1、Comment n1: Go out 出去 熄灭 过时 罢工 向往 辞职 倒塌Comment n2: Modest 谦虚的 朴实的Comment n3: All-time 空前的 创记录的Comment n4: Weeping 哭泣 落泪Comment n5: Tour 巡回 游历Comment n6: Stutter 口吃Comment n7: Crave 恳求 渴望Comment n8: Elaborately 精心地Comment n9: Fete 庆祝 宴请Comment n10: The phrase means a last round of excitementJolt 重击 摇
2、晃Adrenaline 肾上腺素Comment n11: Adulation 奉承 阿谀Comment n12: 他没有继续沉浸在胜利的自负感中Ego 自我Comment n13: Trophy 战利品 奖品Comment n14: Content 满足的 满意的Comment n15: Typically 典型的 特有的Comment n16: Anticlimactic 突减的 虎头蛇尾的 英 语 笔 译 综 合 能 力 三 级 UNIT ILESSON ONEA GREAT ONE GOES OUT IN STYLE, HIS OWN STYLE一个伟人的优雅退役,以他独有的方式Pete
3、 Sampras will leave the game as he played it, a modest, easy, all-time great. You see all kinds of retirements in sports, and most of them are emotionally awkward and difficult to watch. There is the weeping news conference. Theres the endless, ceremonial youll-miss-me tour. Theres the stutter-step
4、retirement, in which the athlete retires only to unretired when he craves attention or need the money. Almost no one retires well.皮特.桑普拉斯用他独有的方式结束了他辉煌的网坛生涯,谦逊、随性、杰出。体坛中你会看到各种各样的退役,它们中的大多数令人在情感上难以接受甚至不忍观看。退役时,会有煽情的记者招待会;还有无止尽的纪念性巡游;更有为了复出而退役的退役,在这样的退役里,当他们再一次渴望别人的注意或者需要用钱的时候随时都会复出。几乎没有谁能够完美的离开。But Sa
5、mpras is retiring in graceful self-control. He plans to announce his retirement in a ceremony at the U.S. Open tonight, and a lot of people wonder why Sampras wont make more of the event, allow himself to be more elaborately feted. The simple answer is that Sampras doesnt need it. He doesnt need a l
6、ast jolt of adrenaline or dose of adulation. He doesnt need a prolonged ego bath. He doesnt need more money, or trophies. He doesnt need any of the things that other athletes find it so hard to walk away from. Hes content.然而三普拉斯的退隐却优雅而富有自制力。他计划在今晚的美国公开赛典礼上宣布这一消息。很多人不解,为什么桑普拉斯不为此多做些噱头,那么他便可以得到大家精心准备的
7、告别仪式。答案很简单,因为桑普拉斯不需要。他不需要最后一次的心跳加速,不需要更多的阿谀奉承;他不需要让自己继续沉浸在胜利的自负感中;他也不需要更多钱或者战利品。这些种种令其他选手无法割舍的东西他都不需要。他很满足。That contentment is a kind achievement in its own right. Sampras has made himself invisible since his victory in last years U.S. Open. His 14th major championship now stands as the last match o
8、f his career, the perfect finish.那种满足感本身就是一种成就。桑普拉斯自去年的美国公开赛夺冠之后就销声匿迹了。如今是他第十四次参加重要的职业锦标赛,这将成为他的最后一战,也将为他画上圆满的句号。Hes never played in another tournament. Hes declined all interviews. Hes simply stayed at home with his wife and his new baby. Typically, hes chosen the anticlimactic first night of this
9、Comment n17: Session 会期 这里指赛季Comment n18: Utterly 完全的 绝对的Comment n19: Box up 困住 把 包围在小天地里Comment n20: Jet 喷气机Comment n21: Shrug 耸肩Comment n22: Steakhouse 牛排餐厅Comment n23: Hostess 女房东 女老板Comment n24: Grand slam 大满贯Comment n25: Bespeak 预示 表明 Comment n26: Ethic 道德规范 伦理Comment n27: Dependably 可信任地 可靠地Co
10、mment n28: Tanked 喝醉Comment n29: Duck a commitment 逃避责任 辜负委托years tournament, rather than the last, to make his announcement. The session isnt even sold out.他从未参加过任何一场其他联赛,拒绝一切采访。他只是简单的呆在家里陪着妻子和刚刚出世的宝宝。特别的是,他如此突兀的选择了今年联赛的首场比赛宣布退役,而不是最后一场。要知道,这个赛季的套票甚至还没有卖完。Some may find this disappointing, but I fin
11、d it to be utterly true to who Sampras is. He never trusted fame, and always boxed up and guarded his ego.有些人也许会因此而感到失望,然而我却觉得这正是最符合桑普拉斯性格的方式。他从不沽名钓誉,而是固守着自我,小心的保护自己的内心。Here are two true stories about Sampras, and how he consistently handled his success from the time he won his first U.S. Open at 19
12、, to his last at 32. In 1996, Sampras was travelling cross-country in first class on a commercial jet, and sat next to Barry Bonds. Bonds didnt recognize him, and Sampras shyly, didnt introduce himself. Behind Sampras sat a friend of Bonds, who wanted to sit with the ballplayer. Bonds pointed at Sam
13、pras. “If this kid gets up, you can move up here,” Bonds said, Sampras shrugged and moved, without a word.这里有两则关于桑普拉斯的逸事,我们可以看到自他 19岁第一次赢得美国公开赛到 32岁的最后一次,一直以来他是如何看待自己的胜利的。1996 年,桑普拉斯搭乘头等舱巡游全国时,坐在了贝瑞邦兹的旁边。那时,邦兹并不认识他,而害羞的桑普拉斯也没有向贝瑞介绍自己。在桑普拉斯身后坐着以为邦兹的朋友,他想和棒球选手邦兹坐在一起。邦兹指了指桑普拉斯说,“如果这个小鬼愿意的话,你就坐过来好了。”桑普拉
14、斯耸了耸肩,什么也没说就换了座位。At around the same time, he tried go to dinner at a Florida steakhouse, only to find that the line for a table went out the door. Sampras, for perhaps the only time in his life, tried to use his influence. He walked up to the hostess and asked for a table. The hostess didnt know who
15、 he was. Sampras went to the back of the line, embarrassed, and never did it again.大约在同一时期,他想去一家佛罗里达的牛排店就餐,可是发现等位的长队已经一直排到了门外。桑普拉斯也许是有生以来唯一的一次企图试试自己的影响力。他走到店主身边,要求一个桌位。结果那位店主并不认识他。桑普拉斯只好无比尴尬地回到了队尾,并且再也没有这么做过。Sampras has been the same reserved and methodical player throughout his career, no matter ho
16、w many tournaments he won or records he set. Which achievement will stand longest? His record 14 Grand Slam titles? His seven Wimbledon titles? His six straight year as the year-end No.1 player in the world? Its the latter that Sampras might be proudest of, because it bespeaks an entire philosophy o
17、f the game, tennis as ethic. He wasnt just great, he was dependably great. He never tanked, never ducked a commitment and struck every ball with serious intent. His work habits were equal to his talent.无论他赢得了多少场比赛,创造了多少记录,桑普拉斯在他的职业生涯中始终是低调而有条不紊的。哪一种成就感可以维持的更久?是他十四次大满贯的头衔么?还是他七次赢得温布尔登更开赛?亦或是连续六年世界排行第
18、一?也许后者会令桑普拉斯感到骄傲,因为它体现了他的Comment n30: Label 贴标签Comment n31: Disservice 损害Comment n32: Vice versa 反之亦然Comment n33: Lull 哄骗 使安静Comment n34: Grim 严酷的Comment n35: Deprivation 剥夺 清苦的生活Comment n36: Discipline 纪律 训练Comment n37: Ulcer 溃疡Comment n38: Doing exhausting training in weight liftingComment n39: Mo
19、nastic 修道士 (在这里名词做为形容词使用)Comment n40: 闭着气硬咽下去Comment n41: Splurge 挥霍 奢侈Comment n42: Frustration 挫折 挫败Comment n43: Breakdown 崩溃 衰弱Comment n44: Episode 插曲 插话Comment n45: Gall 烦恼 屈辱网球哲学:网球就是他的信仰。他不止是出色,他是绝对的出类拔萃。他从不好大喜功,也从不信口开河,而是认认真真的打好每一颗球。他优秀的工作与他娴熟的球技一样完美。For this he was labeled boring, but the lab
20、el did a disservice to player who made professionalism into artistry, and vice versa. He played complete and deeply realized tennis, but the lulling beauty of his game was so hypnotic that audiences couldnt imagine it came from seat and work. In fact, it was the product of grim focus, self-deprivati
21、on and discipline. He burned to win so much that he got ulcers. He spent hours sweating with weights in a Florida garage with no air-conditioning “They dont have air-condition the court at the Open,” he said. 因此他被贴上了“无趣”的标签,然而这样的标签对一个把职业精神诠释为一种艺术的运动员来说是一种伤害,反之亦然。他比赛时完全的,深彻的投入到网球中,以至于他比赛中的娴熟和优美催眠般的令观
22、众无法想象那背后的汗水和艰辛。实际上,这娴熟和这优美是来自于他无比严酷的专注,自我要求和自我控制。曾经,他急切的想要赢得比赛,过度训练而患上了溃疡。曾经,他为了减肥数小时的在没有空调、闷热无比的车库中做大量高负荷的训练“公开赛的场地不开空调”,桑普拉斯说。He traveled without seeing countries, rarely leaving his hotel except to practice, and he ate the same monastic training diet for years, sauceless pasta and chicken. “Every
23、 meal, whether I liked it or not,” he said. “Choking it down.” A rare splurge was to go to Vegas to play blackjack for a weekend, or to Peter Lugers steakhouse in New York, which more often than not left him queasy because he wasnt used to such rich food. It was a source of frustration to him that t
24、he audience didnt grasp how much effort was behind the ease. “People watch him win, and think that doesnt look too hard,” his coach, Paul Annacone, said. “But hed like people to understand just how difficult it is.”他到过很多地方却无暇观光,除了训练他几乎不离开酒店。长久以来他一直吃着同样的训练饮食无酱意大利面和鸡肉。“每顿饭,无论我喜欢与否,”他说,“都得咽下去。”他仅有的奢侈是周
25、末偶尔去拉斯维加斯玩几把 21点,或者去纽约的彼特鲁格牛排店吃顿饭,但通常吃过之后他都会有点恶心,因为他已经不习惯这么油腻的食物了。对于他来说观众不了解看似简单的比赛背后他所付出的巨大努力是他挫败感的根源。“人们看到他赢球,会觉得似乎打赢比赛是件很容易的事,”他的教练保罗.阿纳克说:“但是他希望人们能够了解这背后的艰辛。”The problem was that Sampras wasnt willing to abandon his reserve in exchange for understanding. If that was the price, he preferred to be
26、 misunderstood. He suffered a rare public breakdown at the Australian Open, after learning that his coach and friend, Tim Gullikson, had terminal brain cancer and wept on the court in the midst of a match against Jim Courier. But later, he was bothered by his new popularity as a result of the episod
27、e. “It galled me that it took something like that for people to say, Hes human, ” he said.然而问题在于桑普拉斯不愿为了得到理解而多加辩解。如果这就是代价的话,他宁愿这样被误解。他绝无仅有的一次在公众面前崩溃是在澳网公开赛上,听闻自己的教练兼好友提姆.古历克森患上脑癌的消息之后,正在与吉姆.科里亚比赛着的桑普拉斯在球场当中哭泣起来。后来,Comment n46: Palatial 宏伟的,宫殿般Comment n47: Deprecation 强烈不赞成,反对Comment n48: Press 这里是新闻
28、的意思Comment n49: Render 汇报 报道Comment n50: Moderate 温和的 适度的Comment n51: Torture 折磨 弯曲Comment n52: Villainous 恶棍的 罪恶的Comment n53: 他不懂如何在观众面前作秀Comment n54: 因为他的每一天都持之以恒的出色,然而观众要的是波澜起伏的,有些戏剧化的名人生活,而不是他这样的平淡。Comment n55: Aspiring 积极的 有报复的Comment n56: 他那慵懒随意的外表覆盖着的对比赛巨大的热情Demeanor 风度Comment n57: Prodigious
29、 不可思议的Comment n58: Slouchy 没精打采的 懒散的Comment n59: Gangly 身材瘦长的Comment n60: Drowsy 昏昏欲睡的Comment n61: Lounge 休闲室Comment n62: Shuffle 拖着脚走Comment n63: Flip-flop 噼里啪啦响Comment n64: Internalize 压制感情Comment n65: Dedicate 献身 致力Comment n66: Essential 本质的 实质的Comment n67: Decency 庄重Comment n68: Seedy 褴褛的 不体面的Co
30、mment n69: Paunchy 大肚子的Comment n70: Liable 有可能的由于这件事而提高了人们对他的关注令他十分困扰。“大家看了那样的之后才说,哦,他也是有人性的,这让我感到很屈辱。”他说。He preferred to stay sheltered in the hills above Los Angeles in a home that was comfortable, not palatial, and hidden behind towering old trees. “No one can see in and I cant see out, and I lik
31、e it that way,” he said. “Im Howard Hughes.” He kept his trophies on a shelf in the TV room, and enjoyed showing them, but with typical self-deprecation. “They arent as heavy as you think,” he said. 他喜欢呆在洛杉矶山上的那座包围在树林里,舒适而并不华丽的家中。“没人能看进来,我也看不到外面,我喜欢这种感觉,”他说。“我就像霍华德.休斯。”他将他的奖品都陈列在电视间的架子上,他喜欢展示它们,但态度却
32、有些自嘲。他说,“其实它们没有你想象的那么重。”The press always found Sampras difficult to render precisely because he was so moderate and well-regulated. His genius came without the McEnroe-esque emotional torture, and therefore was un-dramatic. He was neither heroic nor villainous, he was simply excellent. Greatness was
33、 his only real excess. A villain or tortured genius would have been easier to describe. He was not a good conductor for audience emotions, either, because the whole point of him was that he was great every day, and the last thing audiences want at a sports event is the everyday. 媒体总觉得很难描述桑普拉斯,因为他总是那
34、么温和,生活也十分规律。与 McEnroe-esque不同,他的成功并非来自痛苦的情感经历,所以不具戏剧性。他既不是英雄也不是恶棍,他只是出色。伟大是他唯一的与众不同之处。然而一个恶棍或是一个情感有过挫折的天才选手更加容易描绘。他不懂如何在观众面前作秀,因为他的每一天都是持之以恒的出色,然而观众要的是波澜起伏、有些戏剧化的名人生活,而不是他这般的平淡。But Ill miss him, both personally and professionally. Ill miss him hugely aspiring game, cloaked in that lazybones demeanor
35、. Ill miss the prodigious sleeper, the slouchy, gangly, drowsy kid who napped in the player lounge and shuffled around in flip-flop for the past 15 years. Ill miss the determined, glowering athlete who internalized pain but couldnt keep it from coming out sideways. Ill miss the dedicated player who
36、made a champion out of himself by deciding that his work should be equal to his talent. Ill miss his gorgeous classicism, his buried humor, his essential decency and his shy friendliness. 但是我会想念他的,无论是他的人品还是他的球技。我会想念他那慵懒随意的外表下覆盖着的对比赛的巨大热情。我会想念他这个 15年来穿着夹板儿在休息室里晃来晃去,昏昏欲睡的大懒猫。我会想念这个一脸坚毅目光凶狠的运动员,他试图将痛苦埋
37、在心中却依然会不小心的流露。我会想念这位专注于网球本身的运动员,他将夺冠与否置之度外,只是全力以赴的将水平发挥到极限。我会想念他超凡的古典主义风格,他深藏不露的幽默,他的沉稳庄重和他羞涩的友善。I suspect I wont see Sampras coming out of retirement to struggle to one more quarterfinal, just so he can hear applause again. I wont see a seedier, paunchy version of him on the senior tennis circuit a
38、 few years from now. The only place any of us is liable to see him is courtside at a Lakers game, or walking his baby in the park, contentedly. But then, Sampras has never wanted to be seen. He only wanted to be great. 我想我应该不会再看到桑普拉斯在四分之一决赛里为了再一次听到观众的喝彩而努力拚搏的景象了。我更不会再若干年后的预选赛中看到一个不怎么体面、挺着啤酒肚的桑普拉斯。也许
39、以后我们会在湖人队比赛的观众席中找到他的身影,又或是在公园中看到他一脸满足的在和孩子散步。如果真到了那个时候,桑普拉斯该是不希望被人们看到的吧。因为他想要我们看到的是最优秀的他。WORD LIST1. Ceremonialn. 仪式 adj. 正式的A head of state may not have much political power, and may be restricted to ceremonial duties.国家元首也许没有太多政治上的权利,而仅限于礼仪上的职责。2. stutter-step停顿,顿挫运动(如,足球、篮球、网球)中的一种步法,以停顿和顿挫影响对手的判
40、断;这个短语也有“对于某项工作或举动做游移不定,没有准确的决定”的意思3. cravev. 恳求,渴望He knows that if they trust him, he can give them the happiness which they crave.他知道如果他们信任他,他能够把他们热切渴望的幸福赐予他们。At this time the inner man began to crave the nourishment.这时,肚子开始咕咕叫着要吃东西了。4. feten. 庆祝、祭祀、节日; vt. 宴请、招待、给予巨大的荣誉Despite the bad weather the
41、 fete will go ahead.尽管天气不好,庆祝活动会照常进行。5. anticlimactic突降的,突减的,虎头蛇尾的The conclusion of the movie was anticlimactic.这部电影的结局结束的太仓促。6. adulationn. 奉承,阿谀7. duckn. 鸭子,急忙蹲下,闪避, 人,家伙vi. 没入水中,闪避vt. 猛按入水,躲避She had to duck her head to get through the low doorway.她不得不低下头穿过低矮的门口。The children ducked each other in t
42、he swimming pool.孩子们在游泳池里互相把对方按入水中。8. tankn. 桶,箱,灌,槽,坦克,战车,柜,储水池vt. 储于槽中,击败vi. 大量喝酒I need a funnel to pour petrol into the tank.我需要一个漏斗把汽油灌进油箱。9. disservicen. 伤害,虐待,不亲切的行为She did her a great disservice cause by concealing the truth.她隐瞒了真相,这对她自己极为不利。10. artistryn. 艺术之性质The conjunction of the workmans
43、hip and the artistry in making jewelry decides the value of the jewelry.在珠宝饰物的制造中,手工与艺术的结合决定了珠宝的价值。An object having special value because of its age, especially a domestic item or piece of furniture or handicraft esteemed for its artistry, beauty, or period of origin.一件物品会因其年代久远而具有特殊的价值,尤其是具有艺术性,美观或
44、者制造于特殊年代的土产,家具或是手工艺品。11. burnn. 烧伤,灼伤v. 燃烧,烧着,烧毁,烧伤She is burning to tell you the news.她急切的要告诉你这个消息。12. methodicaladj. 有方法的,有系统的Hes methodical to the nth degree.他是有条不紊到家了。13. bespeakv. 预约,定,显示His polite manners bespoke the gentleman.他那彬彬有礼的举止显示出他是个绅士。14. hypnoticadj. 催眠的,催眠术的,易于催眠的n. 催眠药,安眠药,催眠状态的人R
45、ead the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice.用催眠的声音读睡前的故事。15. queasyadj. 催吐的,使人呕吐的,反胃的,不稳定的,不确定的I felt a little queasy on the ship.我在船上有点想吐。16. reserven. 预备品,储存,储备舍vt. 保留,预订,延期He still reserved his opinion on some points.在一些问题上,他仍然保留自己的意见。As I require money quickly I must draw on my reserve.由于我急需用钱,我必须
46、取出我的存款。17. glowerv. 怒目而视Stop glowering at me, Ive done nothing wrong!别瞪着我,我没做错事!18. Internalizev. 使内在化19. Lulln. 暂停,麻痹vt. 使平静,哄骗,使安静vi. 变平静During the night the wind lulled.夜里,风停了。The mother lulled the baby to sleep.母亲哄着孩子入睡。They lulled me into a false sense of security.他们哄骗我,让我产生了一种虚假的安全感。20. palati
47、aladj. 宫殿般的,宏伟的21. slouchyadj. 没精打采的,懒散的22. sidewayadv. 向旁边,向侧面地,斜地里adj. 旁边的,向侧面的“You dirty bastard,” his friend said, and try to kick me in the groin. More by good luck than good management I turned sideways.“你这个杂种”,他的朋友一边骂一边用脚踢我的下身。我来不及做任何思考但是却很幸运的躲开了。He was thrown sideways when he heard that he h
48、ad failed his exams.他听说自己考试不及格时,非常震惊。(throw sideways 非常震惊)23. splurgen. 炫耀,摆阔v. 挥霍,乱花I had a splurge and bought two new suits.我大手大脚花了一笔钱买了两套新西装。She won 100 and then splurged it all on new clothes.她赢了 100 块然后又都花在买新衣服上了。24. galln. 胆囊,胆汁,苦味v. 烦恼,屈辱,磨伤He had the gall to sue for damages.他居然有脸要求赔偿。The sad
49、dle galled the horses back.马鞍擦伤了马背。That remark galls.那句话真让人生气。It galled him to have to ask for a loan.必须向人借钱使他感到屈辱。25. ganglyadj. 身材瘦长的26. flip-flopn. 突变,触发器,夹脚拖鞋27. demeanorn. 行为(态度,举止)The girl has a quiet, modest demeanor.这个女孩子的举止娴静而谦逊。28. seedyadj. 褴褛的,破旧的,不体面的29. paunchyadj. 大肚子的30. quarterfinaladj. 四分之一决赛的n. 四分之一决赛IDIOMS AND EXPRESSIONS1. to make more of the event 制造更多事端(本文指造势,造噱头)2. in