1、1Topic:Should criminals be sent to prison or should they do something else as a punishment? Explain your opinion and give your reasons.参考思路、词汇、句子sent to a jail:The world would be in great chaos and full of blood and violence. It is the best deterrent to crime. They will think twice before they commi
2、t a crime. The decline of crime has a direct correlation with the implementation of the practice. It serves a just reward for the heartless and merciless malefactors while a great spiritual comfort to the victims family. The abolition of the practice will send out a misleading message that anyone ca
3、n kill and get away with it.I am in favor of the former view that we should retain the time-honored catholicon to ensure a safe and comfortable living environment to all these law-abiding citizens. An old saying best expresses my attitude:“Mercy to the criminal many be cruelty to the people.”make up
4、 for, dangerousIt is hard to guarantee that they have really repented of their crimes. If it turns out (结果发现) that they just pretend they repent and start anew and actually they commit crimes again, the loss and the damage to the victims will be irreparable. And also, if the police want the behaviou
5、r of the criminals to be under control, they have to spend money and time in supervising the criminals after they are set free. Furthermore, once the criminals commit crimes again, it will take the police much trouble to catch them.It is a great deterrence for many potential criminals. Compared with
6、 the deprivation of freedom, letting the criminals do something else as punishment is too mild.It makes the violent robber think twice before pulling the trigger(扣动扳机).Otherwise, it will send out a misleading message that anyone can kill and get away with(逃脱处罚)it.do something else:economical, lessen
7、 the prison crowding and thus cut down on government budget,The practice of sending criminals to jail can not scare off the would-be criminals. Up to now, there is no evidence showing the direct correlation between the practice and the decline of crime. We should offer the offender a chance to mend
8、his way and take over a new life.2Anyone who is guilty of a crime, offender, criminal, killers and rapists, malefactor, villain, evildoerThe imprisonment has a limited role to play in eliminating crimes.be unsociable and lack working skills, ignorance of the new knowledge, cannot survive in the bran
9、d new society, which changes and develops everydayshare their criminal experiencereclamation, reclaimout of pulse( 出于冲动), regret, be not born evilIf given an opportunity to remedy their faults, they would appreciate and cherish it.They would not feel discriminated or exclusive by society.A 类的雅思大作文大致
10、可以分为教育,社会,科技,政府政策,大众媒体,法律和犯罪这么六大类的题目,而其中学生们普遍反映最怵的,感觉最无从下手的题目当属法律与犯罪类型的题目。截至到目前为止(08 年 12 月 22 日),在08 年的 1 月 12 日,8 月 16 日以及 10 月 11 日的考试均出现了法律,犯罪的题目。虽然说出题频率相对来说并不是非常的频繁,但是如果学生在备考中没有进行合理有效的对此类话题具有针对性的总结和复习的话,相信很难在写作中取得什么理想的分数(参加了这几次考试中济南朗阁的学员的分数普遍不是非常的理想)。而纵观市面上大量的雅思写作指导,烤鸭备考秘笈这些针对不同层次,不同水平的学生而编辑的雅思
11、丛书中,我们也很难看到针对犯罪这类题目的一些教学及复习指导。在此篇论文中,我将就法律与犯罪所涉及的一些常见话题给大家从其内容,语言逐一进行分析,希望雅思教师们或者烤鸭们能够从中受益。一、是否应该有死刑?- Can capital punishment (death penalty) ever be justified?这个题目可以说是一谈到法律犯罪这一大类话题时,最会经常谈到的问题。对于大多数中国雅思考生,尤其是高中生,大学生,如果没有事先经过精心准备的话,对这个题目恐怕只能是傻眼了。关于这个话题,大致可以分成以下这几个分论点来展开:一方:Arguments against capital p
12、unishment:3死刑只是对罪犯的一种处罚,而并不能够将犯罪行为中受害者生命挽回,或者赔偿其所遭受的伤害Capital punishment, which even though manages to bring the criminals to justice, could by no means compensate for physical, mental and psychologicalsufferings inflicted on victims, or in some extreme cases, bring back their lives.无论一个人犯多大的错误,其他人都
13、无权剥夺其生命。(人权)It is entirely unjustified to deprive one of his/her rights to live regardless of how insanely severe and cruel the offenses he/she has committed are. (This subject matter has boiled to the controversialissue of human rights)死刑犯的尸体的处理(是否可以用于器官移植等等)将是一个非常具有争议的道德问题。How the body of the dece
14、ased criminal is going to be disposed of (used for organ transplant, for instance) will be bound to raise grave both ethical and social implications.另一方:Arguments for capital punishment:如果死刑犯没有受到最为严厉的惩罚,那么这对受害者是不公平的。It would be only fair for the victims if the criminals are subject to the greatest f
15、ear of all- death.如果死刑取消的话,那么很多潜在的罪犯就不会顾忌做出一些极为可怕的犯罪行为。If capital punishment is ever to be done away with, the potential wrong-doers wouldnt be deterredfrom committing staggeringly serious offenses among which serial murder proves particularly appalling. 二、罪犯是否应该被送进监狱?- Should criminals be sent to p
16、risons or receive job training and education instead?类似的题目之前曾经考过,而在 08 年的 1 月 12 日再次出现。对于这个题目,很多学生会非常容易的陷入一个陷阱(pitfall),那就是认为说如果让学生接受教育或就业培训的话,那就是等同于有充分的人身自由了。其实不然,这里的教育或就业培训并不代表说把囚犯与普通的学生或接受培训者一样等同的对待,而是一样的要限制他们的自由,只不过说不像在监狱里整天关在牢房里无所事事,而是要接受教育和培训。关于这个题目,其实就变成了一个两者之间的对比,可以从以下几个方面进行论述。4一方:Arguments
17、for prison:来源:考试大监狱同教育或就业培训相比有很强的阻吓作用,这样可以有效的抑制犯罪率的上升。In stark contrast to placing criminals on educational courses or employment retraining, prisons appeared more effectivein deterring potential, would-be wrongdoers from committing crimes, thus drastically decreasing the likelihood of rising crime
18、rate.监狱更多的对罪犯来说是一种惩罚,因此能够避免再犯。Being locked up behind the bars is a punitive measure imposed on criminals who are highly unlikely to turn into a recidivist in consideration of their fear of setting foot into jailsever again.另一方:Arguments for education and job retraining罪犯在监狱里所被包围的是一群囚犯,这对罪犯的改造不是好的,反而
19、是不好的影响。接受教育可以让罪犯在一个积极的环境里,真正的意识到对与错。“Captivity of negativity” is a terminology intended to describe the destructive, rather than constructive impact on criminals who are locked up in prison, surrounded by people who probably have committed even more serious charges. Education serves to correct any m
20、isconception or eliminate twistedthoughts they have by immersing them in a positive environment.大多数罪犯往往是没有什么文化知识和生存技能,出狱后通常很难找到工作。教育和就业培训能够让他们在日后的生活中靠自己生存下去,而不至于因为没有收入来源而再次误入歧途。A significant proportion of criminals are sadly illiterate without adequate fundamental knowledge and survival skills and i
21、t wouldnt be easy for them to find a decent job after being released from the jail. With convenient access to education and job retraining, they are able to survive by themselves, greatly reducing the chance of becoming a recidivistin times when they are financially challenged.三、个人选择与法制社会的冲突- Should
22、 individual choices interfere with the society that is based on rules and laws这是 08 年 10 月 11 号的考题,这道题目主要讨论的核心是一种矛盾。那就是社会始终是以法规和法律为基础的,而有时社会的利益往往是与个人的选5择相矛盾的。当这种矛盾发生时,应该将哪一个放在首位?为什么?这次考试结束后,我曾经与几个参与考试的学生讨论过,很多学生的反映就是这个题目其实并不难,但就是不知道如何下手。还有某位学生直接就举了一个我们不能随便杀人,因为这是违反法律的事情的这样一个例子。其实,这个题目最为关键的是两点:如何去法律的
23、范围还有就是要找到一个合适法律与个人选择发生冲突的这么一个结合点。我对这个题目的段落结构以及内容的理解如下:这种矛盾的产生主要是因为法律法规是从大众和国家的利益出发,而个人利益则绝大多数情况下是站在个人角度考虑问题的。一个有利于个人的问题如果给其他人造成了无谓的伤害,则是不应该允许的。The conflict of public interest and personal interest accounts largely for the issue of the extent to which is the interferenceof personal choices justified
24、with the society governed by rules and laws.这里我们可以举一个例子,就知识产权(Intellectual Property Rights).很多人都会去网络上下载免费电影,音乐以及电子书。这样做的原因就是正版(authentic copy )相对中国消费者来说太贵。虽然说这看起来合情合理,大多数人都会从中受益,但是这也同时伤害到了娱乐明星们(celebrities)和唱片公司的利益,所以这时候应该以法律为根本,杜绝这种行为。反过来说,我们不可否认个别特别情况下法律也应该给正当的个人选择让步On the other hand, rules and la
25、ws should give in to personal choices in some special cases.比如说,开车送心脏病突然发作的人赶往医院。尽管说途中司机可能会闯红灯(run red lights ),会造成一定的交通混乱,甚至说还有发生交通事故的可能。但是这样一种行为我认为应该被理解(tolerated). 这是出于法律之外的,但是又合乎情理的。当然,这种法律的让步是有限的,很多时候确实很难判断。所以,无论是法律还是个人选择,最终都是从应该是整体的利益出发.以上就是我对三个比较典型的法律犯罪类的题目的讲解,希望能够对各位老师们在以后的犯罪法律类题目的讲解中有所帮助,也希
26、望能够帮助到在紧张备考雅思的考生们。The graph and table give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different countries.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.6WRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this taskT
27、he bar chart below shows the three main causes of land damage in four different areas.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.范文:The bar chart shows information about the areas of land damaged by h
28、uman activities in four major continents of the world.The areas of land damage in Africa and Asia are similar, totaling approximately 1,200 million hectares for each, while in Australia and Europe the numbers are considerably lower, averaging between 300 and 400 million.Looking at the causes behind
29、land damages, we can see that in Africa, Europe and especially Australia, breeding is the leading cause of land loss, damaging approximately 500, 100 and 400 million hectares of land respectively. Next comes tree-cutting which takes away slightly larger areas of land than farming in all the three re
30、gions.Asia shows a slightly different picture, where tree-cutting activities have led to the largest amount of land loss (450 million hectares). Breeding and farming account for the remaining damage, (380 and 420 million hectares respectively).Overall, breeding causes the most pervasive damage to la
31、nd around the world7这两个图表分别展示了 1900-2000 跨度 100 年间世界范围内按领域计算的用水量以及2000 年巴西和刚果这两个国家对水的消费量。The graph and table illustrate respectively information about worldwide water use by sector over a span of 100 years from 1900 to 2000 and water consumption in Brazil and Congo in 2000.从曲线图看出,一个世纪中,全球三个领域,即:农业、工
32、业,以及民用水方面的用水量可以明显分为两种趋势:缓慢上升和快速上扬。对比两个抽样国家的数据,我们看到巴西与刚果的情况反差巨大。 As can be seen from the graph, global water use in three different sectors, namely, agriculture, industry and household clearly reveals two trends in the past century: slow increase and fast increase. Comparing figures of the two sample
33、d countries, we see that the differences between Brazil and Congo were just huge. 首先,19001950 年之间是一种态势。农业用水量逐渐增长,从最初的约 500 千立方稳步上升到 1950 年前的 1,000 千立方;工业及家庭用水量则基本没有多少变化,只是从1900 年的几乎为零缓步上升到了 1950 年的 0.5 和 0.2 千立方。Firstly, 1900-1950 was a trend of increase. Agricultural water use gradually increased 8
34、from the original 500,000 cubic meters to 1,000,000 cubic meters in 1950. That of industrial and household use remained almost unchanged, only rising from almost zero in 1900 to 500 cubic meters and 200 cubic meters respectively in 1950. 其次,1950 年前后起,农业用水量开始进入大幅度增长期,从 1,000 千立方快速跳跃到1960 年的 1,500 千立方
35、;之后,升幅有所放缓,但接着又开始高位窜升,截止到 2000 年,已经达到了 3,000 千立方。1950 年后,工业用水增幅也开始加大,1985 年达到了 800 千立方,之后增幅继续加大,到 2000 年达到 1,200 千立方。家庭用水从 19501970 年间开始加速,从 0.2 千立方上升到 0.4 千立方,然后,增长更强劲,一路攀升到了 2000 年的300 千立方。Secondly, around 1950, agricultural water use entered a period of substantial increase, jumping from 1,000,00
36、0 cubic meters to 1,500,000 cubic meters in 1960. Afterwards, the increase slowed down slightly, but then gained even stronger momentum and by 2000, it had reached 3,000,000 cubic meters. After 1950, industrial water use also began to increase greatly, arriving at 800,000 cubic meters in 1985. Then
37、it continued to increase at an even bigger rate and reached 1,200,000 cubic meters in 2000. Household water consumption started to increase a little bit faster between 1950-1970, rising from 200 cubic meters to 400 cubic meters, then the increase accelerated and quickly climbed to 300,000 cubic mete
38、rs in 2000. 第三,从表格中我们看到巴西和刚果在人口数量、土地灌溉面积和人均水消费量上的巨大不同。巴西的人口数量比刚果多出 1 亿 7 千多万,土地灌溉面积是刚果的 265 倍,人均用水量接近刚果的 45 倍之多。 Thirdly, from the table, we see the huge disparities between Brazil and Congo in population, irrigated land area and the average water consumption per person. The population of Brazil was
39、 over 170 million more than that of Congo, its irrigated land area was 265 times that of Congo, and its average water consumption per person was almost 45 times that of Congo. 总而言之,在分析了两个图表之后,我们可以下结论,水在我们生活的方方面面正在发挥着越来越重要的作用。这两个抽样国家在用水量上的差距表明:一个国家越发达,用水量便越大。All in all, after having analyzed the grap
40、h and the table, we may safely draw the conclusion that water is playing an increasingly important role in every aspect of our lives and that the water consumption gap between the two sampled countries indicates that the more developed a country is, the more water it will consume.9很多准备参加雅思考试的学生都希望在短
41、期内快速达到理想考试目标,在备考期间都在不断探求各科应考的“技巧秘籍” 。听力和阅读自不必说,就连口语和写作这类主观性的项目,大多数考生都在竭尽所能搜罗各种秘方。就写作而言,很多考生都在各大网站上搜寻常见的写作模板,常用套句,高分词汇,乃至各种万能观点。也因此,一些打着短期内快速突破写作技巧名号的书籍成了众多考生必备的一本雅思写作“考典” 。这股技巧风着实让很多考生兴奋不已,再也不必担心令人头痛的“写作”部分了。 “十天搞定” ,或者给足一个月把所有的“秘籍”背出来,一切问题都能解决了。于是乎,很多考生都在努力奋斗,对这类“考典秘籍”日夜钻研,几乎对所有的模板、套句和高分词汇都能倒背如流,熟记
42、于心。可是这一个多月的奋斗结果往往远远低于目标分数。大多参照此方式做的考生,写作一般都不超出 6 分。很多语言能力不错的学生,写作成绩出来只有 5.5分。这一单项失利,让很多考生的留学梦被迫暂时搁置或推迟。更可怕的是,这一失利让不少学习能力很强的考生对英语写作产生了畏惧,似乎高分变得遥不可及。就算是得了 6分也主要是运气成分。那么怎样才能保证在短期内真正快速突破写作呢?考生不妨参照如下一些建议: 知己知彼,对症下药雅思写作考试是一种限制范围较严格的命题型书面语言能力测试。也就是说,该项考试目的不仅要测试考生书面语言的表达能力,更需要考察考生在指定任务的范围内使用书面语言的表达能力。由此,根据考
43、题答题是该项考试最看重的部分,尤其体现在议论文写作。写作的评分标准有别于其它的英语语言考试。其标准更全面,更综合。每篇文章将从内容完成情况(Task Achievement) 、连贯性和一致性(Coherence and Cohesion)、词汇量(Lexical Resource)以及语法掌握的范围和精确度(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)四方面综合评判。每一项目各占四分之一权重,并辅以不同分数段的各项指标的详细描述。所以,如果学生过度偏重某个项目的训练,尤其是花费大量的时间在背单词上,其效果往往事倍功半。所以对于刚刚接触雅思的考生而言,最好先仔细研究官方评分标
44、准描述,对各项目 5 分、6分和 7 分的要求进行比较,同时寻求自身的缺陷。由于当前并没有哪本畅销书对此类标准给出详细解析也未能给出相关的范文针对性的讲解,所以考生可以考虑入读诸如中央财经大学国际教育中心硕士预科课程,通过授课老师专业的目光来最准确的快速判断和分析当前的写作水平。在国际教育中心写作课程的第一次课上授课老师总会通过一些小小的热身练习先让学生深刻理解写作考试的评分要求,同时认清自己目前的语言水平,制定一个合理的学习计划。通过一对一的辅导或是写作批改,学生的问题会更快地被发现,更准确地被指出。事实上,只有这种“对症下药”的个性备考方案,才能尽快找到写作的突破口。论文观点角度多; 科技
45、经济常切磋;肉体灵魂不放过; 权利平等要把握;个人国家多权衡; 文化道德思路扩;结合话题多思索; 主体论证不难说。一、科技和经济在雅思论文主体部分写作中,科技角度是使用频率最高的角度。绝大多数作文的话题都可以从科技发展对人的生活带来的影响这个角度来加以分析。例如:10讨论是否将动物用于科学实验:Some scientists claim that experiments carried out on animals would be crucial for potential breakthroughs in treating some of the most-feared incurable
46、 diseases.讨论社会道德下滑:Development of science and technology has given birth to materialism and capitalism which favor the research (打印错误,把他改成 search)for economic growth and freedom of men. Consequently, no spiritual, moral, and traditional values are taken into account.压力大的原因:The rapid development of s
47、cience and technology makes work today more demanding than it used to be.亲情淡漠的原因:The availability of a great variety of high-tech recreational facilities also diverts people from enjoying chats with the members of their families.环保全球化的原因:Developing countries lack sufficient numbers of qualified scie
48、ntists and other skilled personnel to cope with the increasingly serious environmental problems, such as the ozone depletion, the marine pollution and the like.如果说科技的发展是人类社会进步的助推器,那么经济的影响就是社会前进的方向标。经济的强弱通常会导致某一现象的出现或某种结果的产生。比如在讨论什么是最伟大的发明时,考生可能想到电话。那么如何来支持这一观点呢?试看下面的句子:The development of the telepho
49、ne created a new market for the employment of women. The position of telephone operators was most often filled by women, creating a new world of opportunities for females to struggle for the equal rights to males.通过说明电话的发明使女性获得工作更多的工作机会,从而在经济是更加独力,这对于她们争取平等的权利起到了巨大的推动作用。二、肉体和灵魂雅思大作文常会出一些有关科技发明或娱乐方式的利与弊话题。那么不管是写好处还是坏处,考生应该从该发明或娱乐对人的肉体和灵魂这两方面去组织自己的分支观点。比如电脑对肉体的影响:You don“t have to be a scientist to see that, due to overuse of the computer, a lot of kids get little exercise, which makes them obese.Another common disadvantage is that playing too much on t