1、,A brief introductionGothic fictionByronic hero,Jane Eyre,Type of work:novelGenre :Gothic novel , romance novel, Bildungsroman(教育小说,以描述主角心理成长为主 )Protagonist: Jane EyrePoint of view: All of the events are told from Janes point of view.Narrator:a first-person narrative of the title character(Jane Eyre
2、 ),Setting(time): Early decades of the 19th centurySetting(place):GatesheadLowood SchoolThornfieldMoor HouseFerndean,Climax: Jane almost receives the proposal from her cousin,St. John Rivers,meanwhile,she hears Rochesters voice supernaturally calling her name so she decides to return to him.Themes:L
3、ove versus autonomy;gender relations Motifs: Fire and ice; substitute mothers,“to gain some real affection from you, or Miss Temple, or any other whom I truly love, I would willingly submit to have the bone of my arm broken, or to let a bull toss me, or to stand behind a kicking horse, and let it da
4、sh its hoof at my chest” chapter 8,“ Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men
5、would suffer; and it is narrow-minded in their more privileged fellow-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting stockings, to playing on the piano and embroidering bags. It is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more or learn
6、 more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex.”chapter 12,Tone:mysterygothic secrecyhorrorromantic, affectionate and confessional,Gothic Fiction,Elements of gothic fiction Virginal Maiden young, beautiful, pure, innocent, kind, virtuous;usually starts out with a mysterious past and it is
7、later revealed that she is the daughter of an aristocratic or noble family. Older, Foolish Woman Hero Clergy always weak, usually evil,用来指称一种中世纪建筑风格,这种风格多用于教堂和古堡,其特点是拥有高耸的尖顶、厚重的石壁、幽暗的内部和阴森的地道等。而那些崇尚古希腊文明的思想家们,由于对此类建筑的反感,将“哥特”一词演变为野蛮、恐怖、神秘和黑暗的代名词。18世纪,一种以恐怖和神秘为基调、多发生在荒郊古堡的小说样式,被人们赋予了“哥特式”小说的名称。这类小说常以
8、古堡、荒原、废墟等环境为背景,气氛阴森、神秘、充满悬念,常常充斥着暴力、复仇和死亡的情节。作品中的人物因受到某种形式的鬼魂、幽灵、怪兽或“不可知物”的侵扰而表现出来害怕死亡或疯狂的高度焦虑状况。,Byronic Hero,Typical traits Arrogant Disrespectful of rank and privilege Having a troubled past or suffering from an unnamed crime Intelligent and perceptive Mysterious and magnetic Sophisticated and ed
9、ucated,在夏洛蒂笔下,罗切斯特的忧郁来自于对生活的极度失望,他的暴躁易怒源于对社会的不满,他的愤世嫉俗是由于见识了太多的虚伪势利和世态炎凉。婚姻的失败让他意气消沉,妻子的背叛使他怀疑所有的女性,在英格拉姆小姐的热情中他看到虚荣和虚伪,在小女孩阿黛拉的乖巧、依恋和爱美的天性中他看到她母亲轻浮和媚俗的萌芽总之,他对整个世界充满怨恨和怀疑,对周围人的态度变幻无常,粗暴无礼。最初他对简爱也傲慢刻薄,冷嘲热讽,他的忽冷忽热更多是反映了一个受过伤害的男人的敏感和自保。当简无法忍受他居高临下的反复试探而爆发时,他才终于相信她,才会毫无保留地倾心相许。而一旦付出,他就会无视一切障碍,勇往直前,甚至毫不顾忌社会规范和道德准则。,The End,Thank you,