1、细胞爬片免疫荧光实验步骤第一天:1. 在培养板中将已爬好细胞的玻片用 PBS浸洗 3次,每次 3min;2. 用 4%的多聚甲醛固定爬片 15min, PBS 浸洗玻片 3次,每次 3min;3. 0.5%Triton X-100( PBS配制 )室温通透 20min(细胞膜上表达的抗原省略此步骤) ;4. PBS浸洗玻片 3次,每次 3 min,吸水纸吸干 PBS,在玻片上滴加正常山羊血清,室温封闭 30min;5. 吸水纸吸掉封闭液,不洗,每张玻片滴加足够量的稀释好的一抗并放入湿盒,4孵育过夜;第二天:6. 加荧光二抗: PBST 浸洗爬片 3次,每次 3min,吸水纸吸干爬片上多余液体后
2、滴加稀释好的荧光二抗,湿盒中 20-37孵育 1h,PBST 浸洗切片 3次,每次3min;注意:从加荧光二抗起,后面所有操作步骤都尽量在较暗处进行。7. 复染核:滴加 DAPI避光孵育 5min,对标本进行染核,PBST 5min4次洗去多余的 DAPI;8. 用吸水纸吸干爬片上的液体,用含抗荧光淬灭剂的封片液封片,然后在荧光显微镜下观察采集图像。细胞免疫荧光步骤 1.在 24 孔板里加 500 微升培养基,放爬片,接种细胞(做实验以 30-50%汇合度较好。10000-30000 左右 2.给药处理 24h。 3.PBS 洗三遍。 4. 4冷的多聚甲醛固定 15 分钟,PBS 洗三遍,每次
3、 5min,摇床。 (避光)5.0.5Triton X100(PBS 配)破膜 15min,PBS 洗三遍,每次 5min,摇床。6.5%BSA(牛血清白蛋白,PBS 配)封闭 60 分钟,不用洗。 7.加一抗孵育(5%BSA配),4摇床过夜。 8. 收集一抗,PBS 洗三遍,每次 5min,摇床。孵育二抗 Alexa Fluor 488(1:1000 ),室温 60min(避光) 9. 回收二抗,PBS 洗三遍, 摇床,每次 5min。 10. 0.5ug/mLDAPI(5%BSA 配, 2 滴/ml)染核 15min。(避光) 11. PBS 洗三遍,每次 5min,摇床。 12.取载玻片
4、,滴加 10uL 抗 荧光衰减封片剂,将爬片有细胞面盖在封片剂上,指甲油封片子的对角线。 All steps for IF 1) Remove culture medium and fix cells (a common fixative is 4% formaldehyde in PBS, for 15 minutes) 2) Wash well in PBS (3 x 5 minutes is typical) 3) Permeabilize the cells (a common permeabilization reagent is 0.2% Triton X-100 in PBS f
5、or 30 minutes) 4) Wash well in PBS 5) (optional: Block for non-specific dye binding using the Image-iT FX Image Enhancer Solution, I36933) 6) Block for non-specific antibody binding 30-60 minutes (a common blocking solution would be 3-6% bovine serum albumin / 5% normal goat serum / PBS, or commerci
6、al blocking reagents like our BlockAid, product B10710) 7) Incubate in primary antibody for 30-60 minutes, in blocking solution or overnight at 4 degrees (antibody concentrations vary, but usually between 0.5-10ug/mL) 8) Wash well in PBS 9) Incubate in secondary antibody for 30-60 minutes, in 3-6% b
7、ovine serum albumin / PBS (a good starting antibody concentration is 5 ug/mL) 10) Wash well in PBS 11) Counterstain as needed (such as with DAPI, D1306) 12) Mount in appropriate mounting medium (for fluorescent secondaries, a good antifade solution is best, such as ProLong Gold, P36934, or SlowFade Gold, S36937)