是指语言要素的历史性变化,这种变化使语言日臻完善。2. 语言发展变化的原因有哪些?1) 社会发展是语言发展的基本条件和强大动力。 (外部因素)2) 语言系统内部各要素的相互影响是语言发展的内部因素,决定着每一语言发展的特殊方向。3. 为什么说社会发展是语言发展的基本条件和强大。
3、Chapter 8 Language in Use1. 语义学与语用学的区别1.1 语用学(Pragmatics)Pragmatics is the study of the use of language in communication, particularly the relationships between sentences and the contexts and situations in which they are used.(语用学是研究语言实际运用的学科,集中研究说话人意义、话语 意义或语境意义。 )1.2 区别Pragmatics is sometimes contrasted with semantics, which deals with meaning without reference to the users and communicative functions of sentences.(语用学主要研究在特定的。
4、睿立汉语 http:/ 第七章 语言随着社会的发展而发展1. 什么是语言的发展?语言的发展是指语言的各个结构要素的日益丰富、完善和精密,使其能够适应不断发展的社会的需要。因此,语言的发展是指语言要素的历史性变化, 这种变化使语言日臻完善。2. 语言发展变化的原因有哪些?1) 社会发展是语言发展的基本条件和强大动力。 (外部因素 )2) 语言系统内部各要素的相互影响是语言发展的内部因素,决定着每一语言发展的特殊方向。3. 为什么说社会发展是语言发展的基本条件和强。
5、Chapter 8 Language and society 语言和社会知识点:1. *Definition: sociolinguistics; regional dialect; sociolect; idiolect; Received Pronunciation2. Relatedness between language and society3. *Varieties of language4. *Hallidays register theory5. Degree of formality6. Standard Dialect7. # Pidgin and Creole8. *#Bilingualism vs. diglossia考核目标:识记:*Definition: sociolinguistics; regional dialect; sociolect; idiolect; Received Pronunciation领会:Relatedness between language and society; Varieties。
6、1Linguistics supplementary exercisesChapter 1 Introduction. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: 1. Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2. Linguistics studies particular language, not languages in general.3. A scientific study of language is based on what the linguist thinks. 4. In the study of linguistics, hypotheses formed should be based on language facts and checked against the observed facts. 5. General linguistics is generally 。
7、Chapter 8 Socio-linguistics 社会语言学1. What is socio-linguistics? 什么是社会语言学?Sociolinguistics is the sub-discipline of linguistics that studies language in social contexts.社会语言学是语言学的一个分支,它研究社会环境中的语言。2. Language variation 语言变异a) Speech community 言语社区In sociolinguistic studies, speakers are treated as members of social groups. The social group isolated for any given study is called speech community. A speech community thus defined as a group of people wh。
8、I. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False.Sociolinguistics is the sub-discipline of linguistics that studies social contexts.Language as a means of social communication is a homogeneous system with a homogeneous group of speakers.Language use varies from one speech community to another, from one regional group to another, from one social group to another, and even from one individual to another.The goal of sociolinguistics is to explore the nature of language variat。
9、英语语言学试题(8)语言学试题第一部分 选择题一、单项选择题(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。1.The famous quotation from Shakespeares play “Romeo and Juliet” A rose by any other name would smell as sweet well illustrates _.( )A.the conventional nature of languageB.the creative nature of language C.the universality of languageD.the big difference between human language and animal communication 2.Of。
10、语言学概论教案厦门大学人文学院中文系语言教研室1语言学概论教案选用教材:叶宝奎语言学概论施用范围:汉语言文学本科厦门大学中文系语言教研室语言学概论教案厦门大学人文学院中文系语言教研室2第七章 语言的起源与发展【教学目的】 认识语言起源的几种理论;认识语言发展的表现,语言的分化与统一,语言的接触与融合;了解语言发展的原因和特点;认识语言发展的规律;了解语言的谱系分类。【基本概念】语言接触 双语现象 借词 洋泾滨语言 克里奥尔语 世界语 地域方言 社会方言 亲属语言 谱系分类 【基本理论】一、语言的起源理论;二、。
11、TEM-8 语言学知识复习总结重要概念梳理 第一节 语言的本质一、 语言的普遍特征(Design Features)1. 任意性 Arbitratriness:shu 和 Tree 都能表示“树”这一概念;同样的声音,各国不同的表达方式2. 双层结构 Duality: 语言由声音结构和意义结构组成(the structure of sounds and meaning)3. 多产性 productive: 语言可以理解并创造无限数量的新句子,是由双层结构造成的结果(Understand and create unlimited number with sentences)4. 移位性 Displacemennt:可以表达许多不在场的东西,如过去的经历、将来可能发生的事情,或者。