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1、China Internet Gaming China E-sports of the general assembly,Internet,Mobile,Internet of Things,五人组:胡国山、张森源、王粤生 黄涛、梁小检,樂Pad产品介绍V2.0 LE Pad products V2.0,类笔记本,信息落后,价格昂贵,产业分析,便携,易用,便宜,我们需要,目录,一、乐Pad因何而生(Why students)?,二、乐Pad是什么(what)?,三、乐Pad卖给谁(To whom)?,目录,一、乐Pad因何而生(Why students )?产业分析(Industry anal

2、ysis),WHY?,Analysts at the beginning of last year thinks generally, Pad is large, intelligent mobile phone, is expected to launch the first year of sales volume between 300-400 million in 2011, perhaps can reach 8000000.But in fact each quarterly forecast mechanism are raised to Pad sales forecast,

3、from the current data, last year it had sold 14000000 department,2010 平板电脑元年,产业分析,With the mobile Internet is expected to continue to erupt, flat computer and intelligent mobile phone will increase by 300% and 50% respectively.In 2010 China accounts for about 12% of global notebook market and intell

4、igent mobile phone market 10%.Considering the market maturity and price, we expect that in 2011 China accounted for global computer market 5-8%.,每卖出4台笔记本,就会卖出一台平板电脑,产业分析,一个大号的智能手机? 还是一个没有键盘的笔记本?,为什么平板电脑这么火?这究竟是个什么东西?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,让我们回到Longlongago 用进化论的眼光 看待这个奇妙的世界,产业分析,Why Pad so fire? What t

5、he hell is this?,Look at the wonderful world,产品形态进化论,笨重 轻薄;单一 集成;朴素 时尚,计算机技术的每一步,都是向着集成化、小型化发展,1946埃尼阿克,1964IBM SYSTEM/360大型机,1964 IBM PC,1992,产业分析产品形态进化论,机器语言 字符指令 图形化界面,人们总渴望用更人性化的方式与电脑沟通People have always longed for more humane way to communicate with the computer,产业分析人机交互进化论,我们通常在什么时间、什么地方使用电脑?,

6、产业分析人机交互进化论,At what time where we use computer?,Widget桌面,Widget桌面 Music by default Pad contains 9 weiget, including stocks, weather, music, switch, news, e-mail, calendar, world clock and video.A large screen, the user defined six major thematic information, on the same screen on display.Including t

7、he associative characteristics of push services, as well as some commonly used life information.,目录,二、乐Pad是什么?产品特性,WHAT?,Le Pad is what?- product characteristics,产品特性,外在,内部,硬件Hardware,Application program,操作系统Operating system,应用程序,软件Software,Pad,External,Internal,产品特性硬件,外在,内部,外观 屏幕 手势触控 附属硬件,CPU 内存 S

8、SD闪存盘 3G模块,Hardware,Pad,Colorful design, multi texture of materials, science and technology in the cold Color colorful design (red, black, white, brown) On the basis of preferences Aluminum magnesium alloy with high strength composite material mix Durable light weight Fashion highlight appearance /

9、quality leather touch, two kinds of material To reflect the different style and taste The 760g, 12.9mm slim Easy to carry and use,产品特性硬件(外在),时尚外观The appearance of fashion,Clear and beautiful, let your eyes will be filled with joy Highlight high 1280*800 ratio, display Haofa is completed 16:10 widesc

10、reen, larger area music video, webpage browsing Angle greater than 160 degrees, so that the Pad is not only a persons Surface covering Corelle gorilla glass (Gorilla Glass) up to scratch resistance, abrasion resistance, impact resistance and many other roles Capacitive multi-touch screen, finger man

11、ipulation without restraint,Product characteristics - (external hardware),靓丽屏幕,OFN键位置,呼吸灯,上划指示灯,呼吸灯,下划指示灯,手势操作区,产品特性硬件(外在),The OFN key is to associate the special custom hardware, the key in addition to the traditional type the function also includes the direction of scanning function, commonly know

12、n as optical joystick. Because Android bottom requires at least three keys operation, so the general Android plate is at least three keys, are: menu, home and back of the three keys. This innovation to circumvent the three key problems, the entirety is more concise and clear, in the operation at the

13、 same time also avoids hand,手势触控,产品特性硬件(内部),CPU,X86处理器通用式领域,ARM处理器嵌入式领域,产品特性硬件(内部),X86处理器(Intel公司),ARM处理器(ARM公司),CPU,RISC reduced instruction set,Complex instruction set,Procedures for the implementation of high efficiency,Thread management,New energy vehicle,Gasoline, diesel,Fast food,Table,高通代表作:乐

14、Pad 独有技术:通讯集成+智能续航,NV代表作: Moto Xoom,三星代表作: 苹果 ipad三星GalaxyTab,TI德州仪器代表作: Moto Milestone,(大厦设计者),(大厦建设者),专业,资历最深 具有“电梯安装”专利技术 唯一具备修改图纸的能力,施工速度快 样子好看,干过大工程 名声好,报价便宜 施工质量一般,产品特性硬件(内部),Cortex-A8,Cortex-A9,产品特性硬件(内部),CPUARM处理器的分类,Cortex-A15,板楼,高层,仅有图纸 2014建成,高通: QSD8650A(定制版) 1.3 GHz增强内核 支持720p录制和播放 采用硬解

15、码,支持更多播放格式(RMVB、wma、等) 视频更流畅,A8,QSD8650A(定制版) A8+,板楼,精装修小高层,产品特性硬件(内部),CPU高通QSD8650A,Pad,Android操作系统,Apple ios,产品特性软件(操作系统),目前平板电脑市场上主流的操作系统:,产品特性软件(应用程序),应用商店,产品特性软件(应用程序),产品特性配件,联想乐Pad皮夹 LC200,“L”ining protection 高纤内衬,柔软抗震 “E”ntertainment facilitation 乐享设计,畅音无阻 “P”atent design and momentary instal

16、ling 专利卡槽,瞬时装卸 “A”ntislip and slim 轻薄贴身,舒适防滑 “D”esktop accessible 双档支撑,高效易用乐Pad皮夹集保护、支撑、防滑便携等多种功能于一身。选取使用最为舒适的两档角度支撑使用,一档畅享视听,一档随心点读;专利弯角结构的卡扣,轻松装卸PAD同时又有效防止对机身的磨损;超纤内衬吸尘防静电,柔和保护PAD屏幕;三色外观,低调奢华,时尚炫彩。是你的PAD绝佳的贴身伴侣。,Spec,ID Reference,典雅棕,拉菲红,爵士黑,VS iPad case,With a soft microfiber interior and reinfor

17、ced panels to provide structure, the iPad Case is the perfect way to carry around your iPad. Retail price: 298 RMB,联想乐Pad内胆包 LS100,高档潜水棉主料和莱卡包边,手感舒适,贴合保护 内外双色,随心变换 无拉链设计,简洁大方乐Pad内胆包LS100采用高级加厚潜水棉材料制成,更好的保护PAD屏幕免受冲击;柔软的莱卡包边设计,俏皮活泼;内外双色使用,随心变换,一包多用;不封口设计,使PAD机身若隐若现,畅享拉风的感觉。,Spec,VS Designs for iPad,No

18、-Apple offer Retail price: 50-200 RMB,联想乐Pad屏幕保护膜,屏幕保护必备之品 防汗防水,良好透明度; 自然吸附,安装方便;乐Pad屏幕保护膜使用进口高透光系数聚酯膜,表面防眩光及增强硬度的特殊表面涂层、移除无残留胶,保护乐Pad液晶屏不小心划伤,防止高清晰屏幕的表面眩光效果.高透型,显示效果更通透,透光效果更好 雾面型,Touch手感更舒适,防眩效果更强,高透,雾面,Spec,VS Designs for iPad,No-Apple offer Retail price: 50-180 RMB,联想乐Pad保护套 UP100,联想乐Pad VGA适配器

19、CN800,通过乐pad VGA适配器在电视上展示多媒体生活专用VGA适配器; 支持大屏幕显示设备,享受视听盛宴;乐Pad VGA适配器CN800可以将乐pad连接到带有VGA接口的大屏幕显示设备上,如电视、投影仪和显示器,在大屏幕显示设备上展示和分享乐pad带来的多媒体生活,Spec,产品和包装未定稿,仅供参考,联想乐Pad内胆包 LS200,高档潜水棉主料,手感舒适,柔软贴合拉链封口设计,加强保护,便携易用乐Pad内胆包LS200采用高级加厚潜水棉材料制成,手感舒适,柔软贴合;拉链封口设计更好保护机身免受磨损;多色设计,年轻无极限!,Spec,Reference Design,联想耳麦P180,半入耳式设计,富有科技感 附送三种不同尺寸耳塞,适合不同佩戴者耳径 超小线载麦克风设计 精致收纳袋,小巧便携,Spec,产品特性八大卖点,Pad,产品特性八大卖点,海量预装应用预装超过40款应用全生活软件 百余款Pad专用软件蓄势待发Appstore及时更新各种类型Pad专用软件流行应用官方中文定制,Pad,产品特性八大卖点,Pad,THE END,


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