1、英语的词汇虽然数量庞大,并非没有规律可循,而通过加缀、找词根等构词方法可以快速掌握大量单词。总发现同学们在背单词,既是很常见的单词也要写上好几遍,但结果往往是前面写后面忘,记忆效果不佳。 构词法讲解1) 合成法(compounding)两个或两以上的词合成为一个新词,有无连字符因词而异。It takes an it-is-none-of my-business attitude.如 finger print, house/working wife, wonderland, water-resistant, good-will, etc. cf. black bird / blackbird;
2、green house / greenhouse effect. drawback downstairs earthware earthquake hardware mother-in-law brother-in-law motorway highway carriageway morning call 2) 加缀法(affixation)前缀法 (prefixion)anti-fudal, anti-Japanese War counter-attack, decode, encode, conflict, collaborate (改变含义,词性不变。)后缀法 (suffixation)
3、 sunny, centralize, liberation, Asian (改变词性,含义不变)3)截短法 (clipping)exam, lab, gym, flu, etc Traditional Chinese simplified Chinese birds flu influenza 4) 首字母缩略法(initials proof-reader-proof-read; typewriter-typewrite; etc. 7) 词性转换法 (conversion)n-v: button, fox, Dont fox me; conj-v/n: but me no buts; ad
4、j-v: brave a storm; etc. 8) 专有名词转换为普通名词(Change of proper names into common words)to boycott(Charles C. Boycott 是英国驻爱尔兰的田产管理人;1880 年爱尔兰人联合抵制他,把他从爱尔兰驱逐出境), cesarean 剖腹产的( 传说 Cesar 这样出生的) ,sandwich, walkman, aspirin, cologne, 9) 词的语义变化(semantic change)语义扩大(extension of meaning):lovelylovable 充满爱情的-可爱的,
5、讨人喜欢的-美丽迷人的 语义缩小(narrowing of meaning):corn-谷物- 玉米 doctor-教师,有学问的人-医生,医学博士(doctor of medicine) cereal pop corn 语义贬褒的转换(changes between amelioration and pejoration): earl-武士-伯爵,出身宝贵的人; knight-boy, youth-骑士;/ amateur lover, devotee, admirer-业余爱好者; silly-happy, innocent 幸福的,天真的foolish; Sexy; Good wife 10) 借词(loan or borrowing words): typhoon, chandelier, pork, appetizer, etc. CT UFO unidentified flying object Google democracy science