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1、,Unit 7,职业综合英语 2,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,Unit 7 Marketing,新职业英语,Contents,Warm-up,Task 1,Task 2,Warming-up,Warm-1,Warming-up,Task 1 Look at the following pictures and identify the different sellingmethods.,person-to-person selling,direct mail selling,online selling,telephone selling,Notes,Warm-1-Notes,Wa

2、rming-up,Personal selling: 人员推销/个人推销 is a two-way communication between the seller and the buyer usually face-to-face, via the Internet, the phone and the correspondence. Unlike advertising, a personal sales message can be more specifically targeted on individual prospects and easily altered if the

3、desired behavior does not occur. Personal selling, however, is far more costly than advertising and is generally used only when its high expenditure can be justified.,Warm-2,Warming-up,Task 2 New Yorks Times Square is one of the most desirable placesfor advertising. Look at the digital & neon billbo

4、ards shown in photo and state which brands you recognize and give short statements about each of them.,Notes,Warming-up,Because America is on the move, spending more time on the road and less time in the home, its mobile society makes outdoor advertising an important and effective means of getting m

5、essages in front of peoples eyes. Since consumers usually get just a fleeting glimpse of a billboard, a business must design the advertisement to be simple and bold. A picture showing the biggest benefit of your product or service along with up to seven words makes the most effective billboard. Addi

6、tionally, purchasing between six and ten billboards located near each other creates the most effective awareness-building advertising campaign.,Warming-up, Back,Reading A,Reading A,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Business Know-how,Task 3,Text A-1,Reading A,Payless ShoeSource: Paying Less for Fashion1 When you th

7、ink of New Yorks Fifth Avenue, which retailers come to mind? Tiffanys? Gucci? Armani? One name that probably doesnt come to mind is Payless.,翻译,声音,Text A-2,2 Founded in 1956 in Kansas, Payless grew rapidly on the basis of what was then a revolutionary idea: selling shoes in a self-service environmen

8、t. Fifty years later, it had become the largest shoe retailer in America, targeting low-budget families.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-3,3 While all seemed rosy for the choose-it-yourself shoe store, by 2005, Payless was losing market share and closing stores. The retail landscape had changed, and giant di

9、scount one-stop shops like Walmart, Target, and Kohls had become the choice of shoppers who paid special attention to price when they bought shoes. Said one industry insider, “You can no longer produce the same boring shoes year after year and hope that price alone will get customers to your door.”

10、With low prices at its only rule, Payless had lost its advantage.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-4,4 To reverse its falling market share, Payless had to plan a completely new strategy. To get things started, it hired a new CEO, Matt Rubel, who came with extensive experience in the high-end brand market. Rub

11、el knew that Payless had to change its image from the dusty storeroom of cheap shoes into the fun merchant of fashion. “We have the ability to make shoes at the most affordable prices anywhere in the world, and we want to marry that with the greatest creativity,” said Rubel. The overall objective of

12、 Rubels strategy was not only to improve the brand image, but also position Payless in such a way that a slight price increase would seem like a bargain. Rubel wasted no time in making big changes.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-5,5 Payless ShoeSource has continually updated its overall image since 2005. Wi

13、th the revised mission and vision statement, along with its new strategy, the company was looking to increase its market share. It began to attract customers through trends and styles,rather than solely through discounted prices.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-6,6 Unexpectedly,just as Rubels strategy began

14、to take effect, the worst global recession since the Great Depression broke out in 2008. Like retailers everywhere, Payless took a hit; but while many retailers suffered great losses, store sales at Payless were much better.,Reading A,翻译,声音,Text A-7,7 Due to the series of reforms by Rubel, Payless i

15、s returning to steady growth. Low production costs provide a competitive advantage as they continue to increase profits. In good times as well as in bad, Payless has created a formula for value that customers love. The company remains confident that its strategy to make fashion more accessible to or

16、dinary people will produce favorable results regardless of future economic conditions.,Reading A,翻译,声音,A-Trans-1,Reading A,1 提到纽约的第五大道,你会想起哪家店铺呢?蒂凡尼?古驰?还是阿玛尼?有一个你可能没有想到的名字,那就是配莱斯。,配莱斯鞋业:时髦且不贵,A-Trans-2,Reading A,2 配莱斯公司1956年创立于堪萨斯州。它发展得非常迅速,这得益于其在当时非常创新的理念:顾客可以自己挑选鞋子。五十年过去了,它已成长为面向低端消费家庭的全美最大鞋店。,A-T

17、rans-3,Reading A,3 直到2005年为止,这种自选式经营的鞋店看起来一切都非常美好;之后配莱斯开始失去市场份额,店铺也纷纷倒闭。零售行业早已改头换面,如果买鞋的顾客非常看重价格,那他们就会选择像沃尔玛,塔吉特,科尔士这样的一站式超级折扣店。一位行业的内部人士说:“你要是年复一年一成不变地生产鞋子,就别指望单靠价格便宜就能吸引顾客上门。” 以低价作为唯一经营法则的配莱斯已经毫无优势可言。,A-Trans-4,Reading A,4 为了扭转不断下降的市场份额,配莱斯不得不开始全新的营销战略。首先,它雇佣了一名新的首席执行官,麦特鲁贝尔。此人拥有丰富的高端服装品牌的市场经验。鲁贝尔

18、清楚配莱斯一定要改变自己的形象。它不能还是那个落满灰尘的廉价鞋仓库,而应成为时尚的,给人快乐的商家。“我们有能力在世界任何一个地方制作人们买得起的鞋子。现在我们要把这一点和最出色的创造力结合起来。” 鲁贝尔这样说。鲁贝尔营销战略的总体目标是不仅要提升配莱斯品牌形象,而且要重新定位配莱斯,让人们觉得即使多花点钱购买配莱斯也是一桩划算的买卖。鲁贝尔立即着手让这些改变发生。,A-Trans-5,Reading A,5 从2005年起,配莱斯鞋业公司一直致力于提升自己的整体形象。公司重新对任务和前景进行了规划和描述,采取了新的营销策略,并有望扩大市场份额。它开始通过时尚的潮流和款式来吸引顾客,而不再是

19、单纯地依赖于打折的价格。,A-Trans-6,Reading A,6 然而出人意料的是,就在鲁贝尔的策略初显成效的时候,继“大萧条”后最恶劣的全球经济衰退在2008年爆发了。同世界各地的零售商一样,配莱斯也遭受了打击;但是相比于其他损失惨重的零售商,配莱斯的铺面销售额要好得多。,A-Trans-7,Reading A,7 由于鲁贝尔实施的一系列的改革措施,配莱斯正重返稳步增长的轨道。在他们继续增加利润的同时,低廉的生产成本让他们更具优势。世道或兴或衰,配莱斯总能创造出顾客喜爱的价值配方。配莱斯公司坚信无论将来的经济形势如何,让时尚走进普通人生活的行销策略总能产生积极的效果。,n. a pers

20、on, shop, or business that sells goods to the public,Reading A,retailer,e.g. Furniture and carpet retailers are among those reporting the sharpest annual decline in sales.Tran: 大量的钱都被零售商花在了广告宣传上。 A lot of money is spent by retailers on advertising.,v. to direct advertising, criticism, or a product a

21、t someone,Reading A,target,e.g. The paper is targeted specifically at young people. Tran: 这次活动将针对美国的保险公司。The campaign will target American insurance companies.,n. a plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how they will manage spending on an activity/project,Reading A,budge

22、t,e.g. The firm has drawn up a budget for the coming financial year. Tran: 国会通过了新的教育预算方案。Congress has approved the new educational budget.,n. an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view; painting depicting an expanse of natural scenery,Reading A,landscape,e.g. Those cottages blend perfec

23、tly with the landscape.Tran: 那是一幅春天的风景油画。 That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.,n. someone who is an accepted member of a group and who therefore has special or secret knowledge or influence,Reading A,insider,e.g. According to insiders, the committee is having difficulty making up his mi

24、nd. Tran: 戈登是华尔街所发生的事的内幕知情者。 Gordon is an insider to whats happening on Wall Street.,to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite; turn the other way round or up or inside out,Reading A,reverse,e.g. Please reverse the position of the pictures.Tran: 政府无法扭转经济下滑的趋

25、势。The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.,a. covering a large area,Reading A,extensive,e.g. Her knowledge of music is extensive. Tran: 这次婚礼在报纸上被广泛地报道。The wedding received extensive coverage in the newspapers.,a. not expensive,Reading A,affordable,e.g. They offer quality service fo

26、r an affordable price.Tran: 我们将完善和规范经济适用房制度。We will improve and standardize the system of affordable housing.,to do something immediately,Reading A,waste no time in doing something,e.g. There is a collection of books recently made accessible to the public. Tran: 只有坐船才能到那座岛上。The island is only access

27、ibleby boat.,v. to make something more modern or suitable for use now by adding new information or changing its design; togive someone the most recent information,Reading A,update,e.g. Well update you on this news story throughout the day. e.g. I would advise you to update the software.Tran: 这个数据需要一

28、周更新一次。 The data should be updated once a week.,a. changed in some ways,Reading A,revised,e.g. Now we have the revised schedule as followings.Tran: 这是这本百科全书的修订版。This is a revised edition of the encyclopedia.,n. key work activities or goals which reflect a companys/persons values/vision,Reading A,miss

29、ion,e.g. The minister was sent to Spain on a mission.Tran: 我的人生使命就是帮助穷人。My mission in life is to help poor people.,v. to produce or achieve the results you want,Reading A,take effect,e.g. It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill took effect.Tran: 这些措施才刚刚见效。These measures are just beginning to

30、take effect.,n. a period when the economy of a geographic region or industrial sector is not successful,Reading A,recession,e.g. The job market has been badly hit by the recession.Tran: 经济衰退导致成千上万的人破产。 The recession has caused thousands of bankruptcies.,a. having a feature advantageous to competitio

31、n; well suited for competition,Reading A,competitive,e.g. It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability. e.g. He doesnt look athletic, but he is competitive on the football pitch. Tran: 请报你方最有竞争力的价格。Please offer your most competitive price.,n. a standard or accepted way of doing o

32、r making something,Reading A,formula,e.g. We have changed the formula of the washing powder. Tran: 成功没有什么秘诀。Theres no magic formula for success.,a. able to be reached or easily got; easy to understand,Reading A,accessible,e.g. The resort is accessible by road, rail, and air. e.g. A manager should be

33、 accessible to his staff.Tran: 资料应该明白易懂。The information ought to be made more accessible.,without being influenced by any other events or conditions,Reading A,regardless of something,e.g. Regardless of the danger, he climbed the tower.Tran: 不管他们愿不愿意听,我都把真相告诉他们。 I tell them the truth, regardless of w

34、hat they want to hear.,A-Task-1,Reading A,Task 1 Complete the sentences in the following summary according to the passage.,Payless ShoeSource is an American discount footwear retailer which was founded in 1._ in 1956. Thanks to its revolutionary sales method, it enjoyed almost 2._ years of business

35、growth until 2005, when Payless sales began to decline. To reverse the situation, Payless hired a new CEO, 3._ who brought massive changes to the company. The company updated its overall image ever since then. Now Payless is widely known in the US for its fashion and style as well as its 4._. Althou

36、gh like retailers everywhere, Payless was affected by 5._ in 2008. Its sales were much better than others. As a result, the company remains confident in its strategy for the future.,Kansas,fifty/50,Matt Rubel,discounted prices,the global recession,A-Task-2-1,Reading A,Task 2 Answer the following que

37、stions according to the passage.,1. Why did Payless grow rapidly after it was founded in 1956?2. What caused Payless to lose market share and close stores in 2005?3. Why did Payless choose Matt Rubel as its new CEO?,Payless grew rapidly after it was founded because it sold shoes in a self-service en

38、vironment.,By 2005 Payless was losing market share and closing stores because it had to face lots of strong competitors like Walmart, Target and Kohls and couldnt attract customers solely through discounted prices any longer.,Payless chose Matt Rubel not only because he had extensive experience with

39、 high-end brands but also because Payless believed Matt Rubel would help the company plan a completely new strategy.,A-Task 2-2,Reading A,4. What became Payless new image after Rubel took control?5. Did the global recession in 2008 influence Payless seriously? Why or why not?,Payless took a hit duri

40、ng the global recession in 2008, but its sales were much better than other retailers because Payless was successful in creating a formula for value that customers love.,Instead of a dusty storeroom of cheap shoes, Payless is now the fun merchant of fashion.,Task 3 Suppose you are the marketing manag

41、er of a Chinese shoe company. Since your company is planning to launch a new line of sneakers into the market, you decide to use a Chinese celebrity as the products spokesperson. Please form a group to find your best candidate, and then report to your class explaining why you select him/her,Business

42、 Know-how,Reading B,Reading B,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,翻译,Text B-1,Reading B,Notes,Text B-2,翻译,Reading B,Reading B,B-Trans-1,Reading B,B-Trans-2,Reading B,A. Motivating the readers action B. Arousing the readers interest C. Getting the readers attention,C,B-Task 1,Task 1 A successful sales letter u

43、sually follows four steps. Read the letter again and match the steps with the four paragraphs in the body of the letter.,Reading B,B,A,B-Task 2,Task 2 Try to rewrite the following sentences in a more appealing and persuasive way.,Reading B,You will be interested in our new toothbrush.Would you like

44、to know which toothbrush most dentists use? 2. Our new digital camera, SHINNING X5, is useful.Heres a digital cameraSHINNINGwhich will revolutionize the way you take photos. 3. The MacroPrinter 3000 is better than other printers in the same price range.Macroprinter 3000: Well above the competition!

45、4. The Super sports T-shirts are comfortable.The Super sports T-shirtsso comfortable you wont know youre wearing them. 5. The CDBurnerXP is reliable.Scientific test shows that CDBurnerXP is up to twice as reliable as other leading brands.,a. Why wait? Come and buy the machine, right now. Each days d

46、elay costs you money. b. In addition, within one year of your purchase of the air conditioner, we will take care of fixing, repairing, or even replacing it if there isanything wrong. c. And if you would like to spread the cost, you have three years to pay up. d. The price of the air conditioner is v

47、ery competitive, five percent lower than that of similar products in the market. e. Tests in over 100 business offices have proved that Luck air conditioners can do this. f. As the increased staff efficiency means greater profits for yourbusiness organization, the Luck air conditioner will consequen

48、tly pay for itself within a limited period of time. g. How would you like to increase the efficiency of your office staff by ten percent this summer?,B-Task 3,Task 3 Rearrange the following sentences in an appropriate order to form the body of a four-paragraph sales letter.,Reading B,Sample,B-3-Samp

49、le,Reading B,How would you like to increase the efficiency of your office staff by ten percent this summer? Tests in over 100 business offices have proved that Luck air conditioners can do this. As the increased staff efficiency means greater profits for your business organization, the Luck air cond

50、itioner will consequently pay for itself within a limited period of time. The price of the air conditioner is very competitive, five percent lower than that of similar products in the market. And if you would like to spread the cost, you have three years to pay up. In addition, within one year of your purchase of the air conditioning, we will take care of fixing, repairing, or even replacing it if there is anything wrong. Why wait? Come and buy the machine, right now. Each days delay costs you money.,


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