Unit2 The environmentProject,How much do you know about the Yangtze River ?,It starts from_ and flows into_. It runs across_ provinces and is over _ki
1、Unit2 The environmentProject,How much do you know about the Yangtze River ?,It starts from_ and flows into_. It runs across_ provinces and is over _kilometers long, the _ longest freshwater river in the world and the _longest river in China with very beautiful _ such as the Three Gorges.,nine,the Tuotuo River,the East China Sea,6,300,third,first,natural sceneries,But,The amount of water taken from the river is increasing.。
2、,中三級音樂科Project,貝多芬,4 in love,F.3D,Suen Wai Ho (28),Lam Kwai Ling (14),By,Beethoven (1770-1827),路維希凡貝多芬 Ludwig van,貝多芬1770年12月16日出生於德國萊茵河畔的波昂一個有音樂背景的家庭, 祖先為荷蘭人,他家族是音樂世家,祖父是波昂宮庭樂長,爸爸於科隆選帝 宮廷禮拜堂擔任男高音歌手及宮廷樂長的職務,貝多芬有2個年幼的弟弟。,貝多芬年幼時由他爸爸教他彈琴,他的音樂學習進步很快,當他發現貝多芬的音樂天才,就急於將小貝多芬培養成音樂神童,強迫他長時間練琴。但貝多芬真正的啟蒙老師,卻是宮庭樂長倪富(1。
3、Unit 2,Where can you see braille in our daily life?,bus stop,elevator,underground,street,The story of Braille,Read the article The story of Braille and answer.1. Who introduced blind people to reading?,2. At Brailles time, what were the books for blind people like? Were they convenient for use?,3. What did the soldier do for students when he visited the school?,4. What contributions did Louis Braille make to blind people?,The story of Braille,Read the article The story of Brail。
4、Welcome to Project,Putting on a play,Part1 Lead-in,Think a little bit,Have you ever seen dramas either on TV or in a theatre? Do you enjoy seeing dramas? Have you imagined acting in dramas?,Today, you will have a chance to experience dramas!,The Big Bang,Watch a video and answer some questions,In what style of stand-up comedy is this play? According to The Big Bang, what are the basic elements of a play?,It is in the style of physical. Actors use the body language and oral dialogue to perfor。
5、Unit 1 School life,Project,模块一,Starting a new school club,cosplay club 动漫社,English club 英语社,debate club 辩论社,environmental protection club 环保社,basketball club 篮球社,chess club 棋社,youth volunteer club 青年志愿者社,literature club 文学社,数学俱乐部,math club,2. When the radio club started?,Two years ago.,In order to play music during break time.,3. Why was the radio started?,1. Who started the radio club?Kate Jones, the writer.,4. What does the radio club do?,Name: radio club,4. W。
6、Unit2 Language Designingabooklet Project What rethey Chinesecharacters ThedevelopmentofChinesecharacters pictograph Squa。
7、Unit 3 Tomorrows world Project: Writing a science fiction story,What elements make up a story?Time, place/setting, characters, plot/storyline,Discussion,Read the first story written by Jules Verne. Then answer the following questions. With whom did Professor Lindenbrock make the journey?Professor Lindenbrock made the journey with his nephew Axel and Hans, the guide he hired in Iceland.,2. What was the destination of the journey? How did they go there?They went to the centre of the Earth. They。
8、Model 2 Unit 1Tales of the unexplained Project,Jiangdu No.1 Middle SchoolZ J,识记短语 1. 几个世纪以来 _2. 六英尺高_ 3. 33厘米长_4. 复制_ 5. 与相似_ 6. 作为而出名_ 7. 许多_ 8. 自然保护区_ 9. 追(逐),追赶_ 10. with amazing speed and strength _ 11.在某人看来_ 12. strong evidence for its existence _ 13. 属于_ 14.对有组织的搜索_。
9、M3U2Language Project Designingabooklet DoyouknowthedevelopmentofChinesecharacter 马 lead in 马 ThedevelopmentofChinesecharacters Learningaims Bytheendoftheclass wewillbeableto 1 getthemainideaofthepassa。
10、1,小农户适应全球市场发展项目 2005年4月,布赖恩 斯特林 Brian Sterling,农产品供应链的跟踪 与追溯体系,2,今日对话,背景信息 为何关注跟踪与追溯体系? 它能帮助你做什么? 可以跟踪: 加拿大正在做什么? 下一步呢?,3,目前情况,跟踪与追溯体系不是新近关注 食品安全与公共健康已成为主要的驱动力 多种驱动力: 生物恐怖主义对食品供应的国际污染 疯牛病 禽流感家禽(2004年加拿大有1千9百多万只鸟死于禽流感) 沃尔玛和麦当劳 卡塔赫纳议定书(生物多样性) 远东与欧洲已经出台了相关法律 欧盟开始了跟踪与追溯要求 日本和韩国对某些从。
11、Project Developing an ad campaign,南京五中 黄祖明 方玉勇,Step One: Comprehension,1 What is an ad campaign?2 What media can you use in an ad campaign?3 What questions should we first consider?,An ad campaign is an organized programme of advertisements using various kinds of ads to reach a particular audience.,We can use different kinds of media, including newspapers,magazines,televisions,billboards, mailing, etc.,1 Who is the audience for your ad campaign? 2 What do you want your ad campaign to s。
12、软件项目管理Project,2019年1月16日,软件项目管理Project初步,背景知识 使用Project目的 进行项目控制和跟踪、详细的时间安排、早期的项目计划、沟通、报告、甘特图等 WBS代码 用来标志每项任务在项目大纲结构中的唯一位置,可用于报告日程和跟踪成本。 分为大纲数字和自定义代码。 Project数据库 保存项目的详细数据 Project 将用户输入和计算出的各种信息保存在域中。,软件项目管理Project初步,Project用户界面 菜单 工具栏 视图栏 用Project制定第一份计划 任务:a, b, c 开始时间:当前日期 各项任务不能同时进行,Project项目管理应用。
13、The Project of Integrated Course,Topic: World Exposition Members: XXX,The Basic Information of the World ExpoThe world exposition, also known as international exposition. Its abbreviation is Expo. It is organized by the host countrys government or the government entrusted other departments to hold. It is an international activity with a long history and has a great influence to the whole world. Exhibitors to show the achievements of the contemporary culture, science and technology which influ。
14、Chapter Four: Defining the Project,4.1: Summarize综述,This chapter describes a disciplined, structured method for selectively collecting information to use through all phases of the project life cycle, to meet the needs of all stakeholders (e.g., customer, project manager), and to measure performance against the strategic plan of the organization. The method suggested is a selective outline of the project called the work breakdown structure. (99-2-1),The early stages of developing the outline se。
15、项目管理与Project,project基础使用,目录,一、Project 概述 二、MP3开发计划 三、项目任务设置 四、项目资源设置 五、设置关键路径 六、project视图与报表 七、项目监控 八、项目发布,一、 Project 概述,项目管理基础 Project实用情况 常用的项目管理技术 Project 与项目管理 Project的视图 Project制作项目计划流程 改造Project模版,Project 概述,项目和项目管理 项目的特性 项目生命周期的几个阶段,Project 概述,适用行业:汽车、机械制造、电子电气、IT及通讯、化工、电力、环保、交通、设计、房地产等 适用对象:项目团队、研发团队、。
16、2019/2/1,1,Beijing Elcoteq Electronics Co., Ltd.,5S Project in BEE,2019/2/1,2,Contents,1. 5S Team Organization Chart 2. 5S Team Project Plan in BEE 3. 5S Implement Plan in each area 4. 5S Definition 5. 5S Implement Instruction 6. 5S Implement Check List 7. 5S Evaluation Standards 8. Case introduce : Cost saving in PL-2 & PL-5 9. Case analysis,2019/2/1,3,1. 5S Team Organization Chart,2019/2/1,4,2019/2/1,5,2) 5S Control System Project Plan in BEE,2019/2/1,6,2019/2/1,7,2019/2/1,8,3) 5S Impl。
17、项目计划,实验1 使用Project安排项目计划,实验目的:通过实验,熟练使用Project2007进行项目计划安排,掌握工作任务分解(WBS)方法。 实验内容: 三人组成开发团队开发“网上购物系统” ,使用Project画出甘特图,目标,了解项目规划的概念 了解项目规划的工作内容 掌握工作任务分解(WBS)方法,www.etc.org.cn 中国软件行业协会教育与培训委员会,软件项目规划,WBS,WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)是一种将复杂任务分解为简单任务的方法 将项目分解为可管理的活动 作为软件项目计划和跟踪的基础,www.etc.org.cn 中国软件行业协会教育与培。
18、第7章项目的格式设置 本章内容提要 学习如何修饰甘特表 学习使用甘特表向导快速格式化项目文件 改变视图中其他要素 包括文本 条形图和节点框 网格和版面 如何向日程表中插入图形和对象 项目格式设置的方法 要使项目计划更容易被人理解 可以采用下。
19、Project: Application of probability on electronic and communication systems,问题及应用背景:,广州亚运会期间运动场馆周围通信基站的发射功率和带宽设计,思考问题:与哪些因素相关?,每个通信基站都有一定的容量和功率限制,合适的容量和功率: 既满足要求也不资源浪费,如何设计基站合适的容量和功率?,工程问题向数学问题的转化:假定总共有N个观众,对第i个观众,如果平均通话次数为N(i), 平均每次通话的时间为H(i),则Traffic intensity 为:N(i)* H(i) (Erlang)总的通信强度为:N(i)* H(i),问题1:通话的时长H(i)的分布模式,数据。
20、冰晶月,东方Project,目录,作品介绍人物介绍作者介绍上海爱丽丝幻乐团,东方Project(简称东方)是日本同人游戏社团上海爱丽丝幻乐团所制作的一系列游戏(尤其以弹幕射击游戏占大多数)与一些相关作品。 一般认为,东方系列之所以在同人界占有一席之地,主要有三个原因:精心设计排列方式的几何形状弹幕,悠闲自成一派的世界观与人物,以及切合人物个性的音乐。另外,除了东方萃梦想、东方绯想天以及东方非想天则是跟人合作之外,其他各代游戏皆为作者ZUN一人创作,作品介绍,人类,博丽神社的巫女。父母不详,据魔理沙在香霖堂第一 话所言是。