Lesson 2 II 1. In recent years, as the countrys vigorous economic development has facilitated its foreign trade, its total export and import value bet
1、Lesson 2 II 1. In recent years, as the countrys vigorous economic development has facilitated its foreign trade, its total export and import value between 193 and 2003 increased by 20%, as compared with only 7.5% between 1982 and 1992. 2. The greatly improved communications and transportation resulting from technological progress have speeded up the movements of merchandise, personnel and information between different countries and lowered operating costs, thus bringing about the rapid growth o。
2、Unit1customs areavisible trade invisible tradegross domestic product (GDP)portfolio investmentstocksbondscertificate of depositlicensingfranchisingtrademarkpatentroyaltycopyrightlicensorlicenseefranchiserfranchiseemanagement contractvalue chaincontract manufacturingturnkey projectBOT (Build Operate Transfer)intellectual propertyUnit2national incomeGNP(Gross National Product)per capita incomePPP(purchasing power parity)consumerismincome distributionOrganization of Economic Cooperation and De。
3、国际商务英语口语国际商务英语口语一、商务:what time would be convenient for you?你看什么时间比较方便?Id like to suggest a toast to our cooperation.我想建议为我们的合作干一杯。Here is to our next project!为我们下一个项目干杯!would you please tell me when you are free?请问你什么时候有空?gald to have the opportunity of visting your ompany and I hope to conclude some business with you。很高兴能有机会拜访贵公司,希望能与你们做成交易。what I care about is the quality of the goods.我关心的是货物的质。
4、全国国际商务英语考试(一级)大纲添加时间:【2008-4-30 17:01:00】 阅读次数:【11513】为建立与我国国际商务发展相适应的商务英语水平评价标准,满足相关企事业单位对员工和应聘人员英语能力测评的需要,为相关院校和培训机构提供教学参考,特制定本大纲。一、考试目的本考试是对国际商务英语交际能力的测试。考试结果可作为相关企事业单位人员招聘的参考和国际商务从业人员英语能力的评价依据。本考试旨在统一测试标准和操作规范,促进相关的教育和培训工作,提高国际商务从业人员的职业英语水平。二、考试对象国际商务从业人员以及有意。
5、商务英语 / 用英语开会 / 1 主持会议 Starting our price was higher than our competitors, so we lost the business.让我把话跟你说清楚,我们的价钱比同行竞争者高,所以才失掉那笔生意。get the show started 揭开序幕;开始“show“可指任何表演或戏院所上演的戏剧及影片等,用于此词组时则指任何活动。此词组以舞台开演来比喻开始进行某一活动 。“get“在此处为使役动词,意思是使,“get something started“即有 使开始的含意。此外,这词组也等于“get the show on the road“。The manager wants to get the show started righ。
6、联系业务信函篇 1We are particularly interested in your products, and would like to have more detailed information on all of your commodities. 本公司对贵方的产品特感兴趣,盼能从贵方获得更多的商品详细资料。 We have extensive sales network for this line of goods, and shall always be ready to cooperate with you in marketing of your products in our market. 我方对此产品有广大的销售网,本公司随时准备与贵方合作,以拓展贵方产品在我国的市场。 We have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experi。
7、CHAPTER 2International Business LawPROMISEsomething that has the effect of an express assuranceindication of what may be expected. COMMITMENTthe act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself. PLEDGE a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing somethinga pledge of aid; a pledge not to wage war. Law.a. the act of delivering goods, property, etc., to another for security. b. the resulting legal relationshipREMEDY 1.something that cures or relieves a disease or bodily disorder; a 。
8、商 务 英 语 综 合 教 程A B u sin e ss E n glish C ou r se杜 凤 秋 主 编杨 丽 霞 副 主 编对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学 出 版 社图 书 在 版 编 目 ( C IP ) 数 据商 务 英 语 综 合 教 程 A B usiness E nglish C our se 杜 凤 秋 主 编 北 京 : 对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学 出 版 社 , ISBN 唱 唱 唱 唱 畅 商 畅 杜 畅 商 务 英 语 教材 畅 H 中 国 版 本 图 书 馆 C IP 数 据 核 字 ( ) 第 号憋 2007 年 对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学 出 版 社 出 版 发 行 版 权 所 有 翻 印 必 究商 务 英 语 综 合 教 程A B usiness En glish C ours。
9、商务英语就业方向与范围商务英语就业方向:1 、国际贸易实务方向本专业方向掌握商务英语专业所必需的基础理论知识和专业知识,具备较强的英语应用技能及商业运作能力,能从事商务与秘书工作的高等应用型人才。该专业由英语语言能力、商务运作能力和计算机应用技术三个技能模块构建成整个教学计划的核心,就业前景乐观。2 、国际商务管理及秘书方向本专业方向掌握商务英语专业所必需的基础理论知识和专业知识,具备较强的英语应用技能及商业运作能力,能从事商务管理与项目策划工作的高等应用型人才。该专业学生毕业后掌握商务运作的知识与。
10、书名:商务英语口译教程 ISBN: 978-7-111-29561-7 作者:李鸿杰 王建华 出版社:机械工业出版社 本书配有电子课件,商务英语口译教程 高职高专 ppt 课件,Part One Strategies For Interpretation 商务口译理论及技巧,商务英语口译教程 高职高专 ppt 课件,Unit One An Overview of Interpretation Theories,Part One,口译的定义,口译的标准,口译能力和译员素质,商务英语口译教程 高职高专 ppt 课件,Unit One An Overview of Interpretation Theories,Part One,一、口译的定义(The Definition of interpretation)口译通常涉及两种或两种以上。
11、Business Writing,2010-2011 2nd termLecturer: Dr. YANG Wenhui E-mail: annieywhtom.com,Session 1 Introduction,Objectives of the course,Acquaint you with basic knowledge in business and trade. Familiarize yourself with the layout, format, language (correct and concise) Comprehensive coverage of different stages in business writing (establishing business relations, enquiries and replies, quotations, sales letters, firms offers & counter offers, orders, acceptance and rejections, sales confi。
12、国际商务英语函电,商务英语函电范文,国际商务英语函电答案,国际商务英语函电ppt,国际商务英语函电chap6,国际商务英语函电蒋磊,国际商务英语函电 吴雯,新编国际商务英语函电3,商务英语课程内容,商务英语好不好。
13、Lesson 6 A Specific Enquiry for Carpets,Text,Exs.,回首页,This company is one of the largest carpets importers in San Francisco. We sincerely hope to establish business relations with your company so as to promote trade between our two countries.We are enclosing an enquiry sheet No. 2341 and looking forward to receiving your quotation soon, CIF San Francisco inclusive of our 5% commission. While quoting, please state the earliest shipment and quantity available at present.If your quality is good 。
14、免费体验美国外教口语互动课程 易格英语 国际商务英语培训免费体验美国外教口语互动课程 易格英语 国际商务英语培训国际商务英语培训随着全球化社会的发展,英语成为世界上最广泛使用的语言。很多想要跟上国际步伐的有志之士,对英语的重视程度非比一般!当然,对于中国学生来说,也有很多人梦想能够讲一口流利的英语,这点对未来的发展会有很大帮助。很多人感觉学习英语很困难,主要是方法不对,自然效率不高!下面跟大家分享下我的英语学习经验:首先要明确的明白学习英语,对听、说、读、写、这四项的要做到均衡发展。想必我们也都知道。
15、1International Business EnglishLesson 1International BusinessBusiness Knowledge:The major differences between international business and domestic businessA. Differences in legal systemsB. Differences in currenciesC. Differences in cultural backgroundD. Different in natural and economic conditionsThe major types of international businessA. Tradea. Commodity tradeb. Service tradeB. Investmenta. Foreign direct investmentb. Portfolio investmentC. Other typesa. Licensing and franchisingb. Management 。
16、1,Teaching Courseware: New Business English Intensive Reading Book One A,2,New Business English Intensive Reading Book One A,新编商务英语精读 第一册 全国商务英语研究会推荐教材,3,1 Essentials of Business,2 Marketing,3 Career,4 Jobs and Occupations,5 Eating Habits,4,New Business EnglishIntensive Reading Book OneA,Picture-Word Associating Game Unit OneUnit TwoUnit ThreeUnit FourUnit Five,Unit One Essentials of BusinessUnit Two MarketingUnit Three CareerUnit Four Jobs and OccupationsUnit Five Eating。
17、flying-by-night company; bogus company 皮包公司 ease monetary policy 放松银根 floating population 流动人口 self-regulating mechanism of enterprises 企业的自我约束机制 crave comfort and pleasure 贪图安逸 inflated consumption 消费膨胀 informationize 信息化 freon-free refrigerator 无氟冰箱 paperless transaction 无纸交易 readily marketable products 适销对路的产品 profiteer 倒爷 overstaffing in (government) organizations 机构臃肿 organizational overlapping 机构重叠 substitution of tax payment for pro。
18、国际商务英语综合教程,课程简介,32课时 考查 闭卷 内容简介 本书结构,A Brief Introduction to International Business,1. What Is Business? 2. What Is International Business? 3. The Scope of International Business Activities 4. International Risk 5. On International Business Law 6. Commercial Credit 7. On Management of International Business 8. A Brief Introduction to WTO,第一章 国际商务简介,1什么是商务? 2什么是国际商务? 3国际商务活动范围 4国际风险 5关于国际商法 6商业信用 7关于国际商务管理 8世界贸易。
19、六1商务英语 / 参加国际商展 / 1 飞机上攀谈 Breaking the Ice参加商展时,广结善缘最为重要;运气好的话,在飞机上就可以交到朋友。Jenny Lin 隔座的旅客,正在看计算机杂志,八成是同行,Jenny 很有技巧地打开话匣子,与他谈了起来。 英文正文J: Excuse me, I noticed youre reading an electronics magazine. Did you know theres a big electronics exhibition in Chicago starting tomorrow? B: Of course! Thats the reason Im going to Chicago. Hi! My names Barney Miller. Whats your name? J: Jenny Lin. Im a sales represent。
20、商贸 (电子商务、海关)“advancement, payment on account“ 垫付“bottleneck“ restrictions 瓶颈制约“fair, meeting“ 洽谈会“off-grade goods, rejects“ 等外品“subunderwriting, distribution“ (产品)分销“two-for-one offer, buy one get one free“ 买一送一IPRs (Intellectual property rights) 知识产权 (of two countries or companies) have complementary advantages 优势互补 “closed-door” policy 闭关政策20% off / 20% discount 八折AAMA (Administrative Aspects of Market Access) 市场准人的行政管理措施AB。