1、中国石油之都大庆油田Chinese Oil Capital- Daqing Oilfield 有这样一个油田它在共和国十年庆典的礼炮声中诞生,它的诞生创造了世界砂岩油田的开发奇迹,它的诞生改写了中国石油工业的历史。What an oilfield! Born to the sound of a salvo for the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, the birth of the Daqing Oilfield became a miracle of sandstone oilfield
2、 development in the world, rewriting the history of Chinas petroleum industry.它就是中国石油之都大庆油田。 (推出片名)This is the Chinese oil capital -Daqing Oilfield.大庆油田有限责任公司是以石油、天然气勘探开发为主营业务的特大型国有控股企业,经过重组改制于2000年1月1日注册成立,是中国石油天然气股份有限公司的全资子公司,并随之在美国和香港上市,注册资本475亿元,现资产总额1089亿元。Daqing Oilfield Company Limited is a s
3、uper large state-owned enterprise mainly involved in the exploration and development of oil and gas. On January 1, 2000, it was registered, through a structural reorganisation, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of PetroChina Company Limited. PetroChina is listed on the U.S. and Hong Kong stock markets. D
4、aqing Oilfield Company Limited, itself, has a registered capital of 47.5 billion Yuan and current total assets of 10.89 billion Yuan. 公司管理着中国最大的油气生产基地大庆油田。The Daqing Oilfield administrates Chinas largest oil and natural gas production base.大庆油田是世界上为数不多的特大型砂岩油田之一,位于黑龙江省西部,松嫩平原北部,由萨尔图、杏树岗、喇嘛甸、朝阳沟等48个油
5、气田组成,含油面积约6000平方公里。勘探范围主要包括东北和西北两大探区,共计14个盆地,登记探矿权面积23万平方公里。By world standards, the Daqing Oilfield is a rare, mega sandstone oilfield discovery. Located in the western part of Heilongjiang Province, on the Songnen Plain, the Oilfield is composed of 48 oil and gas fields. These include the oil and g
6、as fields of Saertu, Xingshugang, Lamadian, Caoyanggou and more. With an oil-bearing area of 6,000km2, its exploration range mainly covers the northeast and northwest blocks, with 14 basins altogether, and a registered exploration area of 230,000 km2. 追寻历史的足迹,大庆油田近半个世纪的风雨历程,是一部艰苦创业的不朽史诗,更是一部民族工业企业发展
7、的恢宏画卷。Retracing the footsteps of history, the near half century of trials and hardships gone through by the Daqing Oilfield portrays an immortal historical poem, and more than that, a spectacular pictorial scroll of national industrial enterprise development.19世纪50年代末,国民经济发展举步维艰。为了共和国的生存,数万名石油大军集结北国
8、荒原,开始了艰苦的探索。The late 1950s witnessed lagging development in the national economy, so, for the sake of the existence of the Republic of China, tens of thousands of petroleum workers gathered, and, despite the northern hostile climate and wilderness, launched a painstaking exploration for oil. 1959年9月
9、26日,松基三井喷出第一股工业油流。时值共和国十年庆典,这片黑土地从此就有了振奋人心的名字大庆。On Sep. 26, 1959, the No.3 Songji Oil Well saw the first flow of commercial oil. Since it happened at the same time with the Republics 10th anniversary, this new discovery was granted an inspiring name - Daqing, which means great celebration.萨尔图,蒙古语中是
10、“月亮升起的地方” ,有着梦幻般的诗意。然而,十九世纪六十年代的萨尔图,地窨子、干打垒成了独特的风景。 穿着杠杠服的拓荒者三年就高速度、高水平地拿下了大油田,累计产油1100多万吨,打破了“中国贫油论”的禁锢,彻底改变了中国石油工业的面貌。 Saertu, though a poetic Mongolian name meaning a place where the moon rises, used to have a scene featuring cellars and adobe houses in the 1960s. It took the pioneers wearing cot
11、ton-padded coats three years to open up a big oilfield at high speed and at a high level, which has accumulatively yielded over 11,000 thousand tons of oil, shaking off the image and assumption of China having low reserves of oil, totally changing the image of the Chinese petroleum industry.47年来,大庆油
12、田创造了中国石油工业的“三个第一”:原油产量第一,累计生产原油19亿吨,占全国同期原油总产量的41.1%;上缴利税第一,累计上缴资金并承担原油价差1.2万亿元,连续六年位居中国纳税百强企业之首;原油采收率第一,主力油田采收率已突破50%,从1976年开始实现年产原油5000万吨以上连续27年高产稳产, “十五”期间年均油气当量仍然保持在5000万吨水平,创造了世界同类油田开发史上的奇迹。During the past 47 years, the Daqing Oilfield has achieved three number ones, they are: 1.) Number one in
13、 Chinese crude oil production, with an accumulative oil production of 1,900 million tons, taking up 41.1% of simultaneous overall national crude oil output; 2) Number one in governmental tax revenue generation, with an accumulative tax paid totalling 1,200 billion Yuan, a leader of the top 100 natio
14、nal tax payers; and 3) Number one in oil recovery rate, in major oilfields reaching 50%, with a record of 27 consecutive years of annual crude production surpassing 50 million tons. Moreover, during the 10th Five-Year Plan period, an annual average oil & gas equivalent has been maintained at 50 mill
15、ion tons, which is a wonder in the history of world oilfield development.大庆油田从开发建设之日起,高擎大庆精神的旗帜,点燃科技创新之火,形成了自主研发、原创性应用、系统配套、具有独立知识产权、世界领先的勘探开发技术。Since the beginning of the discovery and construction of the Daqing Oilfield, we have been raising the banner of the Daqing Spirit, burning the fire of sci
16、entific and technological innovation, and have developed patented, innovative and integrated world-leading exploration and development technologies.油气勘探领域:建立了陆相盆地油气勘探理论;发展了向斜区岩性油气藏勘探理论;形成了深层煤系气层勘探和断陷盆地油气藏勘探理论和技术。 “十五”期间,创大庆油田第三次储量增长高峰;年,天然气勘探新增两级储量 超千亿方,松辽盆地北部中浅层石油勘探首次三级储量均超亿吨。In the fields of explo
17、ration, we have set up the theory of continental basin exploration, enhanced the theory of oil & gas prospecting in synclinal regions, and have formulated the theories and technologies in deep zone coal bed methane prospecting and faulted basin oil & gas reservoir prospecting. During the 10th Five-Y
18、ear Plan period, the Daqing Oilfield accomplished three growth peaks in reserves. In 2006 alone, the new proven gas reserves in place exceeded hundreds of billions of cubic meters, and the initial proven oil reserves in place in the medium shallow reservoir of northern Songliao Basin surpassed hundr
19、eds of millions of tons.油田开发领域:总结出大型陆相多油层砂岩油田开发理论;研发了一整套分层注水、分层开采和稳油控水技术,聚合物驱油理论及配套技术比水驱提高采收率10个百分点,到 2006年9月26日,三次采油技术累计产油突破1亿吨,成为世界上最大的三次采油基地。三次采油技术居国际领先水平。In oilfield development, we have established the theory of massive continental multi-layer sandstone oilfield development, developing a series
20、 of technologies of separate layer water injection and oil production, as well as crude stabilization and water control. Polymer flooding technology can increase the oil recovery rate by 10% over that of water flooding. Up until Sep. 26, 2006, the accumulative oil production by enhanced oil recovery
21、 technologies had reached 100 million tons, illustrating that the Daqing Oilfield is the largest EOR or Enhanced Oil Recovery operation base with cutting-edge, world leading technologies.近年来,大庆油田把信息化建设作为勘探开发和生产管理的重要支撑,打造“数字油田” ,建成了覆盖6000多平方公里的企业网和涵盖勘探、开发、生产、经营管理的统一数字平台,每天采集1亿多个数据,实现了勘探开发主营业务数据的网上共享,
22、信息技术给企业经营管理带来革命性的改变。 In recent years, the Daqing Oilfield has emphasized information gathering of exploration, development and production as well as constructing a digital oilfield. To date, a business intranet covers over 6,000 km2 and a uniform digital platform of exploration, development, product
23、ion and management has been set up, which has the capacity to collect more than 100 million data inputs and facilitate data sharing across the intranet in major areas including exploration and development, a revolutionary change in enterprise management.此外,采油工艺、地面工程、测试、录井等技术服务领域也都形成了成熟配套的先进技术。Moreov
24、er, advanced matching technologies in the fields of production engineering, surface engineering, testing and mud-logging have been developed.这里是风景优美的海拉尔盆地,风吹草低见牛羊的大草原承载了大庆石油人20多年的梦想。深层煤系气层勘探和断陷盆地油气藏勘探理论和技术使这里成为大庆油田重要的产能接替区,已提交探明储量超亿吨。Now we are in the scenic Hailaer Basin, a harmonizing wonderland w
25、ith cows and sheep running in the dense windy grasslands, a cradle to the Daqing petroleum peoples long-cherished dreams. The theories and technologies of deep zone coal bed methane and faulted basin oil and gas exploration have transformed this place to a critical productivity replacement area, wit
26、h proven reserves of over 100 million tons.这里曾经是不为人知的徐家围子, “火山岩储层预测技术研究及应用”使几代石油人寻找大气田的梦想成真。中国东部最大的气田庆深气田由此诞生,展现了上万亿立方米天然气储量前景,对于平衡和改善中国天然气资源的宏观布局具有重要意义。Here, we are in Xujiaweizi, a place previously untouched. Volcanic reservoir forecast technology hopes to make finding massive gas fields a reality
27、. Right here, the largest eastern gas field-Qingshen gas field -emerges, unfolding the prospect of gas reserves at over thousands of billions of cubic meters, a critical move to balance and improve the Nations macro oil and gas resources structure.47年来,大庆油田共取得科研成果6541项,有93项获国家科技进步奖。近五年来,获国家科技大奖6项,油田
28、勘探开发技术创新成果与“两弹一星”共同载入中国科技创新史册。In the past 47 years, the Daqing Oilfield has achieved 6,541 science and research outcomes, among which, 93 have won national awards. In the last 5 years, we have won 6 national awards for science and technology. Our exploration and development innovation achievements h
29、ave been recorded in the national history collections of scientific and technical innovations having reached the same level of importance as our national satellite program.如今,国民经济对能源的需求越来越大,围绕石油的政治、军事、经济的角逐和争端风云变幻,大庆油田以维护国家石油战略安全、构建和谐社会为己任,担负起自身的经济责任、政治责任和社会责任,用科学发展观统领企业发展,实施“持续有效发展,创建百年油田”发展战略,努力打造
30、一个以本土开发为基础, 以海外业务为补充,以优势技术、一流人才、先进文化为支撑,具有强劲竞争力、成长力、生命力的百年企业。到2010年,油气当量保持在4200万吨以上;到2020年油气当量保持在4000万吨以上。到油田开发100年时,仍然是一个充满青春活力、蓬勃发展的大庆油田。Presently, the national economys thirst for resources mounts day by day. International situations of political, military and economic rivalry and dispute on crud
31、e oil is ever changing. The Daqing Oilfield strives to maintain national petroleum strategic safety for the building of a harmonious society, assuming its due economic, political and social responsibilities. By using scientific development to guide enterprise development and implement the strategy o
32、f keying sustainable and efficient development to construct a centennial oilfield, we are striving to build a competitive, dynamic, and vital enterprise with the support of state-of-the-art technologies, first-class talents and advanced cultures ensured by domestic and overseas operations. In 2010,
33、oil and gas equivalents will be maintained above 42 million tons, and in 2020, above 40 million tons. When the Daqing Oilfield steps into the 100th anniversary, it will still prove to be a vigorous and prosperous oilfield. 资源采掘与环境的矛盾是资源采掘型企业面临的共同问题,大庆油田公司走新型工业化道路,打造绿色油田,实现企业发展与资源、环境的和谐。Conflicts bet
34、ween resource exploitation and the environment emerge to be a common problem faced by resource exploitation enterprises. The Daqing Oilfield chooses a new industrialization path of constructing an environmentally friendly oilfield to establish harmony between enterprise development, resources and th
35、e environment.呼伦贝尔分公司位于呼伦贝尔大草原,这里是大庆外围勘探开发主战场,也是国家级自然生态保护区。对草原植被和生态环境的保护使他们深受地方政府和牧民的欢迎。6个春秋过去了,油区内没有油污,没有工业废弃物,雪白的计量间和工人们栽种的花草树木点缀着大草原,隆隆的钻机声、默默叩首的抽油机给草原平添了生气。Hulunbeir Sub-Company is located in Hulunbeir Prairie, a major peripheral battle field of exploration and development, as well as a national
36、 ecological conservation region. The companys endeavour to protect vegetation and the ecological environment has greatly impressed the local government and herdsmen. Six years has gone by with no oil and industrial waste spotted in the oil region. Instead, snow white metering houses, trees and flowe
37、rs planted by workers embellish the grasslands. The rumble of drilling rigs and the silent nodding of donkey pumps enliven and invigorate the prairie.在大庆油田,任何一口井作业施工时,抽油机和附近的设施都会穿上“保护衣” ,地面都会铺上塑料布。In the Daqing Oilfield, when any well is under construction, the beam units and neighbouring facilities
38、 will wear protective coats and the ground will be covered up by plastic cloth.目前,大庆油田已建成了国内最大的工业污水处理系统和世界最大的污水处理示范区;工业废物无害化处理、ISO14001环境管理体系和清洁生产审核实施率均达100%,所属采油厂都达到无污油采油厂标准。 At present, the largest industrial waste water disposal system in China and the largest produced water disposal sample area
39、in the world have been built. The hazard free treatment of industrial wastes, ISO14001 environmental management standard implementation and clean production reviews are all implemented at 100%. All of its affiliated production plants are waste oil free plants. 大庆油田公司积极支持城市改造,先后承担并参与了大庆市世纪大道、亮化工程、东湖广
40、场等几十项城市基础设施和生态绿化工程,治理了沙尘肆虐的西北风口,油田绿化覆盖率达到了19.8%, “天然百湖之城、绿色油化之都”的大庆荣获全国内陆唯一一家“环保模范城市”和“全国魅力城市”称号。The Daqing Oilfield aggressively engages in city transformation by undertaking or participating in dozens of municipal infrastructure and ecological engineering projects. These include the Daqing Centenn
41、ial Street, Daqing City lighting, and Donghu Square projects. By controlling the northwest wind path, the tree coverage in the oilfield has risen to 19.8%. Being a city of natural lakes and green landscapes enables Daqing to be titled as the only national inland environmentally friendly model city a
42、nd national charming city. 大庆油田公司积极支持地方经济发展,促进区域经济繁荣。为石化炼化企业提供充足的加工原料,为建成百万吨乙烯、百万吨甲醇、百万吨聚丙烯、百万吨复合肥、千万吨炼油的生产能力,形成橡胶、树脂、纤维三大复合材料生产基地、全国最大的油田化学助剂生产基地和油气加工能力全国第一的炼油化工生产基地奠定坚实的资源基础;为哈尔滨、齐齐哈尔等城市供应稳定充足的天然气,推动哈大齐工业走廊的快速发展;与肇东、肇源、杜尔伯特等周边地区合作开发外围小油田;每年给社会提供300亿元以上的市场容量,年均GDP占大庆市的76%左右,带动了地方经济发展;先后安置就业16000多人,
43、为下岗再就业人员创造了就业空间。Daqing Oilfield Company Limited supports the development of the local economy and promotes regional economic prosperity. The company supplies abundant raw materials to petrochemical and refining enterprises, to name a few. The company provides a fundamental portion of the constructio
44、n of ethylene plants, methanol plants, polypropylene plants and fertilizer plants. Each plant has a capacity of millions of tons. It also serves to form the production base of rubber, resin and fibre, and it serves to form the biggest domestic petrochemical agent base and oil and gas refining base.
45、It provides sufficient natural gas for cities such as Harbin and Qiqihar, and is a driving force for the rapid growth of the Harbin-Daqing-QiQihar industrial corridor. Daqing Oilfield Company Limited cooperates with neighbouring towns like Zhaodong, Zhaoyuan, and Duerbote in developing small periphe
46、ral oilfields. In addition, Daqing Oilfield Company Limited provides a market volume of over 30 billion Yuan annually, making up 76% of Daqing City governments average annual GDP, boosting local economic growth and providing thousands of work opportunities.大庆油田公司依靠员工促进企业发展,又以企业发展保证员工的切身利益。职工代表大会制度和厂
47、务公开使10万员工有权利参与企业民主管理;员工可以带薪休假,享受货币化疗养、医疗保险、养老保险、免费工作餐和健康体检,企业还定期对工作场所进行职业病危害因素检测,保证了员工的生命健康。公司荣获“全国和谐劳动关系优秀企业”和“全国模范职工之家”称号。Daqing Oilfield Company Limited relies on its employees as its most precious asset, and guarantees the benefits of employees by developing the enterprise. The Employee Union, t
48、otalling 100,000 members, grants employees the right to get involved in the democratic management of the company. They enjoy paid vacations, monetary benefits, medical insurance, endowment insurance, free working lunch and health checks. Employee work places receive routine occupational health and s
49、afety examinations to safeguard the lives and health of the employees. The company is therefore honoured as National Excellent Enterprise for Harmonious Labor Relations and National Model Employees Home.面对世界经济一体化,大庆油田公司以开阔的视野和宽广的胸怀应对激烈的市场竞争,实施走出去战略,以技术换资源,以技术拓空间。Faced with the challenges of the global economy, Daqing Oilfield Company Limited approaches these challenges with fierce market competitiveness, broad vision and open-mindedness, exercising a going out strategy by acquiring resources and expanding technologies. 有67个工程技术服务队伍活跃在国际国内市场