1、1,市场营销管理,Marketing Management符国群教授北京大学光华管理学院 2003. 2-7,2,我的基本情况,学历 英国Aston大学管理学博士(1999) 武汉大学经济学博士(1997) 武汉大学经济学硕士(1986) 湘潭大学数学专业学士(1983),3,我的基本情况,工作经历 2000.9北京大学光华管理学院教授、博士生导师 19862000.9 武汉大学助教、讲师、副教授、教授,曾任武汉大学工商管理系主任、湖北省人大常委会委员,4,我的联系方式,办公室:光华楼516室(周4上午9:00-11:00),其他时间请预约。 办公电话:010-6276-5140 Email:
2、 ,5,助教联系方式,赵冰 电话:62762975 Email:zhaob_,6,课程目的与授课方式,课程目的 了解和掌握基本的市场营销概念和工具 发展营销决策技能 授课方式 课堂讲授与案例分析相结合,7,教材与参考资料,符国群:市场营销讲义 菲力普 科特勒著: 营销管理:分析、计划与控制,中国人民大学出版社(本教材是目前各大学最常用的营销教材,但是否购买由你自己决定)。,8,成绩评定,小组案例 Datril 案例(10%) Calyx & Corolla(10%) 上海家化有限公司案例(10%) 英国航空公司案例(10%) 数量分析 (5%) 课程报告(15%) 课堂表现(10%) 期末考试
3、(30%),9,课程要求,凡要求学分的学生必须每次签到,缺课两次以上将影响课程成绩。 缺课须填写请假条(请假条放在课程网上),并在课前提交;如属特殊情况,应在课后两天内提交。 不迟到、不早退;迟到5分钟以上,全班鼓掌欢迎。 上课时将手机等电子设备关闭或置于静音状态。,10,课程要求(续),积极参加课堂讨论,尊重其他同学的发言。 按时、按规定格式提交作业。 课堂讨论案例可以由个人或小组准备。 书面提交的案例由小组共同完成,但不得与小组外成员讨论。 期末考题由个人单独完成。,11,课程结构,市场营销概念与市场导向界定问题和目标:以4Cs为重心的环境分析(Company、Collaborators、
4、Competitors and Consumers)市场营销战略:市场细分、目标市场和市场定位行动与执行(4Ps)营销后果与社会责任,营销研究(Marketing Research),12,第一讲 现代组织中的市场营销,-市场营销及其重要性 -企业经营指导思想及其演变 -案例分析:定价的困惑,13,一、市场营销及其重要性,什么是市场营销?市场营销的核心是什么?,14,Definitions of Marketing,Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods from pro
5、ducer to consumer or user (AMA, 1960) Marketing is the process in a society by which the demand structure for economic goods is anticipated or enlarged and satisfied through the conception, promotion, exchange and physical distribution of goods and services (OSU Marketing Faculty, 1965) Marketing is
6、 the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives (AMA, 1985),15,Definition of Marketing,Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals a
7、nd groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others (Kotler, 1991),16,市场营销的三个层次,作为经营哲学的市场营销作为组织职能的市场营销作为活动与计划的市场营销,17,什么不是市场营销,麦克风式的营销(Megaphone Marketing)公式化的营销(Formula Marketing)会计式营销(Accountants Marketing)营销部门的营销(Marketing Departments M
8、arketing),18,市场营销的功能,交换功能物流功能便利功能 市场营销的作用缓解生产与消费的矛盾提供1/4至1/3的社会就业机会市场营销创造价值,19,市场营销的价值创造 (哥伦比亚玫瑰),154.2美分51.4美分25.7美分23.4美分17.0美分14.6美分哥伦比亚 美国 迈阿密 迈阿密到波 波士顿 波士顿博古塔 阿迈密 经纪人 士顿公路运输 批发商 零售商,2.4,6.4,2.3,25.7,102.8,20,二、企业经营指导思想,-生产观念:认为消费者会接受那些他能买得到且买得起的产品,因此企业经营的重心是提高效率、降低成本。 -产品观念:认为消费者会选择品质好、功能多、有特色的
9、产品,企业经营重心就是不断改进和完善产品。 -推销观念:如果听其自然的话消费者不会足够多的购买企业产品产品,因此企业应强化推销和促销工作。,21,企业经营指导思想(续),-市场营销观念:认为实现组织目标的关键在于即时了解目标市场的需要与欲望,并且以比竞争对手更有效的方式满足这些需要和欲望。 -社会市场营销观念:认为组织应从有利于提升消费者和整个社会的福利的视角来确定消费者的需要与欲望,并以比竞争对手更有效的方式来满足它们。,22,市场营销观念与推销观念的比较,起点 重点 手段 目的工厂 产品 推销 与促销 通过销售来获利 (a) 推销观念 市场 顾客需求 整合营销 通过顾客满意来获利(b) 市
10、场营销观念,23,市场营销观念的重点,-顾客导向 (顾客需求、市场细分、差异化、 顾客满意)-长期视野(关系营销)-整体营销(职能部门配合、营销机能配 合、支持性文化)-盈利性,24,失去顾客的代价,13%的不满顾客会把抱怨转告给12个以上的人吸引一位新顾客的成本是保持一位老顾客成本的5倍90%的不满意的顾客不再购买你的产品对不满顾客及时补究,他们中82%-95%的人会继续购买你的产品,25,冰山一角来自英国航空公司的调查,8向 顾客部门反映 24向公司反映但没有 到达顾客关系部68的不满顾客 不向公司任何人反映!,26,关系营销(Relationship Marketing),创造、维持和强
11、化与顾客及其他利益方长期互惠关系的过程,27,关系营销(续),强调顾客保持关系营销交易营销 强调顾客获取以功能为基础 以过程为基础的营销 的营销,28,交易营销与关系营销,交易营销 创造销售 短期量度 现期交易最大化 不重视顾客服务 与顾客接触少 质量是生产部门的事,关系营销 创造顾客 长期量度 生命期价值最大化 重点强调顾客服务 与顾客接触频繁 质量是公司每个人的事,29,采用市场营销观念的动因,-销售额下降-市场增长缓慢-竞争日益激烈-市场环境急剧变化-营销费用增加,30,接受市场营销观念的障碍,-组织内的抵制-对营销学习的缓慢-对营销原则的迅速遗忘,31,三、案例分析:定价的困惑,你认为
12、公司会怎样做?,32,案例分析:定价的困惑,Financial Impact of cutting price$429,000 (current price)- 22,000 (requested price cut, 5%)$407,000 (new selling price)Assume Standard has a 25% contribution margin (CM)How much would sales have to increase to result in the same dollar contribution?Old CM (25%) - New CM (20%)Ne
13、w CM (20%) X %= 25%If the Old CM is 40% then:40% - 35%35% X % = 14%,33,案例分析:定价的困惑,Financial Impact of Cutting Price$429,000 (current price)-390,000 (Kakuchi price)$ 39,000 (9% price cut needed to match)Assume Standard has a 25% contribution margin (CM)How much would sales have to increase to result
14、in the same dollar contribution?Old CM (25%) - New CM (16%)New CM (16%) X % = 56%If the Old CM is 40% then:40% - 31%31% X % = 29%,34,案例分析:定价的困惑,你认为公司应怎样作? 什么是最重要的目标妨碍实现这一目标的主要障碍是什么?解决方案分析:你提出的方案是什么?为什么这是最好的方案?,35,本讲总结,36,再见!Goodbye,第二讲 市场营销战略,符国群教授2003 3. 13,市场营销战略,市场营销战略与战术 市场营销战略:环境分析 市场营销战略:公司分析
15、市场营销战略:竞争者分析,一、市场营销战略与战术,市场营销战略,Company & Collaborators,Competitors & Collaborators,Offering,Offering,Customers,市场营销战术,产品 服务 品牌 价格 促销 分销,Context,市场营销战略与战术,战略是做正确的事(Do right thing),战术是正确的作事(Do thing right)。,市场营销战略的4个基本问题,我们的目标是什么?谁是我们的目标客户?谁是我们的主要竞争者?我们如何取得竞争优势?(定位),市场营销战略的层次,公司,战略业务单位(SBU),产品、品牌或市场,
16、市场营销战略:传统的观点,购买者行为市场营销战略竞争优势,市场营销战略:传统的观点,消费者具有现存的、持久的偏好 竞争是满足这些消费者偏好的竞赛 竞争优势来自于比竞争对手更好地满足消费者的偏好(即创造超越竞争对手的顾客价值),传统观点的困惑,以顾客为中心,意味着企业与竞争对手之间的差异将逐步消失。 日益下降的产品毛利和产品失败率。,市场营销战略:现代的观点,市场营销战略购买者行为竞争优势,市场营销战略:现代观点,Markets are constantly changing in response to customers and competitors actionsCompetition
17、is, in part, a battle over that evolutionCompetitive advantage arises from successfully creating and shaping markets (I.e., superior value creation)Marketers balance being market driven with being market driving,Total Benefit,SUPERIOR VALUE CONFIGURATIONS COMPARED TO THE AVERAGE COMPETITOR,Price to
18、Customer,二、市场营销战略:环境分析,Company & Collaborators,Competitors & Collaborators,Offering,Offering,Customers,Context,4Cs分析框架,行业环境分析:波特5要素分析法,行业现有竞争者,潜在进入者,替代品,购买者,供应商,三、市场营销战略:公司分析,公司分析的3个层次,公司SBUOfferings顾客,目标、价值导向、业务组合分析,战略资产与核心能力;SWOT分析,Offering Value Analysis Assortment Value Analysis Competitive Valu
19、e Analysis,公司分析:公司目标,市场渗透 市场开发 产品开发 多角化,产品与市场矩阵,现有产品,新产品,现有市场,新市场,报酬 稳定税收 地位 报酬就业 权力 工作贷款 满意 公平支付 生意 管理层 就业不的延续 政府 员 受歧视 品质 供应商 工 弱服务 顾客 公司 小团体 价值 社 就业股东 信 区 环境保护贷者红利 利息资本增值 资本的安全性投资的安全性 公司利益方和它们的期望,公司目标:失衡与容忍域,股票收益业务增长 股东价值环境 品质与关切程度 服务员工 风险激励 市场份额 的减小失衡域容忍域,公司分析:公司市场导向(Market Discipline),Treacy an
20、d Wiersemas disciplines represent three distinct ways of creating value. These disciplines necessarily rest upon different resources/competencies and/or different uses of common resources/competencies.Success is achieved by performing adequately (as defined by the relevant market), on two discipline
21、s and dominating competition on the third discipline.,选择何种市场导向?,Market leaders pick one of these disciplines and then build their organizations around it in the following ways.,Company Traits,Disciplines,Operational ExcellenceSharpen distribution system and provide no-hassle serviceHas strong, centr
22、al authority and a finite level of empowermentMaintain standard operating proceduresActs predictably and believes “one size fits all”,Product LeadershipNurture ideas, translate them into products, and market them skillfullyActs in an ad hoc, organic, loosely knit, and ever-changing wayReward individ
23、uals innovative capacity and new product successExperiments and thinks “out-of- the-box”,Customer IntimacyProvides solutions and help customers run their businessesPushes empowerment close to customer contactMeasure the cost of providing service and of maintaining customer loyalty Is flexible and th
24、inks “have it your way”,Core business processes that.Structure that.Management systems that.Culture that.,Source: M. Treacy and F. Wiersema The Discipline of Market Leaders Addison-Wesley: Reading MA, 1995,BCG业务组合分析法,3,?,10x 4x 2x 1.5x 1x,20%- 18%- 16%- 14%- 12%- 10%-8%-6%-4%-2%-0,相对市场份额,Stars,Cash
25、cow,Question marks,Dogs,?,?,?,5,4,2,1,6,8,7,.5x .4x .3x .2x .1x,市场增长率,GE业务组合分析法,强,中,弱,业务优势,5.00,3.67,2.33,1.00,小,中,大,液压泵,联轴,离合器,活动隔板,航天材料,燃料泵,安全阀,1.00,2.33,3.67,5.00,投资/发展,选择/获利,收获/撤出,市场吸引力,市场吸引力与竞争实力的构成要素,公司分析:战略性资源,公司或品牌形象 分销网络 供应商网络 制造基础设施 人力资源 顾客管理基础设施 顾客群 现有产品、专利技术 金融资产,公司分析:核心能力,Operation Mark
26、eting infrastructure Technology(R&D) Product management Service management Brand management,公司分析:SWOT,Strengths WeaknessOpportunities Threats,Internal FactorsExternal Factors,Favorable factors Unfavorable factors,公司分析:SWOT(Extended),Strengths WeaknessOpportunities Threats,Internal FactorsExternal Fa
27、ctors,Favorable factors Unfavorable factors,Core competencies and strategic asset analysis,Marketing environment analysis (4Cs),优势与劣势分析(一),优势与劣势分析(二),三、市场营销战略:竞争者分析,识别公司的竞争者,识别竞争者的战略与目标,评估竞争者的优势与劣势,评估竞争者的反应模式,选择竞争者以进攻或回避,分析竞争者的步骤,识别公司的竞争者,同行是冤家 行业观点 满足相同消费需要的公司 市场观点 五大竞争力量 Porter 的观点,谁是我们的竞争者?,识别公司的
28、竞争者(续),新的进入者或替代品 (寻求多样化的公司或拥有新的技能并可应用于本行业的公司)行业竞争战略群体,战略群体是在一个特定行业中推行相同战略的一组企业,牙膏市场竞争格局,顾客细分,产品细分,普通牙膏 含氟牙膏 胶体牙膏 带状牙膏 吸烟者牙膏,C&P P&G C&P P&G C&P P&G Lever Beecham,C&P P&G C&P P&G C&P P&G Lever Beecham Topol,C&P P&G C&P P&G C&P P&G Lever Beecham Topol,儿童/少年 19-35岁 36+,识别竞争者的战略,联合航空公司和新加坡航空公司战略比较,业务战略营
29、销 财务 人力资源,基于广泛的航线覆盖,在多个市场赢得竞争优势,基于独特、优质的服务和溢价,在选择的航线上赢得优势,联合航空公司 新加坡航空公司,大量、低价、快速增长大胆、充分利用竞争性的个人激励,高价值、高价格有限成长 保守、无债务 合作性的公司范围激励,评估竞争者的优势与劣势,在成功的关键因素上对本企业和竞争者的评价,关键因素 财务强度 研究与开发 营销网络 快速反应能力,本公司,竞争者A,竞争者B,竞争者C,识别竞争者的反应模式(一),分析竞争者的反应模式,涉及如下问题: 竞争者是否满意它现在的位置? 竞争者最可能的行动或战略改变是什么? 竞争者的薄弱之处在哪里? 竞争者何时最可能作出最
30、猛烈也是最顽强的反击?,识别竞争者的反应模式(二),常见的竞争者反应类型: 从容不迫型竞争者 选择型竞争者 凶猛型竞争者 随机型竞争者,获得竞争性情报,从公开出版物获取有关市场和竞争者的信息 从新招募的职员和竞争者的职员中获取情报 从与竞争者有业务往来的中间商或营销中介那里获取竞争信息 通过观察竞争者或分析竞争者的产品来获得信息,选择竞争者以进攻或回避,强竞争者与弱竞争者 近竞争者与远竞争者 “好”竞争者与“坏”竞争者,好竞争者的特征,遵守行业规则 对行业增长潜力所提出的设想切合实际 制定的价格与成本相符 将自己限定在某些细分市场中 推动其它企业降低成本或提高差异化 支持和维护现有行业结构 接
31、受正常市场份额和利润水平,如何看待竞争:网络竞争,杜帮(纤维) 送货 订货 米利肯(纤维织布)送货 订货 莱维(服装) 送货 订货 西尔斯(零售) 送货 订货 顾客,公司如何看待竞争:协同竞争,施乐,佳能,相对垄断市场,佳能与施乐,WANG CASE: Key Points,WANG went into bankruptcy because: it failed to focus on excelling at a single discipline and embedding that discipline in the corporate culture it neglected its
32、non-focal disciplines Bankruptcy and the attendant change in leadership provided the opportunity to chart a new course of action that included clarifying the discipline practiced. At the same time, bankruptcy imposed constraints (time, money) on the selection of a market focus. WANG leveraged its br
33、and name and customer base when it adopted the customer intimacy discipline. WANG recognized that the market must be “signaled” when a dramatic shift in discipline and market focus occurs and that the change must be “real”. In general, once a firm has developed a culture that supports a particular d
34、iscipline, it strives to invest in markets in which practicing the discipline will result in a competitive advantage.,WANG Postscript,1994 Focused on software for re-engineering, customized work flows for clients (2% revenue) Acquired Group Bull Inc., customer service and software divisions (network
35、 integration and support services 46% of revenue) Continued to sell proprietary VS mini-computers and related hardware to 13,000 existing customers (42% revenues, cash cow) 1995 Authorized Kodak to sell imaging software under Kodak brand Microsoft agreed to use imaging software on Windows NT and Win
36、dows 95 (logo on splash screen) 1997 Kodak purchased WANGs software business for $260 million to be operated as a separate Kodak subsidiary Focused on systems integration and outsourcing practice, competing with Vanstar and Entex,WANG Postscript cont.,1998-99 Bought Olivetti SpAs computer services t
37、o gain greater presence worldwide Renamed WANG Global Mission: “Plan, deploy, manage, and maintain companies network and desktop infrastructure” (65% revenue, 4th largest) Focus is on customer intimacy, favors simple systems (avoided head-on competition with IBM, EDS) Tucci replaced almost entire to
38、p two layers of management, reduced number of layers of management from 7 to 3, and gave individuals greater authority & accountability Hardware sales, including the occasional minicomputer for one of 1000 customers from the old days, still account for 20% revenue Total revenues of approximately $3+
39、 billion,WANG Postscript cont.,2000 Wang Global merged with Getronics NV of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Motivation: Complementary geographic coverage The combined firm generated $5 billion in revenues in 1999 and reported modest growth in 2000Getronics stated goal is to be the leading ICT services pr
40、ovider in the e-business world. It is the largest ICT firm in Europe and among the five largest in the world2002 Getronics struggling under heavy debt due to acquisition of Wang Global, analysts are concerned and share price is down,Key Ideas: Disciplines of Market Leaders,Treacy and Wiersemas disci
41、plines represent three distinct ways of creating value. These disciplines necessarily rest upon different resources/competencies and/or different uses of common resources/competencies.Success is achieved by performing adequately (as defined by the relevant market), on two disciplines and dominating
42、competition on the third discipline.Inadequate attention to a non-focal discipline can make a firm non-competitive. This is one reason that so many firms embraced re-engineering (I.e. regardless of how they were creating value, their costs were too high).Theoretically, any discipline can be practice
43、d in any market if that market is or can be segmented (and this is almost always true). As a practical matter, once a firm has developed a culture that supports a particular discipline, it strives to invest in markets in which practicing the discipline will result in a competitive advantage.,第三讲 市场营
44、销研究(Marketing Research),什么是市场营销研究 市场营销研究类型 市场营销研究过程 二手资料的搜集 原始资料的搜集 资料的分析,一、什么是市场营销研究,营销研究(marketing research)是运用科学的方法和合适的手段,系统地收集、整理、分析和报告市场信息,以帮助企业、政府和其他机构正确制订、实施、评估和调整市场营销策略和计划。,Marketing Research,Function that links the customer to the marketer through information Information used to: Identify a
45、nd define marketing opportunities and problems Generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions Monitor marketing performance Marketing Research: Specifies the information required Designs the method for collecting the information Implements the data collection process Analyzes the data collected Com
46、municates the findings and their implications,营销研究的作用,营销研究提供及时、准确和有用的信息改进决策,市场扩张(Market Expansion),顾客保持(Customer Retention),广告(Advertising),产品(Product),Wall Street Journal 2002 Survey of MBA Recruiters,Value of Marketing Research,Good business decisions have long been made and can still be made with
47、out Marketing Research Sony Walkman However, business success over the long term is a function of the mix of good and bad business decisions Marketing Research provides value in that it offers a process within which business alternatives can be objectively evaluated and more good decisions and fewer bad decisions can be made Studies conducted on the value of Marketing Research in new product development reveal that screening new product ideas with Marketing Research and “killing the dogs early” can substantially increase profitability by reducing the number of marketplace failures,