1、Made by: ShaoYanli(Z08120116)FengDan(Z08120104) LiuLulu(Z08120137) Shaoxin(Z08120123) WangGang(Z08120141),Thousand readers, a thousand,Ralph Waldo Emerson,A brief introduction of Ralph Waldo Emerson,American poet, essayist, and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson was born in 1803 in Boston, Massachusett
2、s(麻萨诸塞州). After studying at Harvard and teaching for a brief time, Emerson entered the ministry. He was appointed to the Old,Second Church in his native city, but soon became an unwilling preacher(牧师). Unable in conscience to administer the sacrament(圣礼) of the Lords,A brief introduction of Ralph Wa
3、ldo Emerson,Supper(主的晚餐) after the death of his nineteen-year-old wife of tuberculosis(肺结核), Emerson resigned his pastorate(牧师职务), in 1831.In 1832, he sailed for Europe, visiting Thomas Carlyle (卡莱尔)and Samuel Taylor Coleridge(塞缪尔泰勒柯尔律). Carlyle, the Scottish-born English writer, was famous for his
4、explosive attacks on hypocrisy(伪善)and materialism(唯物主义,A brief introduction of Ralph Waldo Emerson,his distrust of democracy, romantic belief and his highly in the power of the individual. Emersons friendship with Carlyle was both lasting and significant; the insights of the British thinker helped E
5、merson formulate his own philosophy. On his return to New England, Emerson became known for challenging traditional thought. In 1835, he married his second wife, Lydia Jackson, and settled in Concord(康考德), Massachusetts.,A brief introduction of Ralph Waldo Emerson,Known in the local literary circle
6、as “The Sage(圣人) of Concord,“ Emerson became the chief spokesman for Transcendentalism(超验主义) the American philosophic and literary movement. Centered in New England during the 19th century,Transcendentalism,was a reaction against scientific rationalism.,拉尔夫华尔多爱默生(18031882)是美国文学史上极其重要的作家。他不仅是后期浪漫主义文学
7、的杰出代表,还是美国整个超验主义运动的主要领袖。把浪漫主义想象的抽象观念和19 世纪中叶美国生活的现实统一起来的不是欧文、布莱恩特和库珀而是爱默生。由于有了他,美国文学活动的中心从纽约移到了波士顿以西20 英里宁静的乡村康考德,美国的浪漫主义也随着他成为一种成熟的思想和感情体系,深深地扎根于本国,的沃土之中。爱默生出生在康考德村一个牧师的家庭,他父亲是唯一神教派第一教堂的牧师,在爱默生8 岁时就去世了。尽管家境贫寒,他的母亲还是设法把爱默生弟兄四人都培养成了哈佛大学的学生,而爱默生考入哈佛时才14 岁。他虽不是一个智力过人的学者,但却博览群书。他先后接触了英国浪漫主义作家、思想家柯勒律治、华兹
8、华斯、卡莱尔等人的作品,开阔了思想疆界。毕业后,起初在哥哥威廉开办的一所女子中学任教,后于1826 年担任了波士顿第二教堂的牧师。 1829 年,爱默生与艾伦塔克结婚,,生活似乎充实且前途似锦,可是婚后17 个月艾伦就患肺结核去世了。此后,肺结核又夺去了他三位兄弟的生命。在遭受一系列个人不幸和丧亲之痛以后,他开始对宗教产生了怀疑。1831 年底,他辞去了牧师职务,作告别布道后乘船前往欧洲。,爱默生在欧洲一年,参观了古代遗址,风景名胜,考察了艺术,还会见了一些伟人 :在英国见到了柯勒律治和华兹华斯,还专程拜见了他一向崇拜的隐居在苏格兰的卡莱尔,并在以后的几十年里一直同他保持着密切的联系。返回美国
9、后,他与梭罗、霍桑 、 麦尔维尔、惠特曼等人,开始建立一种稳固的美国传统,以摆脱美国文学所具有的殖民地烙印。 Emerson gradually moved away from the religious and social beliefs of his contemporaries, formulating and expressing the philosophy of Transcendentalism in his 1836 essay, Nature. Following this ground-breaking work, he gave a speech entitled Th
10、e American Scholar in 1837, which Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. considered to be Americas “Intellectual,Major works,Major Works,Declaration of Independence“. Considered one of the great lecturers of the time, Emerson had an enthusiasm and respect for his audience that enraptured crowds.Emerson wrote mo
11、st of his important essays as lectures first, then revised them for print. His first two collections of essays Essays: First Series and Essays: Second Series, published respectively in 1841 and 1844 represent the,Major Works,core of his thinking, and include such well-known essays as Self-Reliance,
12、The Over-Soul, Circles, The Poet and Experience. Together with Nature, these essays made the decade from the mid-1830s to the mid-1840s Emersons most fertile period.,Emerson wrote on a number of subjects, never espousing fixed philosophical tenets, but,developing certain ideas such as individuality,
13、 freedom, the ability for man to realize almost anything, and the relationship between the soul and the surrounding world. Emersons “nature“ was more philosophical than naturalistic; “Philosophically considered, the universe is composed of Nature and the Soul.“,Nature,To Emerson , Nature was an esse
14、ntial part of life and an integral subject in his literary works. Published anonymously in 1836,the essay contains an introduction and eight brief chapters, which discuss the love of nature, the uses of nature the idealist philosophy ,Nature,in relation to nature ,evidences of spirit in the material
15、 universe, and the potential expansion of human souls and works that will result from a general return to direct, immediate contact with the natural environment . In the essay Emerson clearly expresses the main principles of his Transcendentalist pursuit and his love for nature . In expressing his b
16、elief in the,mystical “unity of Nature ,”Emerson develops his concept of the “Over-Soul” or “Universal Mind ” .This essay has become so important that most people consider it an unofficial manifesto for the “Transcendental Club”.Nature, Emerson believed, was often overlooked and taken for granted by
17、 the masses. He believed mankind toiled and suffered in their desire for material pursuits, when happiness could be achieved by living a simple life.,爱默生的第一篇重要论文论自然(1836)明确表达了他的“超验主义哲学”。他说:“历史的方法只涉及到自然与上帝之间的间接关系。若要真正了解自然与上帝,就必须有一种直接的关系,这就是信赖和直觉的方法”。换句话说,超验主义的要点就是:谁都可以直接与上帝交流,只要他想这样做。尽管超验主义在许多方面是新英格兰
20、加尔文教派的一种严肃道德观和那种能在一切自然中发现上帝之爱的浪漫派乐观主义。 爱默生喜欢演讲,面对人群令他兴奋不已,他说他感觉到一种伟大的情感在召唤,他的主要声誉和成就建立于此。他通过自己的论文和演说成为美国超验主义的领袖,并且成为非正式哲学家中最重要的一个。他的哲学精神表现在对逻辑学、经验论的卓越见解上,他轻视纯理论的探索,他轻视纯理论的探索,信奉自然界,认为它体现了上帝,和上帝的法则。 除论文集之外,爱默生的作品还行代表人物、英国人的特性、诗集、五日节及其他诗。 爱默生集散文作家、思想家、诗人于一身,他的诗歌、散文独具特色,注重思想内容而没有过份注重词藻的华丽,行文犹如格言,哲理深入浅出,
21、说服力强,且有典型的“爱默生风格”,有人这样评价他的文字“爱默生似乎只写警句”,他的文字所透出的气质难以形容:既充满专制式的不容置疑,又具有开放式的民主精神;既有贵族式的傲慢,更具有平民式的直接;既清晰易懂,又常常夹杂着某种神秘主义一个人能在一篇文章中塞入那么多的警句实在是了不起的,那些值得在清晨诵读的句子为什么总能够振奋人心,岁月不是为他蒙上灰尘,而是映衬得他熠熠闪光。,对于经验,爱默生认为:“在我看来,没有神圣的事实,也没有不神圣的事灾。我只是试验者,我是个永不停息追索者,在我身后永远不存在过去”。 关于所有权的问题,爱默生说;“当人人权利都平等的时候,从道德、理智上讲,人们在财产方面则是
23、却从这种虚饰的外观中得到好处,使灵魂骄傲地得意扬扬。” 爱默生赞美了人的伟大,他说:“每个真正的人都是个事业、一个国家和个时代;他们需要无限的空间、无数的人和无限的时间去完成自己的使命;子孙后代似乎象一排门客,跟随在他的身后。,Writing style,Emersons essays often have a casual style, for most of them was derived from his journals or lectures. They are usually characterized by a series of short, declarative sent
24、ences, which are not quite logically connected but will flower out into illustrative statements of truth and thoughts.Emersons philosophical discussion is sometimes difficult to understand but he uses comparisons and metaphors to make the general,Writing style,idea of his work clearly expressed. Wel
25、l-read in the classics of Western European literature, Emerson often employed these literary sources to make and enrich his own points but never let them take the full reins of his discussion. In general, Emerson was showing to the world a distinctive American style, as he called for in The American
26、 Scholar in 1837.,Writing style,爱默生的写作风格,融合了文学与哲学,哲理性较强。他用典故和具体事物来说明哲理,语言独辟蹊径、深奥难懂。他的散文中警句格言随处可见。爱默生的思想受到许多学说的影响,以唯一神教派、古希腊罗马文化、英国浪漫主义文学、德国唯心主义影响最大。爱默生超验主义的核心思想是超验灵魂,与心灵、精神、上帝同义,与柏拉图的观念和黑格尔的绝对精神相似。尽管如此,爱默生的超验主义,在当时美国社会中仍是一个极具独创性的思想运动 。超验主义强调超越感官、相,Writing style,相信自我,要每个美国人成为自信、自立、自助的个人。当人内在的神性发展出来,就
27、能透过直观直觉来领悟体验上帝在自然中的表现,与上帝直接沟通,得以赎罪。爱默生的思想乐观催人奋进,他说:“相信自己,每颗心都能与真理产生共鸣”;“性格决定人生,要自力更生、努力图强”;“人与自然之间存在着超灵,每个个体的思想都能融入其中,那是心灵沟通的渠道”。这些思想熏陶了一代又一代的美国人、启迪了他们的智慧和生活的力量,激励着他们的创造精神。,Poems written by Ralph Waldo Emerson,DaysDaughters of Time, the hypocritical Days, Muffled and dumb like barefoot dervishes, An
28、d marching single in an endless file, Bring diadems and faggots in their hands. To each they offer gifts after his will, Bread, kingdoms, stars, and sky that holds them all. I, in my preached garden, watched the pomp, Forgot my morning wishes, hastily Took a few herbs and apples, and the Day Turned
29、and departed silent. I, too late, Under her solemn fillet saw the scorn.,Poems written by Ralph Waldo Emerson,日子 光阴老人的女儿,伪善的时日, 喑哑无语如同赤足的托僧,她们单行排列,无始也无终, 手托皇冠和一根根权杖, 按各人的心愿向大家分赠礼品, 面包,王国和包罗星辰的天空。在枝丫缠绕的花园里,我见此壮观, 忘掉了早晨的愿望,匆匆忙忙地 采了些香草和苹果,时日便已转过身 静默地离去。在她黑色的发带下 我看出她的轻藐,为时已晚。,Famous quotes of Ralph Wald
30、o Emerson,Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss. 艰难困苦有其科学价值,聪明的学习者绝不会错过这些机会。 Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm 缺乏热情将不会成就任何大事。 Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. 不要踏已知的路,走没有人走过“路”并且留下足迹。,Thank you !,The End,