1、GRE 写作精华版,杭州新东方 程大志,新GRE考试,GRE写作概述,写作的流程,审题 (1-2Min) 列提纲 (1-3 Min)顶层设计一定要做好哦! 首段 (3-5 Min) 主体 (15-20 Min) 三段 (主题句, 不要中断思路) 结尾 (1-2Min) 检查(结构,语法,拼写),审题:注意关键词,1 语气词 (缓和语气避免绝对,或故意绝对化): tend to, largely, any, best, all Peoples behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making. Students sh
2、ould always question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.2 情态动词: will surely, must, ever could, should, have a responsibility to, necessary, can,has been normative 应不应该 vs. positive 是不是,是否认可一种判断 The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into
3、 truly strong and independent individuals. Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.3 有没有人为的将两个立场对立:A nations greatness: welfare of the people vs. achievements of rulers, artists, or scientists 4 注意命题的开放程度,时间,空间,领域,关键词. If a goal is worthy, then any
4、means to attain it are justifiable. To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.,写作的立场,Agree 赞成 (小幅让步) Disagree 反对 (小幅让步) Agree with concession 让步赞成 Disagree with concession 让步反对 Eclectic 或者分情况讨论,或者两者都需要最常用立场是3, 4,5, 一般开头段,主题部分三段,结尾段 平时练习可以灵活选择立场,考试
5、时选择有话说的立场。,有话说:举例子 讲道理细讲,举例子:时空人 细分 讲道理:1*正反分析 (brainstorming最常用的方法)2调和对立 (实用于题目中被认为对立的双方)3*前提分析 (分析命题成立的前提)4*充要分析 (充分:有A一定有B, 必要,要有 B必须有A) 5*题干切分 (将原题干切分成若干子论点)6 定义关键词 7 明显悖论8 杂而揉之,如何举例子:时空人细分:空间细分,如何举例子:时空人细分:时间细分,如何举例子:时空人细分:人群细分,有话说之讲道理,讲道理:1正反分析 (brainstorming最常用的方法)2调和对立 (实用于题目中被认为对立的双方)3前提分析
6、(分析命题成立的前提)4充要分析 (充分:有A一定有B, 必要,要有 B必须有A) 5题干切分 (将原题干切分成若干子论点)6 定义关键词 7 明显悖论8 杂而揉之,如何讲道理:1 正反分析,一个事物的两方面两个事物或者情况的对比,如何讲道理:2 调和对立,GRE issue 命题经常人为的将两个立场对立起来,让大家二选一,比如竞争与合作,现在的问题与未来的问题等等。这是我们经常可以将两者调和,或者说两者都需要,或者说两者其实可以互相促进等等。,如何讲道理:3 前提分析,GRE issue作文中很多命题的成立是有假设条件的,如果假设条件不成立,命题自然也不会成立。但这种分析难以支撑一篇文章,需
7、要配合其他的方法。但是对假设的分析能够像老师展示我们思维的深度度度!,如何讲道理:4 充要分析,从充分条件或者必要条件的角度来分析题目。 充分条件是说A足以导致B, 所以A是B的充分条件。我们的攻击方法就是A不足以导致B,还需要CDE. 必要条件是说要得到B必须有A,所以A是B的必要条件,那我们只要说没有B也可以有A,就瓦解了原命题。,如何讲道理:5 题干切分,有些复杂的题目可能有两层甚至更多的意思,这个时候可以对题目进行适当的切分,可以有效的掌握题目的复杂性,并且能够有效的扩展思路。专属的开头方式。,如何讲道理:6 定义关键词,有些题目包含一些总要的关键词,如果不对这些关键词加以定义或者讨论
8、的话,很难说清楚自己的观点。65 Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws. (Justice: values, interests, beliefs) 75 In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero. (hero as
9、perfect in every aspect and respected by all (Mother Teresa) model in every way, or sacrifice themselves for others),如何讲道理:7 明显悖论,在GRE题目中, 有些明显是悖论,也就是似是而非,似非而是的题目,这些题目其实要通过前6种方法进行深入讨论。,开头段,总原则:务必简洁,清楚,少犯错误,引用题目时要适当改写.题目:It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value.
10、改写: 谓语动词:give: create, provide to, come from, 修饰词:Lasting: permanent, enduringArtist, not the critic, provides something of enduring value to society. Things of lasting value come from the artists, not the critics. Artists, not the critics, create something of permanent value to the public.,开头策略,开头一
11、般要做到3点:1向读者表明你的立场 position2展示你已经充分认识到论题的复杂性和深刻性。(让步或者讲不同的立场)3让读者了解你在论文的主体部分要论证的内容。(分论点概述),开头策略,1 重述观点+表明立场 (菜鸟级) The author contends that we ultimately gain more from competition. I agree/disagree with the author for the following reasons.contend: assert, suggest, maintain, claim Think, believe, say
12、,开头策略 1 加强版,作者观点+自己观点+主要理由(预示下文)The author contends that we ultimately gain more from competition. I agree/disagree with the author because competition stimulates the economy, reduces the corruption in politics and helps arts to flourish. 难点:高度概括自己的主要观点,不要讲太细,开头策略 1 范文版,“The best way to teach-whethe
13、r as an educator, employer, or parent-is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.“ 29 24 52 Praise + - criticism+The speaker suggests that the most effective way to teach others is to praise positive actions while ignoring negative ones. In my view, this statement is too extreme. It over
14、looks circumstances under which praise might be inappropriate, as well as ignoring the beneficial value of constructive criticism, and sometimes even punishment.,开头策略,2 让步+表明立场 :首先肯定反方的可取之处,然后根据对方立场的不足或不全面处再立论,更具针对性。Admittedly, too much competition would lead to excess production in economy, partisa
15、n politics, and undue concern with rankings and grades in education. However, without competition, more serious problems may arise. Therefore, it is ultimately more beneficial to have competition in our lives. Admittedly: undeniably/granted/undoubtedly,开头策略 2 加强版,观点+原因+让步 “Universities should requir
16、e every student to take a variety of courses outside the students field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.“I fundamentally agree with the proposition that students must take courses outside their major field of study to beco
17、me “truly educated.” A contrary position would reflect a too narrow view of higher education and its proper objectives. Nevertheless, I would caution that extending the proposition too far might risk undermining those objectives. (好不好都提到),开头策略 3,3 提出问题+表明立场把论题用问句表达,突出其争议性,然后根据自己的观点给出答案。Must we choos
18、e between tradition and modernization, as the speaker contends? I agree that in certain cases, the two are mutually exclusive. For the most part, however, modernization does not reject tradition. ,开头策略 3 加强版,3 “While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their succe
19、ss to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation.“Which is a better way to prepare young people for leadership: developing in them a spirit of competitiveness or one of cooperation? The speaker favo
20、rs the latter approach, even though some leaders attribute their success to their keenly developed competitive spirit. I tend to agree with the speaker, for reasons having to do with our increasingly global society, and with the true keys to effective leadership.,开头策略 4,4 背景+表明立场 一般背景的介绍是为了说明为什么反方的观
21、点会有市场, 或者讲一下自己的立场的背景。俗套背景:With the advances of science and technology, With the improvement of peoples quality of life, With the advent of the Internet, As human society enters the information age, As globalization intensifies in almost every field,高级背景,As competition intensifies in almost all spher
22、es of human endeavor, be it economical, political, or social, there is growing complaint that competition is the cause of all the headaches we have from the pressure at work to the monstrous environmental degradation. Admittedly, excessive competition will lead to various problems, even serious ones
23、. However, I would argue that competition is vital in maintaining the vitality of the economy, ensuring the checks and balances of power in politics and motivating students in education.,开头策略 5,5 首先比较双方立场,然后表明自己的立场, 难在有内容Probably, from the very beginning of human society, both competition and cooper
24、ation are vital elements in our lives. Presumably, limited resources drive people to compete while adversities compel them to cooperate. Some people may argue that competition is the cause of all evils that afflict modern people from political conflicts to environmental deterioration. On the other h
25、and, others may contend that competition is ultimately conducive to a dynamic economy, limited government and flourishing arts. On balance, competition is ultimately beneficial to mankind for the following reasons.,开头策略 6,6 直接从逻辑切入,这种可以像老师充分展示你的逻辑思维的牛掰之处,但是不太好写,也是GRE比较独特的开头方式,明显甩TOEFL开头几条街! 最适合讲道理的切
26、分法。 “Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nations cultural traditions are preserved and generated.“ 5 117 gov. market, social The speakers claim is actually threefold: (1) ensuring the sur
27、vival of large cities and, in turn, that of cultural traditions, is a proper function of government; (2) government support is needed for our large cities and cultural traditions to survive and thrive; and (3) cultural traditions are preserved and generated primarily in our large cities. I strongly
28、disagree with all three claims. 也可以根据cities 细分 上海 平遥,分情况讨论的开头,一开始最好固定每种开头模式,熟练以后,各种开头也可以灵活组合(立场:让步,提问,背景,不同观点)背景+双方观点分情况讨论: In actual fact (As a matter of fact), whether competition is ultimately beneficial or detrimental may depend on/hinge on/be determined by the specific circumstances in a partic
29、ular field.,开头策略复习,选择立场 开头6策略:重述观点+表明立场 让步+表明立场 提出问题+表明立场 背景+表明立场 比较双方立场+表明立场 直接从逻辑切入,如何讲道理:8 杂而揉之,使用之前的各种方法让我们有思路有说服力!Government should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future. (正反 调和),主体部分结构开展,2 develops the position fu
30、lly with compelling reasons and/or persuasive examples1举例子为主的文章,例子最好在主题句提一下,并总结例子从什么角度说明自己的观点的。论证是核心!Unlike the twenties, the sixties and seventies utilized the media in a way that appealed to those searching for truth in a lost and confused world. 总分总,主体部分结构开展,1.2 讲道理为主的文章,最好把每个道理在主题句总结一下,再细讲。一般说来教
31、育类行为类题目讲道理为主。一般每段最好有路标词,比如 firstly, secondly, thirdlyon the one hand, on the other, finallyfor one thing, for another, last but not leastat the community level, at the national level, at the global level 讲道理为主的范文 两类文章的结构和模板,如何建立素材库,真实事例,小型素材库用例子去套题目,打开脑洞,充分发挥题目 。越深入了解一个人物或者事件,越可以灵活的使用这个例子。Edison? 试灯
32、丝 Newton? 掉苹果人物例子 + 事件例子,去深入了解一些伟大的人物! Martin Luther King,孔夫子 Confucius,如何建立个性化素材库,每类素材找一到两个例子,用例子去匹配题目。写提纲,练习写作。核心事实,其它靠论证。,使用例子注意事项,使用例子一定要加以分析,去说明你觉得例子如何支持你的观点,不要为了例子而例子,说很多的废话,切记,切记!详细的例子最好在主题句提一下,但是话不多的例子可以在文中提围绕核心细节展开说,1 人物例子 学生习作,问题在哪里,童鞋?,There are several famous people who keep on learning
33、by study from people with different views. Take the example of Confucius, who is one of the most significant philosophers. He was born in Lu Kingdom and in his youngsters he took Laozi, who is another great philosopher and hold the different idea against Confucius theory, as his teacher and learned
34、a lot about the theory of ruling and dealing with different relations. After that, Confucius just began to travel to different kingdoms and attended to transfer his theory to the kings of these kingdoms and let the rule the people by Confucius theory. However the journey was not that easy since ther
35、e are also another thinkers who were also of intelligence and contradicted Confucius ideas. Besides, because of the wars, Confucius food supply and safety were also at risks. In these process, Confucius realized that his theory was not perfect and tried to improve the theory, he just absorbed the di
36、fferent ideas of other philosophers. . .,找到主要的问题了么?,1 没有主题句(appeal to authority) 2 不够聚焦,很多句子和主题无关, 结构松散 3 举中国人的例子,该介绍的背景一定要有! 4 例子讲的太过笼统,重要的细节没有,尤其和关键词 different ideas 相关的细节缺失。 5 段落的结尾处,可以再次总结贴题。 6 用词不太准确,档次不够,有的句型混乱影响意思。 7 小的语法错误,时态,用词,单复数等有问题。,Firstly, from people holding different ideas, we can l
37、earn about our own weaknesses, drawbacks and even fatal flaws so that we can make improvements. I will illustrate my point using the example of Confucius, one of the most significant philosophers in ancient China. Born in the state of Lu, one of the many warring states around 300-400 BC, Confucius s
38、pent his early years absorbing and contemplating on ancient teachings.,Feeling inadequate, he went twice to Laozi, another great philosopher of his time, for enlightenment, although Laozi believed in different ideas from him. Confuciuss ideas focused on worldly politics and moral concerns, whereas t
39、hose of Laozi were primarily concerned with metaphysical musings on the relationship between humans and the natural world, with suggestions for applications to politics and life preservation. Through dialogues with Laozi, Confucius modified his own theories and elevated them to a height worthy of a
40、great philosopher. Specifically, when he annotated the canon The Book of Changes. His works laid foundation for the most influential philosophy in Chinese history: Confucianism. Confuciuss examples aptly demonstrated how we can better ourselves through learning from people of different thoughts.,大家可
41、以固定主体段的结构,主题句 (1) (讲道理+让步) 背景句 (概括人物身份和贡献等)(1-2) 论证句 (最重要的部分)(3-5) (反说) (1) 总结句 (1) 7-9,2 事件例子,One of the benefits of disagreement is that it can help us identify the flaws in their own position. (主题句)Admittedly, if two groups hold fundamentally different principles and beliefs, they cannot reach co
42、nsensus that meets the requirements of both groups because they cannot even start a rational and logical debate. However, when people are not fundementally opposed to each other, they can still learn despite their differences. (让步)In the late 1900s, China was being divided into different spheres of
43、influence by Western imperialists. The Chinese government was also forced to sign a number of unequal treaties with major Western powers. (背景)Such a situation forced some Chinese officials to reflect on their long cherished tradition and incited them to pinpoint the weaknesses of the Chinese society
44、 at that time.,Before the Western powers came, the Chinese ruling class long assumed that Chinese culture was the second to none in the world and they even assumed that China was the center of the universe. (对比)It was the alien political and economic forces of the West that provoked China to think a
45、bout ways to catch up with the West. A movement to learn from the West was soon brought into being, gathering talents in diverse fields in an attempt to revitalize the nation. (洋务运动) Consequently, China soon produced its first steam boat and other industrial machinery. (结果)Thus we can see how differ
46、ences may cause us to see what we would ignore if we shared the same mindset. (总结),讲道理为主的主体段落如何开展,A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for
47、the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position. 见范文主要的方法就是讲双方的立场,这样会有很多话好说,大概有六条道理讲,每一条不用太过扩展,也有相当的字数。,尽可能想到所有的道理,讲道理为主的文章怎么展开?,A nation should require
48、all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college A national core curriculum would be beneficial to a nation in a number of respects. First of all, by providing all children with fundamental skills and knowledge, a common core curriculum would help ensure that our child
49、ren grow up to become reasonably informed, productive members of society. In addition, a common core curriculum would provide a predictable foundation upon which college administrators and faculty could more easily build curricula and select course materials for freshmen that are neither below nor above their level of educational experience. Finally, a core curriculum would ensure that all school-children are taught core values upon which any democratic society depends to thrive, and even survive-values such as tolerance of others with different viewpoints, and respect for others.,