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1、wwlee,1,第六章 国际货物运输,wwlee,2,wwlee,3,wwlee,4,美国总统轮船有限公司-APL,铁行渣华船务有限公司,wwlee,5,第一节 运输方式,wwlee,6,一、Ocean Transport,特点 通过能力大、运量大、运费低(铁1/5、公1/10、船1/30)。 但风险大、速度低。,wwlee,7,一、Ocean Transport,(一)班轮运输1. 特点(1)“四固定” Shipping Route 远洋(ocean-going) 、 近洋( near-sea )、沿海(coastal) Ports:basic ports Sailing Schedule

2、Freight,wwlee,8,一、Ocean Transport,(一)班轮运输1. 特点 (1)“四固定” (2)船方负责配载装卸,不计滞期和速遣费。 (3)船货双方的权利、义务及责任豁免以提单为依据。 (4)承运货物品种、数量灵活。,wwlee,9,一、Ocean Transport,(一)班轮运输2.班轮运费的计收依据与计收标准(1)Notes and Conditions(2)Commodity Enumeration Commodity Basis Class (Rate) Cargo N.O.E (not otherwise enumerated,wwlee,10,一、Ocean

3、 Transport,(一)班轮运输2.班轮运费的计收依据与计收标准 (3) Basic Rate Class Rate 商品分成120级, 低到高 Single Rate 每项商品及其费率逐个开列 (4)Surcharges 百分比;绝对数,wwlee,11,一、Ocean Transport,(一)班轮运输2.班轮运费的计收依据与计收标准计收标准 W, M, W/M, AV, W/M or /plus AV, Per Unit, Open Rate 积载系数=体积/毛重,wwlee,12,一、Ocean Transport,(一)班轮运输3.班轮运费的附加费Surcharges heavy

4、 lift additional, long length additional, directional additional, transhipment surcharges, port surcharges,wwlee,13,一、Ocean Transport,(一)班轮运输3.班轮运费的计算 F = Fb +S Fb = fQ S=(S1+ S2+Sn)Fb =(S1+S2+Sn)fQ F=Fb+S =fQ+(S1+S2+Sn)fQ =(1+S1+S2+Sn)fQ,wwlee,14,一、Ocean Transport,例以CFR价格条件出口加拿大温哥华罐头水果汁一批,重量为8公吨,尺码

5、为10立方米,求该批货物总运价。 解 l)先确认水果汁的英文为FruitJuice; 2)从有关运价本的“货物分级表”(Classification of Commodities)中查找相应的货名。再从应运价本中查到该货运价等级为8级,计算标准为M,即按尺码吨计算运费 。,wwlee,15,一、Ocean Transport,解 3)再查中国加拿大航线等级费率表(Scale of Class Rates for ChinaCanada Service)得8级货物相应之基本费率为每吨21900元;4)另查得燃油附加费20;5)计算: F = Fb+S= (219.00+219.0020%)10=

6、 262.810= 2628.00(元),wwlee,16,一、Ocean Transport,(二) 租船运输Shipping by chartering 追逐货源和流向、大宗交易,wwlee,17,一、Ocean Transport,(二) 租船运输Shipping by chartering 1.租船运输Shipping by chartering 定程租船(Voyage charter;trip charter) Single trip charter , Return trip charter, Consecutive trip charter,wwlee,18,一、Ocean Tr

7、ansport,(二) 租船运输Shipping by chartering 1.租船运输Shipping by chartering定期租船(Time Charter)简称期租,是指以租赁期限为基础的租船方式。在租期内,租船人按约定支付租金以取得船舶的使用权,同时负责船舶的调度和经营管理。,wwlee,19,一、Ocean Transport,(二) 租船运输Shipping by chartering 1.租船运输Shipping by chartering光船租船(Bareboat Charter)实际上属于单纯的财产租赁,wwlee,20,一、Ocean Transport,(二) 租

8、船运输Shipping by chartering2.定程租船与定期租船的差异(1)租船的依据(2)经营管理权限(3)运费计算,wwlee,21,一、Ocean Transport,(二) 租船运输Shipping by chartering3.租船运输的运费运费 Rate of freight 运费率 (taken /delivery quantity) Lump-sum freight整船包价 装卸费 Liner Terms free out(F.O) free in (F.I) free in and out(F.I.O)速遣费、滞期费,wwlee,22,一、Ocean Transpor

9、t,(二) 租船运输Shipping by chartering3.租船合同,wwlee,23,租船运输注意的问题,1.熟悉贸易合同中的运输条款,使租船条款与之相适应;2.船东的信誉和经营状况(二船东);3.船龄轻、质量好(过15年,由船东负责由此而产生的货物额外保费);4.弄清楚装卸港的地理位置;5.熟悉市场行情动态;6.通过租船经纪人进行;7.遵守我国的外交航运政策。,wwlee,24,二、其他运输方式,(三)集装箱运输和国际多式联运1.集装箱运输 国际标准化组织规格,而在国际航运上运用的主要为20英尺和40英尺两种,即1A型8840,1C型8820。 为了便于统计计算集装箱运输的货运量,

10、目前国际上都以20尺集装箱作为计算衡量单位,以TEU(Twenty foot Equivalent Unit)表示。,wwlee,25,四、集装箱运输,集装箱运输货物的交接 Full Container Load FCL Less Than Container Load LCL Container Yard CY Container Freight Station CFS Door to Door,wwlee,26,四、集装箱运输,集装箱运输的费用,(1)按件杂货基本费率加附加费。这是按照传统的按件杂货计算方法,以每运费吨为计算单位,再加收一定的附加费。(2)按包箱费率。这是以每个集装箱为计费

11、单位。包箱费率视船公司和航线等不同因素而有所不同。,wwlee,27,第二节 装运条款,wwlee,28,一、Time of Shipment,Time Of Shipment; Time Of Delivery Unless otherwise stipulated in the Credit, the expression shipment used in stipulating an earliest and/or a latest date for shipment will be understood to include expressions such as, loading o

12、n board, dispatch, accepted for carriage, date of post receipt, date of pick- up, and the like, and in the case of a credit calling for a multimodal transport document the expression taking in charge.,wwlee,29,一、Time of Shipment,(一)装运时间的规定方法 规定明确具体的时间 一段时间;某时间之前 Shipment during Feb./Mar./Apr. Shipme

13、nt not later than the end of Jun. 规定收到信用证后若干天装运 适用情况:专售产品;外汇管制严;客户信用差 Shipment within 60days after receipt the L/C.The Buyers must open the relative L/C to reach the sellers before(date),wwlee,30,一、Time of Shipment,(一)装运时间的规定方法 笼统规定近期装运 Immediate /Prompt/ shipment as soon as possible UCP600 如使用,银行将不

14、予置理。,wwlee,31,一、Time of Shipment,(二)注意事项 1.应考虑货源与船源的实际情况 2.对装运期的规定要明确 UCP600 3.装运期限应当适度 商品:易腐易烂易溶化。 季节:雨季烟草; 北欧:冰冻期 4.租船定舱:直达、船次多的可短些 5.应考虑开证日期的规定是否合理,wwlee,32,二、装运港、目的港Port of shipment Port of Destination,(一)方法 European Main Port 无统一解释,差别很大。 选择港:不超过3个;同一班轮航线上,且都停靠;在核算价格和运费时应按备选港中最高的费率和附加费计算;开证时通知最终

15、目的港 CIF London,optional Hamberger/Rotterdam . Optional additionals for buyers account,wwlee,33,二、装运港、目的港Port of shipment Port of Destination,(二)注意事项 (1)具体明确 (2)不能接受内陆城市为装运地和目的地 (3)必须注意装卸港的具体条件。自然、运营 (4)有无重名问题 (5)选择港方法,wwlee,34,三、分批装运和转船运输,(一)Partial Shipment/shipment by installments 原因:数量大,备货,运输条件,市

16、场需要,资金限制。 Partial shipment is not allowed (prohibited) Partial Shipment is allowed Shipment during March/June .in four equal monthly lots。 UCP 600 A31a “除非被允许” UCP 600 A31b 不作分批装运 Chinese ports UCP 600 A32 以后各期均告失效,wwlee,35,三、分批装运和转船运输,(一)Partial Shipment/shipment by installments A31a Partial drawin

17、gs and/or shipments are allowed, unless the Credit stipulates otherwise.,wwlee,36,三、分批装运和转船运输,(一)Partial Shipment/shipment by installments A 31b. Transport documents which appear on their face to indicate that shipment has been made on the same means of conveyance and for the same journey, provided

18、they indicate the same destination, will not be regarded as covering partial shipments, even if the transport documents indicate different dates of shipment and/or different ports of loading, places of taking in charge, or despatch.,wwlee,37,三、分批装运和转船运输,(一)Partial Shipment/shipment by installments A

19、32 If drawings and/or shipments by installments within given periods are stipulated in the Credit and any installment is not drawn and/or shipped within the period allowed for that installment, the Credit ceases to be available for that and any subsequent installments, unless otherwise stipulated in

20、 the Credit.,wwlee,38,三、分批装运和转船运输,(二)Transhipment Transhipment is not allowed(prohibited) Transhipment is allowed Transhipment is allowed at During Mar ./Apr .in two equal monthly shipments ,to be transhipped at Hong Kong 尽量直达;对二程船名、中转港的限制不能接受;费用、附加费。,wwlee,39,四、装运通知,买卖双方为了互相配合,共同搞好车、船、货的衔接和办理货运保险,不

21、论采用何种贸易术语成交,交易双方都要承担互相通知双方的义务。,wwlee,40,五、滞期、速遣条款,(一)装卸时间 Lay TimeDAY/RUNNING DAYWORKING DAYWEATHER WORKING DAYWEATHER WORKING DAY OF 24 HOURSWEATHER WORKING DAY OF CONSECUTIVE 24 HOURS Sundays and Holidays Except Not to Count Unless Used Not to Count Even Used,wwlee,41,五、滞期、速遣条款,(二)装卸率 每日装卸货物的数量,防止

22、过高或过低。(三)滞期、速遣费 程租船合同采用船方F.I.O的承运条款时的奖罚条款 Demurrage 补偿金(货方给船方) Despatch 奖励金(船方给货方) All Time Saved Working Time Saved,wwlee,42,五、滞期、速遣条款,150 metric tons per workable hatch and pro rata with maximum 750 metric tons per weather working day,Saturdays,Sundays and holidays excluded even if used Despatch n

23、ot less than 50% of demurrage.,wwlee,43,OCP运输,OVERLAND COMMON POINTS “内陆公共点”。其含义是使用海运方式,将卸至美国太平洋西岸港口的集装箱货物,通过铁路运输方式再运到美国内陆公共点,即内陆城市,并可享受优惠运费费率。 Trade Terms :CIF Seattle OCP Chicago 一种特殊的国际运输方式,不属于多式联运; 一项国际航运惯例,local rate 、海运运费优惠35USD/MT; 适应于美加内陆区域。,wwlee,44,案例 分析,某国际贸易公司出口花生仁,总货量为500公吨。其信用证规定: Part

24、ial shipments to be prohibited. 该公司收到信用证后,因货源不足,于5月25日在青岛港只装了300公吨。后原货轮再驶往烟台港,装其不足数。国际贸易公司向议付行办理议付时,提交二套提单,一套在青岛于5月25日签发,其货量为300公吨,另一套在烟台于5月30日签发提单,其货量为155公吨,请分析: 国际贸易公司是否违反了有关数量的规定? 国际贸易公司是否违反了信用证不许分批装运的规定?,wwlee,45,第三节 运输单据,wwlee,46,一、海运单据,(一)海运提单Bill of Lading B/L1.性质和作用(1)Receipt for the goods 不

25、仅证明收到货物的名称、种类、数量、标志、外表状况,而且证明收到货物的时间。 (2)Documents of title (3)Evidence of contract of carriage,wwlee,47,一、海运单据,(一)海运提单Bill of Lading B/L2.签发 (1)提单的签发人 XYZ SHIPPING,CARRIERABC CO. LTD AS AGENT FOR THE CARRIERXXX AS MASTERABC CO. LTD AS AGENT FOR JOHN, MASTER,wwlee,48,If a Credit calls for a bill of

26、lading covering a port-to-port shipment, banks will, unless otherwise stipulated in the Credit, accept a document, however named, which: (i) appears on its face to indicate the name of the carrier and to have been signed or otherwise authenticated by: the carrier or a named agent for or on behalf of

27、 the carrier, or the master or a named agent for or on behalf of the master.,wwlee,49,Any signature or authentication of the carrier or master must be identified as carrier or master, as the case may be. An agent signing or authenticating for the carrier or master must also indicate the name and the

28、 capacity of the party, i.e. carrier or master, on whose behalf that agent is acting.,wwlee,50,提单签署案例,Bill of Lading 1)Without Showing Name of Carrier 2)Without Showing Actual Port of Lading Insurance Policy Showing Shipment from Hubei Whereas Bills of Lading Showing as Wuhan .L/C :装运港 Hubei ;审证时改提单

29、,未改保险单。提单:使用中国对外贸易运输总公司印制的提单 中国外运金陵公司签章,wwlee,51,一、海运单据,(一)海运提单Bill of Lading B/L2.签发 (1)提单的签发人 (2)提单的签发地点和日期 (3)提单的份数,wwlee,52,一、海运单据,(一)海运提单Bill of Lading B/L3.提单的格式和内容 正面条款:已装船条款;内容不知悉条款;接受条款。 缮制:依据信用证或合同内容及实际装船情况。,wwlee,53,提单的格式和内容,Shipper:Consignee Full set of B/L consigneed to ABC co. Full set

30、 of B/L made out to order B/L issued to order of ApplicantNotifyFreight :Freight prepaid/paid Freight collect/Freight payable at destination,wwlee,54,提单的格式和内容,Marks and Numbers:N/M70 wooden cases 2100Kgs 3.500M30cartons 750Kgs 1.500M100Packages 2850Kgs 5.000M,wwlee,55,wwlee,56,wwlee,57,wwlee,58,一、海运

31、单据,(一)海运提单Bill of Lading B/L4.种类 On board B/L 货物实际装上船后(named ship) Received for shipment B/L 收到货物等待装船时间。 转化:调换;加批准(on board notation) 标识: SHIPPED on board by the shipper named herein, RECEIVED in apparent good order and condition,wwlee,59,Unknown ClauseS.T.C SAID TO CONTAIN内容据发货人报称 S.L.C SHIPPERS LO

32、AD AND COUNT发货人装载并计数,wwlee,60,一、海运单据,(一)海运提单Bill of Lading B/L4.种类 Clean B/L Unclean B/L目力所及发现包装不良及物品本身状况不良,加包装不坚固、不完整、破色、渗漏、污染。 不属于:不明白地表示货物或包装不能令人满意,如“旧包装”。 强调承运人对货物或包装性质所引起的风险不负责任。否认承运人知悉货物的内容、重量或技术规格。 2 bags torn /broken 10cases short shipped,wwlee,61,一、海运单据,(一)海运提单Bill of Lading B/L4.种类 Straigh

33、t B/L 凭“到货通知”可提货,银行不掌控 货权。 Bearer B/L Order B/L To order To shippers order,wwlee,62,一、海运单据,(一)海运提单Bill of Lading B/L4.种类 Direct B/L 中途不经换船 Transhipment B/L New York with transhipment at Hong Kong Port of discharge Hong Kong Final destination New YorkThrough B/L 一张提单包括运输全程,托运人一次支付全程运费,不同路段运输责任由不同路段的承

34、运人分段承担。 UCP500 A23“自由转船”条款,属直达提单。,wwlee,63,一、海运单据,(一)海运提单Bill of Lading B/L4.种类 Long form B/L 提单正反面均列有繁琐的条款,又有繁式提单之称。 Short form B/L 提单一般都列有本提单货物的收受、保管、运输和运费等项,均按本公司全式提单内所印的条款为准的字样。,wwlee,64,一、海运单据,(一)海运提单Bill of Lading B/L4.种类 Original B/L UCP 500.23a ,一套提单可以是包括仅有一份的正本提单。 2/3OriginalB/L,即指承运人签发提单正本

35、三份,受益人凭全套正本提单其中的二份办理结汇,而另一份正本要求航寄或随船。 Copy B/L,wwlee,65,其他种类提单 On Deck B/L舱面/甲板提单 有些货物如危险品、活动物、或体积过大、只能装于甲板上。货物装于甲板上受损的风险很大,所以进口商一般不愿接受甲板提单。 Stale B/L 提单签发日后21天才交银行;于船到目的港后收到的提单。对于后者,Stale B/L is acceptable,wwlee,66,Advanced B/L 预借提单 由于信用证规定的装船日期已到期,货主因故未能及时备妥货物装船或尚未装船或因船期延误,影响货物装船,托运人要求承运人先行签发已装船提单

36、,以便结汇。,wwlee,67,Anti-date B/L 倒签提单 这是货物由于实际装船日期迟于信用证规定的装运日期,承运人应托运人的要求在提单上仍按信用证规定的装运日期填写。,wwlee,68,第三者提单,内地出口商本身无能力将货物运到海港办理报关装船事宜时,通常全权委托运输行办理。一国要进口某种急需的产品,却不能直接向产品生产国办理进口,它就可以通过它的友好国家)去向产品生产国办理购货手续。中间商为防止他人直接与出口商接洽,在提单上避免出现信用证受益人而以第三者为托运人。是出自有些对背信用证的需要是为了少征收进口关税。,wwlee,69,倒签提单案例,中国丰和贸易公司与美国威克特贸易有限



39、美方威克特公司取得联系,请求修改信用证,并求得对方的谅解,即使对方不同意如此做,至多也只付违约金,而且只有在美方公司确有损失的前提下才付赔偿金.而不应该要求承运人倒签提单,从而造成了买方和承运人共同成为被告,被控合谋伪造单据进行欺诈,既蒙受了经济损失,也丧失商业信誉,实属不该。,wwlee,73,一、海运单据,(一)海运提单Bill of Lading B/L5.关于提单的国际公约 海牙规则 海牙维斯比规则 汉堡规则,wwlee,74,一、海运单据,(二)电子提单 1.含义 e-B/L是一种利用EDI系统对海运途中的货物支配权进行转让的程序。,wwlee,75,一、海运单据,(二)电子提单 2.特点 (1)承运人发出密码 (2)收货人有效身份证明 (3)收讯电,wwlee,76,一、海运单据,(二)电子提单3.国际规则 国际海事委员会电子提单规则,wwlee,77,一、海运单据,(三)海运单(sea waybill) Non-negotiable sea waybill,


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