1、荷兰调解协会调解规则齐广燕 译(本资料选自司法部人民调解法立法工作领导小组办公室编写的人民调解立法参考资料 法律出版社出版)第一条 定义本规则中,以下术语具有以下含义: 荷兰调解协会:荷兰调解机构基金会,注册地在鹿特丹。规则:荷兰调解协会调解规则。秘书处:荷兰调解协会秘书处。登记簿:登记簿由荷兰调解协会持有,并列出了根据本规则在调解程序中可以提供援助的调解员的名单。调解:争议双方根据本规则,在一位调解员的帮助下,试图友好地解决他们之间的争议所适用的程序。调解协议:当事人和调解员签订的相互保证通过调解程序尽最大的努力以解决其中描述的争议的协议。争议:在调解协议中描述的争议。当事人:希望通过调解解
2、决他们之间争议的双方当事人(或一方当事人) 。调解员:主持调解程序并且被列入登记簿里的人。辅助人:应双方当事人的一致请求,或者应调解员的请求并经双方当事人的同意,协助调解的个人或组织。分开谈话:一个或几个当事人与调解员在没有其他的当事人在场时进行的谈话。第二条 秘书处2.1秘书处负责将调解记录下来,并负责保管登记簿。2.2另外,秘书处应该享有本规则应当赋予的其他义务和权力。第三条 本规则的适用本规则应适用于当事人通过签订调解协议作出保证的调解。第四条 自愿性 任何当事人和调解员可以提前终止调解程序。第五条 不作承诺不得强迫当事人遵守他们在调解过程中采取的立场和提出的建议,也不得强迫当事人遵守对
3、调解员或者其他当事人所作出的陈述,除非当事人在十四条所规定的和解协议中同意接受以上内容的约束。当事人可以用书面形式明确地同意遵守在调解过程中提出的立场、建议和陈述。第六条 隐私调解员、当事人或者他们的代理人以及辅助人以外的任何人都不得出席调解,除非当事人一致同意。调解员希望在调解期间由于秘书的支持他可以利用他所指定的人的帮助时,只有事先保证保守机密,除了调解员和当事人之外的第三人才能参与或者准许参加调解。第七条 机密7.1当事人负有不向包括法院和仲裁员在内的任何第三者,以直接或间接的方式,透露调解程序中关于调解程序的进展、采取的立场、提出的建议以及当事人以口头或者书面形式提供的信息。7.2对于
5、事实、文件材料、建议、陈述的范围以最宽泛的含义进行解释,包含在调解过程中进行过讨论的所有内容,当事人在调解程序之外获取的内容出外。7.5除非当事人另有约定,调解员应对出席分别谈话的当事人提供的信息保密。7.6本条规定不影响第十五条的规定。第八条 其他程序8.1如果调解程序还在进行,则当事人负有义务不就调解中的争议或争议的一部分向对方当事人提起任何法律或其他程序,除非该措施是为了保障权利。以上情形,当事人可以另有约定。8.2如果一方当事人启动本条第一款中许可的其他程序的,该当事人应在24小时内通知调解员和其他当事人。8.3在调解期间内,其他任何与处于调解中的纠纷或纠纷的一部分有关的程序都应当中止
6、,但为了保护权利而采取的措施除外。在调解过程中,不得采取任何程序性行为,但前述为保障权利采取的措施除外。第九条 责任的免除荷兰调解协会,荷兰调解协会委员会的成员个人,荷兰调解协会各组成部分的成员个人,荷兰调解协会的雇员,调解员以及调解辅助人,对当事人或参与调解的任何人因调解而产生的任何损害都不承担责任,不论损害是何种性质。这种损害以最宽泛的含义进行解释, 如果第三人主张权利,当事人应对上述涉及到的自然人或者法人进行赔偿。 第十条 律师的权利如果当事人本人不能参加调解程序,应授权代理人参加调解程序,并由代理履行调解框架内的全部必要的法律行为。一经当事人或者调解员要求,代理人的相关权利自然获得。第
7、十一条 调解员的指定11.1调解员应当由双方当事人共同指定。该指定应当记录在调解协议中。如果调解员接受任命,那么他必须通过共同签署调解协议来证明其接受任命。11.2如果当事人希望荷兰调解协会协助指定调解员,则应向秘书处提交一份书面请求 。该请求至少应当包含当事人及其代理人的姓名、地址、电话和传真,如果可以的话,还有简要的纠纷描述。 11.3收到书面请求后,秘书处应当即刻向当事人送发一份调解规则,一份调解员名单,该名单中列有适合调解当事人所描述的纠纷的符合纠纷的调解员的名字,以及一张管理收费发票。11.4当事人应从上述名单中共同选择一位调解员,并书面告知秘书处其所选择的调解员。一经收到函告,秘书
8、处应立即通知调解员有关申请指定请求以及其被选人为调解员的事项。调解员随后将与当事人联系,调解程序开始。11.5如果当事人不能共同指定一名调解员,他们应当将此情形书面告知秘书处。收到书面告知后,秘书处可以给当事人一份书面提议,为当事人推荐一名调解员,这名调解员可能会被当事人最终指定为调解员。*)荷兰调解协会可能在适当的情况下决定不收取管理费。管理费几乎从没有被收取过,没有这方面的先例。第十二条 调解员的更换12.1如果当事人在调解过程中一致认为该调解程序应当由另外一名调解员继续主持,那么他们可以以书面方式告知其欲重新指定的调解员,以取消对前一名调解员的指定。12.2调解员收到在前款中提到的书面通
9、知之前已经发生的有关调解的酬金、费用、开支,应由当事人全额支付。12.3根据11条的规定的适当变动,可以指定新的调解员,但是,该指定必须以当事人已全额支付前款规定的全部酬金,费用和开支为前提。第十三条 一般调解行为 13.1在询问当事人的意见后,调解员应当决定调解程序进行的方式。13.2除非当事人同意使用其他的语言,否则调解程序应当使用荷兰语进行。13.3 所有当事人以及调解员应当尽最大的努力来确保调解程序的进行效率。13.4调解员应当有权决定进行分别谈话。第十四条 调解结果的记录如果当事人已经就纠纷达成了友好解决,该解决方案应当记载与当事人之间的和解协议中。调解员应确保将和解内容以书面形式作
10、出了妥当的记录。第十五条 遵守和解协议因当事人达成的和解协议产生的任何纠纷,在提交法院或者仲裁之前,应当先进行调解。如果和解协议中约定有第7条规定的例外情况,则当事人可以选择将因和解协议产生的纠纷,提交调解,法院,或者仲裁。第十六条 投诉任何一方当事人不满调解员行为的,可以依照当时荷兰调解协会有效的的投诉规定,就此问题向 NMI 提出投诉。第十七条 酬金、费用和开支的支付17.1 调解费用的构成-第十一条第三款涉及的管理费用;-调解员和辅助人的酬金及开支;-主管当局对上述酬金、费用和开支所征收的任何加值税、其他税和征税。17.2调解员可以向当事人提交预付账单。17.3荷兰调解协会、调解员或者辅
11、助人在提交给当事人有关费用的发票或账单后,当事人必须在十四日内支付所有费用。17.4各方当事人应当平等分担调解的各项费用,开支,负担,除非当事人在调解协议中约定了其他的分配方式。17.5各方当事人应当负担自己的费用和开支。第十八条 规则外的情形对于本规则没有规定的情形,调解员有权对此作出决定。调解员应当以符合调解规则的目的来作出此种决定。第十九条 本规则的修改 荷兰调解协会有权随时修改本规则。修改后的规则对已经开始的调解程序没有影响。调解程序适用程序开始时生效的程序规则。第二十条 法律适用本规则受荷兰法律调整。第十四条规定的和解协议同样应受荷兰法律调整,除非当事人另有约定。2001 年荷兰调解
12、中心调解规则(英文本)Mediation Rules: Netherlands Mediation InstituteNMI MEDIATION RULES (2001)Article 1 - DefinitionsIn these Rules the following terms have the following meaning:The NMI: the Foundation Stichting Nederlands Mediation Instituut, having its registered office in Rotterdam.Rules: these NMI Media
13、tion Rules.Secretariat: the Secretariat of the NMI.Register: the register kept by the NMI listing the Mediators available under the Rules for the rendering of assistance in Mediation procedures.Mediation: procedure in which the Parties attempt to resolve their dispute amicably with the aid of a Medi
14、ator, in accordance with these Rules.Mediation Agreement: the agreement in which the Parties and the Mediator mutually undertake to use their best endeavours in attempting to resolve the dispute described therein through Mediation.Dispute: the dispute described in the Mediation Agreement.Party/Parti
15、es: the Parties (or one of them) who wish to resolve their dispute through Mediation.Mediator: the person who conducts the Mediation procedure and islisted in the Register.Auxiliary Person: any person who or organization which at the unanimous request of the Parties, or at the request of the Mediato
16、r and with the consent of the Parties, assists in the Mediation.Separate Talks: talks held between one or several of the Parties and the Mediator without any of the other Parties being present.Article 2 - Secretariat2.1 The Secretariat is charged with the keeping of the accounts and records of Media
17、tionsand with the keeping of the Register.2.2 The Secretariat shall in addition have such other duties and powers as shall be assigned to it in these Rules.Article 3 - Applicability of the RulesThe Rules shall apply to the Mediation to which the Parties have committed themselves by the signing of th
18、e Mediation Agreement.Article 4 - VoluntarinessAny Party and the Mediator may prematurely terminate the Mediation procedure.Article 5 - Non-commitmentThe Parties cannot be compelled to adhere to the positions adopted and proposals made by them in the course of the Mediation nor to any statements mad
19、e by them to the Mediator or to the other Party or any of the other Parties, with the exception of what has been agreed between them in a settlement agreement as referred to in article 14. The Parties may deviate from the foregoing if and insofar as they explicitly agree to do so in writing.Article
20、6 - PrivacyNo persons shall be present at the Mediation other than the Mediator, the Parties and/or their representatives and Auxiliary Persons, except with the joint consent of the Parties. If the Mediator wishes he may for secretarial support during the Mediation avail himself of the assistance of
21、 a person to be designated by him for that purpose. Any persons other than the Mediator and the Parties themselves may be involved in and/or admitted to the Mediation only if they have undertaken beforehand to maintain confidentiality.Article 7 - Confidentiality7.1 The Parties undertake not to discl
22、ose to any third party, including courts and arbitrators, any information concerning the progress of the Mediation procedure, the positions adopted, the proposals made or the information supplied by the Parties verbally or in writing either directly or indirectly.7.2 The Parties undertake not to rev
23、eal, quote from, refer to, paraphrase or in any other way invoke any documents to any third party, including judges and arbitrators -, if such documents have been revealed, shown, quoted from or paraphrased by any Party involved in the Mediation. This obligation shall not apply if and insofar as the
24、 Party in question already itself had or could have had these documents at its disposal independently of the Mediation.By documents as referred to in this article shall also be meant: memorandums, notes, minutes of sessions, etc., as well as other data carriers, such as audiotapes, videotapes and co
25、mputer discs.7.3 The provisions of the preceding paragraphs of this article shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of the Mediator.7.4 The Parties undertake to not at any time examine the Mediator, Auxiliary Persons and/or other persons involved in the Mediation, or cause the same to be examined, a
26、s a witness or otherwise, concerning facts, documents, proposals, statements, etc. All this to be construed in the widest sense, that were discussed during the Mediation, if and insofar as the Party in question did not already have these at its disposal independently of the Mediation.7.5 All informa
27、tion supplied to the Mediator during Separate Talks by the person or persons present thereat, shall be treated by the Mediator as confidential, unless it has been agreed otherwise.7.6 This article shall be without prejudice to the provisions of article 15.Article 8 - Other procedures8.1 The Parties
28、undertake while a Mediation procedure is in progress not to institute any legal or other proceedings against each other concerning the Dispute or any parts thereof, with the exception of steps for the safeguarding of rights, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise.8.2 If any Party institutes any pr
29、oceedings that are permitted under paragraph 1, such Party shall have the obligation to within 24 hours notify this to the Mediator and to the other Party or Parties.8.3 Any ongoing proceedings during the Mediation concerning the Dispute or any parts thereof, with the exception of steps for the safe
30、guarding of rights ? shall be suspended by the Parties for the duration of the Mediation. During the Mediation no procedural acts, except for the aforementioned exception, shall take place.Article 9 - Exclusion of liabilityThe NMI, the members of the Board of the NMI in person, the members of consti
31、tuent bodies of the NMI in person, employees of the NMI, Mediators and Auxiliary Persons shall not be liable for any damage, whatever its nature, that may arise for the Parties or any persons involved in the Mediation out of the Mediation, all this to be construed in the widest sense.The Parties und
32、ertake to give indemnity to the natural and/or legal persons referred to above in the event of any claims from third parties on that account.Article 10 - Powers of attorneyIf any Party is not present in person during the Mediation procedure, it must be represented by a person who is authorized to pe
33、rform all legal acts that may be necessary within the framework of the Mediation. The relevant power of attorney must be produced when so requested by any of the Parties or by the Mediator.Article 11 - Appointment of the Mediator11.1 The Mediator shall be appointed by the Parties jointly. The appoin
34、tment shall be recorded in the Mediation Agreement. If the Mediator accepts his appointment he must give evidence thereof by co-signing the Mediation Agreement.11.2 If the Parties wish to arrive at the appointment of a Mediator with the aid of the NMI, they must file a written request thereto with t
35、he Secretariat. The request must at least contain the names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of the Parties and their representatives, if any, as well as a concise description of the Dispute.11.3 Upon receipt of the request the Secretariat will send to the Parties a copy of the Rules, and a lis
36、t with the names of the Mediators who according to the description of the Dispute are eligible for appointment, as well as an invoice for administrative charges.*)11.4 The Parties will together select a Mediator from the aforementioned list and notify the Secretariat in writing which Mediator they h
37、ave selected. Upon receipt of this letter the Secretariat will inform the Mediator concerned of the request and of his having been selected. The Mediator will then contact the Parties, so that the Mediation can be commenced.11.5 If the Parties fail to together agree on the selection of a Mediator, t
38、hey will notify this in writing to the Secretariat. The Secretariat will then send them a written proposal for a Mediator who may be appointed by the Parties.*) The NMI may where appropriate decide not to charge administrative charges. Administrative charges are almost never charged, without this co
39、nstituting a precedent.Article 12 - Replacement of a Mediator12.1 If during the Mediation procedure the Parties arrive at the conclusion that the Mediation should be continued by a different Mediator, they may cancel the appointment of the Mediator by notifying this to the latter in writing12.2 The
40、fees, costs and expenses incurred in respect of the Mediation up to the time that the Mediator receives the written notification referred to in the preceding paragraph, shall continue to be payable by the Parties in full.12.3 Appointment of another Mediator may then take place by applying Article 11
41、 mutatis mutandis, however only after the fees, costs and expenses referred to in the preceding paragraph have been paid in full.Article 13 - Conduct of Mediation in general13.1 The Mediator shall decide, after consultation with the Parties, on the manner in which the Mediation procedure will be con
42、ducted.13.2 The Mediation procedure shall be conducted in the Dutch language, unless the Parties agree on a different language.13.3 All the Parties and the Mediator shall use their best endeavours to ensure that the Mediation proceeds with the necessary speed.13.4 The Mediator shall be empowered to
43、hold Separate Talks.Article 14 - Recording of the outcome of the MediationIf an amicable resolution has been reached, this shall be recorded in a settlement agreement between the Parties. The Mediator shall ensure that what has been agreed between the Parties is properly recorded in writing.Article
44、15 - Compliance with settlement agreementAny disputes arising between the parties out of the settlement agreement concluded by the Parties shall be submitted by the Parties to Mediation, before submitting them to a court or an arbitrator or arbitrators. By way of exception to the provisions of artic
45、le 7, the settlement agreement signed by the Parties in such a procedure may be submitted to the Mediator, a court, or an arbitrator or arbitrators.Article 16 - ComplaintsIf any Party is dissatisfied with the performance of a Mediator, that Party may lodge a complaint concerning this with the NMI in
46、 accordance with the NMI Complaints Scheme at that time in force.Article 17 - Payment of fees, costs and expenses17.1 The fees, costs and expenses of the Mediation comprise:- the administrative charges referred to in article 11 paragraph 3;- the fees of the Mediator and Auxiliary Persons, and the ex
47、penses incurred by them;- any VAT and other taxes and levies imposed by the authorities on theaforementioned fees, costs and expenses.17.2 The Mediator may present advance bills to the Parties.17.3 All amounts incidental to the Mediation invoiced to the Parties (including advances) must be paid by t
48、he Parties within fourteen calendar days after the NMI, the Mediator, or the Auxiliary Persons have presented their invoices or bills of costs.17.4 Each Party shall bear an equal share of the fees, costs and expenses payable in respect of the Mediation, unless the Parties have agreed on a different
49、distribution in the Mediation Agreement.17.5 Each Party shall bear its own costs and expenses.Article 18 - Cases not provided for by the RulesIn all cases not provided for by the Rules the Mediator shall decide. In doing so the Mediator shall act in accordance with the purport of the Rules.Article 19 - Amendments to the RulesThe NMI shall have the power to amend the Rules at any time. Such amendments shall not affect any ongoing Mediation procedure. The version of the Rules in force at the time of the commencement of such a procedure shall apply to that procedure.Article 20 - Applicable la