1、Rice dumpling,Like many traditional Chinese foods, the traditional Chinese rice dumpling was created to honor an honorable in Chinas history,Qu Yuan (340-278 B.C.) - the famous poet of ancient China.,长太息以掩涕兮哀民生之多艰,The origins of rice dumplings are traced to the legend of Qu Yuan, a well-loved poet w
2、ho drowned himself in a river. To stop the fish from eating his body, people made rice dumplings and threw them into the river.,Another version of the legend states that the rice dumplings were made to placate a dragon that lived in the river.,Generally speaking ,on the Dragon Boat Festival, every f
3、amily will make rice dumplings at home.,Rice dumpling is delicious and not expensive.,Making Rice Dumplings,Ingredients (材料),2.Overlap two bamboo leaves lengthwise. (將兩片粽葉疊在一起) 3. Fold the two bamboo leaves, making a funnel. (將粽子折成漏斗的形狀),4. Fill the funnel with soaked sticky rice. (在漏斗型的粽葉中放入浸泡過的糯米5
4、.Add a piece of pork、mushrooms and salted yolk (放入一片五花肉香菇和鹹蛋黃) 6.Add some more sticky rice again. (再加入一些糯米),7. Fold the bamboo leaves over the filling. (將粽葉包住饀料),8. Wrap the rice dumplings tightly with strings and hang them in bundles. (用線緊緊綁住粽子,掛成一串),9. Put the rice dumplings in a pot and cook them. (把粽子放入鍋中煮熟),Well, finished .,the,end,letitia,adan,&,make,