1、Mona Lisa smile,By:Cherry,Jane,Wendy,Sophie,La Gioconda Picture (Mona Lisa) by Leonardo Da Vinci Oil on wood; 77x53 cm; 1503-1506 The portrait of Mona Lisa (1479-1528), also known as La Gioconda, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo; Musee du Louvre, Paris.,The figure of a young Florentine woman, Mona
2、 Lisa, dressed in the Florentine fashion of her day and seated in a visionary, mountainous landscape, is a remarkable instance of Leonardos sfumato technique of soft, heavily shaded modeling. The Mona Lisas enigmatic expression, which seems both alluring and aloof, has given the portrait universal f
3、ame.,The background of the painting has been made to look more hazy, with fewer distinct outlines than the foreground. This technique is known as aerial perspective, and Leonardo was one of the first painters to use it to give his paintings more depth.,The Mona Lisa was one of Leonardos favourite pa
4、intings, and he carried it with him until he died. Today, it is regarded as the most famous painting in the world, and is visited by many thousands of people every year.,stolen,The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911, by a former employee who believed the painting belonged in Italy. The thi
5、ef walked out of the gallery with the picture underneath his painters smock. He was apprehended by police two years later, and the painting was safely returned.,Birthday: 1503-1506 出生年份:1503年至1506年间 Birthplace: Florence 出生地:佛罗伦萨 Current home: The Louvre, Paris 联系地址:巴黎卢浮宫 Stats: 20 7/8“ x 30“, oil on
6、 wood. 尺寸:20 7/8“ x 30“, 木质油画 Marital status: Married to Francesco del Giocondo since 1495 婚姻状况:于1495年嫁给弗郎西斯科乔康达 Working on: Being most celebrated painting in the world 工作成就:成为世界上最著名的油画作品 Personal hero: Leonardo da Vinci 个人英雄:达芬奇 Nobody knows: Why Im smiling 无人知晓:我为何微笑 My most irrational act: Being
7、stolen in 1911 最不可思议行为:于1911年被盗,Mona Lisas stories,Leonard Da Vinci/Mona Lisa Profile Theory达芬奇/蒙娜丽莎肖像学说 Mona Lisas smile蒙娜丽莎的微笑 Mona Lisas hands Mona Lisas eyes,It is theorized that Leonardo da Vinci painted his own profile along the boarder of the veil on the face of the Mona Lisa. The top of his
8、head is the veil line crossing Mona Lisas forehead. The profile looks to Mona Lisas right and our left as we view the painting.,Mona Lisa smile,磨牙齿的姿势导致了蒙娜丽莎令人相当费解的微笑。一位意大利医生认为蒙娜丽莎神秘的微笑来自她强迫性磨牙的习惯。费里坡苏然诺坚信这位达芬奇笔下的贵夫人遭受着磨牙症的困扰一种在睡眠状态下或神经紧张时发作的不由自主的磨牙行为。 美国马里兰州的约瑟夫鲍考夫斯基博士认为:“蒙娜丽莎压根就没笑。她的面部表情很典型地说明她想掩饰
9、自己没长门牙。” 法国里昂的脑外科专家让雅克孔代特博士认为蒙娜丽莎刚得过一场中风,请看,她半个脸的肌肉是松弛的,脸歪着所以才显得微笑。 英国医生肯尼思基友博士相信蒙娜丽莎怀孕了。他的根据是:她的脸上流露出满意的表情,皮肤鲜嫩,双手交叉着放在腹部。性学专家推测:蒙娜丽莎刚刚经历了性高潮,所以才表现出令世人倾倒的微笑,Sfumato,Sfumato is the famous invention of Da Vinci light and shade that allow one form to blend in with another leaving something to the imag
10、ination. He did this to the corners of Mona Lisas mouth and eyes which explains why she may look different at different times. 渲染层次是达芬奇的一大创举用光和阴影把不同的形式相互糅合在一起,留给人们想象的空间。达芬奇将此手法运用到蒙娜丽莎的嘴角和眼角上,从而解释了她为什么会时时流露出不同的微笑。,Mona Lisas hands,We are all surprised by Monas hands. We cant understand how he did it.
11、 From his notes, we know that he always used a kind of soft pen, which was especially made according to his request. He thought this kind of pen was good for drawing skin while with some oil. Leonardo da Vinci used his unique drawing skill let Monas hands extremely beautiful and manful.,If you have
12、looked at Mona Lisas eyes before, you may have noticed that no matter from which angle you are looking at them, they will appear to gaze back at you. This could be accounted for the fact that Leonardo da Vinci painted himself by using something like a mirror. If you have looked into a mirror before, you might notice that no matter from which angle you look at your reflection, the reflections eyes appear to be looking back at you.,Thank you!,