1、2019/5/4,1,Unit 5 General Information on Documentation,The Chicago Manual of StyleAPA StyleMLA Style,2019/5/4,2,Documentation,either through notes or through parenthetical references an accompanying bibliography or list of works cited or references,2019/5/4,3,Purposes of documentation,1 to acknowled
2、ge indebtedness 2 to establish the validity of evidence 3 to indicate cross-references within the paper 4 to amplify ideas in the text 5 to provide additional bibliographical information,2019/5/4,4,The two basic types of systems for documenting materials from other sources:,the note-bibliography sys
3、tem (bibliographical information in footnotes or endnotes and in a bibliography. The list of Works cited entitled “Bibliography”) the parenthetical-reference system,2019/5/4,5,Two Styles in the parenthetical-reference system:,MLA Style: authors name and page number in parentheses. The list of Works
4、cited entitled “Works Cited” APA Style: authors name and date of the work cited in parentheses. The list of Works cited entitled “References”,2019/5/4,6,Your choice among these systems of documentation,the conventions of your field of study, the suggestions of your adviser, the requirements of your
5、university, your personal taste.,2019/5/4,7,5.1 APA Style (American Psychological Association Style),Citation of documentation: within the text. The authors last name, the date of publication, any other information necessary for locating the material cited,2019/5/4,8,References,An alphabetical refer
6、ence list at the end of the research paper provides complete information about each source cited in the text. The list should be confined to those works actually cited within the article, report, or dissertation, and it must include all of the cited works.,2019/5/4,9,5.1 Parenthetical Reference Cita
7、tion in Text,1. Author named in your textGould (1989) attributes Darwins success to his gift for making the appropriate metaphor.,2019/5/4,10,Subsequent citation in the same paragraph:,When another sentence in the same paragraph refers to the same author, the parenthetical material, if it remains th
8、e same, need not be repeated.,2019/5/4,11,Author not named in your text,As metaphors for the workings of nature, Darwin used the tangled bank, the tree of life, and the face of nature (Gould, 1989).,2019/5/4,12,Direct quotation with name of author,Gould (1989) explains that Darwin used the metaphor
9、of the tree of life “to express the other form of interconnectednessgenealogical rather than ecologicaland to illustrate both success and failure in the history of life” (p.14).The publication date follows the name of the author; the page number follows the end of the quotation.,2019/5/4,13,Direct q
10、uotation without name of author,Darwin used the metaphor of the tree of life “to express the other form of interconnectednessgenealogical rather than ecological” (Gould, 1989, p.14). The name of the author, date of publication, and page number appear in parentheses at the end of the sentence, follow
11、ed by the period for the sentence.,2019/5/4,14,Works by two authors,Sexual-selection theory has been used to explore patterns of insect mating (Alcock & Thornhill, 1983). Alcock and Thornhill (1983) also demonstrate (Within the parentheses use an ampersand(&) , but within your text spell out the wor
12、d and.),2019/5/4,15,Reference to more than one work,List two or more works by the same author in order of date of publication: (Gould, 1987, 1989).Differentiate works by the same author with the same publication date by adding an identifying letter to each date: ( Bloom, 1987a, 1987b).List works by
13、different authors in alphabetical order by last name and use semicolons to separate the references: (Alcock Gould 1989).,2019/5/4,16, 若所引用的多位作者中有同姓氏者,则分别用大写标出各自名字的首字母。如:D. Willis and J. Willis (1996) list some of the characteristics of C-R.,2019/5/4,17,若所引用的资料是第二手资料,即从另一作者的论文论著中获得而不是直接从原作者的原著中获得,则在夹
14、注内容里要注明资料引自何处。如:In considering approaches to teacher education, it is helpful to make a distinction between what Leinhardt and Smith (1984, as cited in Good and Brophy, 1987) call subject-matter knowledge and action-system knowledge.,2019/5/4,18,Reference Forms,For journal papers: 1. the last name o
15、f the author 2. the year of publication encased in parentheses 3. the article title (only the first letter of the first word in each sentence of the article title is capitalized.),2019/5/4,19,4. the name of the journal, volume number of journal and page numbers of the article within that journal5. t
16、he name of the journal and the volume number is either underlined or set in italics (The beginning letters of the journal title are capitalized.),2019/5/4,20,Example 1,Yi, S. (1977). Some implications of Jeffreys serial habituation hypothesis: A theoretical basis of resolving one-book versus multipl
17、e-look attentional account of discrimination learning. Journal of General Psychology, 97, 89-99. Journal article, one author,2019/5/4,21,Example 2,Erlich, O., & Lee, H.B. (1978). Use of regression analysis in reporting test results for accountability. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 47, 879-882. Journa
18、l article, two authors,2019/5/4,22, 一位作者。 Fanselow, J. (1977). Beyond Rashomon: Conceptualizing and observing the teaching act. TESOL Quarterly, 11 (1), 17-41. 两位作者。 Good, T.L., & Beckerman, T.M. (1978). Time on task: A naturalistic study in sixth grade classrooms. Elementary School Journal, 78, 193
19、-201.,2019/5/4,23, 多位作者。 Vollrath, D., Foote, S., Hilton, A., Brown, L.G., Beer-Romano, P., Bogan, J.S., & Page, D.C. (1992, 2 October). The human Y chromosome: A 43-interval map based on naturally occurring deletions. Science, 258, 52-60. 带有卷数和期号的杂志。 Fanselow, J. (1977). Beyond Rashomon: Conceptual
20、izing and observing the teaching act. TESOL Quarterly, 11 (1), 17-41.,2019/5/4,24, 带有日期的杂志。 Vollrath, D., Foote, S., Hilton, A., Brown, L.G., Beer-Romano, P., Bogan, J.S., & Page, D.C. (1992, 2 October). The human Y chromosome: A 43-interval map based on naturally occurring deletions. Science, 258,
21、52-60. ,2019/5/4,25,若引用网络杂志论文,则要说明获取该文献的日期和路径。最后不要用句号。 Kenneth, I. A. (2000). A Buddhist response to the nature of human rights. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 8 (4). Retrieved February 20, 2001, from:http:/www.cac.psu.edu/jbe/twocont.html,2019/5/4,26,For books:,the last name of the author the year of
22、publication encased in parentheses the title of the book (only the first letter of the first word in each sentence of the article title is capitalized. The title of the book is also underlined or set italics.),2019/5/4,27,either the edition number of the book ( e.g. 2nd edition no italics), or the v
23、olume number (e.g. vol. 3 no italics) If no special edition or volume number is needed, then follow the title with a period. the city followed by a colon (:), and the name of the publisher followed by a period (.) .,2019/5/4,28,Example 3,Kerlinger, F. N. (1986). Foundations of behavioral research (3
24、rd ed.). Fort worth, TX: Harcourt Brace. one book,2019/5/4,29,Example 4,Stevens, S. S. (Ed.). (1951). Handbook of experimental psychology. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Book with editor as author,2019/5/4,30,Example 5, 若著作含有第几版本,则在书名后隔一个空格用括号注明第几版本,但括号里的内容不用下划线或斜体字。 Dreyfus, H. (1989). What computers
25、 cant do (2nd ed.). New York: Harper & Row.,2019/5/4,31,Example 6, 若引用著作中某章节或某一篇文章,则首先列出该章节或文章的作者姓名、出版年代、章节或文章的标题。然后用in引出著作的编者姓名、编者、书名。在书名后隔一个空格用括号注明所引用的章节或文章的页数。最后列出出版社所在的城市和出版社。 Bailey, K.M. (1983). Competitiveness and anxiety in adult second language learning : Looking at and through the diary st
26、udies. In Selinger, H.W. & Long, M.H. (eds.), Classroom oriented research in second language acquisition. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.,2019/5/4,32,Example 7, 若引用网络书籍中的某一篇文章或章节时,则要说明获取该文献的日期和路径。最后不要用句号。 The Foundation for a Better World. (2000). Pollution and banana cream pie. In Great chefs cook wi
27、th chlorofluorocarbons and carbon monoxide (Chap. 3). Retrieved July 13, 2001, from: http:/ List of References,Entries appear in alphabetical order according to the last name of the author or, if there is no author, the first word in the title, excluding articles. 参考书目一般放在论文或论著之后。根据作者的姓按字母顺序排列。若其中有无
28、署名作者的论文论著,则按论文论著的标题(冠词除外)作为作者的姓排列。APA参考书目的排列采用缩进式,即:每一条款向右缩进5个空格。若列举同一作者的论文论著,则需按出版年代排列,重写该作者名,并另起一条款。,2019/5/4,34,Two or more works by the same author appear in chronological order by date of publication, beginning with the earliest.Gould, S.J. (1987). Times arrow, times cycle: Myth and metaphor in
29、 the discovery of geological time. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.Gould, S.J. (1989). The wheel of fortune and the wedge of progresses. Natural History, 89(3), 14,16,18,20-21.,2019/5/4,35,Two or more works by the same author and with the same publication date appear in alphabetical order by tit
30、le and are identified by serial lowercase letters after the date. Repeat the name of the author in each entry.Bloom, H. (ed). (1987a). Engene ONeill. New York: Chelsea.Bloom, H. (ed). (1987b). John Dryden. New York: Chelsea.,2019/5/4,36,Sources with the same first author are alphabetized by the surn
31、ame of the second author. If the first two names are the same, alphabetize by the third author, and so on. Desai, R., & Ghose, H. (1990). Desai, R., & Smith, M. (1990).,2019/5/4,37,Reference Lists / Bibliographies (The University of Hong Kong),Example 1: A book,Nunan, D. 1988. Syllabus Design. Oxfor
32、d, Oxford University Pressauthor date book title place of publication and publisher,2019/5/4,38,Example 2: An article in a journal,Miller, L. and Rogerson-Revell, P. 1993. “Self-access system”. ELT Journal 47 (3):228-33.two authors volume and page numbers title of article name of journal,2019/5/4,39
33、,5.2 MLA Style (Modern Language Association Style),1 引文格式 MLA格式在论文中采用的是文中夹注形式。夹注内容包括作者的姓和页数。夹注内容可根据行文需要或融入论文的句中,或另列在括号里。夹注内容的书写格式主要有以下几个方面:,2019/5/4,40,若所引用的资料的作者姓名出现在句中,则在句末用括号标明出所引用的页数。句中最后结尾的句号放在括号外。如:As Cage explains in the interview sessions , “I take out the words I dont want Im hunting for id
34、eas and in order to find them I have to take out the ones that dont allow them to exist” (14-15).,2019/5/4,41, 若所引用资料的作者的姓名未在句中提及,有两种情况供选择: 在该句末尾用括号标注作者的姓和所引用的页数,它们之间隔一个空格,无需逗号。句中最后结尾的句号放在括号外。如:And again, “I take out the words I dont want Im hunting for ideas and in order to find them I have to take
35、 out the ones that dont allow them to exist” (Cage 14-15).,2019/5/4,42,在该句末尾用括号标注e.g.,作者的姓。如:And again, “I take out the words I dont want Im hunting for ideas and in order to find them I have to take out the ones that dont allow them to exist” (e.g., Cage).,2019/5/4,43,若句中提及了所引用资料的作者的姓、出版年代,则不需要用夹注形
36、式。读者可以从文章后的Works Cited中参阅。如:Slades revision of Form and Style incorporates changes made in the 1999 edition of the MLA Handbook.,2019/5/4,44,Works Cited,MLA论文格式的参考书目格式称之为Works Cited. 在Works Cited所列出的参考书目应与该论文在文中夹注的作者情况相对应,也就是说,论文中没有夹注的作者情况就不应在Works Cited 中出现。同样,论文中夹注的作者情况一定要在Works Cited中反映出来。,2019/5
37、/4,45,Example 1, 一位作者。 Duncan, Robert. “A Pre-face.” Maps 6 (1974): 1-16,2019/5/4,46,Example 2, 两位作者以上。从第二位作者起作者的姓名按名在前姓在后的顺序。 Armstrong, Larry, Dori Jones Yang, and Alice Cuneo. “The Learning Revolution: Technology Is Reshaping Education- at Home and at School.” Business Week 28 Feb. 1994: 80-88.,2
38、019/5/4,47,Example 3,若引用网络杂志论文,则按以下顺序列出:(1)作者的姓名。(2)用引号标出论文标题。(3)用下划线或斜体字标出杂志名称。 (4) 列出卷号、期刊号、出版年代、页数。(5)列出获取该论文的日期与网址。如:Calabrese, Michael. “Between Despair and Ecstasy: Marco Polos Life of the Buddha.” Exemplaria 9.1 (1997). 22 June 1998 .,2019/5/4,48,Example 4, 一位作者。 Cage, John. I-IV: The Charles
39、 Eliot Norton Lectures 1988-1989. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1990.,2019/5/4,49,Example 5, 两位或三位作者。 Armstrong, Larry, Dori Jones Yang, and Alice Cuneo. “The Learning Revolution: Technology Is Reshaping Education- at Home and at School.” Business Week 28 Feb. 1994: 80-88.,2019/5/4,50,Example 6, 四位作者以上。 Mc
40、Pherson, William, et al. English and American Literature: Sources and Strategies for Collection Development. Chicago: ALA, 1987. or McPherson, William, Stephen Lehmann, Craig Likness, and Marcia Pankake. English and American Literature: Sources and Strategies for Collection Development. Chicago: ALA
41、, 1987.,2019/5/4,51,Example 7, 同一作者多篇论著 Nietzsche, Friedrich. Beyond Good and Evil. New York: Vintage, 1966. . On the Genealogy of Morals. New York: Vintage, 1989.,2019/5/4,52,Example 8,若引用网络参考书籍,则按以下顺序列出:(1)作者的姓名。(2)用下划线或斜体字标出书名。(3)注明出版信息:电子文版的出版年代,出版所在地。(4)列出获取该书的日期与网址。如:Douglass, Frederick. Narra
42、tive of the Life of Frederick Douglass. Boston, 1845. 30 Jan. 1997. .,2019/5/4,53,参考书目的排列,参考书目一般放在论文或论著之后。根据作者的姓按字母顺序排列。若其中有无署名作者的论文论著,则按论文论著的标题(冠词除外)作为作者的姓排列。MLA论文格式采用第二行缩进式,即:每一条款的第二行向右缩进5个空格。若列举同一作者的论文论著,则按出版先后排列,第二条款只需用三个破折号表示。,2019/5/4,54,Armstrong, Larry, Dori Jones Yang, and Alice Cuneo. “The
43、 Learning Revolution: Technology Is Reshaping Education- at Home and at School.” Business Week 28 Feb. 1994: 80-88. 三位作者、杂志论文。 Cage, John. I-IV: The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures 1988-1989. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1990. 一位作者、专著。,2019/5/4,55,5.3 The Chicago Manual of Style,Endnotes and FootnotesBiblio
44、graphy,2019/5/4,56,Endnotes and Footnotes,A note indicated in the text by a raised Arabic numeral. The best placement: at the end of a sentence or at the end of a clause. The number goes outside all punctuation except the dash It should not be underlined, circled, or followed by a period,2019/5/4,57
45、,Example 1,Robert Heilbroner explains that “the profit motive as we know it is only as old as modern man.” 1. Robert L. Heilbroner, The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times, and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers, 4th ed. (New York: Simon and Schuster, Touchstone Books, 1972), 22,2019/5/4,58,Fir
46、st reference and subsequent reference,The first time you cite a source in the notes: a complete entry in the correct format for the bibliographical style is needed. After the first complete reference note: a shortened format ( the last name of the author and the page number) for subsequent reference
47、s to the same work is written.,2019/5/4,59,Example 2,2.Leonard Shatzkin, In Cold Type: Overcoming the Book Crisis (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982), 45.3. 4. Shatzkin, 45-47,2019/5/4,60,When an article or book does not have a named author,The subsequent reference includes the title of the article or
48、book (shorten when the title is long) and the page number(s).Original titleTeaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language Shortened versionTeaching and Learning English,2019/5/4,61,Bibliographies,For books: the authors name. the title. the facts of publication. Example 1: McCannell, Dean. Empty
49、 Meeting Grounds: The Tourist Papers New York: Routledge, 1992. one author,2019/5/4,62,Example 2:,Mc Pherson, William, Stephen Lehman, Craig Likeness, and Marcia Pancake. English and American Literature: Sources and Strategies for Collection Development. Chicago: American Library Association, 1987. several authors Periods mark the end of the author, title, and facts of publication sections. Two spaces follow each period, one space follows commas and colons.,