1、英汉语言对比Synthetic vs. Analytic. Answer QuestionsDirections: Answer the Questions in English briefly, with examples if necessary. 1. What are synthetic languages(综合语)? How are they characterized?According to Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, A synthetic language is “Characterized by frequent an
2、d systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships” 2. What are analytical languages(分析语)? How are they characterized?According to The Random House College Dictionary, An analytic language is “Characterized by a relatively frequent use of function words, auxiliary verbs and cha
3、nges in words order to express syntactic relations, rather than of inflected forms”.3. Why English language is more flexible in word order(语序)? Why is it not so in Chinese?Because word order is more connected with the formal changes. If the form change is more flexible, the word order is more flexib
4、le. Chinese language is an analytic language, the word order cannot be change at random, in which the relationship between the words are closely related with word order and function words.4. What is the usual word order in English sentences? What are the nine types of inversion in English sentences?
5、The usual word order in English sentence is Subject-Verb-Object. The nine types of inversion in English sentences include: interrogative inversion, imperative inversion, exclamatory inversion, hypothetical inversion, balance inversion, link inversion, signpost inversion, negative inversion, metrical
6、 inversion.1. 5. What are the EC differences in formal words(形式词)?English language is featured in its abundant function words, of which is article. Articles are frequent employed. To use an article or not, and to use a definite one or an indefinite one, makes great difference in expression of meanin
7、g. Auxiliary are more frequently used in Chinese. Chinese language contains auxiliary for tense, structural and mood. This last category is especially unique in the language for the richness for delineation of emotions, like the letters 呀、啦、哦、嘛、呢,and others.6. How many kinds of formal words (形式词)are
8、 there in English language? 2. There are five types of formal words, that is:i. article, including a, an, and the;ii. preposition, like on, in, to, for, as, at, of, with, from, across, etc.;iii. auxiliary verb, like will, do, have; iv. coordinator, including and, but, or;subordinator, like unless, a
9、fter, for, due to, etc.7. Why Chinese is called Tone Language(声调语言)?Chinese tone can be used for indicating the change of meaning and is not suitable for expressing the certainty, completeness, independence or finality. Fill in the Blanks Directions: Fill in the blanks with the best answer you have
10、found in the textbook.1. 11. 综合语的特征是 经常性、系统性的运用曲折形式来表现语法关系为特征的语言,分析语的特征是 分析语的特征是相对频繁地使用功能词,助词和改变词序来表达句法关系,而不用曲折形式来表达。12. 英语有形态 变化,词序比汉语 灵活 ,但相对 固定 。13. 英语属于 综合分析语言 语言。14. 形态变化 、 词序 和 虚词 是表达语法意义的三大手段。15. 形态变化就是词的 形式 变化,包括 构词 形态和 构形 形态。16. 现代英语的变化主要包括 性 、数 、 格 、时 、体 、语态 语气 、 比较级 、人称、词性 等变化。17. 汉语的数量助词
11、有 们 ,动态助词有 着 、 了 和 过 等。18. 汉语结构助词 的 、 地 、 得 类似于应用英语形态变化,但缺乏普遍性。19. 英汉语在主谓宾的排列上都是 主-动-宾(表) 顺序。20. 汉语的定语一般放在名词的 后面 ,英语的定语一般放在名词的 前面 。21. 汉语没有形态变化,少用或不用 关联词 词,没有 定语 从句,名词之前定语的长度 不宜太长 。22. 汉语的实践顺序和逻辑顺序是按照 由先到后 、 由因到果 、 由假设到推论、由事实到结论 的顺序。23. 英语的虚词包括冠词 、 介词 、 助动词 、 并列连接词 、 和从属连接词 。24. 汉语的虚词包括 介词 、 助词 和 连词
12、 。25. 英语的语音系统由 元音 、 辅音 、 重读 和 语调 组成。26. 汉语的语音系统由 声母 、 韵母 和 声调 组成.Translate between E/C Languages Directions: Translate the Chinese/English sentences into their target language. Pay attention to the use of omission strategy. Try to make your translation brief. 27. 中国人也好,外国人也好,死人也好,活人也好,对的就是对的,不对的就是不对
13、的。What is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong, no matter a Chinese or foreigner, dead or alive he is. 28. 她有野心,她姐姐野心更大,想成为一个大明星。Her ambition is bigger than her sister. She wants to be a super star.29. 在当今中国,人人都在练功夫,功夫课也成为中国中部地区一些中学的必修课。In present China, all the people are practicing Chinese k
14、ongfu, which has become a compulsory course in some middle schools in the central part of China.30. 上学的,上学了;下海的,下海了。Some went to college, and some got into business.31. 这是一部美国的热门影片。This is a hot American film.32. 周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴。Chou Enlai is elegant and considerate.33. 如蒙早日寄来样品和报价,我方将不胜感激。We would app
15、reciate it if you can send us the sample and quotation early.34. 我们大家都看出他能说会道。All of us found him eloquent.35. 这笔资金注入,将给这个城市带来活力。The capital will invigorate the city.36. 骄傲使人落后。Pride keeps one from progress.37. 一把大火把整个村子烧成了白地。The fire has turned the whole village into a ruin.38. 我们必须阻止陌生人靠近。We must
16、keep the strangers away.41. 这种结果真让我郁闷。The result really depressed me.42. 该型汽车速度快,效率高,行动灵活。The new cars are fast, efficient and handy.43. 新疆产地毯图案新颖,色调雅致,备受青睐。The carpets made in Xinjiang are beautiful and magnificent for their novel design and elegant colors.44. According to John, my cousin, London w
17、as most beautiful then.45. In three hours we reached Washington monument, our destination46. Chinese understandably spoke with proud of their achievements in the last decade.47. I asked him to teach me French.48. I invited him for a dinner at my home.49. The earthquake reduced all the houses into pi
18、eces.42 根据我表哥约翰的说法,这个时候伦敦最漂亮。43 三小时后,我们达到了目的地华盛顿纪念馆。44 中国人对过去十年取得的成就感到自豪,这是可以理解的。45 我要他教我法语。46 我邀请他到我家吃饭。47 地震把所有房屋变成了废墟。Chapter 2. Answer QuestionsDirections: Answer the Questions in English briefly, with examples if necessary. 1. Why English is called compact(聚集) language while Chinese diffuse(流散)
19、one?This is because English language has rigid rules on sentence structure centered on subject-predicate;English sentences are developed from subject-predicate structures.2. What is the basic structure in English sentence? The simplest English sentence consists of only a subject and a predicate, bas
20、ed on which many components are attached or derived. And the verb is the core, the number of nouns attachable to the verb is called the verbs valence. As Chinese language focuses on internal theme instead of external representation, Chinese sentences can hardly be classified according to verb variat
21、ion like English sentences are.3. How many basic sentence types are there in English language? SV, SVP,SVO, SVOO,SVOC4. In which way English sentences can be enlarged? Declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamative.5. In which means can the compactness of English sentence be guaranteed?A) to
22、 add modifiers; B) to extend the elements in the basic sentence a) grammatical concord; b) notional concord; c) principle of proximity6. Which is the characteristic of Chinese predicates?It can be verbs, nouns, or adjectives; it can be one verb or more than one verbs or nor verbs; it can be one word
23、 or word phrases. Nouns and pronouns (包括代词7. What are the regular types of Chinese sentence?Theme sentences; transitive sentence; relative sentences; exclamative sentence; existential sentence; ownership sentence; descriptive sentence; and explicative sentence8. Why there are many illogical expressi
24、ons in Chinese? Give some examples. In summary, Chinese sentences are characterized in three uncertaintiesUncertainty of subject; uncertainty of predicate; uncertainty in the relation between subject and predicate.9. How is Chinese sentence variation embodied? Chinese sentence variation is embodied
25、by large number of ambiguous sentences and full sentence and minor sentences. For example: 他欠你的钱;是前天发的电报;房间干干净净。9. How do you understand the quotation in the end of the paragraph?Jespersen points out, analysis means suppleness, and synthesis means regidity; in analytic language you have the power of
26、 kaleidoscopically arranging and rearranging the elements that in synthetic forms are in rigid connexion. Fill in the Blanks Directions: Fill in the blanks with the best answer you have found in the textbook.11. 英语的主谓结构由名词性短语和 动词性短语 组成。1. 12. 英语的主谓结构。可以归结为五种基本句型,即 主语+谓语 、主语+ 动词 +表语 、主语+ 动词+宾语 、 主语+动
27、词+直接宾语+ 间接宾语 和 主语+动词+ 宾语+宾语补足语 。 13. 英语基本句型的变式有 陈述句变疑问句 、肯定句变否定句和 主动句变被动句 。2. 14. 英语基本句型的扩展可以通过 增加修饰语 和 扩展基本句型的成分进行。15. 英语句子不流散的原则是一致原则,包括语法一致 、 意义 一致和就近 一致。.Translate between E/C Languages Directions: Translate the Chinese/English sentences into their target language. Pay attention to the choice of
28、 subject in your translation. Try to make your translation brief. 16. The unexpected return of his wife gave him a big surprise.妻子突然回家,使他感到很吃惊。17. I am glad that you close the door when you leave.离开时请顺手关门。18. He who pollutes pays.谁污染谁负责。19. The town was visited by a storm.暴风雨袭击了这个村庄。20. Punishment s
29、hould be given to the violators of laws.违法者应受到惩罚。21. 这种自行车价廉物美,在中东很畅销。This bicycle is cheap and fine and sells well in Middle East.22. 中国地大物博人口众多,中国人过去也常常以此自豪。Chinese people were proud of their country with vast territory and abundant resources and great population in the past.23. 教高年级的翻译课,我不是很有经验。I
30、 am a green hand in teaching translation for the senior students.24. 婚姻的事,年轻人自己做主了。The young men will decide for themselves for their marriage25. 女儿的心事,做娘的清楚得很。Mother are fully conscious the worries in her daughter26. 这件事我还被蒙在鼓里呢。I am still in the dark for this matter.27. 钱,我来想办法。As for money, I wil
31、l try to borrow.28. 改革的目的是为了发展生产力。The aim of reform is to develop the productive force.29. 她很喜欢中国画。She likes Chinese painting.30. 他点点头,意思是他听见了,但没表示同意或不同意。He nodded, indicating he heard what you said, but show no sign of agreement or not.31. 我们深信,我方的产品会受到欧洲市场的欢迎。We firmly believe that our product wil
32、l be welcomed in the European market.32. 我很荣幸今天有机会参加这个派对。It is a great honor for me to participate in such a party today.33. 一个外表和谈吐都很美国化的中年人,坐到了车里。A young man who talks and looks like American entered the car. 34. 吃苦在前,享受在后。To bear hardship before you enjoy the comforts.6Chapter 3. Answer Questions
33、1. What is the definition of hypotaxis(形合)? Hypotactic is defined as the dependent or subordinate construction relationship or relationship of clauses with connectives, for example, I shall despair if you dont come2. What is the definition of parataxis(意合)? Paratactic is defined as the arranging of
34、clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them. Example: The rain fell; the river flooded; the house washed away.3. What is relative? What is conjunction? What are their functions?Relative includes relative pronoun, relative adverb, conjunctive pronoun and conjunct
35、ive adverb, such as who, that, which, when, how and etc. It is used to connect the main clause with the attributive clause, the object clause, the subject clause and the predicative clause. Conjunction includes coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction, such as and, but, so, however, un
36、til sothat and etc. It is used to connect words, phrases, clauses or adverbial clauses.4. What are the functions of preposition? Preposition is used to show the relation of a noun or substitute for a noun to some other word in a sentence. Prepositions appear constantly in English speech and writing5
37、. What are the advantages of hypotaxis in your opinion? Hypotaxis frequently occurs in English sentence-making. Hypotaxis stresses the overt cohesion and the sentence form which is structural completeness and meaning-overt.6. Why does Chinese tend to use covert coherence? It is because in Chinese th
38、ere are few hypotactic means. Chinese, as a language different from English, dose not contain those frequently-used relative pronouns, relative adverbs, conjunctive pronouns and conjunctive adverbs in English. Moreover, Chinese has prepositions in a small number to about 30, and has no form changes
39、like English.7. What are the regularities in Chinese language organization?Chinese language stress the paratactic means other than the hypotactic means. The grammatical meaning and logic connection between language parts are always sensed in the words8. What means of parataxis are used in Chinese la
40、nguage? Means of parataxis used in Chinese include (i ) sentence order, (ii) repetition, parallelism, antithesis, and contrast and so on, (iii) contracted sentence, and (iv) four-character structure.9. How to turn English into Chinese in terms of their meaning and structure? As to the translation of
41、 English into Chinese, only after the analysis of the form and structure of the sentences can the meaning and function be clearly judged.10. What are the characteristics in hypotactic structure? a) There are four characteristics in hypotactic structure: (i ) emphasis on overt cohesion, (ii) emphasis
42、 on sentence form, (iii) emphasis on structural completeness, (iv) emphasis on revealing meaning through form. Fill in the Blanks 11. 汉语意合法采取的手段包括 语序 、 反复排比 、对偶 和对照等。12. 英译汉时,往往要先分析句子的 结构 、 形式 ,才能确定句子的功能、意义。13. 英语的形合手段包括 关系词和连接词 、 介词 和 其它连接手段 。14. 关系词包括 关系代词 、 关系副词 、 连接代词 和 连接副词 。15. 英语常常综合应用 关系词 、
43、连接词 、 介词 和 其它连接手段 把各种成分连接起来,构筑成长短句子,表达一定的语法关系。.Translate between E/C Languages 16. 他很有能力。He is an able man.17. 这个问题至关重要。This question is of great importance.18. 中国成功地加入了 WTO,对世界的经济格局造成了深刻的影响。Chinas successful entry into the WTO caused a profound effect on the worlds economic patterns.19. 中国正在发生着日新月异
44、的变化。China is undergoing great changes with each passing day. 20. 克林顿总统的演说给人的印象深刻。President Clintons speech is quite impressive.21. 柯灵,生于 1909 年,浙江绍兴人,中国现代作家。Ke Ling, born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1909, is a modern Chinese writer.22. 孟轲慢慢长大了,但是他非常贪玩,不爱学习。Meng Ke grew up, but he liked to play and hate
45、d to study.23. 尽管如此,我们仍应小心从事。Nevertheless, we should still be cautious.24. 我在上海工作的时候认识她的。I made her my acquaintance when I was working in Shanghai.25. 我谨代表你们所有的美国客人向你们表示感谢,感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。On behalf of all the American guests, I would like to thank you for your incomparable hospitality.26. 他们兄弟二人自小就是孤儿
46、。He and his brother are orphaned at a young age.27. 是人都会犯错误。To err is human28. It is the goal to be realized in near future. 这就是近期要实现的目标29. The device should meet/satisfy the condition required.设备必须达到(满足)条件要求。30. The guests present include some foreign visitors.出席的嘉宾包括一些外国客人。31. The teacher who is h
47、aving class is a new comer.有趣的是,这位作者说他从未反对浪漫主义。32. Interestingly, the writer said that he had never been against romanticism.有趣的是,这位作者说他从未反对浪漫主义。33. The football match was put off because of rain.由于下雨,足球赛推迟了。34. In spite of the title, the article will really on how not to grow old. 尽管标题这样写,这篇文章实际上是关于如何减缓衰老。