1、2012 年 5-8 月强哥新版雅思写作预测发布啦!分别针对亚太/欧洲/北美地区 5-8 月的每一次雅思考试哈!注意:5-8 月就这一个预测,没有单月或单日的预测,但在每次考试前 3-7 天左右会有特别提醒,供缩小范围使用,在我的新浪微博 http:/ 发布如果你看强哥的雅思写作预测,你将获得如下承诺:只要你按强哥的雅思写作预测备考,我保证你很多时候会碰到和预测题目极其相近或完全一样的原题;即使没有碰到原题(比如新题),预测里至少也会有若干题目和原题沾边,某几道预测题目思路素材重新拼装之后,就是原题的答案;最差的时候,准备预测题目也必然对原题写作思路很有启发,可以帮你在考场上节省时间;纯粹失败
2、的时候也可能会有,但全年一般不会超过 3 次。即使你走实力锤炼路线,即使你的目标是 7 分甚至 8 分, 即使你从不投机取巧而是脚踏实地,即使你上过各种培训班准备过一些题目,强哥的雅思预测也必然是你备考最好的选择或补充(放心,课上没学过但近期可能考的题目强哥的预测里都有!)因此从现在开始,告诉自己身边每一个准备考雅思的人,TA 无论是否上过培训班,TA 无论在哪上过培训班,TA 都可能只是掌握了 HOW, 为了几乎同样重要的 What, TA 绝缺不了强哥的雅思预测!信强哥,雅思过!在使用我的雅思写作预测之前,请务必+务必+务必做两件事:第一件是阅读这篇有关,我,预,测,的,说,明,文,章ht
3、tp:/ ,其次要参看预测题目前面的使用说明!,强哥雅思写作预测的使用说明,我的预测如何使用?共 5 点-必读,必读,必读!,1. 所有大作文预测题目都以中英文夹杂的面貌出现,为什么这样做的原因不予解释,好奇,心强的可以自己悟。如果有英文单词看不懂请自行查词典,查了以后仍旧看不懂请先鄙视自己然后到我的新浪微博http:/ 通过评论的方式提问,有问,必答!此次 5-8 月预测相比 2-4 月有很大改进,如加入欧美考区机经和新题考量,另外,更为重要的,本预测为题目配备了素材论据,我再说一遍:本预测为题目配备了素材论据!注意:预测题目全部是我的原创;素材论据除部分是我的原创外,大部分为环球雅思教研中
4、心集体创作,他们是:总策划刘薇;执行策划:郑仁强,张颖;编委:杨童,孔文静,马驰,付博。感谢所有参与者的辛勤劳动!这个预测还有纸质版,大家可以在参加环雅讲座或其他市场活动时索取,全国各分校均有供应。,2. 一定要记住:无论你多么彪悍,你也只需准备每道题目的素材论据,辩论类 AD/DG/LB三种题型各准备两正一负 3 个分论点就行(每个主体段的主题句),也就是这三种题型每道题只需要准备 3 句话; RS/RE/R.LB/OS/PS/BT 这六种题型一般都有两个问题,每个问题准备两点即可,也就是这六种题型每道题只需准备 4 句话。“准备”的意思是你可以,逐一写出素材论据,或者只是浏览下题目在心里默
5、念下素材论据,实在没有任何思路的,我送你一句话:知之为知之,不知 google 知。图表作文预测题目配备有范文,请自行研,究范文写作思路,结合我课堂所讲,拟定自己固定的雅思小作文写作套路,范文中的重点词句要背诵。,3. 这个新版的预测是为了让大家在考前对雅思作文最常考到的素材论据有个彻底的了解和提升,避免到了考场用中文都不知该写什么的窘境。因此,哪怕一道题目都不写,也最好按照此预测给出的题目提前用中文想想素材,都会极大减轻你到考场上会面临的压力并节省时间。如果仍旧感觉对我的预测不甚了解,或者看完我的预测想骂娘砸桌子跳楼 自 宫 的 , 请 阅 读 这 篇 文 章 , 会 让 你 的 心 情 好
6、 一点http:/ 强哥雅思写作题型代号的专用缩略语-强哥独有暗号,必读!,辩论类 AD=agree or disagree, DG=discuss both views and give your own opinion, LB=利弊,解释类 RS=reason and solution,RE=Reason and effect, R.LB=reason 和利弊分析,OS=opinion andsolution. PS=Problems and solution,BT=变态类,辩论类和解释类以外的题型,考的很少。,5. 我的预测更新频率?-必读,必读,必读!,;,每年 3 次更新预测题目内容
7、,分别是 1-4 月,5-8 月,9-12 月。每次更新都提前一个月发布,也就是 5-8 月的预测会在 4 月初发布,9-12 月的预测会在 8 月初发布, 1-4 月的预测在前一年的 12 月初发布;本次 5-8 月的预测适用于 5-8 月亚太/欧洲/北美考区的每一次雅思考试!,重要预告,注意:所有这里预告的东东都需要你有新浪微博的帐户以及成为我的粉丝同时随时关注我的微博才可获得,另外还需要你在自己的微博里加入这个应用“微盘”。,强哥雅思写作预测预告:今后我的雅思写作预测将有望每月有视频讲解跟进;强哥雅思写作新题梦工厂(根据强哥对雅思写作题目制作原理多年研究心得以及其他国外考试题目借鉴,自行
8、开发,对雅思写作考试常出现的新题有主动防毒功能)敬请期待!,另外,强哥正在紧锣密鼓地收集,分析,整合业内最优秀的雅思预测资源,争取在 2012 年7 月底之前推出涵盖听说读写四项,更实用,更贴心,更精准的雅思超级预测,今年 9-12,月的烤鸭将成为第一批受益者,让我们拭目以待!(这应该是最后的等待了),强哥雅思听力预测预告:填空题为主,选择题为辅;积累实力为主,押题预测为辅;分话题分场景,突破编年体限制;每年三次更新,逐步配备视频讲解,即使没碰到原题(这几乎不可能),只要看了也依然会非常管用;更多细节现在不便透露。,强哥雅思阅读预测预告:真题题源文章为主,机经回忆题目为辅;提前了解可能考到的文
9、章体裁话题,积累相关背景知识及词汇;配备生词表,但暂时或永久不配译文(因为有副作用),即使真想提高阅读实力,即使想考 8 分或 9 分也没必要去看 nature, economist 或其他原版杂,志,看我预测里的文章已经足够,而且 更有针对性;对于文章里可能引发同义替换的地方会有特别总结(也就是出题点)和提示;每年三次更新;更多细节现在不便透露。,强哥雅思口语预测预告:主要以我最近一年(网络,我的微博)收集到的口语题目真实回忆为基础,争取还原现今雅思口语考试最常出现的话题真面目,争取还原现今雅思口语各话题,下真实被问到的小问题,以期进一步缩小备考范围,避免 part1、part3 需要准备几
10、百道小题,目,part2 需要准备近百张话题卡的负担;每年三次更新;更多细节现在不便透露。,温馨提示:如果你恰好在考场上碰到和强哥预测里一模一样的题目,请抑制自己激动的心情,冷静淡定地把作文写完。,欢迎转载,改写,借鉴,复制,但必须注明,负,出处(即我的新浪博客地址和我的姓名),否则将坚决追究法律责任,其他后果自行担,!,注意:,下载并使用此预测的童鞋将自动被默认为原意为此预测进行宣传,期盼你能人品闪亮地把它分享给你身边所有学雅思的亲戚,朋友,同学,甚至你心里的那个 TA, 算是对强哥辛苦工作的肯定。有数据显示,考雅思人品很重要哦,所以快快将它扩散吧,别忘了加我新浪微博关注以随时获取更新和调整
11、!拜谢啦!,强哥 2012 年 5-8 月雅思小作文(图表作文)预测题库,我说过,当今的雅思考试再预测雅思小作文会考到何种类型的图表已经毫无意义,因为即使是柱图也会考出曲线的感觉,即使是表格也能考出柱或曲线的感觉,以此类推。用过我预测的童鞋最清楚,强哥图表作文预测的厉害之处在于不是给出图表类型这样大而化之的预测,而是给出具体的题目预测。听清楚了,是具体的题目预测。,注意:强哥雅思小作文预测部分题目每月月底可能会有一定增减变动,届时我会在自己的新,浪微博通知!记住,我让你看哪道题,就只看哪道题,就看我说的题目,就足够了!,剑桥雅思 7 test3 的柱状图(题目在 78 页,范文在 166 页)
12、,表格题(描述 6 个城市地铁系统,范文和题目在我人人网公共主页的日志里)剑桥雅思 4 test3 的柱状图(题目在 78 页,范文在我人人网公共主页的日志里)剑桥雅思 7 test4 的饼状图(题目在 101 页,范文在 168 页)剑桥雅思 8 test2 的饼状图 (题目在 53 页,范文在 164 页)剑桥雅思 8 test4 的曲线图 (题目在 101 页,范文在 168 页)剑桥雅思 6 test1 的混合图 (题目在 30 页,范文在 161 页)地图/流程图 题目和文章都在我的人人网公共主页日志里,我,的,人,人,网,公,共,主,页http:/ 2012 年 5-8 月雅思大作
13、文(议论文)预测题库1. Languages题目:发明一种新语言用于 international communication 的利弊 LB;所有学生都该学 foreign languageor 没 talent 的可以不学 DG;loss of languages 的原因和解决方案 RS;machine translation 已经很发达了,孩子们没必要再学外语了 AD; 学习一门语言,还应该了解该国的 culture 和lifestyle AD; 孩子应该从 primary school 而不是 secondary school 开始学外语 AD; 有人认为应该 spend money sa
14、ving languages of few speakers from dying out, others think it is a waste offinancial resources DG; 英语的普及会损害 minor languages. AD对应素材:A new global language is a facilitator of cross-national communication.A standardized new language enables mutual understanding among people of all races withdifferent
15、 cultural backgrounds.The spread of the new language may lead to disappearance of some minor languages, and even thelack of ethnic culture and diversity.,As globalization and mobility and communications are bringing the world ever closer together,ever more urgent is the need for global citizens to b
16、e competent in other languages.,Learning another language gives the learner the ability to step inside the mind and context of thatother culture. Without the ability to communicate and understand a culture on its own terms, trueaccess to that culture is barred.,Learning a foreign language is challen
17、ging to most students who are not with talent in language.Many languages have different systems of grammar, and some languages use a completelydifferent alphabet and different sounds. And learning thousands of new vocabulary words isnteasy, either.,The time of learning a foreign language may not be
18、worth the payoff in the end. According toresearch, the time spent learning a foreign language could be better spent learning about science ormathematics,Causes:1. Sometimes parents decide to not speak their mother tongue to their children, becausethey perceive an economic or educational advantage fo
19、r their children in talking a secondlanguage. 2. Urbanization, industrialization, other economic changes, government changes, andsmall population of the language being shifted from, have also been factors accompanyinglanguage extinction.,Solution: In theory, encouraging the use of both official lang
20、uage and native one is a possiblesolution to preventing loss of native languages.,A foreign language is always closely related to a countrys cultures and customs. To study aforeign language is a access to acquire foreign cultures and way of peoples thinking.,The charm of a language also lies in the
21、fact that it is a precious gift of human beings. Whenstudying a foreign language, students can develop their intelligence, stimulate their imaginationand creativity.,Learning languages is not a simple task but a process of knowing different cultures and customs.,Various local languages have been evo
22、lved through humans lives and have been continuing tochange step by step. If we expect to learn the most aboriginal languages, lifestyles count forlearning.,Once you learn a foreign language you can appreciate another cultures literature, arts and musicwhich are all important in understanding anothe
23、r language. Immersing oneself in another countrysculture can be a rewarding experience and may enhance your global understanding.,Learning a foreign language in school can not only benefit students academic scores, but it canimprove communication skills as well. An obvious benefit to learning a fore
24、ign language in schoolis the ability to communicate with diverse students in their native languages.,Learning a second language has also been found to improve the memory. Therefore, it can helpstudents retain knowledge for schoolwork and the real world.,When school-age children learn a second langua
25、ge, they have an improved mental focus and arenot easily sidetracked by outside distractions, according to a study by linguistics at CornellUniversity.,2. Museums/Library/Arts,题目:,请注明出处,博 物馆的目 的是为了 entertain 还是 educate DG; 图 书馆没有 存在必要 因为 computertechnbology 可以 replace 它的 functions AD; 博物馆应该获取国家的 fin
26、ancial support AD;creative artists 应该从政府 or other resources 获取 financial support? DG; music 对社会有重要意义 or 仅仅是 a form of entertainment. DG; what can arts tell us of life that science cannot? BT;有人认为 libraries 应该建在每一个城镇,其他人则认为这是浪费因为人们可以通过互联网获取信息.DG;,对应素材:,Nowadays, museums are regarded as places to prom
27、ote public education through entertainment.,Museums are great public gathering places where visitors can be entertained, inspired, andintroduced to new ideas.,A museum is assumed to be exclusive. It selects certain objects to add to its collection andexcludes others, and it does this on the basis of
28、 scholarship.,Museums help people understand and appreciate the natural world, the history of civilizations, andthe record of humanitys artistic, scientific, and technological achievements.,Computers can exert certain effect on improving the efficiency when searching information. Forexample, some te
29、chnologies, such as Google and yahoo searching engines, as well as some otheronline digital databases, can be of great help.,In urban areas, government can easily afford computers or related costs, while their counterpartsin rural areas are capable only of supplying a library of inferior quality.,Co
30、nvincing evidence is from the fact that traditional public libraries have played a pivotal role inour society and numerous residents have got accustomed to them. Like a sacred treasure ofknowledge, the libraries and their collections help us with learning knowledge and skills passeddown through ages
31、 from our ancestors.,Reading an interesting book in a quiet environment is an amusement and entertainment, whilesearching information in front of a,In the hierarchy of human needs, needs for food, shelter and health are among the basic. Whenthese needs are attained, people turn to higher aspirations
32、. Therefore, facilities like museums or artgalleries can satisfy citizens needs in these fields.,The existence of museums represents for the general interest of the public, in which the privatesectors would not interested. Therefore, it is governments responsibility to provide financial aidto these
33、organizations.,Governments financial support would play as a restraint in artistic expression.,Many essential sectors, such as health care and education, need financial support.,/ Q/ t D,3. Traditional V.S.Modern,题目:,traditional ideas 对年轻人面对 modern life 无用 AD;有人认为历史 useless,有人则认为研究历史帮我们 know the pre
34、sent DG;有人认为随着科技的发展,traditional skill of writing letters不再重要 AD; selfishness and greed 是现代社会基础,有人觉得 we must return to older values,of respect for family and local community. AD; fashion is now the standard for people to chooseclothes,分析原因和利弊 R.LB; 有人认为 fashion is just for selling clothes, 我们不该 follo
35、wAD; People never wear their traditional costumes. LB; 年轻人应该尊重 tradition, 还是按自己的意愿来?DG;,对应素材:,The dilemma is that while some young people are proud of their own history, they also becomeuncomfortable when confronted with that which is deemed continental and internationallyacceptable.,At times, belie
36、f in innovation, in the welfare society, and in growth is so strong that the countryforgot its history.,Customs and traditions are traditional nation which human race depends on to develop. They arevery wonderful and helpful. They should be considered important, and something that shouldreside in pe
37、oples heart.,One basic importance of history is to know enough to do well because your knowledge of it istested. It can be in the classroom, it can be in the UN, or for a historian meeting. If you do notknow enough, than you put yourself at risk of not achieving what you can.,We study history not on
38、ly to avoid the same mistakes that our previous ancestors made, but also toknow the truth about the path, to be able to understand where we came from.,Except for historians who are becoming no more than pedantic nerds because we are consumedwith useless information, history is nothing more than “the
39、 history of dead people” to the masses.,With the fast pace of development, the society lays its emphasis on efficiency. Thus theconvention of letter writing is becoming less preferred.,Daily communication involves written correspondence, whether it takes the form of emails orletters. The prevalence
40、of emails will not change the purposes of communication, but merely themedium.,Another fact to note is that all communication is interpersonal and interactive, thereby requiringinformation senders to use language properly and convey messages clearly is the key.,4. Local V.S.International,题目:,immigra
41、nts 应该 accept new culture or keep their own culture DG;国家间日益增长的 businessand cultural communication LB; visitors 应该学习 host countrys customs and behavior or hostcountry 应该 allow cultural differences; countries which have a wide range of nationalities andcultures 的优势和问题 LB; People see more foreign film
42、s than local films, why? 政府是否该给,local film industry 更多 financial support? BT; traditional food 被 fast food 取代 LB; 有人认为应该允许 foreign companies 到 developing countries 建厂以发展 local economy,其他人则认为应该鼓励 local companies 发展.DG; 全球化和跨国公司日益发展的利弊 LB;,对应素材:,Accepting the local culture is a good start point for im
43、migrants to interact with locals, especiallyin the workplace.,A migrant to a new country should recognize the differences and observe local conventions, whichis helpful to avoid embarrassment and bring a sense of comfort.,The coexistence of different minority communities benefits both immigrants and
44、 locals, because itenables immigrants to counteract the stress that results from culture shock.,Minority cultures contribute to the establishment of a multi-cultural environment.,Foreign cultures instill fresh life force into the target countries, aiding the conservation of theirfeature.,Increased i
45、nteraction between countries strengthens the identities of countries involved.,It seems that in some countries, the locals have become more accustomed to exotic cultures. Itreflects the combined effects of invasion of foreign cultures.,Knowing what you might expect when you first arrive in your host
46、 country can ease yourtransition to living abroad and help you make the most of the experience from the start.,Learning the local traditions and cultures of the host countries will enrich ones life experience.,It is true that the cultural integration between the host countries and foreign cultures,
47、in largeextent, could enhance the development of cultural diversity.,As we know, with the proliferation of globalization, there have been increasingly individualsinvest money in national commercial trade, which has become an indispensable part of our livesand it has been exerting profound impacts on
48、 the way we live, work and play.,In a society with diversified culture people can exchange experiences, so everyone is able tobroaden his mind what will ensure an intellectual improvement of the society.A negative aspect is that such a multicultural society gets really complicated when cultures base
49、don contrasted ideologies come into conflict what can cause a bloody battle.,5.,Buildings,题目:建筑应该 worry about functions,而不是 appearance AD;city planners 将人们居住,购物,工作的地方建在 separate locatiions 的利弊 LB; 把所有建筑设计成 traditional style 以保护cultural identity AD;是否应该拆掉 old buildings 用 modern buildings 取而代之 AD;对应素材
50、:be seen as a crucial factor that can decide the materials, structure and exterior design of a buildingserve human being well and satisfy individual needs of durability and capacityrepresent the cultural identity of a cityappeal to tourists and thereby to enhance tourismbe beneficial to the manageme
51、nt of governorscreate more exchange opportunitieslead to much unnecessary travel which causes contamination produced by motor vehiclesbring much inconveniencereflect the cultural identity of a nationappeal to tourists and then generate tax income from tourismcause a waste of moneycannot show the transformation and change in present society6. Education题目:Education-money学 business、arts 的学生不该从政府获得 financial support AD; 大学应该给 poor students and,