专业外语翻译,课堂简介:,学习目的:学习电力专业相关的外语翻译知识,掌握常用电力专业词汇的英文表示,掌握专业文献的翻译技巧,可以借助工具书进行翻译。 考核方式:考勤成绩*10%+平时表现 *10%+作业*20%+技能考核成绩*60% 学习方法:采用教师辅导,学生自主完成的方式进行。,目录 一、什么是
1、专业外语翻译,课堂简介:,学习目的:学习电力专业相关的外语翻译知识,掌握常用电力专业词汇的英文表示,掌握专业文献的翻译技巧,可以借助工具书进行翻译。 考核方式:考勤成绩*10%+平时表现 *10%+作业*20%+技能考核成绩*60% 学习方法:采用教师辅导,学生自主完成的方式进行。,目录 一、什么是翻译 二、科技英语翻译的标准 三、电力专业英语的语法特点 四、如何做好电力英语翻译 五、翻译的过程 六、电力专业英语翻译的方法及技巧(1),一、什么是翻译,翻译是一种语言活动,是利用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的内容重新表达出来的过程。 。
2、Unit 4 Downsizing1. The e-mail looked harmless enough. Be at the Renaissance Austin Hotel, 20 minutes away, in about an hour. Just another stupid meeting, no doubt. But by the time Dell information technology specialist Chuck Peterson walked into a room filled with 75 of his co-workers and a few managers he had never seen before, he knew what was up. “None of them would look at us,” he says. “They had their backs to us or they were looking at their feet.”这封邮件看上去不足以造成伤害(email 。
3、1我们会变得更睿智吗?IQ 值在 20 世纪稳步上升。科学家寻找原因,他們使遗传因子和生活经验这两个因素对智商的决定作用显得更清楚。问题一:警察让 Tony, Funior 叔叔, Silvio, Psulie Walnuts 和 Livia 站成一排,编号从左到右分别是 1 到 6。当中有一个空位。Livia 是从左边数第三个人,Tony 紧靠在Funior 叔叔的左边。如果 Psulie Walnuts 站在 6 的位置上并且没有人在他旁边,Silvio 在哪里?问题二:7 年前 Jack 的年龄是 Jill 的 3 倍。如果 Jack 现在比 Jill 大 5 岁,他多大?当一代一代的在校孩子,军队新兵,工作应征者和门萨。
4、1,工程硕士研究生英语基础教程,电子科技大学外语学院,2,Table of Contents,1. Text 2. Exercise 3. Part B: Grammar 4. Part C,3,Text A: The Land of the Lock,4,Years ago in America, it was customary for families to leave their doors unlocked, day and night. In this essay, Greene regrets that people can no longer trust each other and have to resort to elaborate security systems to protect themselves and their valuables. Although the author is writing his opinion, he uses many examples to reinforce his id。
5、工程硕士研究生实用英语教程 读写译 (课文和翻译)0:13 2009-1-1A Personal Reflection:实用英语Practical English-unit 1 graduate education 研究生教育TEXTGraduate Study Challenges and Strategies for Success反思:读研的挑战与成功策略Linda Weston Kramer, RN, BSN, CCRN琳达威斯顿克莱默(1) The decision to pursue graduate studies should not be taken lightly. Decisions should be made after serious consideration of personal and professional goals. One must evaluate the variety of programs offered, whethe。
6、Word building,Unit 11 - 15,Unit 11:,1. kick a habit: to stop doing sth. That is harmful habit改掉/抛弃/停止不良习惯 Eg. We must kick the big-car habit for the sake of saving oil resources and protecting environment. We have to kick a habit of letting firecrackers everywhere in cities.,Unit 11:,2. in terms of : as regards 在某方面 Eg. In terms of customer satisfaction, the policy cannot be criticized.,Unit 11:,3. dream of: to think about sth. That would like to happen Eg. The young man always dre。
7、Homework,The words HANFENG,1.ingenuity ,indinju:iti,名词 n. 1. 心灵手巧;独创性;足智多谋U She had the ingenuity to succeed where everyone else had failed. 她真是心灵手巧,别人办不到的事她却做成了。 2. 巧妙;精巧U the ingenuity of a plan 办法之巧妙 3. 精巧的装置C,2.sturdyst:di,sturdy1 形容词 a. 1. 健壮的,结实的;健康的 The sturdy young man removed the rock without effort. 那个壮实的小伙子没费多大劲便把石块搬开了。 2. 坚固的,经久耐用的 Children need sturdy clothes. 孩子们需要结实的衣服。 3. 坚强的,刚。
8、猜 测 词 义,Each word, used in a new context, is a new word.Looking for clues in the word (从词本身寻找线索来猜测词义)Looking for clues in the context (从上下文寻找线索来猜测词义),Looking for clues in the word A. Compound (合成词)- a word composed of two or more words Though the compound word may not be familiar to us, we sometimes make it out if we know the meaning of each word unit. main(主要的) + stream(水流,趋向) = mainstream (主流)deaf(聋的) + mute(哑的) = deaf-mute (聋哑人)forget-me-not (。
9、1,英译汉,将一篇120150 词的一般性题材的英语段落在30分钟内翻译成汉语,三个阶段,正确理解表达的基础,词汇意义 句子结构,表达方法,直译 意译 直译意译 音译 形译,翻译技巧,省略法 增词法 转译法 重复法 分译法 正反译法 语序调整 语态调整,一般来说,尽可能用直译,保持原文内容,保证语句通顺,,No addition of information No miss of information No distortion of information,确切表达,准确 恰当 得体,校对,2,省略法,由于英汉两种语言在语法结构、表达方法、修辞手段等方面的不同,为了使译文更加精炼,更符合汉语的表达习惯,有时需。
10、,词汇,句子,语法/句法,句子,篇章,动词的五种句型结构,1. S + Vi.(+介词+O)2S + V系动词 +表语(SC),名词/代词/数词 形容词 副词 动名词 动词不定式 介词短语 名词性从句,3S + Vt. + O,名词/代词/数词 动名词 动词不定式 名词性从句,4S + Vt. + O(名词/代词) + OC,名词 形容词 副词 分词 动词不定式 介词短语 名词性从句,5 S + Vt. + sb. +sth. 或S + Vt. + sth. + 介词 + sb.常用的这类动词有:bring buy ask tell show give pass send write teach等,动词的搭配关系,1. 动词+宾语+by (on, in) eg. catch seize hit take pat等,2. 动词+宾。
11、Unit 3 Computer and Internet,The Internet Transforms Modern Life,Part . Text,Words and Expressions,1. transform v. to change markedly,Examples:,Increased population has transformed the landscape.The movie transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a megastar.,Words and Expressions,2. inquire v. to make an inquiry or investigation,Examples:,I am writing to inquire about your advertisement in The Times. The waiter inquired whether we would like to sit near the window.,Wo。
12、UNIT-1我的第一份工作两位美国名人解释为什么不是你所挣的而是你所学的更重要汽车清洁工我从父母那儿获得了很强的工作道德观。他们俩都经历过大萧条时期,对不是按常规工作的人感到难以理解。我曾经告诉我妈妈,西尔维斯特史泰龙工作 10 周挣 1200 万美元。 “那他在一年其余的日子里干什么呢?”她问。我把父母的工作道德观带人了我在故乡马萨诸塞州安多佛镇附近的威尔明顿镇福特汽车专营店干的第一份工作。那时我 16 岁。学期当中我干活干到五、六点,暑假期间则每天干 12 个小时。我干的是汽车清洁小工的活儿,也就是清洗、擦亮新车,并。
13、Unit 1我的第一份工作汽车清洁工1 我从父母那儿获得了很强的工作道德观。他们俩都经历过大萧条时期,对不是按常规工作的人感到难以理解。我曾经告诉我妈妈,西尔堆斯特 史泰龙工作 10 周挣 1200 万美元,“那他在一年其余的日子里干什么呢?”她问。2 我把父母的工作道德观带入了我在故乡马萨诸塞州安多佛镇附近的威尔明顿镇福特汽车专营店干的第一份工作。那时我 16 岁,学期当中我干活干到五、六点,暑假期间则每天干 12 个小时。我干的是汽车清洁小工的活儿,也就是清洗,抛光等事,并确保纸地板垫的位置合适。还有一项职责是在夜里将汽。
14、Unit 10Cloze Test BThe girl in this sixth grade class in East Palo Alto, California, all have the same access to computers as boys. But researchers says, by the time they get to high school, they are victims of what the researchers call a major mew gender gap in technology. Janice Weinman of the American Association of University Women says, “Girls tend to be less comfortable than boys with the computer. They use it more for word processing rather than for problem solving, rather than to disco。
15、Unit1 优胜者的成功指南励志专家揭示是什麽驱使著他们1.成功人士是如何思考的?什麽驱使着他们?为找出答案 ,我采访了一些在激励他人方面最成功的人: 顶级励志演说家和“如何获得成功”这类最畅销的书的作者。这里有七项他们分享的成功的关键要素:2. 负全部责任。社会上那些没有获得成功的人责怪所有人,从他们的父母到政府机关,而励志的超级明星拒绝接受受害者的这种心态。他们的信条是“如果是那样的话, 那是因为我自己。”3. 他们意识到当你说你自己以外某人或某事阻止你获得成功时, 你正将你的权利拱手让人。你正在说,“你比我更能支。
16、Unit 1A. Translate the following into Chinese. P71.Two noted Americans explain why its not what you earn-its what you learn. Belgians 比利时1、两位美国名人解释为什么不是你所挣的而是你所学的更重要。2.I have never thought I was better than anyone else, but I have always believed I couldnt be outworked.2、我从不认为我那时比其他任何人强,但我一直相信我当时干的活儿别人都赶不上。3.Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.3、看着存款数增加比我当时原本可以买到的任何东。
17、Unit 2,Grammar Review,The Passive Voice (被动语态),语态是动词的一种形式,表示主语和动词之间的关系。英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态动词的主语是动作的执行者,而被动语态动词的主语是动作的承受者。被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式,一般说来,只有需要动作对象的及物动词才有被动语态。,英语语态,被动语态的构成,worked,opened,closed,seen,taught,asked,work,close,open,ask,see,teach,e.g.,由助动词be + 及物动词的过去分词(V-ed)构成。助动词be有人称、数和时态的变化。,am/is/are +done (过去分词) 一般现。
18、UNIT 1 The Winners Guide to SuccessMotivational experts reveal what drives them成功者的成功之路励志专家揭示其前进的动力1 How do successful people think? What drives them? To find out, I interviewed some of the people most successful in motivating others: top motivational speakers and bestselling authors of “how-to-succeed” books. Here are seven keys to success that they share. 成功人士是怎麽想的?什么在驱动着他们?为了究探原由,我访谈了一些最能成功激励大众的人士:顶尖的励志演说者和 “如何成功。
19、工程硕士英语考前辅导,英语运用能力测试介绍,一、考试目的 英语运用能力测试旨在考察考生所具备的实际英语水平、英语阅读能力和运用英语能力。通过英语词汇量、语法、阅读、理解、日常口语等内容的测试,考核考生使用英语的综合能力。,二、试题结构 1题型与题量 (1)语法与词汇结构 该部分共有10个短句,前5题为词汇题,后5题为语法题。词汇与语法部分以国务院学位委员会办公室组织编写的“在职攻读硕士学位全国联考”(英语考试大纲)的有关要求为依据。该部分考试时间为8分钟,分值为20分。,(2)阅读理解 该部分共有4段独立的短文,每。
20、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,1. It was on the early morning of April 2, 1971. The pilots were briefed in the ready room.1971年四月二日清晨,飞机驾驶员都在待命室接受飞行任务。 2. Im blest if I know.我一点也不知道。,Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,3. When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite.我们对中国领导人和中国人民的赞扬不仅仅是出于礼貌。 4. From Florence the river Arno ran down to Pisa, and then it reached the sea.阿。