1、-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-Unit 2 Small animalsTeaching Aids: Pictures, word cards, realia, wall chat, tape, recorderPROCEDURE CONTENT METHOD PURPOSE1. Warming-up Ask pupils to answer the questions:Whats your animal sign?What animals do you like?通过提问帮助学生复习与本节课相关的内容。Pre-taskprepar
2、ation2. A guessing gameT: Make a riddle about bees, and ask pupils to guess.Ask pupils “Do you like the bee? How is the bee?”通过活动调动学生的学习积极性。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-3. A song: Busy Bees(Tape recorder)Ask pupil to sing and dance following the music.通过歌唱引起学生学习的兴趣并引入主题。1.Introduct
3、ion: frog, rabbit, bee, butterfly and bird(Pictures)Show the pictures of animals to pupils. Then ask them to read after teacher one by one.借助图片、实物,通过提问和猜谜语的方式逐一引出小动物,让学生跟读。While-taskProcedure2. Imitation (Pictures)1.Ask pupils to read after teacher with actions, “I see a bee.”2.Ask pupils to read “I
4、 see” with different actions.用边看边说的形式,让学生熟悉句型和单词。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-1. Learn: mosquito, fly(Pictures)Ask pupils “What does the frog like to eat?”Show pictures and ask the pupils to read after teacher.在说一说、做一做中熟悉新单词。2. A guessing game(Pictures)Make riddles about “tadpole”
5、and “turtle”, and ask pupils to guess in Chinese.Show picture and ask pupils to read after teacher.学生通过机械模仿熟悉新单词。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-1. Learn: dragonfly(Picture)Ask pupils to read “dragonfly” after teacher, then help pupils to make a rhyme about the dragonfly.学生在编儿歌的同时熟悉新单
6、词。2. A game:Whats missing?(Pictures)Ask pupils to close their eyes, and teacher takes away one picture on the board.T: “Open your eyes,” and let pupils say “I dont see”学生在游戏中巩固单词,练习说话。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-3. An activity (Small pictures)Give each group some small pictures of
7、 animals. Help them to make riddles about the animals and ask the others to guess.通过编谜语,学生从机械模仿中熟悉新单词,进入有目的的操练。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-Post-taskactivities1. Guess and say(Realia)Show the animal in the bag or show the part of the animal to the pupils, and ask them to use “I see
8、 a ” to guess what it is. Encourage pupils to use five or more sentences to say about one of the animals they have seen.在老师的引导下,学生根据自己所见,用所学句型来表达。学生根据自己的选择,通过组内合作,用所学语言进行连续的口头表达。-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-2. Make a story (Picture)1.Ask pupils to answer questions:What do you see?W
9、here is it?2. Ask pupils to make a story about the picture.(Group works)学生在老师的启发下,尝试有逻辑地组织所学语言,连贯性地说几句话。Assignment Oral work Have pupils draw their favorite small animals and describe them.通过口头练习巩固学习内容。【教案设计说明】本堂课围绕 small animal 主题,通过一系列活动,让学生在兴趣盎然中学会了句型 I see,并用英语描述自己喜爱的小动物,培养他们的观察力和思维力。本堂课的设计主要分为三
10、个部分。首先,教师通过提问帮助孩子复习学过的内容,让学生在唱唱跳跳中进入主题。老师使用各种小动物的漂亮图片和玩具,引起孩子们的注意,激发他们对小动物的喜爱之情,让他们在边看、边做、边说中熟悉和-小学资源网(http:/) 投稿电话:010-52203411 QQ:2355394508-操练新的词汇,这样既让学生对小动物的感情得到了释放,又锻炼了他们的语言能力。为此,教师主要通过编谜语、猜谜语、编儿歌及“猜猜什么动物不见了”的小游戏进行教学,充分调动学生的积极性和自主性。在第二部分,老师把各种可爱的动物玩具发给各小组,通过小组竞赛的形式鼓励他们描述小动物。孩子们在小组活动中,运用学过的语言说说自己喜欢的动物。他们通过互相交流与合作,取长补短,最终组成一段精彩的话语。这一环节最大限度地让孩子们参与到活动中,给每个学生练习的机会,培养了他们的观察能力和合作精神。第三部分由教师出示挂图(一些小动物在公园里) ,通过提问引导学生仔细观察,尝试着有条理地编出故事,培养学生说一段话的能力。英语教学不仅教语言,还应通过英语这个工具去增加知识,拓展能力。本堂课的整个教学活动自终以学生为主体,创造了宽松,活跃的学习环境,帮助学生发展个性,开发其潜能。